Cowardly donnie caves again....

You talk to AOC top that :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I do? I definitely admire her and how she has CRCs all scared...but I've never talked to her.

She's an abject idiot. nobody fears her, we're laughing at you guys for following her.
She terrifies you, even tho she's only one of 435 members of the House...which is only one of two Houses in the Legislative Branch which is only one of three co-equal branches.

LOL, sure she does. She's a twit kid. Everyone of your "candidates" has signed on to her bullshit.
^ So frightened, you can't even stop going on about her on a thread about cowardly donnie. :itsok:

(smile) Son you get more stupid every day.
You sure sound upset. Why are you blaming Mexico when it's cowardly donnie who has caved.....again?
You ever worked a blue collar job in your life? Every seen factories close because of Bill Clinton and the Democrats? The people in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and West Virginia and Ohio have. We have a certain dependence, with our economy based on Mexico. Like heroin we need to cut it cold turkey. Not even fucking tourism should be allowed with an enemy state.

That sounds like fascism.
Sounds like common sense.
:71: CRCs talking about common sense. :71: Hey, common sense dude....did you hear that the noise of windmills causes cancer? :auiqs.jpg:
Then you will not mind your family tied close to a wind farm for extensive tests. Anyway when one of your kids go off at schools it becomes amusement also. Thank gaia it is at prog public schools. We laugh, we cry, we go on. Now go speak to Hogg. He will give you sexual healing.

You know, if they wanted to build a nice house, and let me live on it with all rent and utilities taken care of, and all I had to do was buy my food, I'd live 500 m. away from a wind turbine.
Never have....but I am fascinating at panicking CRCs jumping to the topics of: talking to cows, AOC, and Tide Pods...on a thread about cowardly donnie once again caving to Mexico.

Well, your OPs are so rare, maybe you've forgotten what happens when somebody risks being called every name in the book to do an OP and watch it be hijacked by the second page. Your psyche appears fragile so a change of topic might be the best thing to prevent more scar-tissue on your wrists.
Welcome to USMB
This is his pattern, talk big...and almost never back it up.

The man is a massive blowhard and coward.

He couldn’t be touch if his life depended on it.

His handlers are telling him to stop spouting a bunch of bullshit lies and unfounded claims. I’m sure he’s not happy about it, but the looming election prob has him worried somebody might actually call him on his bullshit and vote for the other guy. What a pathetic piece of shit
Mehico promised to stop the current caravan and future caravans to come.....TRUMP WINS! MAGA!

Like they promised to pay for the wall?


Pass the USMCA and watch who pays for the wall.....I'm beginning to understand how AOC got commies are dumber than cows.

There is nothing in the USMCA that will "pay" for the wall. The biggest change in the USMCA is the name.

can you make a post without parroting party talking points?
Why is it that logic is beyond the trumpers ability of cognitive function?
Fuck Mexico and anyone or business dependent on them. Choke them motherfuckers out. Fuck their families. Jobs will come back to America. We need Mexico for absolutely zero.
You sure sound upset. Why are you blaming Mexico when it's cowardly donnie who has caved.....again?
You ever worked a blue collar job in your life? Every seen factories close because of Bill Clinton and the Democrats? The people in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and West Virginia and Ohio have. We have a certain dependence, with our economy based on Mexico. Like heroin we need to cut it cold turkey. Not even fucking tourism should be allowed with an enemy state.
List the factories closed between 1992 and 2000...and the REAL reasons why? Not your whiny, tear stained "Boo Hoo, it's the Democrats' fault" moaning.
I will provide a list...but it’s about 100 pages long.

US Manufacturing output....the line I added is when NAFTA was finalized by all 3 countries.

Odd how if they stole all our jobs output never went down...

I do? I definitely admire her and how she has CRCs all scared...but I've never talked to her.

She's an abject idiot. nobody fears her, we're laughing at you guys for following her.
She terrifies you, even tho she's only one of 435 members of the House...which is only one of two Houses in the Legislative Branch which is only one of three co-equal branches.

LOL, sure she does. She's a twit kid. Everyone of your "candidates" has signed on to her bullshit.
^ So frightened, you can't even stop going on about her on a thread about cowardly donnie. :itsok:

(smile) Son you get more stupid every day.
Again...have to make a thread about cowardly donnie caving on shutting down the border with Mexico about me.....I totally get your embarrassment.
I was hoping he'd do it just so I could see the snowflakes collectively shit their pants.

So when he does shit that pisses off the bed wetters, he's a nazi, when he changes his mind he's a coward...

Yet I'm these asshole when I insult these parasites...

And he's giving Mexico a WHOLE FUCKING YEAR to comply with curtailing drug trafficking.

He's such a sham.

Read the links folks, you won't see this on Fox Noise a.k.a. the Trump Channel.

Some national emergency he has there. Lol
So during the Summer, we should see a decrease in crossings and arrests then right: if the threat from the blob worked?

Will any trump fluffer go on record and say “yes”?


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