Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

This was a story that Trump and Pence did on purpose. Pence went to a game that he KNEW players would kneel, just so he could leave and spin into something more. Fuck him and Trump. They are trolls. They literally just did a real life troll on the American public to create even more fuel to the fire of dividing our country.

I really don't understand how people can continue to support these guys.
I have been saying since November, "Nah, he's not really dangerous, he's not really nuts." But he's escalating. With every outrageous act that earns him attention from the media and kudos from his base, it makes him feel more comfortable with pushing the envelope farther. He is President. This is not okay. There is stuff to actually think about rather than causing more division between black and white. Holy shit, Lewdog. He's beginning to give me the willies.
Thankx for buying the ticket, Mike!


NFL Division

The Deep State

President Barack Obama (Ret.), CnC


Sorry I was late to this thread. I was busy watching football
I'm watching as we speak. Hoping the Giants embarrass the LACs.
I'm watching the Losers Bowl too

For some unknown reason they "think" we in San Diego still care about the Chargers.

They are losing 10-16 to the other 0-4 team Giants.

My 4-0 Chiefs (old #2, now #1) play tonight.
They'll all be crying in their pillows tonight, I'm sure. Like they care what 100% white bread like Pence thinks of them.
And are we sure that's why he left? Another meltdown by our Pres, perhaps?

They don’t but the NFL does, they want the players protesting conversation to die down and get the focus back on football. Pence screwed that up as we are back to talking about this and it will continue on into next on the sports shows. The NFL can’t be happy.

Great protest, just like the players not standing. It’s all good.
30 years down the road

Grandpa, did you really vote for George W Bush?

Uh yeah

And you also voted for trump?

Uh yeah

And you boycotted football?

Oh, someone should just tell poor, dense Mike that one of the players was kneeling to protest abortion and gays. Then he could stay and enjoy the game.

So it’s okay for a person to kneel and it’s not okay for a person to leave the game as a response to the protest?
They'll all be crying in their pillows tonight, I'm sure. Like they care what 100% white bread like Pence thinks of them.
And are we sure that's why he left? Another meltdown by our Pres, perhaps?
More monetary loss for the NFL.
He must be a real fan to take such an active interest in boycotting the game.
He probably didn't pay for the ticket(s) so why does he care?
VP Pence did a great job and insured his Presidency in 2024!
He'll never get the stink of Trump off him. Pence may finish out this term, though, once Trump finishes losing his mind. That's moving along quite quickly.

The only people I see losing their mind are Crying Chuckie Schumer, Nasty Pelousy, and a host of other liberals that will soon be found sitting cross-legged on the floor, rocking back and forth, and muttering to themselves.

You might be next!
Nope. I'm not a Democrat.

Neither are they. True Democrats are Number One on the endangered species list now. Liberals have overrun their ecosystem and killed off their natural prey.
They'll all be crying in their pillows tonight, I'm sure. Like they care what 100% white bread like Pence thinks of them.
And are we sure that's why he left? Another meltdown by our Pres, perhaps?
More monetary loss for the NFL.
He must be a real fan to take such an active interest in boycotting the game.
He probably didn't pay for the ticket(s) so why does he care?

Apparently there a lot of liberals on this thread who do. Why are you posting this if you don't care?
Oh, someone should just tell poor, dense Mike that one of the players was kneeling to protest abortion and gays. Then he could stay and enjoy the game.

So it’s okay for a person to kneel and it’s not okay for a person to leave the game as a response to the protest?
Of course. One way freedom of expression only. Those seeking two way avenues are racists
Did Pence really not expect this?

Did he just show up to make a point by leaving?

Maybe, but I'm glad he did regardless.
I appreciate the candor.

Do you think he's going a little overboard in playing to the base? Is there a point where it would be good to lighten up on this stuff, or do you think he can avoid turning people off and win again?
Oh, someone should just tell poor, dense Mike that one of the players was kneeling to protest abortion and gays. Then he could stay and enjoy the game.

So it’s okay for a person to kneel and it’s not okay for a person to leave the game as a response to the protest?
Of course. One way freedom of expression only. Those seeking two way avenues are racists
This was a story that Trump and Pence did on purpose. Pence went to a game that he KNEW players would kneel, just so he could leave and spin into something more. Fuck him and Trump. They are trolls. They literally just did a real life troll on the American public to create even more fuel to the fire of dividing our country.

I really don't understand how people can continue to support these guys.
I have been saying since November, "Nah, he's not really dangerous, he's not really nuts." But he's escalating. With every outrageous act that earns him attention from the media and kudos from his base, it makes him feel more comfortable with pushing the envelope farther. He is President. This is not okay. There is stuff to actually think about rather than causing more division between black and white. Holy shit, Lewdog. He's beginning to give me the willies.

Yep we have a President that is more worried about players kneeling in the NFL during the national anthem than terrorism, natural disaster relief, and enemy countries developing nuclear weapons.
DIVISIVE is always the way to go , what good American wants to stand with scum OldLady ,
There's disagreement, Pismoe, and then there's intentional divisiveness. I know where you stand. I don't agree with it.

Both acts are divisive, and both are peaceful ways to protest. As an American I am for both ways to protest. It is America and we have people using their freedom of expression to make political points.

Soldiers gave their lives and sacrificed for this right to protest.
They'll all be crying in their pillows tonight, I'm sure. Like they care what 100% white bread like Pence thinks of them.
And are we sure that's why he left? Another meltdown by our Pres, perhaps?

They don’t but the NFL does, they want the players protesting conversation to die down and get the focus back on football. Pence screwed that up as we are back to talking about this and it will continue on into next on the sports shows. The NFL can’t be happy.

Great protest, just like the players not standing. It’s all good.
I thought Trump was a big buddy of one of the hotshot owners? He must know this is hurting them big time. There is something malevolent in this.
30 years down the road

Grandpa, did you really vote for George W Bush?

Uh yeah

And you also voted for trump?

Uh yeah

And you boycotted football?



While mainstream media outlets like the New York Times have continued to assert that the dip in NFL ratings that began last season is in no way connected to the controversy surrounding players kneeling during the National Anthem, yet another poll has reaffirmed what many football fans have suspected for weeks: The protests have transformed the NFL into the least popular professional sports league in America.

From the end of August to the end of September, the favorable ratings for the NFL have dropped from 57% to 44%, and it has the highest unfavorable rating – 40 percent – of any big sport, according to the Winston Group survey provided exclusively to Secrets.

Worse for football, which was already seeing lower TV ratings and empty stadium seats, the month of protests and calls from President Trump for fans to boycott the league or “walk out” of games if they see players taking a knee has apparently turned off men aged 34-54 – one of the league’s most important demographics and a troubling sign that the league isn’t in touch with its fans. The Winston Poll from the Washington-based Winston Group found that the attitude of those fans went from an August rating of 73 percent favorable and 19 percent unfavorable to 42 percent favorable and 47 percent unfavorable, a remarkable turn against the sport.

According to analysis of the poll cited by the Washington Examiner, the "more critically for the NFL, the fall off in favorables occurred among important audiences. Among males, NFL favorables fell 23 percent, going from 68 percent to 45 percent. In looking at a more specific audience, males 34-54, NFL favorables fell 31 percent, going from 73 percent to 42 percent. Among this group the NFL has a surprising negative image, as it went from +54 percent in August to -5 percent in September."...

The NFL Is Now The Least Popular Professional Sports League In America

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