Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

The guy standing to Pence's left is in uniform.



I thought protocol required that people in uniform must salute during the National Anthem.

But even if he didn't salute, no hand over heart?

Who's the disrespectful guy standing next to the guy in uniform? The guy who sold his soul to run with one of the most disrespectful people in the USA? Trump.
So all people have to do is kneel during the National anthem and Trump goon will leave? I hope the NFL players kneel at the Whitehouse so the entire Trump administration can leave.
The guy standing to Pence's left is in uniform.



I thought protocol required that people in uniform must salute during the National Anthem.

But even if he didn't salute, no hand over heart?
He's not covered....of course, that begs the question...was the roof closed? If so, he was right not to be covered. If it was open, why wasn't he wearing his cover and saluting?

The Internet said the roof was closed.

He is off the hook...this time.
Ridiculous thread.
It's all about diverting attention away from the America hating players

No. Not really.

I just wanted to see if people that were so upset by lapses in anthem protocol were as upset when the man in uniform beside the VP had a lapse in anthem protocol.

I guess you guys aren't upset, because he's not black.
You are attempting to equate a military man in uniform at attention during the anthem to players intentionally disrespecting the flag. FAIL.

He should know better. WIN.
"He didn’t make him do anything he didn’t already want to do. "

You could not possibly know that. Therefore, you just made it up.

So people can make you do whatever they want you to do? Interesting, people can’t make me do anything I don’t want to do. I didn’t know I was the only one.
And now you are pulling a little bait-and-switch, removing the idea the president may have ordered Pence to do something and replacing it with the falsely equivalent idea of "Anyone can make anyone do whatever they want". then, you insist that the argument is about this, instead.

No you said Pence was made to leave and I am saying he isn’t made to do anything he doesn’t want to do and the fact you won’t answer it shows that I made my point. Thanks for the concession buttercup.
No, Trump said he was made to leave. Pay attention! And your childish argument to the contrary is, "Nobody can force anyone to do anything!". I will forward your deep thoughts to Trump.

"I asked @VP Pence to leave stadium if any players kneeled, disrespecting our country. I am proud of him and @SecondLady Karen," Trump tweeted."

Pence leaves Colts game after protest during anthem - CNNPolitics

You lied yet again. Typical.
You're splitting hairs. What you just posted there is Trump, taking credit. M
Pence should have gone to see the Browns - it would have been much easier to get up and leave. Lol...

"Pence should have gone to see the Browns"

So I had to Google Browns American Sports Team, I do not know a lot about American sports, but I got this.

They are all Brown and wear brown, according to the SJW shouldn't this be racist?

Also the colour coordination is sub-vulgar, brown and orange is a definite no no. WTF?!
Hey, Lucy, sorry for such a vague reference. Lol.

The humor in the Browns comment is that they have about a decade long losing record. They're horrible.

That's why it would be so easy to walk out on one of their games.

View attachment 153345

Actually, our local news had a report about a committee already planning a perfect season parade--all losses.
I feel for you guys. It happens to all teams, sooner or later.

I'm a Broncos fan and right now we have three green quarterbacks, and one, Brock, that most fans don't like.

Thank you for the sympathy, but we are used to it by now. The Browns have sucked for many years.

However we do have a fantastic basketball team and at the moment, I have our Indians game on pause so I can catch up later and avoid watching commercials. I think much like last year, we will end up in the world series. Hopefully this time we win it though.
Taking a knee at the grave of a fallen soldier isn't a protest, it's a sign of respect and sorrow that a fellow service member has fallen.

You DO realize that when they have a memorial ceremony for fallen soldiers on the battlefield that they put up their boots, rifle and helmet as a way to remember them, and a lot of their comrades will go up to the display, take a knee, say a silent prayer, then stand and go on their way.

But, if you had actually ever served in the military, you might have understood that.

This has exactly what to do with an NFL player intentionally disobeying the rules of the league and not being punished?

Catch up!

Not to go sports in the political forum...but why isn't the NFL enforcing their own rules?

If an NFL player wanted to wear a specific color of shoes to pay tribute to Tom Petty, he would be fined and possibly suspended....because "those are the rules".

Apparently the NFL rules have a gray area.

Maybe they can make the rules of the actual game a gray area...let's determine intent in all NFL penalties during a game.

If any player displays their pleasure after a touchdown, they are fined. If they display their disrespect for our anthem and flag, that's okay.

This is liberal thinking at it's finest.

It's not liberals who are whining about the business decisions of a private organization.

I don't think we are whining either, we just refuse to patronize the organization. The NFL is not welcome in my living room and the millions of living rooms like mine. If that's the way they roll, this is the way we roll.
I hate to say it, but I cannot stop,watching the NFL...even though Jay Cutler is the QB for the Fins.
God bless the President and VP. They make a stand against political correctness. Bravo, screw the NFL.

Mac, you ought to be happy with them going against PC.

Trump: I am 'proud' of Pence for leaving the Colts game

God bless Trump. He disrespects people on a daily basis. He disrespects the country on a daily basis. Then criticizes others for what he thinks is being disrespectful. Nothing like a fucking hypocrite to entertain the masses, most would call such an entertainer a clown.
Taking a knee at the grave of a fallen soldier isn't a protest, it's a sign of respect and sorrow that a fellow service member has fallen.

You DO realize that when they have a memorial ceremony for fallen soldiers on the battlefield that they put up their boots, rifle and helmet as a way to remember them, and a lot of their comrades will go up to the display, take a knee, say a silent prayer, then stand and go on their way.

But, if you had actually ever served in the military, you might have understood that.

This has exactly what to do with an NFL player intentionally disobeying the rules of the league and not being punished?

Catch up!

Not to go sports in the political forum...but why isn't the NFL enforcing their own rules?

If an NFL player wanted to wear a specific color of shoes to pay tribute to Tom Petty, he would be fined and possibly suspended....because "those are the rules".

Apparently the NFL rules have a gray area.

Maybe they can make the rules of the actual game a gray area...let's determine intent in all NFL penalties during a game.

If any player displays their pleasure after a touchdown, they are fined. If they display their disrespect for our anthem and flag, that's okay.

This is liberal thinking at it's finest.

It's not liberals who are whining about the business decisions of a private organization.

I don't think we are whining either, we just refuse to patronize the organization. The NFL is not welcome in my living room and the millions of living rooms like mine. If that's the way they roll, this is the way we roll.

It's funny how people can see things.

The Confederates were clearly treasonous. And yet some of the people who are not watching the NFL because they're supposedly disrespecting the flag, will the next minute fly a flag of treason.

It's called compartmentalization. Where people can block out all morals they hold in one block, they can suddenly have these morals in another block and demand that others follow the very morals they're not going to follow in 2 minutes time.
So people can make you do whatever they want you to do? Interesting, people can’t make me do anything I don’t want to do. I didn’t know I was the only one.
And now you are pulling a little bait-and-switch, removing the idea the president may have ordered Pence to do something and replacing it with the falsely equivalent idea of "Anyone can make anyone do whatever they want". then, you insist that the argument is about this, instead.

No you said Pence was made to leave and I am saying he isn’t made to do anything he doesn’t want to do and the fact you won’t answer it shows that I made my point. Thanks for the concession buttercup.
No, Trump said he was made to leave. Pay attention! And your childish argument to the contrary is, "Nobody can force anyone to do anything!". I will forward your deep thoughts to Trump.

"I asked @VP Pence to leave stadium if any players kneeled, disrespecting our country. I am proud of him and @SecondLady Karen," Trump tweeted."

Pence leaves Colts game after protest during anthem - CNNPolitics

You lied yet again. Typical.
You're splitting hairs. What you just posted there is Trump, taking credit. M

If I asked you to learn the language would you?

If I told you that you needed to learn the language, would you?

If you cannot tell the difference, you really do need to seek professional help.
This has exactly what to do with an NFL player intentionally disobeying the rules of the league and not being punished?

Catch up!

Not to go sports in the political forum...but why isn't the NFL enforcing their own rules?

If an NFL player wanted to wear a specific color of shoes to pay tribute to Tom Petty, he would be fined and possibly suspended....because "those are the rules".

Apparently the NFL rules have a gray area.

Maybe they can make the rules of the actual game a gray area...let's determine intent in all NFL penalties during a game.

If any player displays their pleasure after a touchdown, they are fined. If they display their disrespect for our anthem and flag, that's okay.

This is liberal thinking at it's finest.

It's not liberals who are whining about the business decisions of a private organization.

I don't think we are whining either, we just refuse to patronize the organization. The NFL is not welcome in my living room and the millions of living rooms like mine. If that's the way they roll, this is the way we roll.

It's funny how people can see things.

The Confederates were clearly treasonous. And yet some of the people who are not watching the NFL because they're supposedly disrespecting the flag, will the next minute fly a flag of treason.

It's called compartmentalization. Where people can block out all morals they hold in one block, they can suddenly have these morals in another block and demand that others follow the very morals they're not going to follow in 2 minutes time.

Right. Well according to you leftists, disrespecting the flag is freedom of expression and speech. However when people want to fly the confederate flag, that's not freedom of speech because liberals disagree with it. And if liberals disagree with others freedom of speech, that freedom of speech needs to be removed which they did, much like the statues and other freedom of speech you people disagree with.
Not to go sports in the political forum...but why isn't the NFL enforcing their own rules?

If an NFL player wanted to wear a specific color of shoes to pay tribute to Tom Petty, he would be fined and possibly suspended....because "those are the rules".

Apparently the NFL rules have a gray area.

Maybe they can make the rules of the actual game a gray area...let's determine intent in all NFL penalties during a game.

If any player displays their pleasure after a touchdown, they are fined. If they display their disrespect for our anthem and flag, that's okay.

This is liberal thinking at it's finest.

It's not liberals who are whining about the business decisions of a private organization.

I don't think we are whining either, we just refuse to patronize the organization. The NFL is not welcome in my living room and the millions of living rooms like mine. If that's the way they roll, this is the way we roll.

It's funny how people can see things.

The Confederates were clearly treasonous. And yet some of the people who are not watching the NFL because they're supposedly disrespecting the flag, will the next minute fly a flag of treason.

It's called compartmentalization. Where people can block out all morals they hold in one block, they can suddenly have these morals in another block and demand that others follow the very morals they're not going to follow in 2 minutes time.

Right. Well according to you leftists, disrespecting the flag is freedom of expression and speech. However when people want to fly the confederate flag, that's not freedom of speech because liberals disagree with it. And if liberals disagree with others freedom of speech, that freedom of speech needs to be removed which they did, much like the statues and other freedom of speech you people disagree with.

The problem with what you say Ray, is that you don't realize that I'm throwing your own argument at you.

Personally if states want to leave the Union, I'd have no problem with that. I believe that people should have a right to decide their own destiny.

I support Catalonia having an independence vote, I supported Scotland having an independence vote and respect that they decided to remain. I would have respected the Brexit vote for the UK but have the distinct feeling that most people would change their vote now they realize what is happening to the country. I support the Crimea having a vote on whether to be a part of the Ukraine or not, a proper vote. I was marching with Kosovan Albanians in Pristina a year before their independence from Serbia.

I support people being able to choose to make their own destiny, which is why I also support the US having Proportional Representation.

In all of this Ray, I'm consistent.

What isn't consistent is saying the "choice is freedom" and then not wanting people to have choice when they go to vote. That would be YOUR inconsistent views.

Treason is something quite different. The Constitution states quite clearly what Treason is.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Here, Treason. This is what they did. Whether you support their desire to leave the country or not, the fact remains that it was still treason.

No, if kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful when the First Amendment protects individuals' right to protest, but Treason isn't disrespecting the Constitution, the Troops of the US Army and Navy, troops who died to defend their country against treasonous people, then you're got a really fucked up point of view.
Ridiculous thread.
It's all about diverting attention away from the America hating players

No. Not really.

I just wanted to see if people that were so upset by lapses in anthem protocol were as upset when the man in uniform beside the VP had a lapse in anthem protocol.

I guess you guys aren't upset, because he's not black.
You are attempting to equate a military man in uniform at attention during the anthem to players intentionally disrespecting the flag. FAIL.

He should know better. WIN.
Liberal nit-picking = LOSE.
Ridiculous thread.
It's all about diverting attention away from the America hating players

No. Not really.

I just wanted to see if people that were so upset by lapses in anthem protocol were as upset when the man in uniform beside the VP had a lapse in anthem protocol.

I guess you guys aren't upset, because he's not black.
You are attempting to equate a military man in uniform at attention during the anthem to players intentionally disrespecting the flag. FAIL.

He should know better. WIN.
Liberal nit-picking = LOSE.

Attempting to deflect from the images I posted = LAME

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