CPAC is this weekend……Will Republicans support Biden or Putin?

Trump calls him a genius
That’s not what he said. And you know it. And it might be — that in his playing of the international game of chess — Putin IS savvy and very fucking smart. So what? That’s not support for Putin. (In fact, it is probably a good start to see the brains behind the eyes of an opponent instead of assuming that because he’s a bastard he must also be a dope.)

The point Trump was making is that Brandon is apparently not a good match up for the likes of Putin. I hope to God Trump is wrong or at least that Brandon’s handlers are up to the job. (They’ve been pretty good at predicting Putin’s moves and ploys so far. Some folks in the intel world are earning their pay!)

Perhaps he should have called him an Evil Genius.
Whether or not you like anything President Putin has done, doesn't necessarily make him stupid.

He has you fighting with your fellow citizens over words and nonsense.
You're damn sure not that bright ... :thup:

Evil Genius is the best description!
My cat is named Ming Meow and I believe he is planning to destroy the Earth any moment!

Perhaps he should have called him an Evil Genius.
Whether or not you like anything President Putin has done, doesn't necessarily make him stupid.

He has you fighting with your fellow citizens over words.
You're damn sure not that bright ... :thup:

There are ways to say someone is smart without it sounding like a complement. No, there is a genuine regard there for Putin that no one can deny. It's professional admiration, one conman to another clearly superior conman.
There are ways to say someone is smart without it sounding like a complement. No, there is a genuine regard there for Putin that no one can deny. It's professional admiration, one conman to another clearly superior conman.

I understood what the man was saying and don't need you to explain shit.
Sorry if it hurt your tender feelings that he didn't say what you wanted him to.

There are ways to say someone is smart without it sounding like a complement. No, there is a genuine regard there for Putin that no one can deny. It's professional admiration, one conman to another clearly superior conman.
What do you call the people you listen to? They aren't con men?

I understood what the man was saying and don't need you to explain shit.
Sorry if it hurt your tender feelings that he didn't say what you wanted him to.

Putin is the only person Trump has not trashed at one point or another. Mighty suspicious omission for a guy who would really love to shed the perception that he is a total lapdog for Putin.
Putin is the only person Trump has not trashed at one point or another. Mighty suspicious omission for a guy who would really love to shed the perception that he is a total lapdog for Putin.
Putin has better things to do than gossip.
Putin is the only person Trump has not trashed at one point or another. Mighty suspicious omission for a guy who would really love to shed the perception that he is a total lapdog for Putin.

I guess he isn't as obsessed with your ideas as you think he should be.

Republicans have a choice to make….

As much as you hate Biden, are you going to side with the US or side with Putin?

The CPAC rhetoric should make it clear……Do Republicans hate Biden enough to support Putin over Biden?
They'll side with Putin:


One big happy family in a weekend long circle jerk with Trump as the ringleader.
Republicans have a choice to make….

As much as you hate Biden, are you going to side with the US or side with Putin?

The CPAC rhetoric should make it clear……Do Republicans hate Biden enough to support Putin over Biden?
Like when you guys supported Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein?
Republicans have a choice to make….

As much as you hate Biden, are you going to side with the US or side with Putin?

The CPAC rhetoric should make it clear……Do Republicans hate Biden enough to support Putin over Biden?
Biden enabled Putin.
Putin has better things to do than gossip.
It doesn't matter. When this turns into a stomach churning horror show you can always pretend the right didn't go soft on Russia at the worst possible time. It's terribly convenient for Putin isn't it? Having all our usual warhawks tied up in partisan knots and so obsessed with party politics that they want our president to fail? It's almost like someone planned it that way.
Republicans have a choice to make….

As much as you hate Biden, are you going to side with the US or side with Putin?

The CPAC rhetoric should make it clear……Do Republicans hate Biden enough to support Putin over Biden?

I'd support Russia over Ukraine. That's a no brainer. We get almost nothing from Ukraine. Why are we their baby sitter? Why is Biden trying to make Russia our enemies, when we do so much business with Russia?
Ukraine is like #71 of our highest importers.
Could it be because the military industrial complex wants to sell Ukraine some tanks?
It doesn't matter. When this turns into a stomach churning horror show you can always pretend the right didn't go soft on Russia at the worst possible time. It's terribly convenient for Putin isn't it? Having all our usual warhawks tied up in partisan knots and so obsessed with party politics that they want our president to fail? It's almost like someone planned it that way.
You are talking out of your ass. You wanted Trump to fail. Biden has failed. This manufactured bullshit to blame the country's woes on is obvious. It is not Putin, it is Biden's anti-American policies causing this mess. A mess is what they want. You enable them.
CPAC starts tomorrow.

An ingenious slogan this time; AWAKE NOT WOKE!
Do attendees have to produce their Official Donald Trump Allegiance Card to gain attendance or is their an Official Donald Trump Allegiance Card Sign Up Booth on site? How much does an Official Donald Trump Alligiance Card cost?

Asking for a friend.

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