CPAC is this weekend……Will Republicans support Biden or Putin?

I would love your opinion. I will not say a single thing bad about it
My guess is Trump promised him a trade deal that would benefit both countries. He is a deal maker. What that was Idk. When you’re in a position of such power (president of the USA) you have to shake hands with a lot of pigs. I liked Trumps policies. And rhetoric. But he was polarizing. I get It. He wasn’t a Russian agent. Not close.
Ukraine is a sovereign country. Putin is an odious scumbag. Recognizing that basic bit of factual data isn’t “supporting” Brandon. It is simply recognition that even that senile befuddled old jerk can still occasionally be right.

CPAC has their big show this weekend will they support the US or Biden?

Biden has formed an alliance to stop Putin

Will CPAC support it?
Republicans have a choice to make….

As much as you hate Biden, are you going to side with the US or side with Putin?

The CPAC rhetoric should make it clear……Do Republicans hate Biden enough to support Putin over Biden?
My guess is Trump promised him a trade deal that would benefit both countries. He is a deal maker. What that was Idk. When you’re in a position of such power (president of the USA) you have to shake hands with a lot of pigs. I liked Trumps policies. And rhetoric. But he was polarizing. I get It. He wasn’t a Russian agent. Not close.

I agree he was not a Russian agent, just good buds with Putin.

I do not agree he is a deal maker, that was just a fake persona that had very little basis in reality.
Democrats applauded LBJ's foray into Vietnam based on a fake "crisis" because the media said it was the way to go. Ten years later LBJ supporters were blowing up corporate headquarters, robbing banks and spitting on Soldiers because the media determined that Vietnam was Nixon's problem. Democrats wanted to impeach Reagan for violating relatively unknown amendment inserted into a military appropriations bill that prevented monitory support for anti-communist forces in Central America. Ten years later the media supported the bombing of a defenseless country in Europe because Clinton was in political trouble. Today the equally under-educated ignorant left wing freaking idiots depend on media support for democrat party military adventure in Ukraine just because the media thinks it's a good idea that we depend on a mentally impaired president who happens to be a democrat.
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So where will CPAC go?

Support Putin or the US?
False choice. No reasonable person supports Putin’s behavior. We don’t know what the US position is beyond “sanctions” which we can safely predict already won’t work. (It may be mere hours before the true Russian troop invasion.) So, beyond “sanctions” and more sanctions what is there for CPAC to “support?”

Sorry Leftwhiner. Your faux “question” is just too stupid.
Trump calls him a genius
And says he would never invade if Trump were president. Per usual you only tell half the story. He is definitely smarter than you. He is about to take Ukraine after taking Crimea where Obama didn’t do anything. How about them crippling sanctions?
rightwinger ... no reply?

Nope...I have no problem with sanctions... Trump sanctioned the shit out of them.

And when they invade anyway?

Then what?
CPAC has their big show this weekend will they support the US or Biden?

Biden has formed an alliance to stop Putin

Will CPAC support it?
An alliance to impose sanctions you mean? Let’s guess ahead of time that sanctions won’t work on Putin. Then what?

I am quite sure that CPAC doesn’t (and will not) oppose an alliance for sanctions. But beyond sanctions, Brandon hasn’t said what we can or should do next. So, obviously, there’s nothing for CPAC to agree with or against neons “sanctions” and alliance for sanctions.

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