Crazy Maxine Waters: Biden administration's behavior is "worse than what we witnessed in slavery"

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The closest any of these elected dems and media dems have ever been to a horse is probably at a Cancun taco stand if they can't tell the difference between horse reigns and a whip....for cryin out loud if they are this dumb how dumb must their voters and viewers be....
She needs to go away......but hey look she found out there was a border..........About fucking time..........keep preaching Maxine, lets shine that light on the border.........way to go!
Mad Max pulling NO punches on Banana Joe's racist administration! Dayum!

This Dem on Dem violence is getting good!

Mad Maxine is bucking for another award.
She's the only woman in congress that's dumber that AOC and Pelosi.
Xiden's regime is going full on racist retro with whips and horses!
Maybe Joe will bring out the pointy white hood that Robert Byrd gifted him?

Expect the whips to come down on Mad Max for speaking out against the Demaklan party.....
Poor idiot lefties do not know the difference between reins and a whip.

How you guys shave without murdering yourselves is beyond me.
Where are the lefties? Are they going to side with Maxine "Harriet Tubman" Waters, or Joe "Whip 'em good" Biden?
Nahhhhh... KaramelKorn actually has a brain in her head... can't stand her nor her politics, but I'll concede intelligence...
Not really.....when people ask her a valid question you don't answer "Well I haven't been to Europe either..."
Title and OP violates Clean Start.

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