CPAC is this weekend……Will Republicans support Biden or Putin?

I know you did not say Russia was going to invade, you said they were not going to. Because that is what Tucker and OANN told you. And that is all you know.
And the fact is they are going to use this completely manufactured crisis to be the cause of everything that is wrong. The lies are almost predictable.
So...what is the plan to stop Russia?

I'll ask you just what I asked occupied...are you willing to send American Troops to fight and die for Ukraine?
The plan is to cripple their economy

Do you disagree?
Idiotic. I grew up with Russia constantly threatening us with nuclear annihilation. Going from being communist to being an ultra-corrupt kleptocracy has not changed this one bit. They still have nukes targeted on the US and speak of us as the enemy. The right apparently does not care.
So perhaps we should accommodate your pals the Soviets and launch a full acale nuclear war against Russia.
So...what is the plan to stop Russia?

There is really no way to stop them without an all out war. The best we can do is make it economically painful as possible for them.

I'll ask you just what I asked occupied...are you willing to send American Troops to fight and die for Ukraine?

Nope, I am not willing to send one troop over there. It is not our fight. Let the EU deal with it
Republicans have a choice to make….

As much as you hate Biden, are you going to side with the US or side with Putin?

The CPAC rhetoric should make it clear……Do Republicans hate Biden enough to support Putin over Biden?
False dichotomy alert.
We stopped the Native Americans from murdering each other by doing it much more efficiently.
Ukraine is a sovereign country. Putin is an odious scumbag. Recognizing that basic bit of factual data isn’t “supporting” Brandon. It is simply recognition that even that senile befuddled old jerk can still occasionally be right.

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