CPS investigates "unsocialized" homeschoolers

That was the ONLY reason they closed the case. Up against well funded lawyers yeah you will lose. Like I said yesterday poor and got kids? Perfect candidate for CPS kidnapping.
I will never convince you otherwise. If it makes you happy, hold onto your lawyer. As for the poor thing, I saw that, too. I thought it must be because I work in an area where a LOT of people are poor, or because at least 70% of my cases involved drug abuse and that tends to make people poor, whether they started that way or not. Interesting point.
I am poor and haven't touched drugs since I was 20 and it was a recreational fun thing...never an addiction thing. Never even considered doing drugs when I had kids hell I had kids over a year AFTER I just decided I was done with the teen fun years crap. Oh and no you won't convince me otherwise. I lived in 1 county where CPS came out and woman was professional and nice and not full of shit 1 out of MANY. Hell 1 county I lived in was SUED and LOST a 30+ million dollar lawsuit filed by a former constable they had arrested and fired yet they CONTINUED harassing families including mine.
Right. Not all poor people are drug addicts, I never said they were. We are trying to convince our governor that not all poor people are drug addicts, but he doesn't believe it. Wants to have the right to test everyone who requests state benefits, then kindly refer any who test positive to our nonexistent treatment programs.
Never, ever elect a Tea Party businessman as your governor.
I agree with him actually. On the testing anyways but I would expand it to EVERYONE who either GETS government benefits such as TANF,FS,etc AND anyone who works for the government. I think in some states there will be more legislatures testing positive than welfare recipients.
In our state, all state employees are subject to random testing. It never occurred to me that our representatives are state employees too--that COULD be amusing.
But why do you think it's okay for our governor to harass poor people for being poor? You don't like it when CPS harasses you for the same reason.
I don't consider it harassment. If you can afford drugs then you sure don't need TANF or Food Stamps now do you. You OBVIOUSLY have the money to buy food.
Good "on" who? From your statist loving tendencies I am assuming you are praising CPS harassing a family for merely homeschooling.
harassed? i don't see it
If there was no report of abuse or neglect the fucking government had no business at that house
There was a report
A bullshit report.

Since when is being so called unsocilaized even a thing to be reported?

it's a thing to report when home schooled kids are being set loose on an unsuspecting world.

No it's not.

It's none of your fucking business how parents raise their kids if there is no abuse or neglect and there was neither in this case.
harassed? i don't see it
If there was no report of abuse or neglect the fucking government had no business at that house
There was a report
A bullshit report.

Since when is being so called unsocilaized even a thing to be reported?

it's a thing to report when home schooled kids are being set loose on an unsuspecting world.

No it's not.

It's none of your fucking business how parents raise their kids if there is no abuse or neglect and there was neither in this case.

actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.
If there was no report of abuse or neglect the fucking government had no business at that house
There was a report
A bullshit report.

Since when is being so called unsocilaized even a thing to be reported?

it's a thing to report when home schooled kids are being set loose on an unsuspecting world.

No it's not.

It's none of your fucking business how parents raise their kids if there is no abuse or neglect and there was neither in this case.

actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

Home schooling is completely legal shouldn't a lawyer know that?
If there was no report of abuse or neglect the fucking government had no business at that house
There was a report
A bullshit report.

Since when is being so called unsocilaized even a thing to be reported?

it's a thing to report when home schooled kids are being set loose on an unsuspecting world.

No it's not.

It's none of your fucking business how parents raise their kids if there is no abuse or neglect and there was neither in this case.

actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

My god....you are one dumb woman. Homeschooling always has been and always will be legal.
There was a report
A bullshit report.

Since when is being so called unsocilaized even a thing to be reported?

it's a thing to report when home schooled kids are being set loose on an unsuspecting world.

No it's not.

It's none of your fucking business how parents raise their kids if there is no abuse or neglect and there was neither in this case.

actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

My god....you are one dumb woman. Homeschooling always has been and always will be legal.
we really should require licenses.

we dont need generational stupidity.
A bullshit report.

Since when is being so called unsocilaized even a thing to be reported?

it's a thing to report when home schooled kids are being set loose on an unsuspecting world.

No it's not.

It's none of your fucking business how parents raise their kids if there is no abuse or neglect and there was neither in this case.

actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

My god....you are one dumb woman. Homeschooling always has been and always will be legal.
we really should require licenses.

we dont need generational stupidity.
Funny how our "licensed" teachers promote kids to the next grade whether they know the material or not oh and let's not forget that teachers these days love to grade on a curve so as to make their pupils look less stupid and them look better
A bullshit report.

Since when is being so called unsocilaized even a thing to be reported?

it's a thing to report when home schooled kids are being set loose on an unsuspecting world.

No it's not.

It's none of your fucking business how parents raise their kids if there is no abuse or neglect and there was neither in this case.

actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

My god....you are one dumb woman. Homeschooling always has been and always will be legal.
we really should require licenses.

we dont need generational stupidity.
Nope we shouldn't. Period. Your government controlling every aspect of our life will never happen. Keep dreaming though.
it's a thing to report when home schooled kids are being set loose on an unsuspecting world.

No it's not.

It's none of your fucking business how parents raise their kids if there is no abuse or neglect and there was neither in this case.

actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

My god....you are one dumb woman. Homeschooling always has been and always will be legal.
we really should require licenses.

we dont need generational stupidity.
Nope we shouldn't. Period. Your government controlling every aspect of our life will never happen. Keep dreaming though.
i just think it would be nice if we made sure that people wanting to teach their kids at home were actually capable and weren't just reying to "protect" their kids from actual knowledge

there's a lot of ignorant people out there that will do enough damage to their kids just being their parents without them also being their sole educators
it's a thing to report when home schooled kids are being set loose on an unsuspecting world.

No it's not.

It's none of your fucking business how parents raise their kids if there is no abuse or neglect and there was neither in this case.

actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

My god....you are one dumb woman. Homeschooling always has been and always will be legal.
we really should require licenses.

we dont need generational stupidity.
Funny how our "licensed" teachers promote kids to the next grade whether they know the material or not oh and let's not forget that teachers these days love to grade on a curve so as to make their pupils look less stupid and them look better
if a kid isn't grasping a grade level's material the parents are already failing them. no need to double down on that failure by having the parent be the sole educator
No it's not.

It's none of your fucking business how parents raise their kids if there is no abuse or neglect and there was neither in this case.

actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

My god....you are one dumb woman. Homeschooling always has been and always will be legal.
we really should require licenses.

we dont need generational stupidity.
Funny how our "licensed" teachers promote kids to the next grade whether they know the material or not oh and let's not forget that teachers these days love to grade on a curve so as to make their pupils look less stupid and them look better
if a kid isn't grasping a grade level's material the parents are already failing them. no need to double down on that failure by having the parent be the sole educator

Funny how home schooled kids outperform their public school counterparts on every measure though isn't it?

HSLDA | Academic Statistics on Homeschooling
No it's not.

It's none of your fucking business how parents raise their kids if there is no abuse or neglect and there was neither in this case.

actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

My god....you are one dumb woman. Homeschooling always has been and always will be legal.
we really should require licenses.

we dont need generational stupidity.
Nope we shouldn't. Period. Your government controlling every aspect of our life will never happen. Keep dreaming though.
i just think it would be nice if we made sure that people wanting to teach their kids at home were actually capable and weren't just reying to "protect" their kids from actual knowledge

there's a lot of ignorant people out there that will do enough damage to their kids just being their parents without them also being their sole educators
No matter what license,degree,experience one has doesn't mean its going to turn into good results. I had some LOUSY teachers in school. Licensed teachers with Degrees. I learned a HELL OF A LOT more when my mother home schooled me. My daughter was home schooled the first semester this year by my mother and then transferred to public school because she wanted to...she was so far ahead they talked about bumping her up a grade but we settled on putting her in gifted classes. Unfortunately public schools have to wait on the dumbest kids to catch up so the smarter ones are dragged down and get bored with it all. Home schooled kids are ALWAYS scoring higher than their PS peers. Just the way things are.
actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

My god....you are one dumb woman. Homeschooling always has been and always will be legal.
we really should require licenses.

we dont need generational stupidity.
Funny how our "licensed" teachers promote kids to the next grade whether they know the material or not oh and let's not forget that teachers these days love to grade on a curve so as to make their pupils look less stupid and them look better
if a kid isn't grasping a grade level's material the parents are already failing them. no need to double down on that failure by having the parent be the sole educator

Funny how home schooled kids outperform their public school counterparts on every measure though isn't it?

HSLDA | Academic Statistics on Homeschooling
it really isn't. it's a small sample size of kids with typically very involved parents.

kids with involved parents do generally do better.
it's a thing to report when home schooled kids are being set loose on an unsuspecting world.

No it's not.

It's none of your fucking business how parents raise their kids if there is no abuse or neglect and there was neither in this case.

actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

My god....you are one dumb woman. Homeschooling always has been and always will be legal.
we really should require licenses.

we dont need generational stupidity.
Funny how our "licensed" teachers promote kids to the next grade whether they know the material or not oh and let's not forget that teachers these days love to grade on a curve so as to make their pupils look less stupid and them look better

that happens at times and it shouldn't.

i'm not sure what that has to do with the fact that an education is valuable.
it's a thing to report when home schooled kids are being set loose on an unsuspecting world.

No it's not.

It's none of your fucking business how parents raise their kids if there is no abuse or neglect and there was neither in this case.

actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

My god....you are one dumb woman. Homeschooling always has been and always will be legal.
we really should require licenses.

we dont need generational stupidity.
Funny how our "licensed" teachers promote kids to the next grade whether they know the material or not oh and let's not forget that teachers these days love to grade on a curve so as to make their pupils look less stupid and them look better

As if you've set foot in a school since you flunked out of the 3rd grade.
No it's not.

It's none of your fucking business how parents raise their kids if there is no abuse or neglect and there was neither in this case.

actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

My god....you are one dumb woman. Homeschooling always has been and always will be legal.
we really should require licenses.

we dont need generational stupidity.
Nope we shouldn't. Period. Your government controlling every aspect of our life will never happen. Keep dreaming though.
i just think it would be nice if we made sure that people wanting to teach their kids at home were actually capable and weren't just reying to "protect" their kids from actual knowledge

there's a lot of ignorant people out there that will do enough damage to their kids just being their parents without them also being their sole educators

Who are you to say?
actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

My god....you are one dumb woman. Homeschooling always has been and always will be legal.
we really should require licenses.

we dont need generational stupidity.
Nope we shouldn't. Period. Your government controlling every aspect of our life will never happen. Keep dreaming though.
i just think it would be nice if we made sure that people wanting to teach their kids at home were actually capable and weren't just reying to "protect" their kids from actual knowledge

there's a lot of ignorant people out there that will do enough damage to their kids just being their parents without them also being their sole educators

Who are you to say?
just some asshole.

and it'll never happen. but can you imagine the disservice done to a child if say they have racist parents that never expose them to other people, teach them some insane ideas about the constitution and history, and never teach them science or health because that's not how god would want it?

what chance would that kid have at ever being anything other than trash like his parents?
it's a thing to report when home schooled kids are being set loose on an unsuspecting world.

No it's not.

It's none of your fucking business how parents raise their kids if there is no abuse or neglect and there was neither in this case.

actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

My god....you are one dumb woman. Homeschooling always has been and always will be legal.
we really should require licenses.

we dont need generational stupidity.
Nope we shouldn't. Period. Your government controlling every aspect of our life will never happen. Keep dreaming though.

grow up. seriously.
actually, it is. or there wouldn't be laws requiring kids to go to school at all.

My god....you are one dumb woman. Homeschooling always has been and always will be legal.
we really should require licenses.

we dont need generational stupidity.
Funny how our "licensed" teachers promote kids to the next grade whether they know the material or not oh and let's not forget that teachers these days love to grade on a curve so as to make their pupils look less stupid and them look better
if a kid isn't grasping a grade level's material the parents are already failing them. no need to double down on that failure by having the parent be the sole educator

Funny how home schooled kids outperform their public school counterparts on every measure though isn't it?

HSLDA | Academic Statistics on Homeschooling

Public schools teach to the test, all they are doing is turning out little test taking machines.

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