CPAC is this weekend……Will Republicans support Biden or Putin?

Eat shit comrade. Now is the time we need some of that patriotism you guys are always talking about. It's seems like all the right has to offer America at this time is Russian patriotism just because your Czar Trump got voted out. Boo Hoo. Suck it up and support your country against our enemies.
There’s nothing patriotic about encouraging you assholes and supporting your stupidity.
Republicans have a choice to make….

As much as you hate Biden, are you going to side with the US or side with Putin?

The CPAC rhetoric should make it clear……Do Republicans hate Biden enough to support Putin over Biden?
Putin loves the nation he leads - the other guy, not so much
The highest form of patriotism is giving your life for your country. It isn't sitting in your recliner disliking things on the internet.
The highest form of patriotism is keeping your country’s values in place and not allowing some slobbering retard to ruin it. Patriotism is defeating enemies within first. You’re the enemy.
everyone in this forum is guilty of that....including you...
You'll never see me claim this shit is anything other than a useless pastime. Only idiots think they are involved in politics by posting shit on the internet.
The highest form of patriotism is keeping your country’s values in place and not allowing some slobbering retard to ruin it. Patriotism is defeating enemies within first. You’re the enemy.
Defeating the enemy within is the very core of fascism. But you knew that didn't you?
Defeating the enemy within is the very core of fascism. But you knew that didn't you?
Fighting you is defeating fascism. You’re the antifa moron who supports fascism. You’re the BLM retard that protests violence with looting and arson. You’re the dumbass that supports a flailing moron in office losing to communists because not supporting him is communistic.
Democrats supported every bloody conflict in the bloody 20th century and for the most part were able to blame republicans when things went sour. Today they have it rigged so that if you don't support the new adventure that might end up sacrificing American lives to defend a corrupt country that has more in common with Russia, you must be an agent of the communist front. Shades of HUAC.
Never interrupt your enemy when they are destroying themselves.

The stuttering shit clown is supporting the sovereignty of corrupt alcoholics 8,000 miles away while he has completely destroyed the sovereignty of the country he was installed to lead.

The GOP needs to keep pointing out that Ukraine paid the Xiden crime family millions and any possible conflict of interest is in the eye of the beholder. Withholding $1 billion in foreign aid until the prosecutor that was investigating Hunted was fired is some gravy that can be applied as needed.
Republicans have a choice to make….

As much as you hate Biden, are you going to side with the US or side with Putin?

The CPAC rhetoric should make it clear……Do Republicans hate Biden enough to support Putin over Biden?
They'll support America, which means they directly oppose both Biden and Putin.
You're the one that hates 1/2 of Americans.
Me too...but I think the Army will take prior service up to age 52. I'm not there yet.

You were Navy I'm guessing.
US Army 101st airborne division Fort Campbell KY. I've taken off in way more helicopters than I have landed in. Not possible to have a very distinguished career though. Served one stateside enlistment and got out. Useless busywork and me do not mix.

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