Cowardly Hillary Clinton quits DC event set to feature Tulsi Gabbard

How much money has crater-face received from Putin? I hear it's a lot - with more to come.


Experts who track websites and social media linked to Russia have seen stirrings of a possible campaign of support for Hawaii Democrat Tulsi Gabbard.

Russia's propaganda machine discovers 2020 Dem contender Tulsi Gabbard

Your posts are the most inane, upside-down, pro-establishment posts I've seen on this forum. Tulsi is a liberal democrat on pretty much every issue, why do you hate her? Is it because you support the neverending wars based on lies? If so, she is the true Democrat, you are not. Stop being a blind partisan fool who hates someone simply because many non-Democrats happen to like her.

I am not going to support Tulsi. But she (1) supported Bernie Sanders (2) says abortion should be rare (3) admitted her father was a Catholic (4) doesnt support killing more syrians and (5) is not nearly as hideous as the crone Clinton

This means Tulsi should be using a remote starter and always keep someone around her so she doesnt go to a park and committ suicide.

In the meantime she just has to put up with the smears that Donald Trump has been enduring. She should really reconsider her party.
How much money has crater-face received from Putin? I hear it's a lot - with more to come.


Experts who track websites and social media linked to Russia have seen stirrings of a possible campaign of support for Hawaii Democrat Tulsi Gabbard.

Russia's propaganda machine discovers 2020 Dem contender Tulsi Gabbard

Your posts are the most inane, upside-down, pro-establishment posts I've seen on this forum. Tulsi is a liberal democrat on pretty much every issue, why do you hate her? Is it because you support the neverending wars based on lies? If so, she is the true Democrat, you are not. Stop being a blind partisan fool who hates someone simply because many non-Democrats happen to like her.
Exactly. By the way, I love your pig on the skateboard video! Very cool.

Thank you! I do too. :D
This means Tulsi should be using a remote starter and always keep someone around her so she doesnt go to a park and committ suicide.

I said the same thing, just the other day on Fedbook. She is brave, for sure.
NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN NY Times aka, the Lamestream Media , who are controlled by the War Party, Warmomgers, CIA, Mossad and Mahabith

So of course they hate Rep Tulsi Gabbard and President Trump who refused to attack Iran despite several false flags concocted by criminal John Bolton. And of course he is pulling troops out of Syria

All of which are "impeachable" offenses

Trump’s Smart Syria Move and ‘Fake News’ ABC’s Kurd ‘Slaughter Video’

HAha this ad keeps popping up on this thread. Warren still pretending to drink beer. Isnt she just the coolest and most fab Joe Sixpack you ever saw?
She should change a tire with cameras watching next.

Like I said...Democrats just arent that bright.

warren beer.png
How much money has crater-face received from Putin? I hear it's a lot - with more to come.


Experts who track websites and social media linked to Russia have seen stirrings of a possible campaign of support for Hawaii Democrat Tulsi Gabbard.

Russia's propaganda machine discovers 2020 Dem contender Tulsi Gabbard

Your posts are the most inane, upside-down, pro-establishment posts I've seen on this forum. Tulsi is a liberal democrat on pretty much every issue, why do you hate her? Is it because you support the neverending wars based on lies? If so, she is the true Democrat, you are not. Stop being a blind partisan fool who hates someone simply because many non-Democrats happen to like her.

I am not going to support Tulsi. But she (1) supported Bernie Sanders (2) says abortion should be rare (3) admitted her father was a Catholic (4) doesnt support killing more syrians and (5) is not nearly as hideous as the crone Clinton

This means Tulsi should be using a remote starter and always keep someone around her so she doesnt go to a park and committ suicide.

In the meantime she just has to put up with the smears that Donald Trump has been enduring. She should really reconsider her party.
If she flipped Republican!!
Check Where Her Eyes Are Looking
Her Left Eye's Straight Ahead
The Other Around The Corner

By publicly slamming Killery, unfortunately Tulsi REALLY needs to watch her back now. She does NOT want to die in a mysterious accident or be "suicided". Watch out, Tulsi!
Or shot in the back of the head during a robbery in which nothing was taken.

Yep, like Mary 'Caity' Mahoney.
I just looked up Mary Mahoney to refresh my memory about what happened to her. She was going to go public with a sexual harassment charge against Bill Clinton, it appears, in 1997. She and two of her co-workers at a Starbucks were brutally murdered in what was supposed to be a "robbery". NO MONEY was taken. Mary was shot FIVE times, including once in the chest and once in the head. Just a horrific story which points directly to Bill Clinton.
By publicly slamming Killery, unfortunately Tulsi REALLY needs to watch her back now. She does NOT want to die in a mysterious accident or be "suicided". Watch out, Tulsi!
Or shot in the back of the head during a robbery in which nothing was taken.

Yep, like Mary 'Caity' Mahoney.
I just looked up Mary Mahoney to refresh my memory about what happened to her. She was going to go public with a sexual harassment charge against Bill Clinton, it appears, in 1997. She and two of her co-workers at a Starbucks were brutally murdered in what was supposed to be a "robbery". NO MONEY was taken. Mary was shot FIVE times, including once in the chest and once in the head. Just a horrific story which points directly to Bill Clinton.

Yep. When you look into it, it is so obvious that it was a professional hit. And Monica Lewinsky is on record saying, "I would not cross these people [the clintons] for fear of my life." If that doesn't wake up blind clinton supporters, I don't know what will.
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By publicly slamming Killery, unfortunately Tulsi REALLY needs to watch her back now. She does NOT want to die in a mysterious accident or be "suicided". Watch out, Tulsi!
Or shot in the back of the head during a robbery in which nothing was taken.

Yep, like Mary 'Caity' Mahoney.
I just looked up Mary Mahoney to refresh my memory about what happened to her. She was going to go public with a sexual harassment charge against Bill Clinton, it appears, in 1997. She and two of her co-workers at a Starbucks were brutally murdered in what was supposed to be a "robbery". NO MONEY was taken. Mary was shot FIVE times, including once in the chest and once in the head. Just a horrific story which points directly to Bill Clinton.

Yep. When you look into it, it is so obvious that it was a professional hit. And Monica Lewinsky is on record saying, "I would not cross these people [the clintons] for fear of my life." If that doesn't wake up blind clinton supporters, I don't know what will.
On Conservapedia there is the most complete and detailed history of people who have died that had dirt on the Clintons. It's under Clinton body count, and is chilling to read. There are literally dozens upon dozens of people who have died mysterious deaths or were "suicided" because they had damaging info about the Clintons. This should be required reading for anyone that thinks Killery and Bill have never been connected to criminal activity. It's shocking, scary and TRUE.
How much money has crater-face received from Putin? I hear it's a lot - with more to come.


Experts who track websites and social media linked to Russia have seen stirrings of a possible campaign of support for Hawaii Democrat Tulsi Gabbard.

Russia's propaganda machine discovers 2020 Dem contender Tulsi Gabbard

So what ?

Russia can do whatever it wants to support whoever according to our election laws.

We've fucked with other countries for decades.

We can dish it out, but we can't take it.

Wow. Are you an American or a Russian?

Russia can do whatever it wants to, but we've got another boot ready to shove up that shady third world ass if it keeps fucking with us.
By publicly slamming Killery, unfortunately Tulsi REALLY needs to watch her back now. She does NOT want to die in a mysterious accident or be "suicided". Watch out, Tulsi!
Or shot in the back of the head during a robbery in which nothing was taken.

Yep, like Mary 'Caity' Mahoney.
I just looked up Mary Mahoney to refresh my memory about what happened to her. She was going to go public with a sexual harassment charge against Bill Clinton, it appears, in 1997. She and two of her co-workers at a Starbucks were brutally murdered in what was supposed to be a "robbery". NO MONEY was taken. Mary was shot FIVE times, including once in the chest and once in the head. Just a horrific story which points directly to Bill Clinton.

Yep. When you look into it, it is so obvious that it was a professional hit. And Monica Lewinsky is on record saying, "I would not cross these people [the clintons] for fear of my life." If that doesn't wake up blind clinton supporters, I don't know what will.
On Conservapedia there is the most complete and detailed history of people who have died that had dirt on the Clintons. It's under Clinton body count, and is chilling to read. There are literally dozens upon dozens of people who have died mysterious deaths or were "suicided" because they had damaging info about the Clintons. This should be required reading for anyone that thinks Killery and Bill have never been connected to criminal activity. It's shocking, scary and TRUE.

I fully agree. One of the more obvious ones is Jerry Luther Parks, who was clinton's head of security, and knew EVERYTHING. Reportedly he had a big file on all of clinton's dirt. His house was broken into and the file was stolen, then later he was gunned down, execution style. This was not long after Vince Foster's "suicide" and according to his family, when that happened he said "I'm a dead man." His own son has publicly stated that he believes clinton had his father killed to protect his political career. Of course, the blind clinton supporters will dismiss this, as they do with everything.
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How much money has crater-face received from Putin? I hear it's a lot - with more to come.


Experts who track websites and social media linked to Russia have seen stirrings of a possible campaign of support for Hawaii Democrat Tulsi Gabbard.

Russia's propaganda machine discovers 2020 Dem contender Tulsi Gabbard

So what ?

Russia can do whatever it wants to support whoever according to our election laws.

We've fucked with other countries for decades.

We can dish it out, but we can't take it.

Wow. Are you an American or a Russian?

Russia can do whatever it wants to, but we've got another boot ready to shove up that shady third world ass if it keeps fucking with us.

Tough talk from a left wing asshole.

I said whatever it wants according to our election laws....

So fuck you.

And please tell me you are not stupid enough to think that we don't stick our noses in other people's business. Obama's Arab Spring doesn't get talked about much because it was a huge failure.
One by one the other candidates are coming to Tulsi's defense. This is why Hillary is slithering off. While unable to state so Hillary has done a ton of harm to the party and most people under 75 or so want to see her go away.

She boosts Trump's chances every time she opens her mouth.
Sun Devil 92 said:
Obama's Arab Spring doesn't get talked about much because it was a huge failure.
It Was A Foreign Policy Catastrophe
It's What Happens When You Take An Unaccomplished Community Activist
And Drop Him In The Oval Office

Did You See The Coast Guard Commencement
Where He Told The Graduates
Combating Global Warming Is Their National Priority

Listen To This Boob:

Donald Trump, My Eyeball...
Sun Devil 92 said:
Obama's Arab Spring doesn't get talked about much because it was a huge failure.
It Was A Foreign Policy Catastrophe
It's What Happens When You Take An Unaccomplished Community Activist
And Drop Him In The Oval Office

Did You See The Coast Guard Commencement
Where He Told The Graduates
Combating Global Warming Is Their National Priority

Listen To This Boob:

Donald Trump, My Eyeball...

Afghanistan and Iraq have been disasters also.

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