Covington Kid Nick Sandmann Sues NBC/MSNBC for $275 Million

He had no reputation to defame, and also most decent people do not sue for the sake of suing and making money.
who said hes doing it for the sake of doing it???
for weeks the MSM drug him though the mud and lied about what happened,,,

now its time to pay for it,,,

He would be unknown if he hadn't sued, but no the parents and the boy want to keep him in the spotlight. Good parents would of said, what the hell were you thinking, you should of got out of his way. That is what decent parents do.
Not use to kid to get money.
The whole nation knew who he was LONG before he sued. Do you have anything factual to add to this debate, or are you just here strictly for the trolling?
I don't have the burden of proof. You do. That's why I put out this challenge, umpteen weeks ago.

And you can't do it. Nobody seems to be able to, given three and a half months to find ---- anything.

So again -------- case closed.
only in your mind,,,

Oh no no no, in Reality. Go ahead, try to find some evidence. Be the first.

Then, let's say you do find something ---- you can essplain how, if such evidence was so defamatory, it took three and a half months to ferret it out.
who said it took 3.5 months to find???

Again, good point. If it takes you another month to dig something up it'll be FOUR and a half months.

Gotta understand, the longer this goes on trying to scrape something off the bottom of some barrel, the harder it is to make the case that whatever you did find, had an effect. You know, if it was that obscure. If there were actual documentable evidence of defamation ---------- everybody would already know about it. It would be at one's fingertips.

But first things first, you have to find SOMETHING. We just happen to be, right now, at the three-and-a-half month mark of utter failure to find anything. There's no reason to suspect that can't continue indefinitely. :thup:
we spent 2 years on RUSSIA and were told nothing was there yet now the left is screaming cause they must have *something*.

so - utter failures to find something doesn't seem to matter to the left is it's not what they want.

Whatever. The fact remains, if you're going to accuse an entity of having published something, you must have evidence that they actually did so.
only in your mind,,,

Oh no no no, in Reality. Go ahead, try to find some evidence. Be the first.

Then, let's say you do find something ---- you can essplain how, if such evidence was so defamatory, it took three and a half months to ferret it out.
who said it took 3.5 months to find???

Again, good point. If it takes you another month to dig something up it'll be FOUR and a half months.

Gotta understand, the longer this goes on trying to scrape something off the bottom of some barrel, the harder it is to make the case that whatever you did find, had an effect. You know, if it was that obscure. If there were actual documentable evidence of defamation ---------- everybody would already know about it. It would be at one's fingertips.

But first things first, you have to find SOMETHING. We just happen to be, right now, at the three-and-a-half month mark of utter failure to find anything. There's no reason to suspect that can't continue indefinitely. :thup:
we spent 2 years on RUSSIA and were told nothing was there yet now the left is screaming cause they must have *something*.

so - utter failures to find something doesn't seem to matter to the left is it's not what they want.

Whatever. The fact remains, if you're going to accuse an entity of having published something, you must have evidence that they actually did so.
There is a shitload of evidence. Literally HOURS of slanderous news footage. Nick is going to be very wealthy after everyone gets sued.
only in your mind,,,

Oh no no no, in Reality. Go ahead, try to find some evidence. Be the first.

Then, let's say you do find something ---- you can essplain how, if such evidence was so defamatory, it took three and a half months to ferret it out.
who said it took 3.5 months to find???

Again, good point. If it takes you another month to dig something up it'll be FOUR and a half months.

Gotta understand, the longer this goes on trying to scrape something off the bottom of some barrel, the harder it is to make the case that whatever you did find, had an effect. You know, if it was that obscure. If there were actual documentable evidence of defamation ---------- everybody would already know about it. It would be at one's fingertips.

But first things first, you have to find SOMETHING. We just happen to be, right now, at the three-and-a-half month mark of utter failure to find anything. There's no reason to suspect that can't continue indefinitely. :thup:
we spent 2 years on RUSSIA and were told nothing was there yet now the left is screaming cause they must have *something*.

so - utter failures to find something doesn't seem to matter to the left is it's not what they want.

Whatever. The fact remains, if you're going to accuse an entity of having published something, you must have evidence that they actually did so.
and any attorney knows that, and is why they filed the law suit,,,

sorry if they didnt check with you first to see if they had enough,,,
This kid might be opening a can of worms that school might prefer to stay closed.
Give us an example.
:hhello: I have one! A really big one.

Not one person in that picture is from Covington you fucking fool. Furthermore, they are celebrating that black player, not harassing him. God damn you people are uninformed! :laugh:

Actually that is Covington in the background, and they are harassing the player, who is on a rival team, "Clark County" as it says on his jersey. And it is a school tradition, albeit a strange one, where they dress up in black/blackface. It's something the school scrubbed from its Nosebook page after Smirkgate, for obvious reasons.

It's not relevant here though. Smirk-boi is not part of the pic and it's a lame Association Fallacy attempt which tells us nothing about events of January. Or about him.

Again, the progression of events, as explained in progressive-hunter's video from yesterday, was that
(a) the Black Hebrew Israelites were doing their thing, which they apparently do regularly;
(b) the Covington kids were returning from their rally;
(c) the BHIs began harassing them with racial taunts;
(d) instead of ignoring them the Covingtons began their defensive tribal acting-out (much like the energy in the photo above) with the half-naked kid cheerleading, and moving toward the BHIs evidently feeling strength in numbers;
(e) Philips and the Indians, returning from their event, saw the Covingtons moving in so he deliberately marched in between them to break the energy, whereupon the Covingtons, being in defensive mode from the BHIs and in tribe mentality, amassed around the Indians doing "tomahawk chops, clapping to Phillips' drum and most importantly, forgetting about their advance on the BHIs; (this is where the woman bystander observes "y'all are acting like a mob, that's what's going on")
(f) Smirk-Boi, being sixteen and not understanding what Philips was doing, vented his defensive mindset by standing in front of Philips with a blank stare, Philips was after all only one guy occupied with a drum and thus a much easier confrontational target than the BLI group.
(g) that went on long enough that several people shot video.

And here we are. In other words what Smirk-Boi did was basically irrelevant and tone-deaf. The main actor here is Philips, who seems to have defused a potentially ugly situation.

No reason to make any more out of it than that.
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This kid might be opening a can of worms that school might prefer to stay closed.
Give us an example.
:hhello: I have one! A really big one.

Not one person in that picture is from Covington you fucking fool. Furthermore, they are celebrating that black player, not harassing him. God damn you people are uninformed! :laugh:

Actually that is Covington in the background, and they are harassing the player, who is on a rival team, "Clark County" as it says on his jersey. And it is a school tradition, albeit a strange one, where they dress up in black/blackface. It's something the school scrubbed from its Nosebook page after Smirkgate, for obvious reasons.

It's not relevant here though. Smirk-boi is not part of the pic and it's a lame Association Fallacy attempt which tells us nothing about events of January.

Again, the progression of events, as explained in progressive-hunter's video from yesterday, was that
(a) the Black Hebrew Israelites were doing their thing, which they apparently do regularly;
(b) the Covington kids were returning from their rally;
(c) the BHIs began harassing them with racial taunts;
(d) instead of ignoring them the Covingtons began their defensive tribal acting-out (much like the energy in the photo above) with the half-naked kid cheerleading, and moving toward the BHIs evidently feeling strength in numbers;
(e) Philips and the Indians, returning from their event, saw the Covingtons moving in so he deliberately marched in between them to break the energy, whereupon the Covingtons, being in defensive mode from the BHIs and in tribe mentality, amassed around the Indians doing "tomahawk chops, clapping to Phillips' drum and most importantly, forgetting about their advance on the BHIs; (this is where the woman bystander observes "y'all are acting like a mob, that's what's going on")
(f) Smirk-Boi, being sixteen and not understanding what Philips was doing, vented his defensive mindset by standing in front of Philips with a blank stare, Philips was after all only one guy occupied with a drum and thus a much easier confrontational target than the BLI group.
(g) that went on long enough that several people shot video.

And here we are. In other words what Smirk-Boi did was basically irrelevant and tone-deaf. The main actor here is Philips, who seems to have defused a potentially ugly situation.

No reason to make any more out of it than that.

so how is it black face when their whole bodies are covered???

and you lied about the covington boys,,,they never approached anyone or surrounded anyone
Oh no no no, in Reality. Go ahead, try to find some evidence. Be the first.

Then, let's say you do find something ---- you can essplain how, if such evidence was so defamatory, it took three and a half months to ferret it out.
who said it took 3.5 months to find???

Again, good point. If it takes you another month to dig something up it'll be FOUR and a half months.

Gotta understand, the longer this goes on trying to scrape something off the bottom of some barrel, the harder it is to make the case that whatever you did find, had an effect. You know, if it was that obscure. If there were actual documentable evidence of defamation ---------- everybody would already know about it. It would be at one's fingertips.

But first things first, you have to find SOMETHING. We just happen to be, right now, at the three-and-a-half month mark of utter failure to find anything. There's no reason to suspect that can't continue indefinitely. :thup:
we spent 2 years on RUSSIA and were told nothing was there yet now the left is screaming cause they must have *something*.

so - utter failures to find something doesn't seem to matter to the left is it's not what they want.

Whatever. The fact remains, if you're going to accuse an entity of having published something, you must have evidence that they actually did so.
and any attorney knows that, and is why they filed the law suit,,,

sorry if they didnt check with you first to see if they had enough,,,

Any attorney would know that.

But that doesn't mean they're averse to filing frivolous bullshit suits driven by Mitch McConnell's PR people for propaganda purposes. Sad to say, there's deep pocket money in that.

That's why I asked HERE for any evidence anyone knew about, back in January. If this is a public defamation, then somebody in the public should know whence it came, and could show us a newspaper article, a TV report, SOMETHING.

Three and a half months later nobody has come up with a single thing.

Conclusion: this seems to be an echobubble mythology. If it were a real thing with a real source, we could see it. We could read it, we could hear it. Even if it were revised later. But nothing has appeared.

Now if you're an attorney trying to make the case that your target has incited public opinion a certain way, then you need to show where they did that.

You have to understand, lawsuits are not always filed with the intention of going through with the suit. Many times they're filed just to put pressure on some entity so that they'll pony up X amount of dollars to make it go away. Also known as "extortion". Sometimes just the threat of a lawsuit, without the actual filing of one, is done for that purpose of public opinion. That's exactly what Sean Spicer did last year when the Associated Press passed on a (true) story about how a man had come in to his book signing and heckled him. It's the same thing; the event DID happen, it IS on video, and it was reported as such. Basically Spicer, and Smirk-Boi, are embarassed at their own events and want to suppress the news from telling anybody that it happened.
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who said it took 3.5 months to find???

Again, good point. If it takes you another month to dig something up it'll be FOUR and a half months.

Gotta understand, the longer this goes on trying to scrape something off the bottom of some barrel, the harder it is to make the case that whatever you did find, had an effect. You know, if it was that obscure. If there were actual documentable evidence of defamation ---------- everybody would already know about it. It would be at one's fingertips.

But first things first, you have to find SOMETHING. We just happen to be, right now, at the three-and-a-half month mark of utter failure to find anything. There's no reason to suspect that can't continue indefinitely. :thup:
we spent 2 years on RUSSIA and were told nothing was there yet now the left is screaming cause they must have *something*.

so - utter failures to find something doesn't seem to matter to the left is it's not what they want.

Whatever. The fact remains, if you're going to accuse an entity of having published something, you must have evidence that they actually did so.
and any attorney knows that, and is why they filed the law suit,,,

sorry if they didnt check with you first to see if they had enough,,,

Any attorney would know that.

But that doesn't mean they're averse to filing frivolous bullshit suits driven by Mitch McConnell's PR people for propaganda purposes. Sad to say, there's deep pocket money in that.

That's why I asked HERE for any evidence anyone knew about, back in January. If this is a public defamation, then somebody in the public should know whence it came, and could show us a newspaper article, a TV report, SOMETHING.

Three and a half months later nobody has come up with a single thing.

Conclusion: this seems to be an echobubble mythology. If it were a real thing with a real source, we could see it. We could read it, we could hear it. Even if it were revised later. But nothing has appeared.

Now if you're an attorney trying to make the case that your target has incited public opinion a certain way, then you need to show where they did that.
it seem to be only you that isnt aware of the evidence,,,and since its been posted repeatedly, at this point you are beyond help,,,,
This kid might be opening a can of worms that school might prefer to stay closed.
Give us an example.
:hhello: I have one! A really big one.

Not one person in that picture is from Covington you fucking fool. Furthermore, they are celebrating that black player, not harassing him. God damn you people are uninformed! :laugh:

Actually that is Covington in the background, and they are harassing the player, who is on a rival team, "Clark County" as it says on his jersey. And it is a school tradition, albeit a strange one, where they dress up in black/blackface. It's something the school scrubbed from its Nosebook page after Smirkgate, for obvious reasons.

It's not relevant here though. Smirk-boi is not part of the pic and it's a lame Association Fallacy attempt which tells us nothing about events of January.

Again, the progression of events, as explained in progressive-hunter's video from yesterday, was that
(a) the Black Hebrew Israelites were doing their thing, which they apparently do regularly;
(b) the Covington kids were returning from their rally;
(c) the BHIs began harassing them with racial taunts;
(d) instead of ignoring them the Covingtons began their defensive tribal acting-out (much like the energy in the photo above) with the half-naked kid cheerleading, and moving toward the BHIs evidently feeling strength in numbers;
(e) Philips and the Indians, returning from their event, saw the Covingtons moving in so he deliberately marched in between them to break the energy, whereupon the Covingtons, being in defensive mode from the BHIs and in tribe mentality, amassed around the Indians doing "tomahawk chops, clapping to Phillips' drum and most importantly, forgetting about their advance on the BHIs; (this is where the woman bystander observes "y'all are acting like a mob, that's what's going on")
(f) Smirk-Boi, being sixteen and not understanding what Philips was doing, vented his defensive mindset by standing in front of Philips with a blank stare, Philips was after all only one guy occupied with a drum and thus a much easier confrontational target than the BLI group.
(g) that went on long enough that several people shot video.

And here we are. In other words what Smirk-Boi did was basically irrelevant and tone-deaf. The main actor here is Philips, who seems to have defused a potentially ugly situation.

No reason to make any more out of it than that.
Clark does blackout day and thats what youre seeing in that picture. As usual, your facts are flat out wrong.
He had no reputation to defame, and also most decent people do not sue for the sake of suing and making money.

The media lied and ran his name into the ground. They should pay until it hurts and bad and then some on this one.

This kid might be opening a can of worms that school might prefer to stay closed.
Give us an example.
:hhello: I have one! A really big one.



That’s your defense? Black face is good?
Oh no no no, in Reality. Go ahead, try to find some evidence. Be the first.

Then, let's say you do find something ---- you can essplain how, if such evidence was so defamatory, it took three and a half months to ferret it out.
who said it took 3.5 months to find???

Again, good point. If it takes you another month to dig something up it'll be FOUR and a half months.

Gotta understand, the longer this goes on trying to scrape something off the bottom of some barrel, the harder it is to make the case that whatever you did find, had an effect. You know, if it was that obscure. If there were actual documentable evidence of defamation ---------- everybody would already know about it. It would be at one's fingertips.

But first things first, you have to find SOMETHING. We just happen to be, right now, at the three-and-a-half month mark of utter failure to find anything. There's no reason to suspect that can't continue indefinitely. :thup:
we spent 2 years on RUSSIA and were told nothing was there yet now the left is screaming cause they must have *something*.

so - utter failures to find something doesn't seem to matter to the left is it's not what they want.

Whatever. The fact remains, if you're going to accuse an entity of having published something, you must have evidence that they actually did so.
There is a shitload of evidence. Literally HOURS of slanderous news footage. Nick is going to be very wealthy after everyone gets sued.

Then why can't you quote any --- given three and a half months?

See what I mean about mythology?

Watch this.
SHOW US the evidence that Paul McCartney died in a traffic accident in November of 1966 and was replaced by a lookalike.

who said it took 3.5 months to find???

Again, good point. If it takes you another month to dig something up it'll be FOUR and a half months.

Gotta understand, the longer this goes on trying to scrape something off the bottom of some barrel, the harder it is to make the case that whatever you did find, had an effect. You know, if it was that obscure. If there were actual documentable evidence of defamation ---------- everybody would already know about it. It would be at one's fingertips.

But first things first, you have to find SOMETHING. We just happen to be, right now, at the three-and-a-half month mark of utter failure to find anything. There's no reason to suspect that can't continue indefinitely. :thup:
we spent 2 years on RUSSIA and were told nothing was there yet now the left is screaming cause they must have *something*.

so - utter failures to find something doesn't seem to matter to the left is it's not what they want.

Whatever. The fact remains, if you're going to accuse an entity of having published something, you must have evidence that they actually did so.
There is a shitload of evidence. Literally HOURS of slanderous news footage. Nick is going to be very wealthy after everyone gets sued.

Then why can't you quote any --- given three and a half months?

See what I mean about mythology?

Watch this.
SHOW US the evidence that Paul McCartney died in a traffic accident in November of 1966 and was replaced by a lookalike.

they have been posted,,,cant do anything about you ignoring them,,,
He had no reputation to defame, and also most decent people do not sue for the sake of suing and making money.
who said hes doing it for the sake of doing it???
for weeks the MSM drug him though the mud and lied about what happened,,,

now its time to pay for it,,,

He would be unknown if he hadn't sued, but no the parents and the boy want to keep him in the spotlight. Good parents would of said, what the hell were you thinking, you should of got out of his way. That is what decent parents do.
Not use to kid to get money.

What is this obsession you and others here have about this kid being unknown? Here are all the quotes from you, candycorn, JoeB131 and sealybobo up to this point declaring Sandmann to be a nobody:


"He would be unknown if he hadn't sued…"

"Too bad he is a nobody."

"He is a nobody."

"He had no reputation to defame."

"He would be unknown if he hadn't sued,"


"Do you even remember his name?"

"Seriously…did you even remember hat boy’s name before this thread?"

"did you even remember this kid’s name?"


"everyone would have forgotten who he was by now if he wasn't bringing up these lawsuits."


"We wouldn’t even know his name if not for republicans using him as a political football."

I don't know that Sandmann or anybody in this thread made the claim that Sandmann is someone famous or anything so I don't understand why you people keep bringing this up.
who said it took 3.5 months to find???

Again, good point. If it takes you another month to dig something up it'll be FOUR and a half months.

Gotta understand, the longer this goes on trying to scrape something off the bottom of some barrel, the harder it is to make the case that whatever you did find, had an effect. You know, if it was that obscure. If there were actual documentable evidence of defamation ---------- everybody would already know about it. It would be at one's fingertips.

But first things first, you have to find SOMETHING. We just happen to be, right now, at the three-and-a-half month mark of utter failure to find anything. There's no reason to suspect that can't continue indefinitely. :thup:
we spent 2 years on RUSSIA and were told nothing was there yet now the left is screaming cause they must have *something*.

so - utter failures to find something doesn't seem to matter to the left is it's not what they want.

Whatever. The fact remains, if you're going to accuse an entity of having published something, you must have evidence that they actually did so.
There is a shitload of evidence. Literally HOURS of slanderous news footage. Nick is going to be very wealthy after everyone gets sued.

Then why can't you quote any --- given three and a half months?

See what I mean about mythology?

Watch this.
SHOW US the evidence that Paul McCartney died in a traffic accident in November of 1966 and was replaced by a lookalike.

I can name many, but I don't see any need to post videos that all of us saw that everyone knows pissed off the right at the very beginning of this controversy.
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This kid might be opening a can of worms that school might prefer to stay closed.
Give us an example.
:hhello: I have one! A really big one.

Not one person in that picture is from Covington you fucking fool. Furthermore, they are celebrating that black player, not harassing him. God damn you people are uninformed! :laugh:

Actually that is Covington in the background, and they are harassing the player, who is on a rival team, "Clark County" as it says on his jersey. And it is a school tradition, albeit a strange one, where they dress up in black/blackface. It's something the school scrubbed from its Nosebook page after Smirkgate, for obvious reasons.

It's not relevant here though. Smirk-boi is not part of the pic and it's a lame Association Fallacy attempt which tells us nothing about events of January.

Again, the progression of events, as explained in progressive-hunter's video from yesterday, was that
(a) the Black Hebrew Israelites were doing their thing, which they apparently do regularly;
(b) the Covington kids were returning from their rally;
(c) the BHIs began harassing them with racial taunts;
(d) instead of ignoring them the Covingtons began their defensive tribal acting-out (much like the energy in the photo above) with the half-naked kid cheerleading, and moving toward the BHIs evidently feeling strength in numbers;
(e) Philips and the Indians, returning from their event, saw the Covingtons moving in so he deliberately marched in between them to break the energy, whereupon the Covingtons, being in defensive mode from the BHIs and in tribe mentality, amassed around the Indians doing "tomahawk chops, clapping to Phillips' drum and most importantly, forgetting about their advance on the BHIs; (this is where the woman bystander observes "y'all are acting like a mob, that's what's going on")
(f) Smirk-Boi, being sixteen and not understanding what Philips was doing, vented his defensive mindset by standing in front of Philips with a blank stare, Philips was after all only one guy occupied with a drum and thus a much easier confrontational target than the BLI group.
(g) that went on long enough that several people shot video.

And here we are. In other words what Smirk-Boi did was basically irrelevant and tone-deaf. The main actor here is Philips, who seems to have defused a potentially ugly situation.

No reason to make any more out of it than that.

so how is it black face when their whole bodies are covered???

and you lied about the covington boys,,,they never approached anyone or surrounded anyone

Your own video says they did.

And the woman bystander (she's on camera, I posted it again yesterday) says they're "acting like a mob". She's not talking about the Black Hebrew Israelites and she's not talking about the Indians.
Again, good point. If it takes you another month to dig something up it'll be FOUR and a half months.

Gotta understand, the longer this goes on trying to scrape something off the bottom of some barrel, the harder it is to make the case that whatever you did find, had an effect. You know, if it was that obscure. If there were actual documentable evidence of defamation ---------- everybody would already know about it. It would be at one's fingertips.

But first things first, you have to find SOMETHING. We just happen to be, right now, at the three-and-a-half month mark of utter failure to find anything. There's no reason to suspect that can't continue indefinitely. :thup:
we spent 2 years on RUSSIA and were told nothing was there yet now the left is screaming cause they must have *something*.

so - utter failures to find something doesn't seem to matter to the left is it's not what they want.

Whatever. The fact remains, if you're going to accuse an entity of having published something, you must have evidence that they actually did so.
There is a shitload of evidence. Literally HOURS of slanderous news footage. Nick is going to be very wealthy after everyone gets sued.

Then why can't you quote any --- given three and a half months?

See what I mean about mythology?

Watch this.
SHOW US the evidence that Paul McCartney died in a traffic accident in November of 1966 and was replaced by a lookalike.

I can name many, but I don't see any need to post videos that all of us saw that everyone knows pistol off the right at the very beginning of this controversy.

Once again ---- to state the obvious ---- "everybody knows" does not constitute evidence.

I don't know what's so hard to grasp about the difference between "I can name many" and "here it is".
This kid might be opening a can of worms that school might prefer to stay closed.
Give us an example.
:hhello: I have one! A really big one.

Not one person in that picture is from Covington you fucking fool. Furthermore, they are celebrating that black player, not harassing him. God damn you people are uninformed! :laugh:

Actually that is Covington in the background, and they are harassing the player, who is on a rival team, "Clark County" as it says on his jersey. And it is a school tradition, albeit a strange one, where they dress up in black/blackface. It's something the school scrubbed from its Nosebook page after Smirkgate, for obvious reasons.

It's not relevant here though. Smirk-boi is not part of the pic and it's a lame Association Fallacy attempt which tells us nothing about events of January.

Again, the progression of events, as explained in progressive-hunter's video from yesterday, was that
(a) the Black Hebrew Israelites were doing their thing, which they apparently do regularly;
(b) the Covington kids were returning from their rally;
(c) the BHIs began harassing them with racial taunts;
(d) instead of ignoring them the Covingtons began their defensive tribal acting-out (much like the energy in the photo above) with the half-naked kid cheerleading, and moving toward the BHIs evidently feeling strength in numbers;
(e) Philips and the Indians, returning from their event, saw the Covingtons moving in so he deliberately marched in between them to break the energy, whereupon the Covingtons, being in defensive mode from the BHIs and in tribe mentality, amassed around the Indians doing "tomahawk chops, clapping to Phillips' drum and most importantly, forgetting about their advance on the BHIs; (this is where the woman bystander observes "y'all are acting like a mob, that's what's going on")
(f) Smirk-Boi, being sixteen and not understanding what Philips was doing, vented his defensive mindset by standing in front of Philips with a blank stare, Philips was after all only one guy occupied with a drum and thus a much easier confrontational target than the BLI group.
(g) that went on long enough that several people shot video.

And here we are. In other words what Smirk-Boi did was basically irrelevant and tone-deaf. The main actor here is Philips, who seems to have defused a potentially ugly situation.

No reason to make any more out of it than that.
Clark does blackout day and thats what youre seeing in that picture. As usual, your facts are flat out wrong.

Clark is the opposing team there, and I just said that Covington does that. We already know about that, and it's irrelevant.
Give us an example.
:hhello: I have one! A really big one.

Not one person in that picture is from Covington you fucking fool. Furthermore, they are celebrating that black player, not harassing him. God damn you people are uninformed! :laugh:

Actually that is Covington in the background, and they are harassing the player, who is on a rival team, "Clark County" as it says on his jersey. And it is a school tradition, albeit a strange one, where they dress up in black/blackface. It's something the school scrubbed from its Nosebook page after Smirkgate, for obvious reasons.

It's not relevant here though. Smirk-boi is not part of the pic and it's a lame Association Fallacy attempt which tells us nothing about events of January.

Again, the progression of events, as explained in progressive-hunter's video from yesterday, was that
(a) the Black Hebrew Israelites were doing their thing, which they apparently do regularly;
(b) the Covington kids were returning from their rally;
(c) the BHIs began harassing them with racial taunts;
(d) instead of ignoring them the Covingtons began their defensive tribal acting-out (much like the energy in the photo above) with the half-naked kid cheerleading, and moving toward the BHIs evidently feeling strength in numbers;
(e) Philips and the Indians, returning from their event, saw the Covingtons moving in so he deliberately marched in between them to break the energy, whereupon the Covingtons, being in defensive mode from the BHIs and in tribe mentality, amassed around the Indians doing "tomahawk chops, clapping to Phillips' drum and most importantly, forgetting about their advance on the BHIs; (this is where the woman bystander observes "y'all are acting like a mob, that's what's going on")
(f) Smirk-Boi, being sixteen and not understanding what Philips was doing, vented his defensive mindset by standing in front of Philips with a blank stare, Philips was after all only one guy occupied with a drum and thus a much easier confrontational target than the BLI group.
(g) that went on long enough that several people shot video.

And here we are. In other words what Smirk-Boi did was basically irrelevant and tone-deaf. The main actor here is Philips, who seems to have defused a potentially ugly situation.

No reason to make any more out of it than that.

so how is it black face when their whole bodies are covered???

and you lied about the covington boys,,,they never approached anyone or surrounded anyone

Your own video says they did.

And the woman bystander (she's on camera, I posted it again yesterday) says they're "acting like a mob". She's not talking about the Black Hebrew Israelites and she's not talking about the Indians.

no it didnt,,,
He had no reputation to defame, and also most decent people do not sue for the sake of suing and making money.

The media lied and ran his name into the ground. They should pay until it hurts and bad and then some on this one.

This kid might be opening a can of worms that school might prefer to stay closed.
Give us an example.
:hhello: I have one! A really big one.



That’s your defense? Black face is good?

Blackface being good or bad is irrelevant because it has nothing to do with what happened in D.C.

Even when it's shown to you people that Sandmann and the Covington kids did nothing to provoke this incident, you try to besmirch his character anyway with irrelevancies. It is pathetic and disgraceful.
Below is a longer video that gives a wider and more accurate picture of what went on that day.

He's still a smirking little Catholic Bastard.

Yup, that's about what I expected from you. In the end, all you have is your hatred of Catholics.

$8000 bucks a year, and they can't teach him any fucking manners.

They did teach him manners. They taught him to stand and say and do nothing when someone beats their little drum in your face unprovoked.

Someone should have taught Phillips to mind his own fucking business. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever for him to approach the Covington boys. The Black Israelites were the ones shouting ethnic slurs and other insults all day. The only reason Phillips approached them was because of their MAGA hats, that's it.

According to the most credible storyline the reason he approached where he did was to defuse a confrontation.

Matter of fact that came out right then at the time. Cute victim fantasy but you can't read "MAGA" from that distance.

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