Crazy lying Bachmann at it again

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Lies, two days in a row but they're still not as good as her loony $200MILLION A DAY vacation lie that the nutters here embraced and probably had tattooed across their substantial behinds.

Bachmann's attack on lavish Obama lifestyle gets four Pinocchios | MinnPost

Speaking at the CPAC conference on Saturday, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann came up with a relatively new line of attack on Pres. Obama. The Obamas are living too high in the White House on your tax dollars with public employees to walk their dog while disabled veterans can't even get a White House tour. Here's the quote:

“A new book is out talking about the perks and the excess of the $1.4-billion-a-year presidency that we’re paying for. And this is a lifestyle that is one of excess. Now we find out that there are five chefs on Air Force One. There are two projectionists who operate the White House movie theater. They regularly sleep at the White House in order to be readily available in case the first family wants a really, really late show. And I don’t mean to be petty here, but can’t they just push the play button? We are also the ones who are paying for someone to walk the president’s dog, paying for someone to walk the president’s dog? Now, why are we doing that when we can’t even get a disabled veteran into the White House for a White House tour? That isn’t caring!”[/QUOTE]

And still four more Pinocchios for Bachmann | MinnPost

This time it’s Bachmann’s assertion that of every dollar that the government supposedly spends to help the poor, as she said:

70 cents of that dollar that's supposed to go to the poor doesn't. It actually goes to benefit the bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. — 70 cents on the dollar. That's how the president's caring works in practice. So $3 in food stamps for the needy, $7 in salaries and pensions for the bureaucrats who are supposed to be taking care of the poor. So with all due respect, I ask you, how does this show that our president cares about the poor?

As usual, Bachmann’s office wouldn’t respond to Kessler’s requests for backup. He was able to find a couple of previous statements by conservatives that appear to be the likely sources for Bachmann’s statement, except that she didn’t cite them accurately.

She really is the gift that keeps on giving.
Lies, two days in a row but they're still not as good as her loony $200MILLION A DAY vacation lie that the nutters here embraced and probably had tattooed across their substantial behinds.

Bachmann's attack on lavish Obama lifestyle gets four Pinocchios | MinnPost

Speaking at the CPAC conference on Saturday, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann came up with a relatively new line of attack on Pres. Obama. The Obamas are living too high in the White House on your tax dollars with public employees to walk their dog while disabled veterans can't even get a White House tour. Here's the quote:

“A new book is out talking about the perks and the excess of the $1.4-billion-a-year presidency that we’re paying for. And this is a lifestyle that is one of excess. Now we find out that there are five chefs on Air Force One. There are two projectionists who operate the White House movie theater. They regularly sleep at the White House in order to be readily available in case the first family wants a really, really late show. And I don’t mean to be petty here, but can’t they just push the play button? We are also the ones who are paying for someone to walk the president’s dog, paying for someone to walk the president’s dog? Now, why are we doing that when we can’t even get a disabled veteran into the White House for a White House tour? That isn’t caring!”[/QUOTE]

And still four more Pinocchios for Bachmann | MinnPost

This time it’s Bachmann’s assertion that of every dollar that the government supposedly spends to help the poor, as she said:

70 cents of that dollar that's supposed to go to the poor doesn't. It actually goes to benefit the bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. — 70 cents on the dollar. That's how the president's caring works in practice. So $3 in food stamps for the needy, $7 in salaries and pensions for the bureaucrats who are supposed to be taking care of the poor. So with all due respect, I ask you, how does this show that our president cares about the poor?

As usual, Bachmann’s office wouldn’t respond to Kessler’s requests for backup. He was able to find a couple of previous statements by conservatives that appear to be the likely sources for Bachmann’s statement, except that she didn’t cite them accurately.

She really is the gift that keeps on giving.


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Keep waving that Democrat Flag Luddie, it makes our Communist, Banker takeover that much easier!
The war against women? Look st the stuff coming out of the sissie left. Crazy allegations about a single female Congressperson, crazy stuff about Sara Palin and Ann Coulter's home address given out to nut cases. All in a couple of days journey into the creepy left wing blog fantasy world.
The war against women? Look st the stuff coming out of the sissie left. Crazy allegations about a single female Congressperson, crazy stuff about Sara Palin and Ann Coulter's home address given out to nut cases. All in a couple of days journey into the creepy left wing blog fantasy world.
That must mean they're running a woman candidate for sure. This is just a precursor of their "self-fulfilling prophecy" technique to ambush the characters and make them a legend prior to the election so people will be afraid to vote for them should Republicans present a better woman for the job. They're taking out the known could-be contenders and painting them in clown colors ahead of time to firmly establish their Hollywood's sure-fire method of making people laugh, cry, love, hate, and vote a certain way.

Ever leave a theater wondering why you hated the bad guy so much when you really don't hate anyone? It's because they show the bad guy as kicking the dog, shoving an old lady abusively, carrying groceries across the street, spilling them everywhere. Laughing when a sympathetic character gets hurt, etc.

It's all smoke and mirrors.

And people fall for it, because they're not adult enough to realize that fiction is invented to entertain the mind and get it off life's worries by transference of emotion to a theoretical object. So they fictionalize Republicans unrelentingly to achieve some ends and fill in the rest with cheating at the polls through omuerta precinct chairmen who usher in foreign nationals by the busloads and coach them to vote for Democrats.
The left finds the time to attack a single female congressperson while the freaking Country is under attack and going down the tubes in an economic depression. What does that tell you about the sissie left's war on women?
Yeah, leftist politicians never lie.*


I live in District 6 in MN, where Bachman was elected. This a right wing District on the northern fringes of the Twin Cities that is tired of the leftist bullshit that is spewed to us by the liberal voters in the metro area. Can you say Rep. Keith Ellison? Now that idiot has made some stupid remarks bordering on racism if not downright lies. Our way of making things even in an over taxed left wing state.

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