NRA is pro gun Bulldog , not hardcore enough in some peoples view but the last few years they have been getting better as in MORE hardcore . Like I said , I don't know the laws in this incident but NRA and gun owners in general are getting more and more annoyed with the infringements on their RIGHTS . If it wasn't an NRA member it'd just be another group or a group of individuals going to Starbucks and the antis would be crying about that .
I can't imagine the NRA condoning that guy acting like an idiot the way he did. That being said, the guy apparently knew exactly how close he could go to the line without being arrested. The school was probably on lockdown because of his dumb ass.

This is exactly what the NRA condones. They know their rhetoric will produce countless idiots like this. Their have been groups of these idiots prancing up and down streets in an obvious attempt to instigate a confrontation. That's all this guy was doing, trying to instigate a confrontation. I haven't been in favor of taking anyone's guns, but people like that make me want to reevaluate that decision.
I think Leftist Statists like you are chomping at the bit to take people's guns and don't need an excuse. I don't for a second believe any of you when you say you respect people's right to carry guns.
Why didn't they gun this jerk down like they do all the unarmed black kids?

He should have been locked up and the key thrown away.

That dude is a hero! I LOVE when someone uses their rights especially when cops think those shiny badges give them extra rights....Oh and btw that's a public sidewalk not school property. :) You will all get over it. 2nd amendment is here to stay. Sucks for you..whiners who want more dead kids instead of arming teachers....
NRA is pro gun Bulldog , not hardcore enough in some peoples view but the last few years they have been getting better as in MORE hardcore . Like I said , I don't know the laws in this incident but NRA and gun owners in general are getting more and more annoyed with the infringements on their RIGHTS . If it wasn't an NRA member it'd just be another group or a group of individuals going to Starbucks and the antis would be crying about that .
Nobody is infringing on the gun nuts rights.
Why didn't they gun this jerk down like they do all the unarmed black kids?

He should have been locked up and the key thrown away.

For one thing he was stupid to walk on school grounds with a weapon.

It looked like a college campus. The same thing just happened here at BSU. A guy walked on campus with a rifle to meet someone selling him a scope. This one wasn't as snotty and when campus police asked him to put it back in his vehicle he complied. We just recently passed campus carry which allows guns on university grounds with a ECC (enhanced concealed carry) permit, but open carry is still a violation of BSU policy.
I don't know the laws in the area where this happened but pretty soon I think that TEXAS will be getting 'open carry' [thankyou Gov Abbot] !! lots of open carry demonstrations are going on all over the USA . I think that 45 states have legal open carry but the demos are designed to get you / the anti gunners used to seeing it

It's funny how you rarely (if ever) see these nutjobs armed to the teeth going into a Chik-fil-A brandishing their weapons. You'd figure they'd feel right at home there or at Hobby Lobby.

Any information on why they stay away from these places?
I can't imagine the NRA condoning that guy acting like an idiot the way he did. That being said, the guy apparently knew exactly how close he could go to the line without being arrested. The school was probably on lockdown because of his dumb ass.

This is exactly what the NRA condones. They know their rhetoric will produce countless idiots like this. Their have been groups of these idiots prancing up and down streets in an obvious attempt to instigate a confrontation. That's all this guy was doing, trying to instigate a confrontation. I haven't been in favor of taking anyone's guns, but people like that make me want to reevaluate that decision.

He was tying up a lot of police who should have been doing other things.
He was very rude but he's right.

If you have a cpl you can open carry on school property in michigan:
Why didn't they gun this jerk down like they do all the unarmed black kids?

He should have been locked up and the key thrown away.

For what,exercising his constitutional rights,he threaten nobody,fact you look at the group of cops and their surround the guy stance,who is threatening who?
Its a sad thing when so many want to just walk away from the constitution,and make huge inaccurate assumptions.
I carry on, around, and through school zones and school properties quite regularly. Not inside the building, but across and through the properties regularly. I just don't make a big deal out of it, and I carry concealed; so if I'm doing it right nobody knows I'm armed to begin with.
I carry on, around, and through school zones and school properties quite regularly. Not inside the building, but across and through the properties regularly. I just don't make a big deal out of it, and I carry concealed; so if I'm doing it right nobody knows I'm armed to begin with.
Strangely in Michigan it's illegal to concealed carry on school property but if you have a concealed pistol license you can open carry on school property.
reason that they don't open carry at a 'hobby lobby' or similar establishment might be because those places are less likely to object to seeing a gun in 'open carry' so less likely to make the news Candy . I think that open carry demonstrations are meant to make the news so a Starbucks or a school is a good place to work from the open carriers point of view , I guess .
Why do we need open carry? Are we trying to scare away foreign visitors who will spend their money here?
Why do we need open carry? Are we trying to scare away foreign visitors who will spend their money here?
Self defense. A public school would be a good place to be able to defend yourself and your children.

It doesn't matter. It's a constitutional right.
If there is a bad guy wanting to shoot people I bet he first shoots the open carry moron.

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