let those foreigners stay where they belong Brian plus they can keep their money with them . Guy was just exercising his RIGHT to open carry I guess . As someone pointed out the guy was on public property rather than school property . ------------ Giving away RIGHTS because you want some scurvy foreigners money , my , my , my , how far Americans have fallen !!
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let those foreigners stay where they belong Brian plus they can keep their money with them . Guy was just exercising his RIGHT to open carry I guess . As someone pointed out the guy was on public property rather than school property . ------------ Giving away RIGHTS because you want some scurvy foreigners money , my my my , how far Americans have fallen !!

We could use the money more than we need morons tying up lots of cops. You seen our debt?
you shouldn't have elected mrobama if your concern is about debt Brian .
cops shoulda just left him alone if the guy wasn't breaking the law Brian , was he breaking any laws , I don't know . Heard that the guy was on Public property rather than school property .
you shouldn't have elected mrobama if your concern is about debt Brian .

We elected obama. If you think republicans will do anything about the debt you are ignoring history. Bush was handed a balanced budget from a dem.
cops shoulda just left him alone if the guy wasn't breaking the law Brian , was he breaking any laws , I don't know . Heard that the guy was on Public property rather than school property .

The if he goes and shoots people they would all lose their jobs. Was no winning.
If there is a bad guy wanting to shoot people I bet he first shoots the open carry moron.
If there is someone waiting to shoot, I believe he would be hesitant to shoot if he sees someone carrying a gun.

It's a lot easier when he knows that no one is carrying a gun.

Then everyone is defenseless.
I can't imagine the NRA condoning that guy acting like an idiot the way he did. That being said, the guy apparently knew exactly how close he could go to the line without being arrested. The school was probably on lockdown because of his dumb ass.
This is exactly what the NRA condones. They know their rhetoric will produce countless idiots like this.
^^^ Mindless, bigoted lies.
Strangely in Michigan it's illegal to concealed carry on school property but if you have a concealed pistol license you can open carry on school property.

It's illegal to carry a firearm, or any weapon onto school property here in Massachusetts without the express, written permission of the Principle/Dean of that school. That doesn't stop me any more than going into a Government building does.
If there is a bad guy wanting to shoot people I bet he first shoots the open carry moron.
If there is someone waiting to shoot, I believe he would be hesitant to shoot if he sees someone carrying a gun.

It's a lot easier when he knows that no one is carrying a gun.

Then everyone is defenseless.

It's just a big target on the carry guy. He will be dead before he knows what happened.
I can't imagine the NRA condoning that guy acting like an idiot the way he did. That being said, the guy apparently knew exactly how close he could go to the line without being arrested. The school was probably on lockdown because of his dumb ass.

This is exactly what the NRA condones. They know their rhetoric will produce countless idiots like this. Their have been groups of these idiots prancing up and down streets in an obvious attempt to instigate a confrontation. That's all this guy was doing, trying to instigate a confrontation. I haven't been in favor of taking anyone's guns, but people like that make me want to reevaluate that decision.

He was tying up a lot of police who should have been doing other things.
So many doughnuts uneaten while dealing with this. A real tragedy, I know.
I can't imagine the NRA condoning that guy acting like an idiot the way he did. That being said, the guy apparently knew exactly how close he could go to the line without being arrested. The school was probably on lockdown because of his dumb ass.

This is exactly what the NRA condones. They know their rhetoric will produce countless idiots like this. Their have been groups of these idiots prancing up and down streets in an obvious attempt to instigate a confrontation. That's all this guy was doing, trying to instigate a confrontation. I haven't been in favor of taking anyone's guns, but people like that make me want to reevaluate that decision.

He was tying up a lot of police who should have been doing other things.
So many doughnuts uneaten while dealing with this. A real tragedy, I know.

Or crimes stopped, lives saved.
boy , you guys are all set to arrest and detain , harass people based on what they Might do ehh Brian ?? Hope that everyone see's and remembers the mindset of liberal , dem supporters of mrobama . That's why I like these types of threads where the little dictators show themselves by the words that they use
boy , you guys are all set to arrest and detain , harass people based on what they Might do ehh Brian ?? Hope that everyone see's and remembers the mindset of liberal , dem supporters of mrobama . That's why I like these types of threads where the little dictators show themselves by the words that they use

So the cops just ignore him and he goes in the school and shoots people. The cops would be crucified.
I can't imagine the NRA condoning that guy acting like an idiot the way he did. That being said, the guy apparently knew exactly how close he could go to the line without being arrested. The school was probably on lockdown because of his dumb ass.

This is exactly what the NRA condones. They know their rhetoric will produce countless idiots like this. Their have been groups of these idiots prancing up and down streets in an obvious attempt to instigate a confrontation. That's all this guy was doing, trying to instigate a confrontation. I haven't been in favor of taking anyone's guns, but people like that make me want to reevaluate that decision.
I disagree. I believe that the rational ones don't like people like this idiot. It cracks me up that it is HIS video and apparently HE posted it, thinking it would put HIM in a good light. All it did was show how much of an idiot HE is and how much restraint the cops had in HIS case.

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