COVID cases surge in Florida....will Desantis create another t-shirt? "FLORIDA #1 IN COVID!"

Yea itā€™s almost as bad as a regular flu.
Even Republicans are starting to change their tune and get you idiots to get vaccinated. I don't know why we care when almost 100% of the deaths are unvaccinated people. Let them die.
Even Republicans are starting to change their tune and get you idiots to get vaccinated. I don't know why we care when almost 100% of the deaths are unvaccinated people. Let them die.
LOL, because the deaths arenā€™t all just unvaccinated. People with the Vax are getting the WuFlu version 3857. Vaccinated people are having all kinds of issues with blood clots, heart problems, going blind, going deaf, and of course dropping dead. Show us an effective vaccine without these insane side effects and weā€™ll be happy to get a shot.
LOL, because the deaths arenā€™t all just unvaccinated. People with the Vax are getting the WuFlu version 3857. Vaccinated people are having all kinds of issues with blood clots, heart problems, going blind, going deaf, and of course dropping dead. Show us an effective vaccine without these insane side effects and weā€™ll be happy to get a shot.
Yes. Almost entirely, all the people dying of covid are the unvaccinated. You've been lied to and a lot of republicans are starting to change their tunes because they see this is becoming a real problem for their voting base. No fucking around anymore. They are getting sick and dying. A lot of people. Very very very few people are having major side effects from the vaccine. It's still too soon? Do you want to wait till it's too late? Fine! It's you guys dying. I'm actually enjoying this now. Fucking idiots!

I suppose all the Republicans doing a slow 180 on this are part of the deep state huh? RINO's? You guys are fucking idiots. Good riddance.

I may get the 3857 but I won't die. You will. Bye.
Several high-profile Republicans embraced the vaccine this week, but others are still stepping on the message.

Fox News host Sean Hannity, who previously called COVID-19 a ā€œhoax,ā€ promoted the vaccine on his show this week. House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (La.) received the shot this week after saying months ago that he would be getting it ā€œsoon.ā€ Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been urging Floridians to get vaccinated. And Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) has repeatedly encouraged vaccinations in recent days.

GOP Governor Says Itā€™s Time To ā€˜Blame The Unvaccinatedā€™ For Pandemic Surge​

Gov. Kay Ivey also called out right-wing media disinformation about the vaccine.

ā€œItā€™s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the regular folks,ā€ said Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey, per CBS 42 in Birmingham. ā€œItā€™s the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down.ā€

Ivey, who was vaccinated in December, also seemed to throw some shade at Fox News and other right-wing media outlets.

ā€œMedia, I want you to start reporting the facts,ā€ she said. ā€œThe new cases of COVID are because of unvaccinated folks. Almost 100 percent of the new hospitalizations are with unvaccinated folks. And the deaths are certainly occurring with the unvaccinated folks.ā€

Why does the repub party hate America?

He is just another trump humper that is more interested in his political career than in saving lives.
There's a backlash coming and he doesn't want to take the hit.
Florida is home to an incredible number of retired folks who are on all sorts of government programs. The federal government could save a bundle in benefits by saying good bye to all those elderly parasites not to mention the lucrative real estate that would come on the market. The political gain of blaming a republican governor for covid deaths makes for a trifecta for liberal democrats.
Well, we now know what your ideas are.
Hey, with the cooperation of the media we got away with killing 10,000 nursing home parasites in New York. Let's go for the whole enchelada in Florida and blame it on a republican governor.
We know it's NEVER a Republican's fault....never ever ever.
Yes. Almost entirely, all the people dying of covid are the unvaccinated. You've been lied to and a lot of republicans are starting to change their tunes because they see this is becoming a real problem for their voting base. No fucking around anymore. They are getting sick and dying. A lot of people. Very very very few people are having major side effects from the vaccine. It's still too soon? Do you want to wait till it's too late? Fine! It's you guys dying. I'm actually enjoying this now. Fucking idiots!

I suppose all the Republicans doing a slow 180 on this are part of the deep state huh? RINO's? You guys are fucking idiots. Good riddance.

I may get the 3857 but I won't die. You will. Bye.
Notice their turnabout is NOT to take responsibility... it's to point fingers at minorities and immigrants.
I would be willing to bet Democrat operatives are actively trying to spread as much coof in Florida as possible.

Watch your back Florida, and don't trust a Democrat anywhere near your elderly. They cheer their deaths. Don't believe me, just read this thread.
I'm sure you believe that just like Germans were groomed to believe Jews were purposely spreading diseases and purposely lost WWI.
LOLOL. Obama's cages????.LOLOL

Hey cock muncher. The majority of the unvaxed are under 35 doosh a lot

i just realized you are one mentally defective mother fucker.

Yer as useless as tits on a bull son.Bye
Why are you always on about sexual terminology? Frustrated?
Yes. Almost entirely, all the people dying of covid are the unvaccinated. You've been lied to and a lot of republicans are starting to change their tunes because they see this is becoming a real problem for their voting base. No fucking around anymore. They are getting sick and dying. A lot of people. Very very very few people are having major side effects from the vaccine. It's still too soon? Do you want to wait till it's too late? Fine! It's you guys dying. I'm actually enjoying this now. Fucking idiots!

I suppose all the Republicans doing a slow 180 on this are part of the deep state huh? RINO's? You guys are fucking idiots. Good riddance.

I may get the 3857 but I won't die. You will. Bye.
If we die, we want to take you with us. Where are the deaths at? Are the people from Northern States? You promote any way to live to pass disease or the results cost taxpayers but now have a conscience. Under your way of thinking you are getting Karma back.
maybe your parents, or grandparents could be the next victims....i don't care where they how the government could save a lot of $$$ if they croak
This statement is not a surprise coming from you.
If we die, we want to take you with us. Where are the deaths at? Are the people from Northern States? You promote any way to live to pass disease or the results cost taxpayers but now have a conscience. Under your way of thinking you are getting Karma back.
Not a surprising post.

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