COVID-Infected Children In Arkansas Arriving At Hospitals With ‘Wrecked Lungs’

I wonder if we are going to be the first nation stupid enough to lose our freedoms and rights due to a tyranny is real and its here.....and sycophant's like Dana help it along....
Sacrifice to Moloch and cut out the middleman.
The Atlantic has been an excellent source for over 100 years.
Yes they have. They also feature a TON of conservative writers. REAL conservatives mind ya - Trump cons are not real cons.
  • Overall, we rate The Atlantic Slightly Left-Center Biased due to editorial positions and High for factual reporting based on excellent sourcing of information and a clean fact check record.
But it wouldn't be hard to confirm the reporting that hospitals are seeing tons of children with the Delta variant. Get off your asses loons - choose you're own damn source.

US hospitals seeing a huge spike in minors
No doubt this can be traced back to all the illegal minors infected with COVID Biden is shipping all of the US. Why no one questioned or sounded alarms over the dangers posed to US children who at the time were not being infected with COVID, when Biden open the border.
Blood Libel, eh?
Looks like it. Talk about Clintons living rent-free. She still thinks the Clintons rule Arkansas!!! LOL Yeah, not the brightest bulb on this site.

You two need a room.

The thread premise says politics are responsible for COVID....if that's true the disgraced Cumhole in NY has some explaining to do...

Think nursing homes
Not predictable at all since this is the first story of this kind concerning children
This is simply the case of having the numbers catch up. The delta variant is at least 5-10 times as transmissible, driving R0 from 1.4 to over 10. So the number of cases is bound to surge.

BUT.... with the vaccine, many of those that would be victims of the surge are safe, which now leaves the unvaccinated (who incorporate 95% of hospitalizations) as the standout case numbers.
Covid patients are filling hospitals leaving everyone else who needs medical help, without it.

The selfishness and self centered republicans don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.

Phrases like "the greater good" and "community responsibility" have been replaced with me Me MEEEE! Sad :(
Jesus people

We need to stop the politics of this and just do the right thing.

Vaccines and yes...masks

Not a lot to ask
The final solution will be the reduction of people living in blue cities. Like Battlefield Earth drones will relentlessly fly dropping bio/chemical agents on the population to end this. It is so easy and predictable.
There is truth in that. Where the white house refused to help the states in the early stages of the pandemic, because it was mostly "blue" democratic governed states suffering. And the white house gambled that it would stay that way.,

Jesus people

We need to stop the politics of this and just do the right thing.

Vaccines and yes...masks

Not a lot to ask
The right thing is to recognize this as a low lethality virus that targets a very specific demographic and work accordingly from there. As we should have from the start. Stop the fearmongering, stop the totalitarian tactics that have proven not to work.
wrecked lungs
That's right. Some of those doctors are really heavy smokers, aren't they? Did any of that "gain of function" research help the children's lungs, or are the smoker docs still prescribing them locker room huffers of albuterol for asthma?
There is truth in that. Where the white house refused to help the states in the early stages of the pandemic, because it was mostly "blue" democratic governed states suffering. And the white house gambled that it would stay that way.,
The problem with labeling it "fake news" is that there are so many books being written by reporters who talked to the staff who lived through the events, and finally get their stories told.

Every day there are new revelations about what happened in the white house. And refusing to help the states early on is just one of them.

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