COVID-Infected Children In Arkansas Arriving At Hospitals With ‘Wrecked Lungs’

Do as you like with yourself and your kids. Just wanting to point out that as someone who was on a vent as a 3 year old, it was a hideous experience. Thought I was going to die when they were taking me off it it hurt so incredibly bad.
That's right. Some of those doctors are really heavy smokers, aren't they? Did any of that "gain of function" research help the children's lungs, or are the smoker docs still prescribing them locker room huffers of albuterol for asthma?

What are you huffing - Paint thinner? Sure seems like it. ;)
The problem with labeling it "fake news" is that there are so many books being written by reporters who talked to the staff who lived through the events, and finally get their stories told.

Every day there are new revelations about what happened in the white house. And refusing to help the states early on is just one of them.

You're rambling...and making shit up
Jesus people

We need to stop the politics of this and just do the right thing.

Vaccines and yes...masks

Not a lot to ask
Apparently it is.....they'd rather sacrifice their children on the altar of Moloch, in the image of trump.
The final solution will be the reduction of people living in blue cities. Like Battlefield Earth drones will relentlessly fly dropping bio/chemical agents on the population to end this. It is so easy and predictable.
Maybe there is something to the chem trails after all?
Who was Governor and first cankle of Arkansas?
QUICK! To the Way-Back Machine!
Yes adults in some southern red states don't seem to be very concerned about children and their health.

They are just too selfish and self centered to be able to think about anyone but themselves.

Meanwhile, innocent children are suffering, fighting for their lives with some of them dying.

So much for "pro life." But then I've always known their so called stand on "innocent" life was nothing but another republican lie.
They aren't pro-life....they are pro-con-trol women's bodies.
It didn't work on you?

What part of go away are you not grasping, troll?

I consider you an idiot.

You're not clever, not funny, you're ill .iinformed and everyone knows it.

Suddenly letftards care about children? Give me a break, old man. The only time you care about kids is when they fill in your agenda.

Now sit
What part of go away are you not grasping, troll?

I consider you an idiot.

You're not clever, not funny, you're ill .iinformed and everyone knows it.

Suddenly letftards care about children? Give me a break, old man. The only time you care about kids is when they fill in your agenda.

Now sit
How sad your little life must be for you to think you do......:heehee:
Rand Paul - “You take an animal virus and you increase its transmissibility to humans, and you’re saying that’s not gain-of-function?” :26:

Anthony Fauci - “That is correct, and Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially” :yapyapyapf:
The terminology has changed, whereas before it was, in this mouse coronavirus example....

’....alteration in the hypervariable region had a profound effect on pathogenesis....using targeted recombination we have demonstrated that the MHV spike (S) glycoprotein is a major determinant of the severity of acute disease.’
(MHV Neuropathogeneis: The Study of Chimeric S Genes and Mutations in the Hypervariable Region, in The Nidoviruses, (Kindle location 1340).
One day soon Ms Sassy will be posting from her ICU bed (assuming she can find one) literally BEGGING her fellow loonies to get the jab.

Yawn, you loons keep trying but sadly for you? I don't care

Must....makes...virus....a... wedge issue.

Fcking loons

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