Crazy Vegan Mother

Its Ok Ice Weasle,..... them vegans will just end up with smaller brains from their deficiencies! Im also looking into the possible link between small Vegan
Brain size and the urge to drive Smart Cars. :)
Or a Pious, I mean Prius.

yeah them too, but was perhaps thinking as the brain shrinks so does the car, at this point a Smart car is half the size of a regular economy car,
and if their brains shrink any more they will be driving , well......

smart car.jpg
What does this have to do with being a vegan, again? Should she have shoved a 12 oz steak down this baby's throat every few hours or so? Being a vegan doesn't preclude being a responsible parent.
Umm, has anyone realized that since she is feeding her child milk from a human being (herself, being an animal), that it is quite contradictory? If she wanted to remain true to her vegan beliefs, she would be feeding that child SOY formula. They make that for babies who are lactose intolerant.

She was feeding it soy, I suppose.

Vegan Florida mom charged with neglect with refusing formula for sick newborn - NY Daily News

Markham claimed a holistic doctor had prescribed the soy formula, but she had no note or description of the doctor, the station reported.

But it also says this . . .

" . . . But Markham instead went home and bought organic soy formula, a concoction she preferred over what the pediatrician prescribed because it may have contained animal by-products. . . "

She's just a nut, who thinks she knows better than her doctor, and it's good that the child was taken from her because she probably would have killed it eventually.

I have never had children, so I do not know, but what is wrong with organic soy formula?

On the face of it, nothing. Nor is there anything natural about humans drinking cow's milk. Just the opposite, actually.

Not saying what she did was right or correct but do note that in one of the articles, it said the baby suffered from "failure to thrive".

Adventists promote vegetarianism, that's not quite the same as vegans. They allow eggs and dairy products. She's taken her personal beliefs to another level, like most or all vegans.

I've written in the past about having adventist friends who were vegetarian and yes, I am familiar with their beliefs.

Like I said, her religion is germane everything because her actions were motivated by her religious beliefs.

Some of you wanted to make this a rant on veganism and you got your legs cut off at the knees when you learned that she was motivated by her being a religious nutter. Just deal with it.

This incident happened some months ago. I would be interested in seeing how it played out in a courtroom.

Oh stifle it. I posted it because it was an interesting story about someone who is making her baby suffer over her stupid beliefs. Get over yourself.

Yes and veganism makes them crazy too :) they miss some of those amino acids from meat. I think another factor lies in blood type diet and race to some extent. as some groups of people have adapted to particulatr diets over time. some people need to eat meat and others might be able to do the Vegan diet,
but all people are not the same.

Do a little research. Vegans and vegetarians get both essential and non-essential amino acids from the same place meat eaters do.

Also, someone above mentioned food combining for complete proteins. That myth has been disproved.

Where you going to get your B12 from? Hey, a balance is required. Not everyone is meant to be a Vegan. While there are benefits, over time problems may develop. A lot of problems with meat eaters, is that they eat to much, Over cook and fry their food, making it hard for the body to break down the protiens, also using un-healthful cooking oils, coconut or olive would be the only things I would use. Also meat can be steamed or stewed.
If eaten in moderation, and by lightly cooking your meat it can be very good for you. eat some in moderation ... especialy kids they are growing.

Plant fiber can be very hard for some people to break down, especialy if they are on a raw vegetable diet. Even though the nutrients are fantastic, you haver to deal with pesticides, and again, some peoples digestive systems cant handle that over time.

5 Brain Nutrients Found Only in Meat Fish and Eggs NOT Plants

Same place you get yours. Do your research.

And, note who wrote your article -
Kris is a medical student, certified personal trainer and someone who has spent years reading books, blogs and scientific studies on nutrition.

Evidence-based nutrition is his passion and he plans to devote his career to informing people about it. He stays fit by lifting weights, taking walks and eating real food.

Role: Kris owns the site, researches and writes articles.

I've read quite a bit by Gunnars. He tends to go with the latest fads and he believes in a very radical diet. He's just a guy who does what all of us do - reads. Also note that no US medical school offers nutrition courses. Here's another pov on Kris Gunnars.

I believe the the wisest thing to do is read information from all sides of a given issue before making a decision. Do what works for you. If you're not fat, no heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, kidney, liver disease and none in your family history - well, like I said, do what works for you.

I've said it before - I have a family history loaded with morbid obesity, heart disease, hypertension, Type II diabetes and cancer. I would be a fool to eat meat and being vegetarian works for me. I'm the only member of my family who is not fat and sick and the oldest surviving sibling - the others, as well as most other deceased family members, all died of diet-related illness. At age 68, I like that I feel better now than I did in my 30s and I like being healthy. YMMV

If you're reading this and have an interest in vegan/vegetarian, read John Robbins (son and nephew of Baskin-Robbins) and Kathy Freston.

Infant nutrition is a whole other question though. Ideally, babies should be breast fed and I don't think I read why this mother was not.
What does this have to do with being a vegan, again? Should she have shoved a 12 oz steak down this baby's throat every few hours or so? Being a vegan doesn't preclude being a responsible parent.

I agree.

In the past I have been questioned about being able to skin, behead, gut and cut up mice to feed my birds of prey when I can hardly stand the smell of cooking meat. I've also been questioned about feeding my dogs and cats prepared, meat-based food.

Cats and birds of prey are true carnivores. They cannot exist on a plant based diet that lacks taurine. Dogs are omnivores and, in the past, my own have done well on a home made, vegetarian diet.

My answer is always the same - I didn't make those rules but I do have to abide by them.

If I had a baby dependent on me, my own diet choices would not a deciding factor or any factor at all. The baby's well-being would be.
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What does this have to do with being a vegan, again? Should she have shoved a 12 oz steak down this baby's throat every few hours or so? Being a vegan doesn't preclude being a responsible parent.

Did you even read the article? Her baby was malnourished, dehydrated and underweight. IOW, he/she was STARVING. When she was advised of this by her pediatrician and told to start feeding the baby a specific formula to HELP the baby recover, she refused to do this and instead took it upon herself, thinking she knows more!!! This is a human LIFE we are talking about here! A little helpless baby who is dependent upon mom to do the right thing! Apparently, it was felt that the baby's life was in danger, so he or she was taken by DSS. She is an effing crazy bitch.
Umm, has anyone realized that since she is feeding her child milk from a human being (herself, being an animal), that it is quite contradictory? If she wanted to remain true to her vegan beliefs, she would be feeding that child SOY formula. They make that for babies who are lactose intolerant.

She was feeding it soy, I suppose.

Vegan Florida mom charged with neglect with refusing formula for sick newborn - NY Daily News

Markham claimed a holistic doctor had prescribed the soy formula, but she had no note or description of the doctor, the station reported.

But it also says this . . .

" . . . But Markham instead went home and bought organic soy formula, a concoction she preferred over what the pediatrician prescribed because it may have contained animal by-products. . . "

She's just a nut, who thinks she knows better than her doctor, and it's good that the child was taken from her because she probably would have killed it eventually.

I have never had children, so I do not know, but what is wrong with organic soy formula?

On the face of it, nothing. Nor is there anything natural about humans drinking cow's milk. Just the opposite, actually.

Not saying what she did was right or correct but do note that in one of the articles, it said the baby suffered from "failure to thrive".

The baby was only like 12 days old. How can they possibly know that it suffered that?
Did you even read the article? Her baby was malnourished, dehydrated and underweight. IOW, he/she was STARVING.

I only remember it saying the baby had lost 10% of its body weight but nothing about being malnourished.

Well since you don't know a lot about babies, I will tell you that is a LOT for a baby when he/she only weighs several pounds to begin with! They are supposed to be gaining weight and growing rapidly at this age, not losing weight.
I think this is taking your beliefs in "veganism" or any other such thing just too far! Also, how can this woman be a vegan? She is fat???!!!! Good Lord, how much nuts must she eat?

Vegan Mom Sarah Markham Faces Criminal Charges Over Underweight Baby


A Florida woman who allegedly refused to take her underweight infant to a hospital faces criminal charges.

Sarah Markham was scheduled to go before a judge on Tuesday in an effort to regain custody of her child.

In June, doctors discovered thatMarkham's baby was dehydrated and had lost 10 percent of his body weight.

The mother was told to take the child to a hospital for treatment, but police say she opted not to do so. She was arrested, and CPS took her child away.

A doctor had previously prescribed baby formula to supplement Markham's breast milk, but she allegedly did not want to use the formula because of her vegan beliefs.

Yea... That's pretty blatant child abuse.

If she refuses to take care of her children, she shouldn't be able to keep them.
Did you even read the article? Her baby was malnourished, dehydrated and underweight. IOW, he/she was STARVING.

I only remember it saying the baby had lost 10% of its body weight but nothing about being malnourished.

Well since you don't know a lot about babies, I will tell you that is a LOT for a baby when he/she only weighs several pounds to begin with! They are supposed to be gaining weight and growing rapidly at this age, not losing weight.

Yup. I believe it's called "failure to thrive" when they fail to gain weight.

It can be life threatening.
I think this is taking your beliefs in "veganism" or any other such thing just too far! Also, how can this woman be a vegan? She is fat???!!!! Good Lord, how much nuts must she eat?

Vegan Mom Sarah Markham Faces Criminal Charges Over Underweight Baby


A Florida woman who allegedly refused to take her underweight infant to a hospital faces criminal charges.

Sarah Markham was scheduled to go before a judge on Tuesday in an effort to regain custody of her child.

In June, doctors discovered thatMarkham's baby was dehydrated and had lost 10 percent of his body weight.

The mother was told to take the child to a hospital for treatment, but police say she opted not to do so. She was arrested, and CPS took her child away.

A doctor had previously prescribed baby formula to supplement Markham's breast milk, but she allegedly did not want to use the formula because of her vegan beliefs.

Yea... That's pretty blatant child abuse.

If she refuses to take care of her children, she shouldn't be able to keep them.

Also, she refused to take her baby to the hospital to be checked. Losing weight can be a sign of a serious problem in a newborn baby, and they are completely helpless and dependent upon mom to care for them. Too bad some of them have wackos for moms. :(
Did you even read the article? Her baby was malnourished, dehydrated and underweight. IOW, he/she was STARVING.

I only remember it saying the baby had lost 10% of its body weight but nothing about being malnourished.

Well since you don't know a lot about babies, I will tell you that is a LOT for a baby when he/she only weighs several pounds to begin with! They are supposed to be gaining weight and growing rapidly at this age, not losing weight.

Yup. I believe it's called "failure to thrive" when they fail to gain weight.

It can be life threatening.

well, supposedly some soy products can block nutrition absorption.maybe thats what was happening. I'm not sure how hard they should be on the mother though. maybe she should be required to take some classes on nutrition as well
Also, she refused to take her baby to the hospital to be checked. Losing weight can be a sign of a serious problem in a newborn baby, and they are completely helpless and dependent upon mom to care for them. Too bad some of them have wackos for moms. :(

That's just nuts. It's basically reckless endangerment.
well, supposedly some soy products can block nutrition absorption.maybe thats what was happening. I'm not sure how hard they should be on the mother though. maybe she should be required to take some classes on nutrition as well

At the very least.
Did you even read the article? Her baby was malnourished, dehydrated and underweight. IOW, he/she was STARVING.

I only remember it saying the baby had lost 10% of its body weight but nothing about being malnourished.

Well since you don't know a lot about babies, I will tell you that is a LOT for a baby when he/she only weighs several pounds to begin with! They are supposed to be gaining weight and growing rapidly at this age, not losing weight.

Yup. I believe it's called "failure to thrive" when they fail to gain weight.

It can be life threatening.

well, supposedly some soy products can block nutrition absorption.maybe thats what was happening. I'm not sure how hard they should be on the mother though. maybe she should be required to take some classes on nutrition as well

Yes she should take some kind of parenting and nutrition classes. I imagine the situation was kind of serious though. Ten percent of your body weight is an awful lot of weight to lose for one who is so tiny to begin with. I can't see them taking a baby away from the mom unless they believed the baby was in some kind of immediate danger either. I'm sure there are probably some things about this case that we don't know.
well, supposedly some soy products can block nutrition absorption.maybe thats what was happening. I'm not sure how hard they should be on the mother though. maybe she should be required to take some classes on nutrition as well

At the very least.

I'm thinking that the baby was probably very sick, and they gave her an opportunity to properly care for baby at home, at which she failed, so they felt they had to take the baby to hospitalize him or her and feed the baby intravenously. Poor little baby! Probably a traumatic experience for baby! :( Not to mention, poor little baby probably feels terrible and sick!
well, supposedly some soy products can block nutrition absorption.maybe thats what was happening. I'm not sure how hard they should be on the mother though. maybe she should be required to take some classes on nutrition as well

At the very least.

I'm thinking that the baby was probably very sick, and they gave her an opportunity to properly care for baby at home, at which she failed, so they felt they had to take the baby to hospitalize him or her and feed the baby intravenously. Poor little baby! Probably a traumatic experience for baby! :( Not to mention, poor little baby probably feels terrible and sick!

At least it's getting the care it needs now :)
well, supposedly some soy products can block nutrition absorption.maybe thats what was happening. I'm not sure how hard they should be on the mother though. maybe she should be required to take some classes on nutrition as well

At the very least.

I'm thinking that the baby was probably very sick, and they gave her an opportunity to properly care for baby at home, at which she failed, so they felt they had to take the baby to hospitalize him or her and feed the baby intravenously. Poor little baby! Probably a traumatic experience for baby! :( Not to mention, poor little baby probably feels terrible and sick!

At least it's getting the care it needs now :)

I just get a kick out of people who think they know better than a trained professional in the medical field. She says she doesn't believe the baby is sick because it's pooping . . . :rolleyes-41: Good grief, what a dummy!

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