Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

President Trump says he's the one who told Crazy Mike to leave the stadium...
Oh, someone should just tell poor, dense Mike that one of the players was kneeling to protest abortion and gays. Then he could stay and enjoy the game.

So it’s okay for a person to kneel and it’s not okay for a person to leave the game as a response to the protest?
It is not OK for the Vice President of the United States to diss a white football hero of his home state, correct.

Peyton Manning Ring of Honor Ceremony 
Way to go Pence. It's called honor and integrity, and STANDING up for them.

Vice President Mike Pence leaves Colts game over anthem 'disrespect'
I wonder what lobbyist paid for his ticket.
/——/ That’s all you got?

Well did he buy a ticket? It's obvious the whole
Thing was a set up for his dramatic exit .

Why? Cause pense supports police brutality.
Take cover. Tweet storm coming tonight! Bigly.
Way to go Pence. It's called honor and integrity, and STANDING up for them.

Vice President Mike Pence leaves Colts game over anthem 'disrespect'
I wonder what lobbyist paid for his ticket.
/——/ That’s all you got?

Well did he buy a ticket? It's obvious the whole
Thing was a set up for his dramatic exit .

Why? Cause pense supports police brutality.
You seriously think that Pence bought that ticket? :lol:
DIVISIVE is always the way to go , what good American wants to stand with scum OldLady ,
There's disagreement, Pismoe, and then there's intentional divisiveness. I know where you stand. I don't agree with it.

Both acts are divisive, and both are peaceful ways to protest. As an American I am for both ways to protest. It is America and we have people using their freedom of expression to make political points.

Soldiers gave their lives and sacrificed for this right to protest.
I agree in theory about fans' right to protest the protest. I am very concerned that the President is spending his weekend thinking up ways to keep this at a full boil, knowing it is not good for the sport or the people. The people need to listen to each other. Stuff like this makes it too loud for anyone to actually hear. It's not good, imo. It's not that I don't agree with the fans' rights, but I'm really worried/disgusted that the President is a cheerleader for the anti-protesters.
Way to go Pence. It's called honor and integrity, and STANDING up for them.

Vice President Mike Pence leaves Colts game over anthem 'disrespect'
I wonder what lobbyist paid for his ticket.
/——/ That’s all you got?

Well did he buy a ticket? It's obvious the whole
Thing was a set up for his dramatic exit .

Why? Cause pense supports police brutality.
Take cover. Tweet storm coming tonight! Bigly.
/——/ I like hearing from my president unfiltered by CNN
Prove it ass wipe!
Settle down there, little guy... Trump tweeted it. It's in this thread.

Found it. Deleted my post.

It is just that you libs make up so much shit, it is often hard to tell.
Right, it's the liberals' fault you act the way you do. Poor little guy.... lost his free will years ago. now relies on liberals for cues on what to think and how to act.... like a dog, but with no bite...

Better to be a dog with no bite than a liberal man without testicles. How long was the recovery process when you had them removed? Can you still lick yourself?
You must be used to hanging around middle schoolers. As you are a grown man, I think someone should notify thw authorities.

Well he is hanging around middle schoolers by replying to your posts. Start making your calls buttercup.
DIVISIVE is always the way to go , what good American wants to stand with scum OldLady ,
There's disagreement, Pismoe, and then there's intentional divisiveness. I know where you stand. I don't agree with it.

Both acts are divisive, and both are peaceful ways to protest. As an American I am for both ways to protest. It is America and we have people using their freedom of expression to make political points.

Soldiers gave their lives and sacrificed for this right to protest.
I agree in theory about fans' right to protest the protest. I am very concerned that the President is spending his weekend thinking up ways to keep this at a full boil, knowing it is not good for the sport or the people. The people need to listen to each other. Stuff like this makes it too loud for anyone to actually hear. It's not good, imo. It's not that I don't agree with the fans' rights, but I'm really worried/disgusted that the President is a cheerleader for the anti-protesters.
Correct. Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about "respecting the flag". He is using people to fellate himself.
Settle down there, little guy... Trump tweeted it. It's in this thread.

Found it. Deleted my post.

It is just that you libs make up so much shit, it is often hard to tell.
Right, it's the liberals' fault you act the way you do. Poor little guy.... lost his free will years ago. now relies on liberals for cues on what to think and how to act.... like a dog, but with no bite...

Better to be a dog with no bite than a liberal man without testicles. How long was the recovery process when you had them removed? Can you still lick yourself?
You must be used to hanging around middle schoolers. As you are a grown man, I think someone should notify thw authorities.

Well he is hanging around middle schoolers by replying to your posts. Start making your calls buttercup.
You're not a very witty guy, are ya?
This was a story that Trump and Pence did on purpose. Pence went to a game that he KNEW players would kneel, just so he could leave and spin into something more. Fuck him and Trump. They are trolls. They literally just did a real life troll on the American public to create even more fuel to the fire of dividing our country.

I really don't understand how people can continue to support these guys.
I have been saying since November, "Nah, he's not really dangerous, he's not really nuts." But he's escalating. With every outrageous act that earns him attention from the media and kudos from his base, it makes him feel more comfortable with pushing the envelope farther. He is President. This is not okay. There is stuff to actually think about rather than causing more division between black and white. Holy shit, Lewdog. He's beginning to give me the willies.

Bout time you finally saw the light! I'm amazed it's taken this long for you...
Way to go Pence. It's called honor and integrity, and STANDING up for them.

Vice President Mike Pence leaves Colts game over anthem 'disrespect'
I wonder what lobbyist paid for his ticket.
/——/ That’s all you got?

Well did he buy a ticket? It's obvious the whole
Thing was a set up for his dramatic exit .

Why? Cause pense supports police brutality.
You seriously think that Pence bought that ticket? :lol:
/——/ I don’t think any president or VP pays admission to any event, not Pence, not Obozo, not Biden nor Trump. Get a life will ya?
DIVISIVE is always the way to go , what good American wants to stand with scum OldLady ,
There's disagreement, Pismoe, and then there's intentional divisiveness. I know where you stand. I don't agree with it.

Both acts are divisive, and both are peaceful ways to protest. As an American I am for both ways to protest. It is America and we have people using their freedom of expression to make political points.

Soldiers gave their lives and sacrificed for this right to protest.
I agree in theory about fans' right to protest the protest. I am very concerned that the President is spending his weekend thinking up ways to keep this at a full boil, knowing it is not good for the sport or the people. The people need to listen to each other. Stuff like this makes it too loud for anyone to actually hear. It's not good, imo. It's not that I don't agree with the fans' rights, but I'm really worried/disgusted that the President is a cheerleader for the anti-protesters.
Correct. Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about "respecting the flag". He is using people to fellate himself.
DIVISIVE is always the way to go , what good American wants to stand with scum OldLady ,
There's disagreement, Pismoe, and then there's intentional divisiveness. I know where you stand. I don't agree with it.

Both acts are divisive, and both are peaceful ways to protest. As an American I am for both ways to protest. It is America and we have people using their freedom of expression to make political points.

Soldiers gave their lives and sacrificed for this right to protest.
I agree in theory about fans' right to protest the protest. I am very concerned that the President is spending his weekend thinking up ways to keep this at a full boil, knowing it is not good for the sport or the people. The people need to listen to each other. Stuff like this makes it too loud for anyone to actually hear. It's not good, imo. It's not that I don't agree with the fans' rights, but I'm really worried/disgusted that the President is a cheerleader for the anti-protesters.
Correct. Trump doesn't give a rat's ass about "respecting the flag". He is using people to fellate himself.
Funny the left calls a Conservative protesting a 'stunt' and get their little panties in a wad yet....they're all in on radical lefties actually shutting down free speech events or shouting down Conservative speakers. What a bunch of hypocrisy.
DIVISIVE is always the way to go , what good American wants to stand with scum OldLady ,
There's disagreement, Pismoe, and then there's intentional divisiveness. I know where you stand. I don't agree with it.

Both acts are divisive, and both are peaceful ways to protest. As an American I am for both ways to protest. It is America and we have people using their freedom of expression to make political points.

Soldiers gave their lives and sacrificed for this right to protest.
I agree in theory about fans' right to protest the protest. I am very concerned that the President is spending his weekend thinking up ways to keep this at a full boil, knowing it is not good for the sport or the people. The people need to listen to each other. Stuff like this makes it too loud for anyone to actually hear. It's not good, imo. It's not that I don't agree with the fans' rights, but I'm really worried/disgusted that the President is a cheerleader for the anti-protesters.
---------------------------------------------- like i said earlier , divisive is best , what American wants to stand with 'scum' OldLady ??

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