Crazy Vegan Mother

Well, she had parenting classes and I believe was court ordered to take a nutrition class. The baby was returned so, the charges are at this point kind of jacked up now that she has already been through it.
Umm, has anyone realized that since she is feeding her child milk from a human being (herself, being an animal), that it is quite contradictory? If she wanted to remain true to her vegan beliefs, she would be feeding that child SOY formula. They make that for babies who are lactose intolerant.

She was feeding it soy, I suppose.

Vegan Florida mom charged with neglect with refusing formula for sick newborn - NY Daily News

Markham claimed a holistic doctor had prescribed the soy formula, but she had no note or description of the doctor, the station reported.

But it also says this . . .

" . . . But Markham instead went home and bought organic soy formula, a concoction she preferred over what the pediatrician prescribed because it may have contained animal by-products. . . "

She's just a nut, who thinks she knows better than her doctor, and it's good that the child was taken from her because she probably would have killed it eventually.

I have never had children, so I do not know, but what is wrong with organic soy formula?

On the face of it, nothing. Nor is there anything natural about humans drinking cow's milk. Just the opposite, actually.

Not saying what she did was right or correct but do note that in one of the articles, it said the baby suffered from "failure to thrive".

I've written in the past about having adventist friends who were vegetarian and yes, I am familiar with their beliefs.

Like I said, her religion is germane everything because her actions were motivated by her religious beliefs.

Some of you wanted to make this a rant on veganism and you got your legs cut off at the knees when you learned that she was motivated by her being a religious nutter. Just deal with it.

This incident happened some months ago. I would be interested in seeing how it played out in a courtroom.

Oh stifle it. I posted it because it was an interesting story about someone who is making her baby suffer over her stupid beliefs. Get over yourself.

Yes and veganism makes them crazy too :) they miss some of those amino acids from meat. I think another factor lies in blood type diet and race to some extent. as some groups of people have adapted to particulatr diets over time. some people need to eat meat and others might be able to do the Vegan diet,
but all people are not the same.

Do a little research. Vegans and vegetarians get both essential and non-essential amino acids from the same place meat eaters do.

Also, someone above mentioned food combining for complete proteins. That myth has been disproved.

Where you going to get your B12 from? Hey, a balance is required. Not everyone is meant to be a Vegan. While there are benefits, over time problems may develop. A lot of problems with meat eaters, is that they eat to much, Over cook and fry their food, making it hard for the body to break down the protiens, also using un-healthful cooking oils, coconut or olive would be the only things I would use. Also meat can be steamed or stewed.
If eaten in moderation, and by lightly cooking your meat it can be very good for you. eat some in moderation ... especialy kids they are growing.

Plant fiber can be very hard for some people to break down, especialy if they are on a raw vegetable diet. Even though the nutrients are fantastic, you haver to deal with pesticides, and again, some peoples digestive systems cant handle that over time.

5 Brain Nutrients Found Only in Meat Fish and Eggs NOT Plants

Same place you get yours. Do your research.

And, note who wrote your article -
Kris is a medical student, certified personal trainer and someone who has spent years reading books, blogs and scientific studies on nutrition.

Evidence-based nutrition is his passion and he plans to devote his career to informing people about it. He stays fit by lifting weights, taking walks and eating real food.

Role: Kris owns the site, researches and writes articles.

I've read quite a bit by Gunnars. He tends to go with the latest fads and he believes in a very radical diet. He's just a guy who does what all of us do - reads. Also note that no US medical school offers nutrition courses. Here's another pov on Kris Gunnars.

I believe the the wisest thing to do is read information from all sides of a given issue before making a decision. Do what works for you. If you're not fat, no heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, kidney, liver disease and none in your family history - well, like I said, do what works for you.

I've said it before - I have a family history loaded with morbid obesity, heart disease, hypertension, Type II diabetes and cancer. I would be a fool to eat meat and being vegetarian works for me. I'm the only member of my family who is not fat and sick and the oldest surviving sibling - the others, as well as most other deceased family members, all died of diet-related illness. At age 68, I like that I feel better now than I did in my 30s and I like being healthy. YMMV

If you're reading this and have an interest in vegan/vegetarian, read John Robbins (son and nephew of Baskin-Robbins) and Kathy Freston.

Infant nutrition is a whole other question though. Ideally, babies should be breast fed and I don't think I read why this mother was not.

Well, maybe you would agree then that growing kids should not be vegan. Sure, if it works for you then great, but when you were growing and active you needed the protien. The thing is, the quality of the meat is always an issue and when milk and egg products are modified from their natural state for baking and Ice cream products, then i would agree they are harmful and can lead to heart attack and stroke.

As for myself i find the best source of B vitamins is to keep frozen lambs hearts and liver on hand. when thawed out, diced up and cooked very lightly, they taste good and are a great source of these vitamins and energy. at my last doctors check up she told me my good HdL levels were up around 80 and my triglycerides were extremely low. Anyway, if you look at the eskimos who eat all that raw fat, you realize that the reason they have no heart disease when sticking to their natural diet, is because all that good colesterol actually protects your heart. While the vegan diet may be very good in some ways, you dont get that and some vegans who might not know any better run the risk of heart disese or diabetes from bad wheat products.

Interview with Wheat Belly Author Dr. William Davis
Well, she had parenting classes and I believe was court ordered to take a nutrition class. The baby was returned so, the charges are at this point kind of jacked up now that she has already been through it.

Yes well, if she complied and has taken classes and the baby is doing well now, then I agree. Scary to think that there are parents out there who don't know how to feed their babies though.
I have never had children, so I do not know, but what is wrong with organic soy formula?

Human breast milk has nourished millions of babies naturally for thousands of years. There is reason it exists. I'm skeptical of organic soy formula having every single wholesome component that natural breast milk offers infants.
Umm, has anyone realized that since she is feeding her child milk from a human being (herself, being an animal), that it is quite contradictory? If she wanted to remain true to her vegan beliefs, she would be feeding that child SOY formula. They make that for babies who are lactose intolerant.

She was feeding it soy, I suppose.

Vegan Florida mom charged with neglect with refusing formula for sick newborn - NY Daily News

Markham claimed a holistic doctor had prescribed the soy formula, but she had no note or description of the doctor, the station reported.

But it also says this . . .

" . . . But Markham instead went home and bought organic soy formula, a concoction she preferred over what the pediatrician prescribed because it may have contained animal by-products. . . "

She's just a nut, who thinks she knows better than her doctor, and it's good that the child was taken from her because she probably would have killed it eventually.

I have never had children, so I do not know, but what is wrong with organic soy formula?

On the face of it, nothing. Nor is there anything natural about humans drinking cow's milk. Just the opposite, actually.

Not saying what she did was right or correct but do note that in one of the articles, it said the baby suffered from "failure to thrive".

I've written in the past about having adventist friends who were vegetarian and yes, I am familiar with their beliefs.

Like I said, her religion is germane everything because her actions were motivated by her religious beliefs.

Some of you wanted to make this a rant on veganism and you got your legs cut off at the knees when you learned that she was motivated by her being a religious nutter. Just deal with it.

This incident happened some months ago. I would be interested in seeing how it played out in a courtroom.

Oh stifle it. I posted it because it was an interesting story about someone who is making her baby suffer over her stupid beliefs. Get over yourself.

Yes and veganism makes them crazy too :) they miss some of those amino acids from meat. I think another factor lies in blood type diet and race to some extent. as some groups of people have adapted to particulatr diets over time. some people need to eat meat and others might be able to do the Vegan diet,
but all people are not the same.

Do a little research. Vegans and vegetarians get both essential and non-essential amino acids from the same place meat eaters do.

Also, someone above mentioned food combining for complete proteins. That myth has been disproved.

Where you going to get your B12 from? Hey, a balance is required. Not everyone is meant to be a Vegan. While there are benefits, over time problems may develop. A lot of problems with meat eaters, is that they eat to much, Over cook and fry their food, making it hard for the body to break down the protiens, also using un-healthful cooking oils, coconut or olive would be the only things I would use. Also meat can be steamed or stewed.
If eaten in moderation, and by lightly cooking your meat it can be very good for you. eat some in moderation ... especialy kids they are growing.

Plant fiber can be very hard for some people to break down, especialy if they are on a raw vegetable diet. Even though the nutrients are fantastic, you haver to deal with pesticides, and again, some peoples digestive systems cant handle that over time.

5 Brain Nutrients Found Only in Meat Fish and Eggs NOT Plants

Same place you get yours. Do your research.

And, note who wrote your article -
Kris is a medical student, certified personal trainer and someone who has spent years reading books, blogs and scientific studies on nutrition.

Evidence-based nutrition is his passion and he plans to devote his career to informing people about it. He stays fit by lifting weights, taking walks and eating real food.

Role: Kris owns the site, researches and writes articles.

I've read quite a bit by Gunnars. He tends to go with the latest fads and he believes in a very radical diet. He's just a guy who does what all of us do - reads. Also note that no US medical school offers nutrition courses. Here's another pov on Kris Gunnars.

I believe the the wisest thing to do is read information from all sides of a given issue before making a decision. Do what works for you. If you're not fat, no heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, kidney, liver disease and none in your family history - well, like I said, do what works for you.

I've said it before - I have a family history loaded with morbid obesity, heart disease, hypertension, Type II diabetes and cancer. I would be a fool to eat meat and being vegetarian works for me. I'm the only member of my family who is not fat and sick and the oldest surviving sibling - the others, as well as most other deceased family members, all died of diet-related illness. At age 68, I like that I feel better now than I did in my 30s and I like being healthy. YMMV

If you're reading this and have an interest in vegan/vegetarian, read John Robbins (son and nephew of Baskin-Robbins) and Kathy Freston.

Infant nutrition is a whole other question though. Ideally, babies should be breast fed and I don't think I read why this mother was not.

congratulations on your good health, at least you did something about it. just curious what you do for your calcium supplementation
From what I gather this kid is still breast feeding.

So if she only wants to feed her kid with breast milk isn't that her choice?

Besides I thought that breast feeding is the better way isn't that the meme these days?
It is if your milk is worth a damn. Because of her crazy veganism it isn't. That aside the fact she refused to get the kid medical treatment makes her an unfit mother.
From what I gather this kid is still breast feeding.

So if she only wants to feed her kid with breast milk isn't that her choice?

Besides I thought that breast feeding is the better way isn't that the meme these days?
It is if your milk is worth a damn. Because of her crazy veganism it isn't. That aside the fact she refused to get the kid medical treatment makes her an unfit mother.
Your opinion.

People have been having kids for millions of years even during times where the mother's body was depleted and malnourished. Yet we seem to have survived.

For all we know this kid would have been just fine
Umm, has anyone realized that since she is feeding her child milk from a human being (herself, being an animal), that it is quite contradictory? If she wanted to remain true to her vegan beliefs, she would be feeding that child SOY formula. They make that for babies who are lactose intolerant.
Umm, has anyone realized that since she is feeding her child milk from a human being (herself, being an animal), that it is quite contradictory? If she wanted to remain true to her vegan beliefs, she would be feeding that child SOY formula. They make that for babies who are lactose intolerant.
That's a little absurd.

If this is true ten every mammal classified as an herbivore would have to be reclassified because they all drank mother's milk
Umm, has anyone realized that since she is feeding her child milk from a human being (herself, being an animal), that it is quite contradictory? If she wanted to remain true to her vegan beliefs, she would be feeding that child SOY formula. They make that for babies who are lactose intolerant.
That's a little absurd.

If this is true ten every mammal classified as an herbivore would have to be reclassified because they all drank mother's milk
Vegans don't eat herbivores so I don't get your point.
Umm, has anyone realized that since she is feeding her child milk from a human being (herself, being an animal), that it is quite contradictory? If she wanted to remain true to her vegan beliefs, she would be feeding that child SOY formula. They make that for babies who are lactose intolerant.
That's a little absurd.

If this is true ten every mammal classified as an herbivore would have to be reclassified because they all drank mother's milk
Vegans don't eat herbivores so I don't get your point.
If mother's milk is considered nonvegan then all herbivores who drank mother's milk are not herbivores are they?
Umm, has anyone realized that since she is feeding her child milk from a human being (herself, being an animal), that it is quite contradictory? If she wanted to remain true to her vegan beliefs, she would be feeding that child SOY formula. They make that for babies who are lactose intolerant.
That's a little absurd.

If this is true ten every mammal classified as an herbivore would have to be reclassified because they all drank mother's milk
Vegans don't eat herbivores so I don't get your point.
If mother's milk is considered nonvegan then all herbivores who drank mother's milk are not herbivores are they?
Sure they are. The definition of vegan is not the definition of herbivore. Herbivore is a trait that determines diet, jaw size, stomach makeup, etc. Veganism is choice that goes against biology. Choosing to feed your child animal milk is hypocritical if one is claiming their child must be a vegan.
Umm, has anyone realized that since she is feeding her child milk from a human being (herself, being an animal), that it is quite contradictory? If she wanted to remain true to her vegan beliefs, she would be feeding that child SOY formula. They make that for babies who are lactose intolerant.
That's a little absurd.

If this is true ten every mammal classified as an herbivore would have to be reclassified because they all drank mother's milk
Vegans don't eat herbivores so I don't get your point.
If mother's milk is considered nonvegan then all herbivores who drank mother's milk are not herbivores are they?
Sure they are. The definition of vegan is not the definition of herbivore. Herbivore is a trait that determines diet, jaw size, stomach makeup, etc. Veganism is choice that goes against biology. Choosing to feed your child animal milk is hypocritical if one is claiming their child must be a vegan.
That's a little absurd.

If this is true ten every mammal classified as an herbivore would have to be reclassified because they all drank mother's milk
Vegans don't eat herbivores so I don't get your point.
If mother's milk is considered nonvegan then all herbivores who drank mother's milk are not herbivores are they?
Sure they are. The definition of vegan is not the definition of herbivore. Herbivore is a trait that determines diet, jaw size, stomach makeup, etc. Veganism is choice that goes against biology. Choosing to feed your child animal milk is hypocritical if one is claiming their child must be a vegan.
That's a little absurd.

If this is true ten every mammal classified as an herbivore would have to be reclassified because they all drank mother's milk
Vegans don't eat herbivores so I don't get your point.
If mother's milk is considered nonvegan then all herbivores who drank mother's milk are not herbivores are they?
Sure they are. The definition of vegan is not the definition of herbivore. Herbivore is a trait that determines diet, jaw size, stomach makeup, etc. Veganism is choice that goes against biology. Choosing to feed your child animal milk is hypocritical if one is claiming their child must be a vegan.
Yes it is bullshit.

And once again I have to ask

Why do you people care if another person doesn't want to eat animal products or wants to breast feed?

It's none of your business.
This whole thread reminds me of when I was nursing my baby. Well, I got pregnant again, and before I knew I was, my baby was not gaining like he should have. He wasn't satisfied after feedings. I knew enough to go to the doctor, and I took the doctor's advice to start formula. Point being, you don't take chances, and you listen to the paid professionals. If you want a second opinion, get it damned quickly. This mother seems to suffer from some hubris that tells her that she knows better, even when the child is blatantly starving from her course of action.
Umm, has anyone realized that since she is feeding her child milk from a human being (herself, being an animal), that it is quite contradictory? If she wanted to remain true to her vegan beliefs, she would be feeding that child SOY formula. They make that for babies who are lactose intolerant.
That's a little absurd.

If this is true ten every mammal classified as an herbivore would have to be reclassified because they all drank mother's milk

Human beings are omnivores.

What I was saying that, as a vegan, this mom is feeding her child breast milk and that would go against vegan beliefs because breast milk is an animal product.
Vegans don't eat herbivores so I don't get your point.
If mother's milk is considered nonvegan then all herbivores who drank mother's milk are not herbivores are they?
Sure they are. The definition of vegan is not the definition of herbivore. Herbivore is a trait that determines diet, jaw size, stomach makeup, etc. Veganism is choice that goes against biology. Choosing to feed your child animal milk is hypocritical if one is claiming their child must be a vegan.
Yes it is bullshit.

And once again I have to ask

Why do you people care if another person doesn't want to eat animal products or wants to breast feed?

It's none of your business.

It has nothing to do with that. It has to do with the fact that her child was starving to death! DUH! Do you need to be hit over the head with a hammer in order to get the point?
If mother's milk is considered nonvegan then all herbivores who drank mother's milk are not herbivores are they?
Sure they are. The definition of vegan is not the definition of herbivore. Herbivore is a trait that determines diet, jaw size, stomach makeup, etc. Veganism is choice that goes against biology. Choosing to feed your child animal milk is hypocritical if one is claiming their child must be a vegan.
Yes it is bullshit.

And once again I have to ask

Why do you people care if another person doesn't want to eat animal products or wants to breast feed?

It's none of your business.

It has nothing to do with that. It has to do with the fact that her child was starving to death! DUH! Do you need to be hit over the head with a hammer in order to get the point?
Starving to death??


I doubt that.
From what I gather this kid is still breast feeding.

So if she only wants to feed her kid with breast milk isn't that her choice?

Besides I thought that breast feeding is the better way isn't that the meme these days?
It is if your milk is worth a damn. Because of her crazy veganism it isn't. That aside the fact she refused to get the kid medical treatment makes her an unfit mother.
Your opinion.

People have been having kids for millions of years even during times where the mother's body was depleted and malnourished. Yet we seem to have survived.

For all we know this kid would have been just fine

Good grief, what an idiotic comment.

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