Covid Religious objections

Pfizer won't admit they used Human fetal cells to research or validate their vaccine. WHY? Because that might be ground for moral or religious objections. My source: Project Veritas
My religion requires everyone I come in contact with to be vaccinated.

Now go get your shots.
They are very pervasive and enter in through the skin. 'Swimmers itch' but they don't tell people that is Shistosomiasis aka bilharzia, and Katayama fever or that it gets into the organs.
Last time I had to face the afflicted ---the med of choice was
Praziquantel and the afflicted were usually mexicans
If you were not already part of an established religious group that specifically forbids vaccines as part of their established dogma I don't see how a religious objection can be considered anything other than a convenient excuse.

Nobody cares what you think.
wrong again----quarantine has been in use since biblical times.
Polio is not "catching" on physical proximity----but Tuberculosis
is and during epidemics NOT LONG AGO----infected persons were
held in JAIL LIKE conditions.
Quarantine was Italian for "Forty days" over a real health menace...Bubonic plague. They shut down ships in port for 40 days in an effort to prevent the spread of the plague. Well, disease carrying rats didn't recognize that lockdown then. Covid isn't a plague, its mostly a disease of the weak and the elderly. Democrats didn't exactly jump on the vaccine bandwagon until Biden got into office. Hinting that they weren't concerned with Covid as health issue, but a political one. Kamala Harris specifically mentioned her aversion to the vaccine on political grounds...Yes, Democrats where anti-vaxers.
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I lived trough that too, and the government didn't shut down society. We managed to do just fine. The March of dimes, we didn't destroy American society over X or Y diseases in the past. Why now?

Why, because the Prog-Marxist march through the institutions has put enough operatives in place to finally seize control and turn the U.S. into just another communist shit hole.
If you were not already part of an established religious group that specifically forbids vaccines as part of their established dogma I don't see how a religious objection can be considered anything other than a convenient excuse.
How about objecting to the experimental vaccines based on scientific grounds?

Fauci in 2019 stated that even a “perfect” mRNA vaccine would take a decade to get approved because that’s how long it takes to do studies on humans to ensure the safety in the long run.

Some of us are waiting for a vaccine that is actually safe, and actually effective. The “traditional” way of making vaccines does take longer (they use dead or weakened version of the original virus), but it is a “tried and true” way according to Fauci in 2019. There are a few in the pipeline going through trials and with any luck will come out early next year.

But having this position that Fauci himself held in 2019, that we must test and observe radical new vaccine types like mRNA before declaring them “safe”, is now “extremist”, “anti-vax”, or “anti-science”.
How about objecting to the experimental vaccines based on scientific grounds?

Fauci in 2019 stated that even a “perfect” mRNA vaccine would take a decade to get approved because that’s how long it takes to do studies on humans to ensure the safety in the long run.

Some of us are waiting for a vaccine that is actually safe, and actually effective. The “traditional” way of making vaccines does take longer (they use dead or weakened version of the original virus), but it is a “tried and true” way according to Fauci in 2019. There are a few in the pipeline going through trials and with any luck will come out early next year.

But having this position that Fauci himself held in 2019, that we must test and observe radical new vaccine types like mRNA before declaring them “safe”, is now “extremist”, “anti-vax”, or “anti-science”.
That wasn't the question. Science is an ever evolving consensus interpretation of available data. Cherry picking data to support a certain political view is a departure from science.
That wasn't the question. Science is an ever evolving consensus interpretation of available data. Cherry picking data to support a certain political view is a departure from science.
Cherry picking data? You’ve got no long term data for mRNA vaccines in humans because it doesn’t exist.

Funny how science just radically changed after the last election.

Scientific method? Don’t need to test and observe anymore, just skip to the conclusion and if anyone dare question it, they are “anti-science” and deserve to have their lives destroyed.
Cherry picking data? You’ve got no long term data for mRNA vaccines in humans because it doesn’t exist.

Funny how science just radically changed after the last election.

Scientific method? Don’t need to test and observe anymore, just skip to the conclusion and if anyone dare question it, they are “anti-science” and deserve to have their lives destroyed.
You started out with a foregone conclusion and some very basic misunderstandings of biology.
When did that happen?

Since the days of Woodrow Wilson and John Dewey.

The 16 Amendment and founding of the Federal Reserve were too early milestones.

Currently, Progs control most of Higher Academia, K-12 education, mainstream media, mass entertainment, Big Tech platforms/access, regulatory bureaucracies, blue state governments, NGOs, and increasingly positions of influence within major corporations.

Quarantine was Italian for "Forty days" over a real health menace...Bubonic plague. They shut down ships in port for 40 days in an effort to prevent the spread of the plague. Well, disease carrying rats didn't recognize that lockdown then. Covid isn't a plague, its mostly a disease of the weak and the elderly. Democrats didn't exactly jump on the vaccine bandwagon until Biden got into office. Hinting that they weren't concerned with Covid as health issue, but a political one. Kamala Harris specifically mentioned her aversion to the vaccine on political grounds...Yes, Democrats where anti-vaxers.
the corona virus is an adeno virus-----VERY TRANMISSIBLE----just like any other flu-----on very little contact and via vectors like DOOR
KNOBS. One kid in a classroom can infect the whole kindergarten.
Just because it does not easily KILL lots of tykes---does not mean it is
not an epidemic. Even the Polio virus can "pass thru" a whole
bunch of people-----but knock out few. Just about every person
in the USA-------sometime in their lives "caught" MUMPS---many
completely asymptomatically

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