Crazy Rudi ?


Platinum Member
May 19, 2014
how f'n rich ..

Attorney General Rudy Giuliani? Trump Cabinet Takes Shape | Zero Hedge

Rudi Rumsfelt


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a moron picks morons to run the country ..

Rudy Giuliani rebuilt New York. He made it great again. He's an excellent addition.

How about this: Creationist Ben Carson is Trump's top pick for Secretary of Education.

Oh dear lord.
That potential pick makes me cringe in a very disgusting, "makes me wanna puke" kinda way because I know damn well that Guiliani not only knew about the 9/11 plot but helped to cover up evidence. I wouldn't trust that POS to pick up my child from daycare three blocks from my home.....just keeping it real.
Fear....desperation.....more fear.....rioting.....crime......fear....tok tick.....-36 hours to go.
How about this: Creationist Ben Carson is Trump's top pick for Secretary of Education.

Oh dear lord.

So, please regale us as to how life began on this planet and what you would teach the little children? That there was this mysterious "big bang" and from the muck and mire, a single cell amoeba evolved into every insect, plant life and mammal???? would sell that bullshit idea but scoff that we could have possibly had a higher power that put us here???? That we evolved into a species that had the capability for compassion and empathy for each other? Yeaaaaaah, I'm gonna call total bullshit on that theory.......
How about this: Creationist Ben Carson is Trump's top pick for Secretary of Education.

Oh dear lord.

So, please regale us as to how life began on this planet and what you would teach the little children? That there was this mysterious "big bang" and from the muck and mire, a single cell amoeba evolved into every insect, plant life and mammal???? would sell that bullshit idea but scoff that we could have possibly had a higher power that put us here???? That we evolved into a species that had the capability for compassion and empathy for each other? Yeaaaaaah, I'm gonna call total bullshit on that theory.......
These floaters believe that a tornado can blow through a wrecking yard and leave a fully functional 747 in it's wake. And that Clinton should be on it.
Rudy Giuliani rebuilt New York. He made it great again. He's an excellent addition.


Really ? I remember the towers falling down.

New Yorkers grew to despise him. He was being run out of town when 911 saved his ass .
This is rich...the left bemoans Rudy while Obama had the two of the worst AGs in history...two corrupt racists
absolutely no way to even imagine how/what Trumps cabinet will shape up to be.

Theres a loose cannon on the loose.

those two dna cloned sons of his are next on his list
absolutely no way to even imagine how/what Trumps cabinet will shape up to be.

Theres a loose cannon on the loose.

Only in your eyes there bucko.

Try to put your butt hurt behind you. You'll be much better off. LOL
Rudy Giuliani rebuilt New York. He made it great again. He's an excellent addition.


Really ? I remember the towers falling down.

New Yorkers grew to despise him. He was being run out of town when 911 saved his ass .

Communist/Progressive wankers always despised him. But the reality is, he rebuilt and revitalized New York City. He built what you see today. Tourism now thrives there. It was a damn crime-infested wasteland before Giuliani. That's the reality.

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