COVID cases surge in Florida....will Desantis create another t-shirt? "FLORIDA #1 IN COVID!"

I see, so the narrative has changed from "there is no crisis at the border" to they are not being sent to Florida?

But since you asked..........

Border Patrol Sending Busloads of Illegal Immigrants to ...

They are coming by busloads and it’s all thanks to President Joe Biden and his new immigration policies. The Biden administration is now sending busloads of illegal immigrants from the border region to Florida and other parts of the U.S., in what some legislators call the return of “catch and release” and the criminal act of “human trafficking.”
Hahahaha. You change the narrative from Florida to immigration and then complain about changing narratives?!?! Thanks for the morning laugh!!
According to Todd Bensman, a senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigrant Studies, who appeared on the Steve Bannon War Room podcast, ...
Wait a second. The guy appeared on the podcast of an indicted felon?

And you say that has any credibility?
Hahahaha. You change the narrative from Florida to immigration and then complain about changing narratives?!?! Thanks for the morning laugh!!
I didn't change the narrative at all. The Florida surge has everything to do with Illegal Immigration, it was my stance from the beginning of the thread. :beer:
Does this statement support the definition of "fascism"?
Why I hope to die at 75’: Doctor hired to Biden’s coronavirus task force faces backlash for resurfaced article
‘Living too long is also a loss. It renders many of us, if not disabled, then faltering and declining’
Fascism, political ideology
a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.
So you believe that I'm a "fascist" based on the point I'm making with links by the way... not dumb ass name calling!

One idiot says people shouldn't live beyond 75 (for the good of the nation) and you buy into that? Are you stupid?
I didn't change the narrative at all. The Florida surge has everything to do with Illegal Immigration, it was my stance from the beginning of the thread. :beer:

How many illegals have arrived in Florida since January?
358 deaths in a high population state in one week.
I wonder how many were ACTUAL COVID deaths and not old age with underlying conditions. Or even worse, car accidents with occupants who tested positive for it...

Our media, government & CDC have proven themselves to be untrustworthy on this topic.

I'd also like to note that DeSantis vaccinated his seniors first not his gas station workers.

As far as "cases" go that a pretty irrelevant number as most people who get it have mild to no symptoms.

But don't let me stop you from parroting your msm propaganda & fear mongering
If Florida is reporting fake numbers then wouldn’t DeSantis be responsible for that?
Andrew Cuomo and Ron Deathsantis continue to be the worst governors in the handling regarding covid-19 in the nation, although cases in NY are more under control now.
Let's play for the people of Florida.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the Covid infected illegal aliens being transported to FL by the Biden administration

Covid is so dangerous we lock everything down, except for the southern border
Don't leave your basement. Problem solved.
Your fear does not trump someone else's freedom.....yet.
If the neigh-sayers and deniers would just act with some personal responsibility towards their safety and that of the community then their freedoms wouldn’t be in jeopardy. It’s the dumb ass lying and attack on our medical professionals trying to fight a virus along with careless actions that cause this thing to grow which inevitably leads to shutdowns and loss of freedom
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I didn't change the narrative at all. The Florida surge has everything to do with Illegal Immigration, it was my stance from the beginning of the thread. :beer:
Immigration, legal and illegal are definitely contributors to spread, so is international and inner state travel. So is distancing practices and vaccines. The OP is about cases in Florida spiking which I don’t think is significantly impacted by what’s happening on the Mexican border
I wonder if it has anything to do with the Covid infected illegal aliens being transported to FL by the Biden administration

Covid is so dangerous we lock everything down, except for the southern border

The US doesn't have open borders.. We have 21,000 Border Patrol Agents plus Customs and Immigration plus the US Coastguard. You must be as dumb as Trump.
YOU made the claim. Defend it by telling the board how many illegals arrived in Florida in the past six months.
He doesn’t know, but he is going to point to it as the reason why there’s a spike in Florida. Dumb dumb dumb
Florida is where old folks end up and old folks are the most vulnerable to covid or flu. When a 95 year old dies is it covid or old age? That having been said it seems one of sleepy Joe's policies is to dump disease filled illegal aliens who never saw a vaccination in their lives in a state that supports a disproportionate number of 80 and 90 year olds. It's a deadly mix but it makes for good propaganda since Florida's governor is a republican.
Immigration, legal and illegal are definitely contributors to spread, so is international and inner state travel. So is distancing practices and vaccines. The OP is about cases in Florida spiking which I don’t think is significantly impacted by what’s happening on the Mexican border
Well thanks for your opinion. I, as well as many others ( some witnesses ) disagree.

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