was that what I was refering to? No, don't think so.
The tea party are protesting a group of people, carrying signs calling them communists etc, and spreading lies about them, and saying they are not patriotic. Which is pretty much what you accused this group of doing.
This group has every right to protest the tea party people, just like the tea party people have the right to protest the government.

They are not Protesting the Tea Party. They intend to impersonate members and carry violent and racist messages to discredit the Tea Party.

Then why would they tell people about their protest?
Look who's against free speech now.

You want to play that game? Prove it. Prove malicious intent on the part of any counterprotesters who want to use their speech to counter the tea partiers' speech. Prove you're not just a hypocritical hack who's all for free speech but only if you agree with it.

Put up or shut up time.
was that what I was refering to? No, don't think so.
The tea party are protesting a group of people, carrying signs calling them communists etc, and spreading lies about them, and saying they are not patriotic. Which is pretty much what you accused this group of doing.
This group has every right to protest the tea party people, just like the tea party people have the right to protest the government.

They are not Protesting the Tea Party. They intend to impersonate members and carry violent and racist messages to discredit the Tea Party.

Prove it.

Read the the intro to the site.


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Let them come out. More people out the more it looks like there is support for the Tea parties. It's going to back fire.

Av, these are the ones who bring racist signs, shout the 'n' word at people and make the TEA parties look bad.

Well, then they've just provided evidence showing the tea party members are innocent, havent they?
Prove it.

The website says it all. That's all the proof I need.

It's not rocket science that the left would stoop to these levels of absurdity in their zeal to make a mockery out of the tea party movement and patriotic Americans. It's their MO.
Read the the intro to the site.

Your point?

Prove your accusations.

I made a prediction. We'll see what happens next Thursday.

The website certainly indicates that they have an objective of discrediting the Tea Party. They accuse themselves.

They advocate protest using nonviolent means.

I've stood up for the vast majority of tea partiers against my own "side" on many occasions, even though I disagree with what they stand for. I'll stand up for these people too so long as they stay within the bounds of protected speech. I'll stand up for any person using their protected right of free speech in a peaceful way, whether I agree with them or not.

Because unlike you, I am not a fucking hack.

If you find some obscure group of counteprotesters with a website so threatening, perhaps you should have a look at your own issues instead of theirs.
goldcatt neg repped me for outing the crashers.


I must have really struck a nerve.
Read the the intro to the site.

I saved that one to my computer for posterity's sake. You know these dolts are gonna take it down when they realize conservatives are on to their bullshit games.

What morons! :cuckoo:
The entire site needs to be saved and archived.

Oh, I agree....

I would do it, but don't have that kind of room to spare on my little laptop.

Anyone else up for the challenge? ;)

You really need to get a life.

Try it.
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