Covid Isn't Being Spread By Border immigrants. It's being Spread By Ignorant Rightwingers In Red States

Earlier this week, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) joined Sean Hannity on Fox News to discuss the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border and, specifically, what Hannity called “the biggest superspreader in the country.”

“I’m going to argue, you know, the high rate of covid positivity at that border — any American that is infected because Joe’s not enforcing the laws of this country, you can blame Joe Biden for covid,” Hannity said, claiming vaguely that migrants crossing the border are driving the current surge in coronavirus cases. “And if you die, I would put the blame on him, too. Why won’t they stop this superspreader event? Because it’s happening in the hundreds and hundreds of thousands.”

“McAllen is a city, its population is about 140,000,” Cruz said. “That means 5 percent of the population of the city consists now of illegal immigrants who tested positive for covid that Joe Biden and Kamala D. Harris are just dumping there, one after the other after the other because they won’t enforce the law.”

Nope. Wrong.

The only thing amazing in this story, is everybody spreading this BS, are the same liars that haven't been right about anything.
that would be you!!!!!.....why do you spew lies?, why do you deny?
You Trumptards didn't know who to blame for this surge until Trump asslickers like Hannity & Cruz pointed you towards immigrants. When you're proven wrong again go find another scapegoat to blame for your own stupidity.

But don't worry, Trump's propoganda ministry over at Fox will find another bright shiny object for you slack jawed halfwits to gape at.
nobody is any stupider than a scum demonRAT spewing lies....
There sure are a lot of threads from people who are against vaccinations.

If you don't want to get vaccinated, don't get vaccinated. Holy crap.

Sure seems like you guys are trying to convince yourselves of something.
Hopefully, a slew of immigrants will end up in your community so you'll have something else to piss & moan & cry about besides Trump getting his ass beat last November.

When you guys are crying in your beer over Trump you sound like a bunch of old maids playing bridge & bitching amongst yourselves about how you never got laid.
well, you enjoy your TRUMP orgasm, shit stain
There sure are a lot of threads from people who are against vaccinations.

If you don't want to get vaccinated, don't get vaccinated.

Sure seems like you guys are trying to convince yourselves of something.
When the elites, political class, media and entertainers do not use the masks and party the night away like the Obama Get together yesterday and with so many other examples, it is hard to believe lie after lie.
When the elites, political class, media and entertainers do not use the masks and party the night away like the Obama Get together yesterday and with so many other examples, it is hard to believe lie after lie.
Then don't get vaccinated. Enough already.
Read the attachment in Post 21. You're stupidly wrong.

60% have BEEN vaccinated

A larger per centage than Republicans
read post 27.....You're stupidly wrong......stop spewing scum demonRAT lies
The media isn’t reporting on this story because they aren’t whacked out fringe nut cases like yourself.
whacked out fringe nut cases like yourself.
AMERICANS have the right to know where the scum demonRATS are shipping the illegals....spreading the chinese flu, and then placing blame elsewhere, for their lack of brains
There sure are a lot of threads from people who are against vaccinations.

If you don't want to get vaccinated, don't get vaccinated. Holy crap.

Sure seems like you guys are trying to convince yourselves of something.
coming from a retard that was whining the other day, because nobody wanted the jab.....typical scum demonRAT
deny---deflect---twist to suit=scum demonRAT
coming from a retard that was whining the other day, because nobody wanted the jab.....typical scum demonRAT
deny---deflect---twist to suit=scum demonRAT
Calm down. I didn't say that "the other day", and you can't back up your words.

If you don't want to get vaccinated, don't get vaccinated.

How could such a notion make you this angry?
It's not correct that only Trumpers are not vaccinated....because of....well.....Trump.

There are a slew of reasons why people are not being vaccinated.... From political, fear of gvt, fear of the vaccination lack of full approval, to thinking they are young and don't need one, not having the time to take off work, if they run a fever from it and lose working hours they lose income, lack of access etc etc etc...I

There is a major major major social media marketing campaign against getting the shot as well...

but imo, this is not just Trumpers.
Notably though, poster Lesh, Covid has been dismissed, minimized, and denied...frequently, and emphatically on this venue by what seem to be Rightfielders.....judging by their postings.

We've seen that phenomena for nearly 18 months. However, when our Rightfielders discovered that immigrants on our southern border may be infected.....well, THEN.....Covid becomes real. Becomes a danger, a threat. And something must be done.

Yeah, me too, I don't get it either.


Well, up jumps the devil in a brand new suit.
A Rightfield spokesman informs the forum: "nobody you know and trust knows anyone who is sick. Nobody is sick..."

Thank you, poster 'EMH' (one of my absolute favs here).

You make my point about Rightfielders.
Better than I ever could.

Merci, mon ami.

Covid is just like co2 based climate change.

It is a fraud.

It bilks the American taxpayer

It depends on moron science invalids to parrot Zionist television liars and react with extreme fear

If Americans just ignored it, everything would be normal.

The harm starts with morons filled with fear.
As the article states, minorities are now getting vaccinated at higher percentages than whites, now.

However, CDC data also show that recent vaccinations are reaching larger shares of Hispanic, Asian, and Black populations compared to overall vaccinations
Probably because fewer whites believe getting vaccinated will make a there's that among other reasons.

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