Cowardly donnie caves again....

Thank you for proving you have no clue about negotiations, bluffs, etc...

At least President Trump did not 'draw a 'Red Line', back down, then try to blame the whole world for it, like Barry did...
Thank you for proving you have no clue about negotiations, bluffs, etc...

At least President Trump did not 'draw a 'Red Line', back down, then try to blame the whole world for it, like Barry did...

Do ewe mean a red line like he did with Lil Kim? Ewe know the one that he said no nuclear weapons and then said "well you know they can have nuclear weapons" ! See mean like that?:abgg2q.jpg::21::21::21::21::21::5_1_12024::blowpop:
It was like warning a child that they were going to get spanked, so little Pancho complied.

No, it was like warning a child they were going to be grounded for 100 years. The child knows you are full of shit, just like Mexico knew Trump was full of shit

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Grounding doesn't work with little Pancho. He has to beg, run drugs, rip off tourists or work on the hacienda to support the little brown ninos, and they can't be done at home.

Little Pancho laughed at Trump, he knew Trump was full of shit and he knows there is zero chance Trump closes the border next year in the middle of an election.

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Oh yes! We all laughed at Trump. My how we laughed and laughed but then something happened at the Javitz Center in late 2016 and we started crying, probably from laughing so hard.

I have never quit laughing at Trump, nor his worshipers like you. you undying devotion is even funnier than Trump himself.
Again. Which Repub was going to win? To me, Cruz was better but less electable now that Prog Socialists have taken a good amount of control. You may not mind Trump being President in the future as his agendas are bringing some sanity back. Imagine if some of the Prog coalitions worked with him. The Black Caucus could have a good part of the infrastructure agreement with good paying jobs and contractors deals for their constituents. Instead they are hell bent on getting Trump out of office. Corruption .....what is they name?
Thank you for proving you have no clue about negotiations, bluffs, etc...

At least President Trump did not 'draw a 'Red Line', back down, then try to blame the whole world for it, like Barry did...

No, he just lied, much like the 9000 times in the last 2 years.
Why is it that logic is beyond the trumpers ability of cognitive function?
Fuck Mexico and anyone or business dependent on them. Choke them motherfuckers out. Fuck their families. Jobs will come back to America. We need Mexico for absolutely zero.
You sure sound upset. Why are you blaming Mexico when it's cowardly donnie who has caved.....again?
You ever worked a blue collar job in your life? Every seen factories close because of Bill Clinton and the Democrats? The people in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and West Virginia and Ohio have. We have a certain dependence, with our economy based on Mexico. Like heroin we need to cut it cold turkey. Not even fucking tourism should be allowed with an enemy state.
List the factories closed between 1992 and 2000...and the REAL reasons why? Not your whiny, tear stained "Boo Hoo, it's the Democrats' fault" moaning.
Mollie's Job
That’s when the party of FDR died thanks to Clinton and Gore.
And what is this year? The year the Republican party and the Senate died thanks to Mitch and Donald
Thank you for proving you have no clue about negotiations, bluffs, etc...

At least President Trump did not 'draw a 'Red Line', back down, then try to blame the whole world for it, like Barry did...

Do ewe mean a red line like he did with Lil Kim? Ewe know the one that he said no nuclear weapons and then said "well you know they can have nuclear weapons" ! See mean like that?:abgg2q.jpg::21::21::21::21::21::5_1_12024::blowpop:
No, you are focusing Barry leaving another mess for others to clean up, like Un acquiring missile technology allowing him to strike US assets with his nukes, which he got after Bill Clinton gave NK nuclear reactors.
Thank you for proving you have no clue about negotiations, bluffs, etc...

At least President Trump did not 'draw a 'Red Line', back down, then try to blame the whole world for it, like Barry did...

No, he just lied, much like the 9000 times in the last 2 years.
You would think you would be used to the fact that Presidents lie after 16 years of Bill Clinton & Barak Obama...


Trump sees himself as a modern day poker player bluffing the opposition; thing is Donnie boi typically has a losing hand and I recall Trump's casinos pretty much all caved too.

Oh well, fuck him ..........
Thank you for proving you have no clue about negotiations, bluffs, etc...

At least President Trump did not 'draw a 'Red Line', back down, then try to blame the whole world for it, like Barry did...

No, he just lied, much like the 9000 times in the last 2 years.
You would think you would be used to the fact that Presidents lie after 16 years of Bill Clinton & Barak Obama...

Sorry, Trump won that award before he was even elected. No comparison.
Thank you for proving you have no clue about negotiations, bluffs, etc...

At least President Trump did not 'draw a 'Red Line', back down, then try to blame the whole world for it, like Barry did...

No, he just lied, much like the 9000 times in the last 2 years.
You would think you would be used to the fact that Presidents lie after 16 years of Bill Clinton & Barak Obama...

Sorry, Trump won that award before he was even elected. No comparison.
It was Obana who won -LIE OF THE YEAR'S, little lying snowflake...
Mehico promised to stop the current caravan and future caravans to come.....TRUMP WINS! MAGA!

Hopefully they keep that promise....I have my doubts. In the mean time the cargo patterns can be altered from overland to Marine. I believe that is why he is setting that time frame. In effect the overland border can be closed without interrupting the flow of goods.

Thank you for proving you have no clue about negotiations, bluffs, etc...

At least President Trump did not 'draw a 'Red Line', back down, then try to blame the whole world for it, like Barry did...

Do ewe mean a red line like he did with Lil Kim? Ewe know the one that he said no nuclear weapons and then said "well you know they can have nuclear weapons" ! See mean like that?:abgg2q.jpg::21::21::21::21::21::5_1_12024::blowpop:
No, you are focusing Barry leaving another mess for others to clean up, like Un acquiring missile technology allowing him to strike US assets with his nukes, which he got after Bill Clinton gave NK nuclear reactors.

Lol, so ewe are actually trying to say that bitch Tramp didn't tuck tail and run. Ewe just can't make this shit up!
Thank you for proving you have no clue about negotiations, bluffs, etc...

At least President Trump did not 'draw a 'Red Line', back down, then try to blame the whole world for it, like Barry did...

No, he just lied, much like the 9000 times in the last 2 years.
You would think you would be used to the fact that Presidents lie after 16 years of Bill Clinton & Barak Obama...

Sorry, Trump won that award before he was even elected. No comparison.
It was Obana who won -LIE OF THE YEAR'S, little lying snowflake...
Then Trump surpassed him, in less than a year.
Thank you for proving you have no clue about negotiations, bluffs, etc...

At least President Trump did not 'draw a 'Red Line', back down, then try to blame the whole world for it, like Barry did...

Do ewe mean a red line like he did with Lil Kim? Ewe know the one that he said no nuclear weapons and then said "well you know they can have nuclear weapons" ! See mean like that?:abgg2q.jpg::21::21::21::21::21::5_1_12024::blowpop:
No, you are focusing Barry leaving another mess for others to clean up, like Un acquiring missile technology allowing him to strike US assets with his nukes, which he got after Bill Clinton gave NK nuclear reactors.

Lol, so ewe are actually trying to say that bitch Tramp didn't tuck tail and run. Ewe just can't make this shit up!
Can't you f*ing read?

I am saying Barry humiliated himself with his Red Line then again by backing down while trying to blame the world with his f*-up...

I'm saying Barry let NK get the technology to strike US assets...

I'm saying Barry was to gutless to demand releasing US hostages be part old his In-Constitutional Iran treaty...

I'm am saying Barry's cowardly approach to foreign policy was appeasement and ransom payments to terrorists, drug cartels, and enemies of this nation...
Thank you for proving you have no clue about negotiations, bluffs, etc...

At least President Trump did not 'draw a 'Red Line', back down, then try to blame the whole world for it, like Barry did...

No, he just lied, much like the 9000 times in the last 2 years.
You would think you would be used to the fact that Presidents lie after 16 years of Bill Clinton & Barak Obama...

Sorry, Trump won that award before he was even elected. No comparison.
It was Obana who won -LIE OF THE YEAR'S, little lying snowflake...
Then Trump surpassed him, in less than a year.

Provide me with the link to Trump's Lie Of the Year award for 2016-2017, snowflake...

Barry set a new record for an administration's illegal non-compliance with the FOIA.

While you snowflakes LIE about Trump's lies / lack of transparency, Barry's records and accolades speak for themselves.

If anyone surpasses Barry for lying it is the snowflakes who attempt to defend him...
Mehico promised to stop the current caravan and future caravans to come.....TRUMP WINS! MAGA!

Hopefully they keep that promise....I have my doubts. In the mean time the cargo patterns can be altered from overland to Marine. I believe that is why he is setting that time frame. In effect the overland border can be closed without interrupting the flow of goods.


That isn't as easy as you might think. And, not only is it a lot harder than what you think, it's also a hell of a lot more expensive to ship things by sea than it is to ship them over land.
Mehico promised to stop the current caravan and future caravans to come.....TRUMP WINS! MAGA!

Hopefully they keep that promise....I have my doubts. In the mean time the cargo patterns can be altered from overland to Marine. I believe that is why he is setting that time frame. In effect the overland border can be closed without interrupting the flow of goods.


That isn't as easy as you might think. And, not only is it a lot harder than what you think, it's also a hell of a lot more expensive to ship things by sea than it is to ship them over land.

Most of that stuff is done in 6 month to 12 month contracts that usually require a one year notice to cease. He would have closed the border and then got hit with 200 international trade lawsuits.... As for the difference in pricing some things are cheaper by Marine some not. Depends a lot on the size of the shipment and the procurement process at the port. I agree however that multiple small shipments by sea is very expensive by comparison.

Mehico promised to stop the current caravan and future caravans to come.....TRUMP WINS! MAGA!

Hopefully they keep that promise....I have my doubts. In the mean time the cargo patterns can be altered from overland to Marine. I believe that is why he is setting that time frame. In effect the overland border can be closed without interrupting the flow of goods.


That isn't as easy as you might think. And, not only is it a lot harder than what you think, it's also a hell of a lot more expensive to ship things by sea than it is to ship them over land.

Most of that stuff is done in 6 month to 12 month contracts that usually require a one year notice to cease. He would have closed the border and then got hit with 200 international trade lawsuits.... As for the difference in pricing some things are cheaper by Marine some not. Depends a lot on the size of the shipment and the procurement process at the port.


Actually, shipping stuff via ships is ALWAYS more expensive than shipping it via truck. If you have something that says different, post the link.
Thank you for proving you have no clue about negotiations, bluffs, etc...

At least President Trump did not 'draw a 'Red Line', back down, then try to blame the whole world for it, like Barry did...

Do ewe mean a red line like he did with Lil Kim? Ewe know the one that he said no nuclear weapons and then said "well you know they can have nuclear weapons" ! See mean like that?:abgg2q.jpg::21::21::21::21::21::5_1_12024::blowpop:
No, you are focusing Barry leaving another mess for others to clean up, like Un acquiring missile technology allowing him to strike US assets with his nukes, which he got after Bill Clinton gave NK nuclear reactors.

Lol, so ewe are actually trying to say that bitch Tramp didn't tuck tail and run. Ewe just can't make this shit up!
Can't you f*ing read?

I am saying Barry humiliated himself with his Red Line then again by backing down while trying to blame the world with his f*-up...

I'm saying Barry let NK get the technology to strike US assets...

I'm saying Barry was to gutless to demand releasing US hostages be part old his In-Constitutional Iran treaty...

I'm am saying Barry's cowardly approach to foreign policy was appeasement and ransom payments to terrorists, drug cartels, and enemies of this nation...

I'm saying bitchboy Tramp set a redline and Lil Kim slapped him down then grabbed Tramp by his pussy and said nope keeping my nukes and Teamp said "ewe bet". I'm saying Tramp told the Mexican president he was paying for the wall and the Mexican president slapped bitchbot down and grabbed him by his pussy and said no we are not ans bitchboy said OK.

ROTFLMFAO, yup just like that!

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