Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million

Below is a longer video that gives a wider and more accurate picture of what went on that day.

He's still a smirking little Catholic Bastard.

Yup, that's about what I expected from you. In the end, all you have is your hatred of Catholics.

$8000 bucks a year, and they can't teach him any fucking manners.

They did teach him manners. They taught him to stand and say and do nothing when someone beats their little drum in your face unprovoked.

Someone should have taught Phillips to mind his own fucking business. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for him to approach the Covington boys. The Black Israelites were the ones shouting ethnic slurs and other insults all day. The only reason Phillips approached them was because of their MAGA hats, that's it.

According to the most credible storyline the reason he approached where he did was to defuse a confrontation.

Bullshit. Phillips has contradicted himself in various interviews as to how and why he ended up in front of the Covington kids. In one interview he said he was just trying to get up the Lincoln Memorial steps and the kids blocked his path. In another interview he said he was trying to defuse the situation.

Three problems with this:

1.) First and foremost, these two accounts from the same person conflict with each other.

2.) The video I posted yesterday clearly shows Phillips walking right past a gap in the crowd where he could have easily gone up the steps.

3.) The Covington kids did nothing that needed to be defused. It's clear that the Black Israelites were taunting and insulting them the whole time and were the ones that needed to be defused.

Matter of fact that came out right then at the time. Cute victim fantasy but you can't read "MAGA" from that distance.

And what was the distance? Do you even know?

The Black Israelites knew they were wearing MAGA hats and is why they were berating them in the first place.

It could very well be that in Ignorance,If he had just walked on the scene, Phillips assumed it was the kids who were taunting the Black Israelites, simply because there were more of them, they were mostly white and wearing MAGA hats.It kind of makes sense since earlier the Black Israelites were insulting and berating Native Americans
He did nothing wrong. He didn't touch the faux adult, didn't say anything to him, didn't get in his way, nothing. How exactly did he act like an ass?

The smirk.

1. An expression. You're willing to condemn a minor for an expression that you don't even know is voluntary. A lot of people don't such expressions when on a situation where they're confronted by unstable liberals.
2. He made no attempt to physically do anything to the threatening adult.
3. You're willing to completely ignore what the adult did because of an expression. The adult got in the kid's face. The adult banged his drum and changed directly at the kid. You ignore all that and complain that the kid is an assignment because of an expression. It is a credit to the kid's training that he didn't assault the drummer.

As we all know, Trump supporters crave violence so I’m happy to applaud hat boy on the restraint he’s shown.

If you’ll actually read what I wrote instead of what your imagination is telling you….

His parents are pimping him out. They’ve now sued (if the threads here are to be believed) NBC, WaPo, and CNN for $750M.

I’m criticizing the parents of hat-boy.

You already said he acted like an ass and "deserves whatever scorn comes his way in the future."

Don't hand us this bullshit that you're criticizing the parents for the lawsuit. You're criticizing the kid for smiling and saying and doing nothing. Hell, truth be told, you're not even criticizing him for that. You're criticizing and reviling him because he wore a MAGA hat. That's it.

If the Covington boys had not been wearing MAGA hats this whole sordid business would have never happened. The hats triggered the Black Israelites to berate them and call them "crackers" and other insults involving incest and who knows what else. So the boys start doing their school chant to drown out the racist noise coming from the BI guys and this in turn caught Phillip's attention. But Phillips, rather than approach the people actually spouting racist invective, approached the Covington kids because, like the BI guys, he was triggered by the hat and automatically assumed they were the cause of it all.

It all comes down to the hat. The hat triggered you, the BI guys, Phillips and every Trump hater in the country in spite of the fact the boys did and said nothing to cause the incident.

There’s some truth to that. He does deserve whatever scorn comes his way….he acted like an ass.

How? I believe you've already been asked this question but neither you or anybody else has answered. At the very least, no one has explained how smiling and saying and doing nothing is worthy of scorn. So explain to us exactly how his smiling and nothing else constitutes "being an ass".

His parents should not be pimping him out for profit.

And all the Trump haters should not have demonized him in the first place.
Below is a longer video that gives a wider and more accurate picture of what went on that day.

He's still a smirking little Catholic Bastard.

Yup, that's about what I expected from you. In the end, all you have is your hatred of Catholics.

$8000 bucks a year, and they can't teach him any fucking manners.

They did teach him manners. They taught him to stand and say and do nothing when someone beats their little drum in your face unprovoked.

Someone should have taught Phillips to mind his own fucking business. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for him to approach the Covington boys. The Black Israelites were the ones shouting ethnic slurs and other insults all day. The only reason Phillips approached them was because of their MAGA hats, that's it.

According to the most credible storyline the reason he approached where he did was to defuse a confrontation.

Bullshit. Phillips has contradicted himself in various interviews as to how and why he ended up in front of the Covington kids. In one interview he said he was just trying to get up the Lincoln Memorial steps and the kids blocked his path. In another interview he said he was trying to defuse the situation.

Three problems with this:

1.) First and foremost, these two accounts from the same person conflict with each other.

2.) The video I posted yesterday clearly shows Phillips walking right past a gap in the crowd where he could have easily gone up the steps.

3.) The Covington kids did nothing that needed to be defused. It's clear that the Black Israelites were taunting and insulting them the whole time and were the ones that needed to be defused.

Matter of fact that came out right then at the time. Cute victim fantasy but you can't read "MAGA" from that distance.

And what was the distance? Do you even know?

The Black Israelites knew they were wearing MAGA hats and is why they were berating them in the first place.

It could very well be that in Ignorance,If he had just walked on the scene, Phillips assumed it was the kids who were taunting the Black Israelites, simply because there were more of them, they were mostly white and wearing MAGA hats.It kind of makes sense since earlier the Black Israelites were insulting and berating Native Americans

If Phillips himself and his group had already been taunted and insulted by the Black Israelites then why did he not assume the Black Israelites were also taunting the kids? In spite of his earlier experience with the BI, why would he assume the kids were doing the taunting?

Sorry, but this theory doesn't wash. The only reason the kids are seen as the transgressors here is because of the hats.
The smirk.

1. An expression. You're willing to condemn a minor for an expression that you don't even know is voluntary. A lot of people don't such expressions when on a situation where they're confronted by unstable liberals.
2. He made no attempt to physically do anything to the threatening adult.
3. You're willing to completely ignore what the adult did because of an expression. The adult got in the kid's face. The adult banged his drum and changed directly at the kid. You ignore all that and complain that the kid is an assignment because of an expression. It is a credit to the kid's training that he didn't assault the drummer.

As we all know, Trump supporters crave violence so I’m happy to applaud hat boy on the restraint he’s shown.

If you’ll actually read what I wrote instead of what your imagination is telling you….

His parents are pimping him out. They’ve now sued (if the threads here are to be believed) NBC, WaPo, and CNN for $750M.

I’m criticizing the parents of hat-boy.

You already said he acted like an ass and "deserves whatever scorn comes his way in the future."

Don't hand us this bullshit that you're criticizing the parents for the lawsuit. You're criticizing the kid for smiling and saying and doing nothing. Hell, truth be told, you're not even criticizing him for that. You're criticizing and reviling him because he wore a MAGA hat. That's it.

If the Covington boys had not been wearing MAGA hats this whole sordid business would have never happened. The hats triggered the Black Israelites to berate them and call them "crackers" and other insults involving incest and who knows what else. So the boys start doing their school chant to drown out the racist noise coming from the BI guys and this in turn caught Phillip's attention. But Phillips, rather than approach the people actually spouting racist invective, approached the Covington kids because, like the BI guys, he was triggered by the hat and automatically assumed they were the cause of it all.

It all comes down to the hat. The hat triggered you, the BI guys, Phillips and every Trump hater in the country in spite of the fact the boys did and said nothing to cause the incident.

There’s some truth to that. He does deserve whatever scorn comes his way….he acted like an ass.

How? I believe you've already been asked this question but neither you or anybody else has answered. At the very least, no one has explained how smiling and saying and doing nothing is worthy of scorn. So explain to us exactly how his smiling and nothing else constitutes "being an ass".

His parents should not be pimping him out for profit.

And all the Trump haters should not have demonized him in the first place.

They are simply projecting him into the Narrative that has being set for the last several years....

Why cant people think that the kid may have actually been uncomfortable with the guy in his space and some people.... especially kids have the reaction of smiling when a bit nervous. Of course all these all knowing adults here, expect a 16 year old kid to handle the situation as perfectly as they would themselves (cough cough) ... and going so far as to say they would like to slap the smirk off his face. They say nothing about the harrasment and profanity they were forced to stand and take because they were waiting for their bus.. they say absolutely nothing about that.
everyone would have forgotten who he was by now if he wasn't bringing up these lawsuits.

Someone needs to explain to his lawyers how the Libel Laws work.

The story has to be untrue and the people repeating had to have known it was untrue when they said it.

"NBC let me get on the air and make a fool out of myself" isn't actionable.

Your futile effort to discount this outrage is duly noted.

The child didn't make a fool out of himself. He stood there, not knowing what to do, while a supposedly grown adult man, walks up to you and beats a tom-tom in his face. Sandmann showed a huge amount of maturity and restraint.

The media instantly attacked Sandmann and the other teenagers as approaching and changing at the Nathan Phillips when the opposite was true.

Rightfully, Nick Sandmann and his parents are going to walk away with a huge amount of money! Just as they should. Shame on the media! Intentionally destroying a child!
He's still a smirking little Catholic Bastard.

Yup, that's about what I expected from you. In the end, all you have is your hatred of Catholics.

$8000 bucks a year, and they can't teach him any fucking manners.

They did teach him manners. They taught him to stand and say and do nothing when someone beats their little drum in your face unprovoked.

Someone should have taught Phillips to mind his own fucking business. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for him to approach the Covington boys. The Black Israelites were the ones shouting ethnic slurs and other insults all day. The only reason Phillips approached them was because of their MAGA hats, that's it.

According to the most credible storyline the reason he approached where he did was to defuse a confrontation.

Bullshit. Phillips has contradicted himself in various interviews as to how and why he ended up in front of the Covington kids. In one interview he said he was just trying to get up the Lincoln Memorial steps and the kids blocked his path. In another interview he said he was trying to defuse the situation.

Three problems with this:

1.) First and foremost, these two accounts from the same person conflict with each other.

2.) The video I posted yesterday clearly shows Phillips walking right past a gap in the crowd where he could have easily gone up the steps.

3.) The Covington kids did nothing that needed to be defused. It's clear that the Black Israelites were taunting and insulting them the whole time and were the ones that needed to be defused.

Matter of fact that came out right then at the time. Cute victim fantasy but you can't read "MAGA" from that distance.

And what was the distance? Do you even know?

The Black Israelites knew they were wearing MAGA hats and is why they were berating them in the first place.

It could very well be that in Ignorance,If he had just walked on the scene, Phillips assumed it was the kids who were taunting the Black Israelites, simply because there were more of them, they were mostly white and wearing MAGA hats.It kind of makes sense since earlier the Black Israelites were insulting and berating Native Americans

If Phillips himself and his group had already been taunted and insulted by the Black Israelites then why did he not assume the Black Israelites were also taunting the kids? In spite of his earlier experience with the BI, why would he assume the kids were doing the taunting?

Sorry, but this theory doesn't wash. The only reason the kids are seen as the transgressors here is because of the hats.

Either way.. Phillips was an ignorant, triggered dumb ass
The thread is about the kid suing for $275 million dollars.

When you start a thread about the adult, I’ll look at commenting on that.

The adult (I don’t remember his name either) acted like an ass too.

It would be more believable that you're solely concerned with sticking to the lawsuit angle if you didn't assert so frequently that the minor was an ass, deserved scorn, should be punished, etc.

If you say so. The kid acted like an ass and his parents have sued for $750M dollars (at least).
And you seem to think there is nothing the least bit wrong with it.

That’s cool. Your bullshit smells.

how did the kid act like an ass by standing there saying and doing nothing???

He didn't, that's the point.

Walk up to the next random person you see and stand six inches away smirking. Let us know how that works out.

I may be misunderstanding you here but Sandmann approached no one. Phillips approached him and the kid is reviled for smiling.
who said it took 3.5 months to find???

Again, good point. If it takes you another month to dig something up it'll be FOUR and a half months.

Gotta understand, the longer this goes on trying to scrape something off the bottom of some barrel, the harder it is to make the case that whatever you did find, had an effect. You know, if it was that obscure. If there were actual documentable evidence of defamation ---------- everybody would already know about it. It would be at one's fingertips.

But first things first, you have to find SOMETHING. We just happen to be, right now, at the three-and-a-half month mark of utter failure to find anything. There's no reason to suspect that can't continue indefinitely. :thup:
we spent 2 years on RUSSIA and were told nothing was there yet now the left is screaming cause they must have *something*.

so - utter failures to find something doesn't seem to matter to the left is it's not what they want.

Whatever. The fact remains, if you're going to accuse an entity of having published something, you must have evidence that they actually did so.
There is a shitload of evidence. Literally HOURS of slanderous news footage. Nick is going to be very wealthy after everyone gets sued.

Then why can't you quote any --- given three and a half months?

See what I mean about mythology?

Watch this.
SHOW US the evidence that Paul McCartney died in a traffic accident in November of 1966 and was replaced by a lookalike.


Your desperation is duly noted. Your example would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
According to the most credible storyline the reason he approached where he did was to defuse a confrontation.

Matter of fact that came out right then at the time. Cute victim fantasy but you can't read "MAGA" from that distance.

You're funny!

Coming up to me, beating a tom-tom in my face is not going to defuse a confrontation with me. In fact, when I was 16, I'd have clocked him.
He's still a smirking little Catholic Bastard.

Yup, that's about what I expected from you. In the end, all you have is your hatred of Catholics.

$8000 bucks a year, and they can't teach him any fucking manners.

They did teach him manners. They taught him to stand and say and do nothing when someone beats their little drum in your face unprovoked.

Someone should have taught Phillips to mind his own fucking business. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for him to approach the Covington boys. The Black Israelites were the ones shouting ethnic slurs and other insults all day. The only reason Phillips approached them was because of their MAGA hats, that's it.

According to the most credible storyline the reason he approached where he did was to defuse a confrontation.

Bullshit. Phillips has contradicted himself in various interviews as to how and why he ended up in front of the Covington kids. In one interview he said he was just trying to get up the Lincoln Memorial steps and the kids blocked his path. In another interview he said he was trying to defuse the situation.

Three problems with this:

1.) First and foremost, these two accounts from the same person conflict with each other.

2.) The video I posted yesterday clearly shows Phillips walking right past a gap in the crowd where he could have easily gone up the steps.

3.) The Covington kids did nothing that needed to be defused. It's clear that the Black Israelites were taunting and insulting them the whole time and were the ones that needed to be defused.

Matter of fact that came out right then at the time. Cute victim fantasy but you can't read "MAGA" from that distance.

And what was the distance? Do you even know?

The Black Israelites knew they were wearing MAGA hats and is why they were berating them in the first place.

It could very well be that in Ignorance,If he had just walked on the scene, Phillips assumed it was the kids who were taunting the Black Israelites, simply because there were more of them, they were mostly white and wearing MAGA hats.It kind of makes sense since earlier the Black Israelites were insulting and berating Native Americans

If Phillips himself and his group had already been taunted and insulted by the Black Israelites then why did he not assume the Black Israelites were also taunting the kids? In spite of his earlier experience with the BI, why would he assume the kids were doing the taunting?

Sorry, but this theory doesn't wash. The only reason the kids are seen as the transgressors here is because of the hats.

Nice strawman but nobody is suggesting 'the kids are the transgressors here'.

Smirk-Boi is obviously committing a social faux pas with the whole personal space thing but he presumably doesn't get what's going on and is just being a dick. That doesn't really qualify as a 'transgression'. The only real 'transgression' was the BLI taunting, which is apparently what they do all the time. Fortunately that was defused, wasn't it.

Some responsibility must also be awarded the school chaperones, as apparently the kids had asked permission to go into their tribal war chants and received it. Whoever thought that would be a good idea ought to explain themselves. But again, fortunately it was defused.
Again, good point. If it takes you another month to dig something up it'll be FOUR and a half months.

Gotta understand, the longer this goes on trying to scrape something off the bottom of some barrel, the harder it is to make the case that whatever you did find, had an effect. You know, if it was that obscure. If there were actual documentable evidence of defamation ---------- everybody would already know about it. It would be at one's fingertips.

But first things first, you have to find SOMETHING. We just happen to be, right now, at the three-and-a-half month mark of utter failure to find anything. There's no reason to suspect that can't continue indefinitely. :thup:
we spent 2 years on RUSSIA and were told nothing was there yet now the left is screaming cause they must have *something*.

so - utter failures to find something doesn't seem to matter to the left is it's not what they want.

Whatever. The fact remains, if you're going to accuse an entity of having published something, you must have evidence that they actually did so.
There is a shitload of evidence. Literally HOURS of slanderous news footage. Nick is going to be very wealthy after everyone gets sued.

Then why can't you quote any --- given three and a half months?

See what I mean about mythology?

Watch this.
SHOW US the evidence that Paul McCartney died in a traffic accident in November of 1966 and was replaced by a lookalike.


Your desperation is duly noted. Your example would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

Your absence of evidence is duly noted. It's been going on three and a half months.
He did nothing wrong. He didn't touch the faux adult, didn't say anything to him, didn't get in his way, nothing. How exactly did he act like an ass?

The smirk.

1. An expression. You're willing to condemn a minor for an expression that you don't even know is voluntary. A lot of people don't such expressions when on a situation where they're confronted by unstable liberals.
2. He made no attempt to physically do anything to the threatening adult.
3. You're willing to completely ignore what the adult did because of an expression. The adult got in the kid's face. The adult banged his drum and changed directly at the kid. You ignore all that and complain that the kid is an assignment because of an expression. It is a credit to the kid's training that he didn't assault the drummer.

As we all know, Trump supporters crave violence so I’m happy to applaud hat boy on the restraint he’s shown.

If you’ll actually read what I wrote instead of what your imagination is telling you….

His parents are pimping him out. They’ve now sued (if the threads here are to be believed) NBC, WaPo, and CNN for $750M.

I’m criticizing the parents of hat-boy.

The Libs heard the fake news and already have rallied to try and prevent Nicky from being admitted to college or being hired. Those are REAL damages created by the fake media reports. This is a legit lawsuit, and if I were advising Jeff Bezos I'd cut a check and be done with it.

We did? I must have missed the memo.

That must be because you don't matter. Just sayin'.
we spent 2 years on RUSSIA and were told nothing was there yet now the left is screaming cause they must have *something*.

so - utter failures to find something doesn't seem to matter to the left is it's not what they want.

Whatever. The fact remains, if you're going to accuse an entity of having published something, you must have evidence that they actually did so.
There is a shitload of evidence. Literally HOURS of slanderous news footage. Nick is going to be very wealthy after everyone gets sued.

Then why can't you quote any --- given three and a half months?

See what I mean about mythology?

Watch this.
SHOW US the evidence that Paul McCartney died in a traffic accident in November of 1966 and was replaced by a lookalike.


Your desperation is duly noted. Your example would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

Your absence of evidence is duly noted. It's been going on three and a half months.

just because you refuse to see the evidence doesnt mean it doesnt exist
Whatever. The fact remains, if you're going to accuse an entity of having published something, you must have evidence that they actually did so.
There is a shitload of evidence. Literally HOURS of slanderous news footage. Nick is going to be very wealthy after everyone gets sued.

Then why can't you quote any --- given three and a half months?

See what I mean about mythology?

Watch this.
SHOW US the evidence that Paul McCartney died in a traffic accident in November of 1966 and was replaced by a lookalike.


Your desperation is duly noted. Your example would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

Your absence of evidence is duly noted. It's been going on three and a half months.

just because you refuse to see the evidence doesnt mean it doesnt exist

Just because you're unable to post any doesn't mean it doesn't exist. So you keep trying.
1. An expression. You're willing to condemn a minor for an expression that you don't even know is voluntary. A lot of people don't such expressions when on a situation where they're confronted by unstable liberals.
2. He made no attempt to physically do anything to the threatening adult.
3. You're willing to completely ignore what the adult did because of an expression. The adult got in the kid's face. The adult banged his drum and changed directly at the kid. You ignore all that and complain that the kid is an assignment because of an expression. It is a credit to the kid's training that he didn't assault the drummer.

As we all know, Trump supporters crave violence so I’m happy to applaud hat boy on the restraint he’s shown.

If you’ll actually read what I wrote instead of what your imagination is telling you….

His parents are pimping him out. They’ve now sued (if the threads here are to be believed) NBC, WaPo, and CNN for $750M.

I’m criticizing the parents of hat-boy.

You already said he acted like an ass and "deserves whatever scorn comes his way in the future."

Don't hand us this bullshit that you're criticizing the parents for the lawsuit. You're criticizing the kid for smiling and saying and doing nothing. Hell, truth be told, you're not even criticizing him for that. You're criticizing and reviling him because he wore a MAGA hat. That's it.

If the Covington boys had not been wearing MAGA hats this whole sordid business would have never happened. The hats triggered the Black Israelites to berate them and call them "crackers" and other insults involving incest and who knows what else. So the boys start doing their school chant to drown out the racist noise coming from the BI guys and this in turn caught Phillip's attention. But Phillips, rather than approach the people actually spouting racist invective, approached the Covington kids because, like the BI guys, he was triggered by the hat and automatically assumed they were the cause of it all.

It all comes down to the hat. The hat triggered you, the BI guys, Phillips and every Trump hater in the country in spite of the fact the boys did and said nothing to cause the incident.

There’s some truth to that. He does deserve whatever scorn comes his way….he acted like an ass.

How? I believe you've already been asked this question but neither you or anybody else has answered. At the very least, no one has explained how smiling and saying and doing nothing is worthy of scorn. So explain to us exactly how his smiling and nothing else constitutes "being an ass".

His parents should not be pimping him out for profit.

And all the Trump haters should not have demonized him in the first place.

They are simply projecting him into the Narrative that has being set for the last several years....

Why cant people think that the kid may have actually been uncomfortable with the guy in his space and some people.... especially kids have the reaction of smiling when a bit nervous. Of course all these all knowing adults here, expect a 16 year old kid to handle the situation as perfectly as they would themselves (cough cough) ... and going so far as to say they would like to slap the smirk off his face. They say nothing about the harrasment and profanity they were forced to stand and take because they were waiting for their bus.. they say absolutely nothing about that.

Absolutely. The videos clearly show the Black Israelites being the assholes and in spite of that, virtually no one has condemned their behavior. On top of all that, someone started the untrue rumor that the kids were saying "Build that wall". So they ignored actual repugnant behavior on the part of the BIs and went as far as to manufacture bad behavior on the part of the Covington kids.

The behavior of those condemning Sandmann and the Covington kids is nothing short of shameful.
And they wouldn't have the opportunity to seek justice had the faux adult not harassed their child.

Justice? LOL. Sure.
Yes, if an adult came up to my minor child, got in his face and tried to intimidate him, I'd be looking for justice. I think when the truth is told, the haters are disappointed that the kid didn't take a swing at the faux adult.

The kid acted like an ass. He deserves whatever scorn comes his way in the future. If his parents were smart, they would love their kid and stop trying to cash in on him.
Millions of dollars are coming his way.

At least his Parent’s way.

Good to see you acknowledge the massive injustice done to this child. Shameful!
As we all know, Trump supporters crave violence so I’m happy to applaud hat boy on the restraint he’s shown.

If you’ll actually read what I wrote instead of what your imagination is telling you….

His parents are pimping him out. They’ve now sued (if the threads here are to be believed) NBC, WaPo, and CNN for $750M.

I’m criticizing the parents of hat-boy.

You already said he acted like an ass and "deserves whatever scorn comes his way in the future."

Don't hand us this bullshit that you're criticizing the parents for the lawsuit. You're criticizing the kid for smiling and saying and doing nothing. Hell, truth be told, you're not even criticizing him for that. You're criticizing and reviling him because he wore a MAGA hat. That's it.

If the Covington boys had not been wearing MAGA hats this whole sordid business would have never happened. The hats triggered the Black Israelites to berate them and call them "crackers" and other insults involving incest and who knows what else. So the boys start doing their school chant to drown out the racist noise coming from the BI guys and this in turn caught Phillip's attention. But Phillips, rather than approach the people actually spouting racist invective, approached the Covington kids because, like the BI guys, he was triggered by the hat and automatically assumed they were the cause of it all.

It all comes down to the hat. The hat triggered you, the BI guys, Phillips and every Trump hater in the country in spite of the fact the boys did and said nothing to cause the incident.

There’s some truth to that. He does deserve whatever scorn comes his way….he acted like an ass.

How? I believe you've already been asked this question but neither you or anybody else has answered. At the very least, no one has explained how smiling and saying and doing nothing is worthy of scorn. So explain to us exactly how his smiling and nothing else constitutes "being an ass".

His parents should not be pimping him out for profit.

And all the Trump haters should not have demonized him in the first place.

They are simply projecting him into the Narrative that has being set for the last several years....

Why cant people think that the kid may have actually been uncomfortable with the guy in his space and some people.... especially kids have the reaction of smiling when a bit nervous. Of course all these all knowing adults here, expect a 16 year old kid to handle the situation as perfectly as they would themselves (cough cough) ... and going so far as to say they would like to slap the smirk off his face. They say nothing about the harrasment and profanity they were forced to stand and take because they were waiting for their bus.. they say absolutely nothing about that.

Absolutely. The videos clearly show the Black Israelites being the assholes and in spite of that, virtually no one has condemned their behavior. On top of all that, someone started the untrue rumor that the kids were saying "Build that wall". So they ignored actual repugnant behavior on the part of the BIs and went as far as to manufacture bad behavior on the part of the Covington kids.

The behavior of those condemning Sandmann and the Covington kids is nothing short of shameful.

The BLI people were chanting about 'build the wall'. Presumably as sarcasm. But it was being uttered. It's in some of the videos.
Yup, that's about what I expected from you. In the end, all you have is your hatred of Catholics.

They did teach him manners. They taught him to stand and say and do nothing when someone beats their little drum in your face unprovoked.

Someone should have taught Phillips to mind his own fucking business. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for him to approach the Covington boys. The Black Israelites were the ones shouting ethnic slurs and other insults all day. The only reason Phillips approached them was because of their MAGA hats, that's it.

According to the most credible storyline the reason he approached where he did was to defuse a confrontation.

Bullshit. Phillips has contradicted himself in various interviews as to how and why he ended up in front of the Covington kids. In one interview he said he was just trying to get up the Lincoln Memorial steps and the kids blocked his path. In another interview he said he was trying to defuse the situation.

Three problems with this:

1.) First and foremost, these two accounts from the same person conflict with each other.

2.) The video I posted yesterday clearly shows Phillips walking right past a gap in the crowd where he could have easily gone up the steps.

3.) The Covington kids did nothing that needed to be defused. It's clear that the Black Israelites were taunting and insulting them the whole time and were the ones that needed to be defused.

Matter of fact that came out right then at the time. Cute victim fantasy but you can't read "MAGA" from that distance.

And what was the distance? Do you even know?

The Black Israelites knew they were wearing MAGA hats and is why they were berating them in the first place.

It could very well be that in Ignorance,If he had just walked on the scene, Phillips assumed it was the kids who were taunting the Black Israelites, simply because there were more of them, they were mostly white and wearing MAGA hats.It kind of makes sense since earlier the Black Israelites were insulting and berating Native Americans

If Phillips himself and his group had already been taunted and insulted by the Black Israelites then why did he not assume the Black Israelites were also taunting the kids? In spite of his earlier experience with the BI, why would he assume the kids were doing the taunting?

Sorry, but this theory doesn't wash. The only reason the kids are seen as the transgressors here is because of the hats.

Nice strawman but nobody is suggesting 'the kids are the transgressors here'.

Bullshit. Since day one everyone made these kids out to be the ones who instigated the confrontation, were the ones doing the insulting and being impudent and disrespectful to Phillips. It is precisely why this incident went viral in the first place.

Smirk-Boi is obviously committing a social faux pas with the whole personal space thing but he presumably doesn't get what's going on and is just being a dick. That doesn't really qualify as a 'transgression'. The only real 'transgression' was the BLI taunting, which is apparently what they do all the time. Fortunately that was defused, wasn't it.

He was being a dick for someone getting in his face and not knowing what's going on? If he didn't know what was going on then how could he be a "dick" about it?

Some responsibility must also be awarded the school chaperones, as apparently the kids had asked permission to go into their tribal war chants and received it.

Is "tribal war chants" your words or theirs?

Whoever thought that would be a good idea ought to explain themselves. But again, fortunately it was defused.

Not by Phillips it wasn't.

Based on his conflicting stories, I don't believe for one second he approached the kids to defuse anything. I believe he approached them because of the hats.
You already said he acted like an ass and "deserves whatever scorn comes his way in the future."

Don't hand us this bullshit that you're criticizing the parents for the lawsuit. You're criticizing the kid for smiling and saying and doing nothing. Hell, truth be told, you're not even criticizing him for that. You're criticizing and reviling him because he wore a MAGA hat. That's it.

If the Covington boys had not been wearing MAGA hats this whole sordid business would have never happened. The hats triggered the Black Israelites to berate them and call them "crackers" and other insults involving incest and who knows what else. So the boys start doing their school chant to drown out the racist noise coming from the BI guys and this in turn caught Phillip's attention. But Phillips, rather than approach the people actually spouting racist invective, approached the Covington kids because, like the BI guys, he was triggered by the hat and automatically assumed they were the cause of it all.

It all comes down to the hat. The hat triggered you, the BI guys, Phillips and every Trump hater in the country in spite of the fact the boys did and said nothing to cause the incident.

There’s some truth to that. He does deserve whatever scorn comes his way….he acted like an ass.

How? I believe you've already been asked this question but neither you or anybody else has answered. At the very least, no one has explained how smiling and saying and doing nothing is worthy of scorn. So explain to us exactly how his smiling and nothing else constitutes "being an ass".

His parents should not be pimping him out for profit.

And all the Trump haters should not have demonized him in the first place.

They are simply projecting him into the Narrative that has being set for the last several years....

Why cant people think that the kid may have actually been uncomfortable with the guy in his space and some people.... especially kids have the reaction of smiling when a bit nervous. Of course all these all knowing adults here, expect a 16 year old kid to handle the situation as perfectly as they would themselves (cough cough) ... and going so far as to say they would like to slap the smirk off his face. They say nothing about the harrasment and profanity they were forced to stand and take because they were waiting for their bus.. they say absolutely nothing about that.

Absolutely. The videos clearly show the Black Israelites being the assholes and in spite of that, virtually no one has condemned their behavior. On top of all that, someone started the untrue rumor that the kids were saying "Build that wall". So they ignored actual repugnant behavior on the part of the BIs and went as far as to manufacture bad behavior on the part of the Covington kids.

The behavior of those condemning Sandmann and the Covington kids is nothing short of shameful.

The BLI people were chanting about 'build the wall'. Presumably as sarcasm. But it was being uttered. It's in some of the videos.

I didn't say no one chanted "build that wall", I said someone started the untrue rumor that the kids were saying it.
There were more complete videos available at the time, if the Media would have looked for them. And the fact that these were minor children as well as non public figures, that gave them more responsibility to do exactly that. I don't know what 12 angry men in Kentucky will say, but if I were Bezos, I'd cut a check and offer a couple hundred million to see this go away. Better that than have jury give a $50 Billion judgment.

Once AGAIN no jury is going to award Defamation damages on the basis of literally nothing.

"More complete videos" is irrelevant. The viral video was not about Black Hebrew Israelites. The viral video was not about Indians. The viral video was about a kid smirking in a severely limited personal space. PERIOD, FULL STOP.

All this bullshit ''waddabout this" and "waddabout that" is just that ----- bullshit trying to take the spotlight off the smirking kid. It's not selling and it never did.
Actually Nathan Philips approached that kid the way that’s not even his real name you fucking retard

Actually I didn't even bring up his name, and actually Philips walked between the kids --- who were moving toward the Black Hebrew Israelites --- and the BLIs, in order to get between them and defuse what could have become an ugly situation.

Which he did.

Way back in post 144 "progressive hunter" posted a video that lays out the whole timeline.

Here it is.

The whole situation with the black Israelites was an exercise in mental retardation.... The black Israelites were throwing slurs at native americans, women.. other black people.. then began insulting the white kids... using profanity the whole time... completely instigating.... then you hear Philips in this clip saying they reminded him of the Baptists? he completely white washed what the Black Israelites were doing.... and he stepped in between to face off the white kids? from the Actions of those Black Israelites, its no wonder the school kids were riled up.... but they were not violent. Philips is a 1st class BSer

Is he?

Did the BHI confrontation continue after he got there, yes or no?

Philips says he went in between to change the energy. It would appear that's exactly what happened.

Chief Phillips wanted to get in on the fun the Black Congressional Israelites were having, pestering the children

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