Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million

He did nothing wrong. He didn't touch the faux adult, didn't say anything to him, didn't get in his way, nothing. How exactly did he act like an ass?

The smirk.

1. An expression. You're willing to condemn a minor for an expression that you don't even know is voluntary. A lot of people don't such expressions when on a situation where they're confronted by unstable liberals.
2. He made no attempt to physically do anything to the threatening adult.
3. You're willing to completely ignore what the adult did because of an expression. The adult got in the kid's face. The adult banged his drum and changed directly at the kid. You ignore all that and complain that the kid is an assignment because of an expression. It is a credit to the kid's training that he didn't assault the drummer.

As we all know, Trump supporters crave violence so I’m happy to applaud hat boy on the restraint he’s shown.

If you’ll actually read what I wrote instead of what your imagination is telling you….

His parents are pimping him out. They’ve now sued (if the threads here are to be believed) NBC, WaPo, and CNN for $750M.

I’m criticizing the parents of hat-boy.

You already said he acted like an ass and "deserves whatever scorn comes his way in the future."

Don't hand us this bullshit that you're criticizing the parents for the lawsuit. You're criticizing the kid for smiling and saying and doing nothing. Hell, truth be told, you're not even criticizing him for that. You're criticizing and reviling him because he wore a MAGA hat. That's it.

If the Covington boys had not been wearing MAGA hats this whole sordid business would have never happened. The hats triggered the Black Israelites to berate them and call them "crackers" and other insults involving incest and who knows what else. So the boys start doing their school chant to drown out the racist noise coming from the BI guys and this in turn caught Phillip's attention. But Phillips, rather than approach the people actually spouting racist invective, approached the Covington kids because, like the BI guys, he was triggered by the hat and automatically assumed they were the cause of it all.

It all comes down to the hat. The hat triggered you, the BI guys, Phillips and every Trump hater in the country in spite of the fact the boys did and said nothing to cause the incident.

There’s some truth to that. He does deserve whatever scorn comes his way….he acted like an ass. His parents should not be pimping him out for profit.

You've studiously avoided condemning or even commenting on the actions of the adult, instead focusing on the kid. Why is that?

In this situation, the onus is on the adult to not get in the kid's face. He was the ass. Do you condemn or support what he did? And I will apologize in advance if you have already weighed in on that and I just missed it.
The smirk.

1. An expression. You're willing to condemn a minor for an expression that you don't even know is voluntary. A lot of people don't such expressions when on a situation where they're confronted by unstable liberals.
2. He made no attempt to physically do anything to the threatening adult.
3. You're willing to completely ignore what the adult did because of an expression. The adult got in the kid's face. The adult banged his drum and changed directly at the kid. You ignore all that and complain that the kid is an assignment because of an expression. It is a credit to the kid's training that he didn't assault the drummer.

As we all know, Trump supporters crave violence so I’m happy to applaud hat boy on the restraint he’s shown.

If you’ll actually read what I wrote instead of what your imagination is telling you….

His parents are pimping him out. They’ve now sued (if the threads here are to be believed) NBC, WaPo, and CNN for $750M.

I’m criticizing the parents of hat-boy.

You already said he acted like an ass and "deserves whatever scorn comes his way in the future."

Don't hand us this bullshit that you're criticizing the parents for the lawsuit. You're criticizing the kid for smiling and saying and doing nothing. Hell, truth be told, you're not even criticizing him for that. You're criticizing and reviling him because he wore a MAGA hat. That's it.

If the Covington boys had not been wearing MAGA hats this whole sordid business would have never happened. The hats triggered the Black Israelites to berate them and call them "crackers" and other insults involving incest and who knows what else. So the boys start doing their school chant to drown out the racist noise coming from the BI guys and this in turn caught Phillip's attention. But Phillips, rather than approach the people actually spouting racist invective, approached the Covington kids because, like the BI guys, he was triggered by the hat and automatically assumed they were the cause of it all.

It all comes down to the hat. The hat triggered you, the BI guys, Phillips and every Trump hater in the country in spite of the fact the boys did and said nothing to cause the incident.

There’s some truth to that. He does deserve whatever scorn comes his way….he acted like an ass. His parents should not be pimping him out for profit.

You've studiously avoided condemning or even commenting on the actions of the adult, instead focusing on the kid. Why is that?

In this situation, the onus is on the adult to not get in the kid's face. He was the ass. Do you condemn or support what he did? And I will apologize in advance if you have already weighed in on that and I just missed it.

The thread is about the kid suing for $275 million dollars.

When you start a thread about the adult, I’ll look at commenting on that.

The adult (I don’t remember his name either) acted like an ass too.
He's still a smirking little Catholic Bastard.

Yup, that's about what I expected from you. In the end, all you have is your hatred of Catholics.

$8000 bucks a year, and they can't teach him any fucking manners.

They did teach him manners. They taught him to stand and say and do nothing when someone beats their little drum in your face unprovoked.

Someone should have taught Phillips to mind his own fucking business. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for him to approach the Covington boys. The Black Israelites were the ones shouting ethnic slurs and other insults all day. The only reason Phillips approached them was because of their MAGA hats, that's it.

According to the most credible storyline the reason he approached where he did was to defuse a confrontation.

Matter of fact that came out right then at the time. Cute victim fantasy but you can't read "MAGA" from that distance.
by banging a drum in his face??? YEAH RIGHT!!!

Was there any interaction between Covington and BHI after that point?

There you go, don't you.

Dood. Your own video laid all this out yesterday.
there wasnt any before,,,,


Black Hebrew Israelites were NOT taunting the Covingtons? Is that "fake news" now? Because two months ago it was supposed to be crucial. And your video yesterday backs that up.

As does this:

>> At first, the Covington students kept their distance. By the time, Phillips drummed his way into the situation they had moved much closer to the Black Hebrew Israelites. And at various points, the young men gave as good as they got. The Black Hebrew Israelites called the young boys “school shooters,” and one asked, “What, you about to go postal?” A student clad in gray sweats and a blue hooded sweatshirt tartly replied, “No, I’m going to go take a s---.”

When the Black Hebrew Israelites declare, “I don’t see one black person in the crowd,” the boys all turn to the one with them. What made the moment even more troubling was when the Black Hebrew Israelites said “Y’all got one n----r in the crowd.” One of the boys turned around and said, “No, we’ve got two.” Later, the Israelite yelled, “That’s the only one y’all could bring to the front?” A kid in what look like black track pants and a blue sweatshirt responded, “We got one at home but he ain’t here.”

Having been put in that position of being singled out as the “only one” in a crowd, I can only imagine how that kid who emerged felt, especially after the Black Hebrew Israelites incessantly referred to him as “n----r” in front of his classmates. But all this took place after Phillips made his way to the crowd of boys, where he would eventually come face to face with Sandmann. Even the Black Hebrew Israelites recognized Phillips was moving in to try to keep the peace. “Here comes dad,” the main voice on the recording says as Phillips and others with him move in between the Black Hebrew Israelites and the Covington Catholic high schoolers.

A video made by the Indigenous Peoples March shows the pivotal moment, and you catch your first glimpse of Sandmann at about nine seconds into the 224 seconds of footage. At 46 seconds, Phillips moves toward an unmoving and smiling Sandmann. At about 2:23, a male voice can be heard asking, “What’s going on?” To which a woman can be heard responding, “You guys are acting like a mob. That’s what’s going on.” Adding with sarcasm, as the camera pans to her, “It’s awesome. You guys are what, 16? How old are you?” << --- WaPo January 22​

I posted that segment of video yesterday (as well as back in January). So it's interesting that this latest revision takes the BHIs out of the picture entirely, when the video clearly shows they were already there and already trolling the Covingtons.
1. An expression. You're willing to condemn a minor for an expression that you don't even know is voluntary. A lot of people don't such expressions when on a situation where they're confronted by unstable liberals.
2. He made no attempt to physically do anything to the threatening adult.
3. You're willing to completely ignore what the adult did because of an expression. The adult got in the kid's face. The adult banged his drum and changed directly at the kid. You ignore all that and complain that the kid is an assignment because of an expression. It is a credit to the kid's training that he didn't assault the drummer.

As we all know, Trump supporters crave violence so I’m happy to applaud hat boy on the restraint he’s shown.

If you’ll actually read what I wrote instead of what your imagination is telling you….

His parents are pimping him out. They’ve now sued (if the threads here are to be believed) NBC, WaPo, and CNN for $750M.

I’m criticizing the parents of hat-boy.

You already said he acted like an ass and "deserves whatever scorn comes his way in the future."

Don't hand us this bullshit that you're criticizing the parents for the lawsuit. You're criticizing the kid for smiling and saying and doing nothing. Hell, truth be told, you're not even criticizing him for that. You're criticizing and reviling him because he wore a MAGA hat. That's it.

If the Covington boys had not been wearing MAGA hats this whole sordid business would have never happened. The hats triggered the Black Israelites to berate them and call them "crackers" and other insults involving incest and who knows what else. So the boys start doing their school chant to drown out the racist noise coming from the BI guys and this in turn caught Phillip's attention. But Phillips, rather than approach the people actually spouting racist invective, approached the Covington kids because, like the BI guys, he was triggered by the hat and automatically assumed they were the cause of it all.

It all comes down to the hat. The hat triggered you, the BI guys, Phillips and every Trump hater in the country in spite of the fact the boys did and said nothing to cause the incident.

There’s some truth to that. He does deserve whatever scorn comes his way….he acted like an ass. His parents should not be pimping him out for profit.

You've studiously avoided condemning or even commenting on the actions of the adult, instead focusing on the kid. Why is that?

In this situation, the onus is on the adult to not get in the kid's face. He was the ass. Do you condemn or support what he did? And I will apologize in advance if you have already weighed in on that and I just missed it.

The thread is about the kid suing for $275 million dollars.

When you start a thread about the adult, I’ll look at commenting on that.

The adult (I don’t remember his name either) acted like an ass too.

It would be more believable that you're solely concerned with sticking to the lawsuit angle if you didn't assert so frequently that the minor was an ass, deserved scorn, should be punished, etc.
Yup, that's about what I expected from you. In the end, all you have is your hatred of Catholics.

They did teach him manners. They taught him to stand and say and do nothing when someone beats their little drum in your face unprovoked.

Someone should have taught Phillips to mind his own fucking business. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for him to approach the Covington boys. The Black Israelites were the ones shouting ethnic slurs and other insults all day. The only reason Phillips approached them was because of their MAGA hats, that's it.

According to the most credible storyline the reason he approached where he did was to defuse a confrontation.

Matter of fact that came out right then at the time. Cute victim fantasy but you can't read "MAGA" from that distance.
by banging a drum in his face??? YEAH RIGHT!!!

Was there any interaction between Covington and BHI after that point?

There you go, don't you.

Dood. Your own video laid all this out yesterday.
there wasnt any before,,,,


Black Hebrew Israelites were NOT taunting the Covingtons? Is that "fake news" now? Because two months ago it was supposed to be crucial. And your video yesterday backs that up.

As does this:

>> At first, the Covington students kept their distance. By the time, Phillips drummed his way into the situation they had moved much closer to the Black Hebrew Israelites. And at various points, the young men gave as good as they got. The Black Hebrew Israelites called the young boys “school shooters,” and one asked, “What, you about to go postal?” A student clad in gray sweats and a blue hooded sweatshirt tartly replied, “No, I’m going to go take a s---.”

When the Black Hebrew Israelites declare, “I don’t see one black person in the crowd,” the boys all turn to the one with them. What made the moment even more troubling was when the Black Hebrew Israelites said “Y’all got one n----r in the crowd.” One of the boys turned around and said, “No, we’ve got two.” Later, the Israelite yelled, “That’s the only one y’all could bring to the front?” A kid in what look like black track pants and a blue sweatshirt responded, “We got one at home but he ain’t here.”

Having been put in that position of being singled out as the “only one” in a crowd, I can only imagine how that kid who emerged felt, especially after the Black Hebrew Israelites incessantly referred to him as “n----r” in front of his classmates. But all this took place after Phillips made his way to the crowd of boys, where he would eventually come face to face with Sandmann. Even the Black Hebrew Israelites recognized Phillips was moving in to try to keep the peace. “Here comes dad,” the main voice on the recording says as Phillips and others with him move in between the Black Hebrew Israelites and the Covington Catholic high schoolers.

A video made by the Indigenous Peoples March shows the pivotal moment, and you catch your first glimpse of Sandmann at about nine seconds into the 224 seconds of footage. At 46 seconds, Phillips moves toward an unmoving and smiling Sandmann. At about 2:23, a male voice can be heard asking, “What’s going on?” To which a woman can be heard responding, “You guys are acting like a mob. That’s what’s going on.” Adding with sarcasm, as the camera pans to her, “It’s awesome. You guys are what, 16? How old are you?” << --- WaPo January 22​

I posted that segment of video yesterday (as well as back in January). So it's interesting that this latest revision takes the BHIs out of the picture entirely, when the video clearly shows they were already there and already trolling the Covingtons.

an interaction means both side participated,,,and the covingtons never said a word to them,,,,
According to the most credible storyline the reason he approached where he did was to defuse a confrontation.

Matter of fact that came out right then at the time. Cute victim fantasy but you can't read "MAGA" from that distance.
by banging a drum in his face??? YEAH RIGHT!!!

Was there any interaction between Covington and BHI after that point?

There you go, don't you.

Dood. Your own video laid all this out yesterday.
there wasnt any before,,,,


Black Hebrew Israelites were NOT taunting the Covingtons? Is that "fake news" now? Because two months ago it was supposed to be crucial. And your video yesterday backs that up.

As does this:

>> At first, the Covington students kept their distance. By the time, Phillips drummed his way into the situation they had moved much closer to the Black Hebrew Israelites. And at various points, the young men gave as good as they got. The Black Hebrew Israelites called the young boys “school shooters,” and one asked, “What, you about to go postal?” A student clad in gray sweats and a blue hooded sweatshirt tartly replied, “No, I’m going to go take a s---.”

When the Black Hebrew Israelites declare, “I don’t see one black person in the crowd,” the boys all turn to the one with them. What made the moment even more troubling was when the Black Hebrew Israelites said “Y’all got one n----r in the crowd.” One of the boys turned around and said, “No, we’ve got two.” Later, the Israelite yelled, “That’s the only one y’all could bring to the front?” A kid in what look like black track pants and a blue sweatshirt responded, “We got one at home but he ain’t here.”

Having been put in that position of being singled out as the “only one” in a crowd, I can only imagine how that kid who emerged felt, especially after the Black Hebrew Israelites incessantly referred to him as “n----r” in front of his classmates. But all this took place after Phillips made his way to the crowd of boys, where he would eventually come face to face with Sandmann. Even the Black Hebrew Israelites recognized Phillips was moving in to try to keep the peace. “Here comes dad,” the main voice on the recording says as Phillips and others with him move in between the Black Hebrew Israelites and the Covington Catholic high schoolers.

A video made by the Indigenous Peoples March shows the pivotal moment, and you catch your first glimpse of Sandmann at about nine seconds into the 224 seconds of footage. At 46 seconds, Phillips moves toward an unmoving and smiling Sandmann. At about 2:23, a male voice can be heard asking, “What’s going on?” To which a woman can be heard responding, “You guys are acting like a mob. That’s what’s going on.” Adding with sarcasm, as the camera pans to her, “It’s awesome. You guys are what, 16? How old are you?” << --- WaPo January 22​

I posted that segment of video yesterday (as well as back in January). So it's interesting that this latest revision takes the BHIs out of the picture entirely, when the video clearly shows they were already there and already trolling the Covingtons.

an interaction means both side participated,,,and the covingtons never said a word to them,,,,

That's the sticking point here. All the hate that's directed at the kids is based on nothing at all. The kids literally did nothing to deserve any of it.
As we all know, Trump supporters crave violence so I’m happy to applaud hat boy on the restraint he’s shown.

If you’ll actually read what I wrote instead of what your imagination is telling you….

His parents are pimping him out. They’ve now sued (if the threads here are to be believed) NBC, WaPo, and CNN for $750M.

I’m criticizing the parents of hat-boy.

You already said he acted like an ass and "deserves whatever scorn comes his way in the future."

Don't hand us this bullshit that you're criticizing the parents for the lawsuit. You're criticizing the kid for smiling and saying and doing nothing. Hell, truth be told, you're not even criticizing him for that. You're criticizing and reviling him because he wore a MAGA hat. That's it.

If the Covington boys had not been wearing MAGA hats this whole sordid business would have never happened. The hats triggered the Black Israelites to berate them and call them "crackers" and other insults involving incest and who knows what else. So the boys start doing their school chant to drown out the racist noise coming from the BI guys and this in turn caught Phillip's attention. But Phillips, rather than approach the people actually spouting racist invective, approached the Covington kids because, like the BI guys, he was triggered by the hat and automatically assumed they were the cause of it all.

It all comes down to the hat. The hat triggered you, the BI guys, Phillips and every Trump hater in the country in spite of the fact the boys did and said nothing to cause the incident.

There’s some truth to that. He does deserve whatever scorn comes his way….he acted like an ass. His parents should not be pimping him out for profit.

You've studiously avoided condemning or even commenting on the actions of the adult, instead focusing on the kid. Why is that?

In this situation, the onus is on the adult to not get in the kid's face. He was the ass. Do you condemn or support what he did? And I will apologize in advance if you have already weighed in on that and I just missed it.

The thread is about the kid suing for $275 million dollars.

When you start a thread about the adult, I’ll look at commenting on that.

The adult (I don’t remember his name either) acted like an ass too.

It would be more believable that you're solely concerned with sticking to the lawsuit angle if you didn't assert so frequently that the minor was an ass, deserved scorn, should be punished, etc.

If you say so. The kid acted like an ass and his parents have sued for $750M dollars (at least).
And you seem to think there is nothing the least bit wrong with it.

That’s cool. Your bullshit smells.
You already said he acted like an ass and "deserves whatever scorn comes his way in the future."

Don't hand us this bullshit that you're criticizing the parents for the lawsuit. You're criticizing the kid for smiling and saying and doing nothing. Hell, truth be told, you're not even criticizing him for that. You're criticizing and reviling him because he wore a MAGA hat. That's it.

If the Covington boys had not been wearing MAGA hats this whole sordid business would have never happened. The hats triggered the Black Israelites to berate them and call them "crackers" and other insults involving incest and who knows what else. So the boys start doing their school chant to drown out the racist noise coming from the BI guys and this in turn caught Phillip's attention. But Phillips, rather than approach the people actually spouting racist invective, approached the Covington kids because, like the BI guys, he was triggered by the hat and automatically assumed they were the cause of it all.

It all comes down to the hat. The hat triggered you, the BI guys, Phillips and every Trump hater in the country in spite of the fact the boys did and said nothing to cause the incident.

There’s some truth to that. He does deserve whatever scorn comes his way….he acted like an ass. His parents should not be pimping him out for profit.

You've studiously avoided condemning or even commenting on the actions of the adult, instead focusing on the kid. Why is that?

In this situation, the onus is on the adult to not get in the kid's face. He was the ass. Do you condemn or support what he did? And I will apologize in advance if you have already weighed in on that and I just missed it.

The thread is about the kid suing for $275 million dollars.

When you start a thread about the adult, I’ll look at commenting on that.

The adult (I don’t remember his name either) acted like an ass too.

It would be more believable that you're solely concerned with sticking to the lawsuit angle if you didn't assert so frequently that the minor was an ass, deserved scorn, should be punished, etc.

If you say so. The kid acted like an ass and his parents have sued for $750M dollars (at least).
And you seem to think there is nothing the least bit wrong with it.

That’s cool. Your bullshit smells.

how did the kid act like an ass by standing there saying and doing nothing???
According to the most credible storyline the reason he approached where he did was to defuse a confrontation.

Matter of fact that came out right then at the time. Cute victim fantasy but you can't read "MAGA" from that distance.
by banging a drum in his face??? YEAH RIGHT!!!

Was there any interaction between Covington and BHI after that point?

There you go, don't you.

Dood. Your own video laid all this out yesterday.
there wasnt any before,,,,


Black Hebrew Israelites were NOT taunting the Covingtons? Is that "fake news" now? Because two months ago it was supposed to be crucial. And your video yesterday backs that up.

As does this:

>> At first, the Covington students kept their distance. By the time, Phillips drummed his way into the situation they had moved much closer to the Black Hebrew Israelites. And at various points, the young men gave as good as they got. The Black Hebrew Israelites called the young boys “school shooters,” and one asked, “What, you about to go postal?” A student clad in gray sweats and a blue hooded sweatshirt tartly replied, “No, I’m going to go take a s---.”

When the Black Hebrew Israelites declare, “I don’t see one black person in the crowd,” the boys all turn to the one with them. What made the moment even more troubling was when the Black Hebrew Israelites said “Y’all got one n----r in the crowd.” One of the boys turned around and said, “No, we’ve got two.” Later, the Israelite yelled, “That’s the only one y’all could bring to the front?” A kid in what look like black track pants and a blue sweatshirt responded, “We got one at home but he ain’t here.”

Having been put in that position of being singled out as the “only one” in a crowd, I can only imagine how that kid who emerged felt, especially after the Black Hebrew Israelites incessantly referred to him as “n----r” in front of his classmates. But all this took place after Phillips made his way to the crowd of boys, where he would eventually come face to face with Sandmann. Even the Black Hebrew Israelites recognized Phillips was moving in to try to keep the peace. “Here comes dad,” the main voice on the recording says as Phillips and others with him move in between the Black Hebrew Israelites and the Covington Catholic high schoolers.

A video made by the Indigenous Peoples March shows the pivotal moment, and you catch your first glimpse of Sandmann at about nine seconds into the 224 seconds of footage. At 46 seconds, Phillips moves toward an unmoving and smiling Sandmann. At about 2:23, a male voice can be heard asking, “What’s going on?” To which a woman can be heard responding, “You guys are acting like a mob. That’s what’s going on.” Adding with sarcasm, as the camera pans to her, “It’s awesome. You guys are what, 16? How old are you?” << --- WaPo January 22​

I posted that segment of video yesterday (as well as back in January). So it's interesting that this latest revision takes the BHIs out of the picture entirely, when the video clearly shows they were already there and already trolling the Covingtons.

an interaction means both side participated,,,and the covingtons never said a word to them,,,,

I just quoted them. And all that half-naked tribal cheering stuff was for the BHIs too. That's also on video.
They certainly weren't doing it for the Indians who weren't there yet.
You already said he acted like an ass and "deserves whatever scorn comes his way in the future."

Don't hand us this bullshit that you're criticizing the parents for the lawsuit. You're criticizing the kid for smiling and saying and doing nothing. Hell, truth be told, you're not even criticizing him for that. You're criticizing and reviling him because he wore a MAGA hat. That's it.

If the Covington boys had not been wearing MAGA hats this whole sordid business would have never happened. The hats triggered the Black Israelites to berate them and call them "crackers" and other insults involving incest and who knows what else. So the boys start doing their school chant to drown out the racist noise coming from the BI guys and this in turn caught Phillip's attention. But Phillips, rather than approach the people actually spouting racist invective, approached the Covington kids because, like the BI guys, he was triggered by the hat and automatically assumed they were the cause of it all.

It all comes down to the hat. The hat triggered you, the BI guys, Phillips and every Trump hater in the country in spite of the fact the boys did and said nothing to cause the incident.

There’s some truth to that. He does deserve whatever scorn comes his way….he acted like an ass. His parents should not be pimping him out for profit.

You've studiously avoided condemning or even commenting on the actions of the adult, instead focusing on the kid. Why is that?

In this situation, the onus is on the adult to not get in the kid's face. He was the ass. Do you condemn or support what he did? And I will apologize in advance if you have already weighed in on that and I just missed it.

The thread is about the kid suing for $275 million dollars.

When you start a thread about the adult, I’ll look at commenting on that.

The adult (I don’t remember his name either) acted like an ass too.

It would be more believable that you're solely concerned with sticking to the lawsuit angle if you didn't assert so frequently that the minor was an ass, deserved scorn, should be punished, etc.

If you say so. The kid acted like an ass and his parents have sued for $750M dollars (at least).
And you seem to think there is nothing the least bit wrong with it.

That’s cool. Your bullshit smells.

There you go again, condemning the kid for doing literally nothing to deserve it.
There’s some truth to that. He does deserve whatever scorn comes his way….he acted like an ass. His parents should not be pimping him out for profit.

You've studiously avoided condemning or even commenting on the actions of the adult, instead focusing on the kid. Why is that?

In this situation, the onus is on the adult to not get in the kid's face. He was the ass. Do you condemn or support what he did? And I will apologize in advance if you have already weighed in on that and I just missed it.

The thread is about the kid suing for $275 million dollars.

When you start a thread about the adult, I’ll look at commenting on that.

The adult (I don’t remember his name either) acted like an ass too.

It would be more believable that you're solely concerned with sticking to the lawsuit angle if you didn't assert so frequently that the minor was an ass, deserved scorn, should be punished, etc.

If you say so. The kid acted like an ass and his parents have sued for $750M dollars (at least).
And you seem to think there is nothing the least bit wrong with it.

That’s cool. Your bullshit smells.

how did the kid act like an ass by standing there saying and doing nothing???

He didn't, that's the point.
You've studiously avoided condemning or even commenting on the actions of the adult, instead focusing on the kid. Why is that?

In this situation, the onus is on the adult to not get in the kid's face. He was the ass. Do you condemn or support what he did? And I will apologize in advance if you have already weighed in on that and I just missed it.

The thread is about the kid suing for $275 million dollars.

When you start a thread about the adult, I’ll look at commenting on that.

The adult (I don’t remember his name either) acted like an ass too.

It would be more believable that you're solely concerned with sticking to the lawsuit angle if you didn't assert so frequently that the minor was an ass, deserved scorn, should be punished, etc.

If you say so. The kid acted like an ass and his parents have sued for $750M dollars (at least).
And you seem to think there is nothing the least bit wrong with it.

That’s cool. Your bullshit smells.

how did the kid act like an ass by standing there saying and doing nothing???

He didn't, that's the point.

Walk up to the next random person you see and stand six inches away smirking. Let us know how that works out.
The thread is about the kid suing for $275 million dollars.

When you start a thread about the adult, I’ll look at commenting on that.

The adult (I don’t remember his name either) acted like an ass too.

It would be more believable that you're solely concerned with sticking to the lawsuit angle if you didn't assert so frequently that the minor was an ass, deserved scorn, should be punished, etc.

If you say so. The kid acted like an ass and his parents have sued for $750M dollars (at least).
And you seem to think there is nothing the least bit wrong with it.

That’s cool. Your bullshit smells.

how did the kid act like an ass by standing there saying and doing nothing???

He didn't, that's the point.

Walk up to the next random person you see and stand six inches away smirking. Let us know how that works out.
but it was the indian that walked up to him banging a drum in his face,,,,''why are you lying???
What do you mean? the first video clearly shows clips from NBC, CNN and msnbc.... in the CNN one the kids are referred to as a mob, on MSNBC they were pulling the race card on the kids, ..and those were just very short clips.
sorry... i cant find every news report made by CNN, MSNBC, NBC... i dont have the time, and its not all kept handy to find on the internet... not everything is.
They describe what they see on the available video

There were more complete videos available at the time, if the Media would have looked for them. And the fact that these were minor children as well as non public figures, that gave them more responsibility to do exactly that. I don't know what 12 angry men in Kentucky will say, but if I were Bezos, I'd cut a check and offer a couple hundred million to see this go away. Better that than have jury give a $50 Billion judgment.

Once AGAIN no jury is going to award Defamation damages on the basis of literally nothing.

"More complete videos" is irrelevant. The viral video was not about Black Hebrew Israelites. The viral video was not about Indians. The viral video was about a kid smirking in a severely limited personal space. PERIOD, FULL STOP.

All this bullshit ''waddabout this" and "waddabout that" is just that ----- bullshit trying to take the spotlight off the smirking kid. It's not selling and it never did.
Actually Nathan Philips approached that kid the way that’s not even his real name you fucking retard

Actually I didn't even bring up his name, and actually Philips walked between the kids --- who were moving toward the Black Hebrew Israelites --- and the BLIs, in order to get between them and defuse what could have become an ugly situation.

Which he did.

Way back in post 144 "progressive hunter" posted a video that lays out the whole timeline.

Here it is.

The whole situation with the black Israelites was an exercise in mental retardation.... The black Israelites were throwing slurs at native americans, women.. other black people.. then began insulting the white kids... using profanity the whole time... completely instigating.... then you hear Philips in this clip saying they reminded him of the Baptists? he completely white washed what the Black Israelites were doing.... and he stepped in between to face off the white kids? from the Actions of those Black Israelites, its no wonder the school kids were riled up.... but they were not violent. Philips is a 1st class BSer
They describe what they see on the available video

There were more complete videos available at the time, if the Media would have looked for them. And the fact that these were minor children as well as non public figures, that gave them more responsibility to do exactly that. I don't know what 12 angry men in Kentucky will say, but if I were Bezos, I'd cut a check and offer a couple hundred million to see this go away. Better that than have jury give a $50 Billion judgment.

Once AGAIN no jury is going to award Defamation damages on the basis of literally nothing.

"More complete videos" is irrelevant. The viral video was not about Black Hebrew Israelites. The viral video was not about Indians. The viral video was about a kid smirking in a severely limited personal space. PERIOD, FULL STOP.

All this bullshit ''waddabout this" and "waddabout that" is just that ----- bullshit trying to take the spotlight off the smirking kid. It's not selling and it never did.
Actually Nathan Philips approached that kid the way that’s not even his real name you fucking retard

Actually I didn't even bring up his name, and actually Philips walked between the kids --- who were moving toward the Black Hebrew Israelites --- and the BLIs, in order to get between them and defuse what could have become an ugly situation.

Which he did.

Way back in post 144 "progressive hunter" posted a video that lays out the whole timeline.

Here it is.

The whole situation with the black Israelites was an exercise in mental retardation.... The black Israelites were throwing slurs at native americans, women.. other black people.. then began insulting the white kids... using profanity the whole time... completely instigating.... then you hear Philips in this clip saying they reminded him of the Baptists? he completely white washed what the Black Israelites were doing.... and he stepped in between to face off the white kids? from the Actions of those Black Israelites, its no wonder the school kids were riled up.... but they were not violent. Philips is a 1st class BSer

Is he?

Did the BHI confrontation continue after he got there, yes or no?

Philips says he went in between to change the energy. It would appear that's exactly what happened.
The thread is about the kid suing for $275 million dollars.

When you start a thread about the adult, I’ll look at commenting on that.

The adult (I don’t remember his name either) acted like an ass too.

It would be more believable that you're solely concerned with sticking to the lawsuit angle if you didn't assert so frequently that the minor was an ass, deserved scorn, should be punished, etc.

If you say so. The kid acted like an ass and his parents have sued for $750M dollars (at least).
And you seem to think there is nothing the least bit wrong with it.

That’s cool. Your bullshit smells.

how did the kid act like an ass by standing there saying and doing nothing???

He didn't, that's the point.

Walk up to the next random person you see and stand six inches away smirking. Let us know how that works out.

Sandman didnt walk up to anybody... he had a reason to be there. Waiting for a bus. The Indian walked up to him got in his space.
There were more complete videos available at the time, if the Media would have looked for them. And the fact that these were minor children as well as non public figures, that gave them more responsibility to do exactly that. I don't know what 12 angry men in Kentucky will say, but if I were Bezos, I'd cut a check and offer a couple hundred million to see this go away. Better that than have jury give a $50 Billion judgment.

Once AGAIN no jury is going to award Defamation damages on the basis of literally nothing.

"More complete videos" is irrelevant. The viral video was not about Black Hebrew Israelites. The viral video was not about Indians. The viral video was about a kid smirking in a severely limited personal space. PERIOD, FULL STOP.

All this bullshit ''waddabout this" and "waddabout that" is just that ----- bullshit trying to take the spotlight off the smirking kid. It's not selling and it never did.
Actually Nathan Philips approached that kid the way that’s not even his real name you fucking retard

Actually I didn't even bring up his name, and actually Philips walked between the kids --- who were moving toward the Black Hebrew Israelites --- and the BLIs, in order to get between them and defuse what could have become an ugly situation.

Which he did.

Way back in post 144 "progressive hunter" posted a video that lays out the whole timeline.

Here it is.

The whole situation with the black Israelites was an exercise in mental retardation.... The black Israelites were throwing slurs at native americans, women.. other black people.. then began insulting the white kids... using profanity the whole time... completely instigating.... then you hear Philips in this clip saying they reminded him of the Baptists? he completely white washed what the Black Israelites were doing.... and he stepped in between to face off the white kids? from the Actions of those Black Israelites, its no wonder the school kids were riled up.... but they were not violent. Philips is a 1st class BSer

Is he?

Did the BHI confrontation continue after he got there, yes or no?

there was no confrontaion with the BHI's,,,they were yelling at everyone and the covington kids did nothing
There were more complete videos available at the time, if the Media would have looked for them. And the fact that these were minor children as well as non public figures, that gave them more responsibility to do exactly that. I don't know what 12 angry men in Kentucky will say, but if I were Bezos, I'd cut a check and offer a couple hundred million to see this go away. Better that than have jury give a $50 Billion judgment.

Once AGAIN no jury is going to award Defamation damages on the basis of literally nothing.

"More complete videos" is irrelevant. The viral video was not about Black Hebrew Israelites. The viral video was not about Indians. The viral video was about a kid smirking in a severely limited personal space. PERIOD, FULL STOP.

All this bullshit ''waddabout this" and "waddabout that" is just that ----- bullshit trying to take the spotlight off the smirking kid. It's not selling and it never did.
Actually Nathan Philips approached that kid the way that’s not even his real name you fucking retard

Actually I didn't even bring up his name, and actually Philips walked between the kids --- who were moving toward the Black Hebrew Israelites --- and the BLIs, in order to get between them and defuse what could have become an ugly situation.

Which he did.

Way back in post 144 "progressive hunter" posted a video that lays out the whole timeline.

Here it is.

The whole situation with the black Israelites was an exercise in mental retardation.... The black Israelites were throwing slurs at native americans, women.. other black people.. then began insulting the white kids... using profanity the whole time... completely instigating.... then you hear Philips in this clip saying they reminded him of the Baptists? he completely white washed what the Black Israelites were doing.... and he stepped in between to face off the white kids? from the Actions of those Black Israelites, its no wonder the school kids were riled up.... but they were not violent. Philips is a 1st class BSer

Is he?

Did the BHI confrontation continue after he got there, yes or no?

Philips says he went in between to change the energy. It would appear that's exactly what happened.

This clip gives a truer view of what happened ... it shows the Black Israelites being aggressive and the kids only reacting after being subjected to profanity and racism
Once AGAIN no jury is going to award Defamation damages on the basis of literally nothing.

"More complete videos" is irrelevant. The viral video was not about Black Hebrew Israelites. The viral video was not about Indians. The viral video was about a kid smirking in a severely limited personal space. PERIOD, FULL STOP.

All this bullshit ''waddabout this" and "waddabout that" is just that ----- bullshit trying to take the spotlight off the smirking kid. It's not selling and it never did.
Actually Nathan Philips approached that kid the way that’s not even his real name you fucking retard

Actually I didn't even bring up his name, and actually Philips walked between the kids --- who were moving toward the Black Hebrew Israelites --- and the BLIs, in order to get between them and defuse what could have become an ugly situation.

Which he did.

Way back in post 144 "progressive hunter" posted a video that lays out the whole timeline.

Here it is.

The whole situation with the black Israelites was an exercise in mental retardation.... The black Israelites were throwing slurs at native americans, women.. other black people.. then began insulting the white kids... using profanity the whole time... completely instigating.... then you hear Philips in this clip saying they reminded him of the Baptists? he completely white washed what the Black Israelites were doing.... and he stepped in between to face off the white kids? from the Actions of those Black Israelites, its no wonder the school kids were riled up.... but they were not violent. Philips is a 1st class BSer

Is he?

Did the BHI confrontation continue after he got there, yes or no?

Philips says he went in between to change the energy. It would appear that's exactly what happened.

This clip gives a truer view of what happened ... it shows the Black Israelites being aggressive and the kids only reacting after being subjected to profanity and racism

Already posted that detail. Above in post 383.

Hunter dood says it never happened though.
Below is a longer video that gives a wider and more accurate picture of what went on that day.

He's still a smirking little Catholic Bastard.

Yup, that's about what I expected from you. In the end, all you have is your hatred of Catholics.

$8000 bucks a year, and they can't teach him any fucking manners.

They did teach him manners. They taught him to stand and say and do nothing when someone beats their little drum in your face unprovoked.

Someone should have taught Phillips to mind his own fucking business. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for him to approach the Covington boys. The Black Israelites were the ones shouting ethnic slurs and other insults all day. The only reason Phillips approached them was because of their MAGA hats, that's it.

According to the most credible storyline the reason he approached where he did was to defuse a confrontation.

Bullshit. Phillips has contradicted himself in various interviews as to how and why he ended up in front of the Covington kids. In one interview he said he was just trying to get up the Lincoln Memorial steps and the kids blocked his path. In another interview he said he was trying to defuse the situation.

Three problems with this:

1.) First and foremost, these two accounts from the same person conflict with each other.

2.) The video I posted yesterday clearly shows Phillips walking right past a gap in the crowd where he could have easily gone up the steps.

3.) The Covington kids did nothing that needed to be defused. It's clear that the Black Israelites were taunting and insulting them the whole time and were the ones that needed to be defused.

Matter of fact that came out right then at the time. Cute victim fantasy but you can't read "MAGA" from that distance.

And what was the distance? Do you even know?

The Black Israelites knew they were wearing MAGA hats and is why they were berating them in the first place.

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