Crazy Vegan Mother

  1. Failure to thrive refers to children whose current weight or rate of weight gain is much lower than that of other children of similar age and gender. Failure to thrive may be caused by medical problems or factors in the child's environment, such as abuse or neglect.
Where in the article was "failure to thrive" mentioned?

That's what that is. You aren't very smart, are you? :lol:

Also, she had only had the baby for 12 days, and he had lost 10% of his body weight and was sick. She was instructed to take him to the hospital, but she refused.
How many other diagnoses do you want to make up here?

None of that was mentioned in the article. You do not know how severely the kid was dehydrated. And newborns weight can fluctuate. For all you know the kid had a cold and would have been just fine

All of it is mentioned in the article I posted, as well as other articles on the topic. Sorry, I can't help stupid.
None of that is in the Huff Po article.
Your opinion.

People have been having kids for millions of years even during times where the mother's body was depleted and malnourished. Yet we seem to have survived.

For all we know this kid would have been just fine

Good grief, what an idiotic comment.

There was nothing in that article that even mentioned the kid's life was in danger. He was a little dehydrated and needed some more calories.

You don't know if the soy formula would have solved the problem you just assume it wouldn't.

Do you understand that the smaller the person, the less tolerance they have for dehydration and weight loss?

And do you know if the formula the mother chose to use would not have solved the problem?

No you don't.

I don't have to know. She should have asked the doctor.
Yes and there are never any alternatives to what a doctor says.

  1. Failure to thrive refers to children whose current weight or rate of weight gain is much lower than that of other children of similar age and gender. Failure to thrive may be caused by medical problems or factors in the child's environment, such as abuse or neglect.
Where in the article was "failure to thrive" mentioned?

That's what that is. You aren't very smart, are you? :lol:

Also, she had only had the baby for 12 days, and he had lost 10% of his body weight and was sick. She was instructed to take him to the hospital, but she refused.
How many other diagnoses do you want to make up here?

None of that was mentioned in the article. You do not know how severely the kid was dehydrated. And newborns weight can fluctuate. For all you know the kid had a cold and would have been just fine

All of it is mentioned in the article I posted, as well as other articles on the topic. Sorry, I can't help stupid.
None of that is in the Huff Po article.

There are plenty of articles out there, they all say the same. The baby was sick because he was malnourished. She was instructed to try a specific type of formula, but she didn't because she is a vegan. She was instructed to take the baby to the hospital, but she refused. Does this sound like a good mom to you? The baby was with her for 12 days only when he had lost 10% of his body weight. That is VERY dangerous for any newborn. Once they go home with mom, they are supposed to grow and gain weight rapidly.

Okay? So what is it that you do not understand about the above and which point is it that you are arguing about?
Good grief, what an idiotic comment.

There was nothing in that article that even mentioned the kid's life was in danger. He was a little dehydrated and needed some more calories.

You don't know if the soy formula would have solved the problem you just assume it wouldn't.

Do you understand that the smaller the person, the less tolerance they have for dehydration and weight loss?

And do you know if the formula the mother chose to use would not have solved the problem?

No you don't.

I don't have to know. She should have asked the doctor.
Yes and there are never any alternatives to what a doctor says.


So, this is a chance you would be willing to take with your newborn child? To go against the doctor's advice . . . why?
Good grief, what an idiotic comment.

There was nothing in that article that even mentioned the kid's life was in danger. He was a little dehydrated and needed some more calories.

You don't know if the soy formula would have solved the problem you just assume it wouldn't.

Do you understand that the smaller the person, the less tolerance they have for dehydration and weight loss?

And do you know if the formula the mother chose to use would not have solved the problem?

No you don't.

I don't have to know. She should have asked the doctor.
Yes and there are never any alternatives to what a doctor says.


What would make you think you know better than the doctor? Do you have 12 years of medical training under your belt? Lol.
There was nothing in that article that even mentioned the kid's life was in danger. He was a little dehydrated and needed some more calories.

You don't know if the soy formula would have solved the problem you just assume it wouldn't.

Do you understand that the smaller the person, the less tolerance they have for dehydration and weight loss?

And do you know if the formula the mother chose to use would not have solved the problem?

No you don't.

I don't have to know. She should have asked the doctor.
Yes and there are never any alternatives to what a doctor says.


So, this is a chance you would be willing to take with your newborn child? To go against the doctor's advice . . . why?

Doctors aren't always right and it's the parent's choice not yours.
Do you understand that the smaller the person, the less tolerance they have for dehydration and weight loss?

And do you know if the formula the mother chose to use would not have solved the problem?

No you don't.

I don't have to know. She should have asked the doctor.
Yes and there are never any alternatives to what a doctor says.


So, this is a chance you would be willing to take with your newborn child? To go against the doctor's advice . . . why?

Doctors aren't always right and it's the parent's choice not yours.

Unfortunately, because some people are too stupid, it is NOT always the parent's choice.

Withholding the proper nourishment and calories from your child is at the very least NEGLECT, whether or not the individual sees it as such. THAT is what it is.
There was nothing in that article that even mentioned the kid's life was in danger. He was a little dehydrated and needed some more calories.

You don't know if the soy formula would have solved the problem you just assume it wouldn't.

Do you understand that the smaller the person, the less tolerance they have for dehydration and weight loss?

And do you know if the formula the mother chose to use would not have solved the problem?

No you don't.

I don't have to know. She should have asked the doctor.
Yes and there are never any alternatives to what a doctor says.


What would make you think you know better than the doctor? Do you have 12 years of medical training under your belt? Lol.
I have been misdiagnosed before and the treatment the Dr prescribed actually made me sicker.

So sorry if I don't share your blind faith in doctors.
And do you know if the formula the mother chose to use would not have solved the problem?

No you don't.

I don't have to know. She should have asked the doctor.
Yes and there are never any alternatives to what a doctor says.


So, this is a chance you would be willing to take with your newborn child? To go against the doctor's advice . . . why?

Doctors aren't always right and it's the parent's choice not yours.

Unfortunately, because some people are too stupid, it is NOT always the parent's choice.
Of course it is.

You cannot tell me with any certainty that the soy formula would not have solved the problem. The woman was arrested for nothing.
Do you understand that the smaller the person, the less tolerance they have for dehydration and weight loss?

And do you know if the formula the mother chose to use would not have solved the problem?

No you don't.

I don't have to know. She should have asked the doctor.
Yes and there are never any alternatives to what a doctor says.


What would make you think you know better than the doctor? Do you have 12 years of medical training under your belt? Lol.
I have been misdiagnosed before and the treatment the Dr prescribed actually made me sicker.

So sorry if I don't share your blind faith in doctors.

Oh geez! Well there's a GREAT reason why people should not listen to their doctors. Some dumb dude on the internet tells us he was misdiagnosed and HE doesn't trust doctors. Oh boo-hoo and waah-waah. Grow up and grow a pair. Doctors make mistakes SOME of the time.
I don't have to know. She should have asked the doctor.
Yes and there are never any alternatives to what a doctor says.


So, this is a chance you would be willing to take with your newborn child? To go against the doctor's advice . . . why?

Doctors aren't always right and it's the parent's choice not yours.

Unfortunately, because some people are too stupid, it is NOT always the parent's choice.
Of course it is.

You cannot tell me with any certainty that the soy formula would not have solved the problem. The woman was arrested for nothing.

It was NOT working. That's why they took the baby.
Do you understand that the smaller the person, the less tolerance they have for dehydration and weight loss?

And do you know if the formula the mother chose to use would not have solved the problem?

No you don't.

I don't have to know. She should have asked the doctor.
Yes and there are never any alternatives to what a doctor says.


So, this is a chance you would be willing to take with your newborn child? To go against the doctor's advice . . . why?

Doctors aren't always right and it's the parent's choice not yours.
It is not a parent's choice to do harm to a kid.
And do you know if the formula the mother chose to use would not have solved the problem?

No you don't.

I don't have to know. She should have asked the doctor.
Yes and there are never any alternatives to what a doctor says.


So, this is a chance you would be willing to take with your newborn child? To go against the doctor's advice . . . why?

Doctors aren't always right and it's the parent's choice not yours.
It is not a parent's choice to do harm to a kid.

I can't imagine starving my child because of some stupid beliefs I held, religious, dietary or otherwise. I would feel just terrible knowing that my baby was hungry! I don't know how people can be SO darn dense.
And this diagnosis is pretty simple and straightforward to make. All they need to do is observe and take measurements for goodness sakes! This is NOT a misdiagnosis. This woman was stupid and was starving her child because her beliefs were more important to her than the health of her child. THAT is the bottom line here.
Good grief, what an idiotic comment.

There was nothing in that article that even mentioned the kid's life was in danger. He was a little dehydrated and needed some more calories.

You don't know if the soy formula would have solved the problem you just assume it wouldn't.

Do you understand that the smaller the person, the less tolerance they have for dehydration and weight loss?

And do you know if the formula the mother chose to use would not have solved the problem?

No you don't.

I don't have to know. She should have asked the doctor.
Yes and there are never any alternatives to what a doctor says.


Of course. While she was following doctor's orders, she could have been on the phone, seeking a second opinion. Apparently, this mom was neither a doctor, nor a nutritionist, so the best course of action would have been to do what the doctor said until she could get a second opinion that would tell her that she could do whatever the hell she wanted to do.
She's probably too stupid to know how to eat properly, especially when providing milk for a baby.
Breastfeeding on a Vegetarian or Vegan Diet
Tips For Vegans:
  • Pay special attention to getting enough calories and protein each day. Most plant foods are low in calories, so you need to make sure that you eat enough to meet your daily calorie needs. Protein is also very important; you can get enough protein each day by eating beans, lentils, rice, nuts, nut butters, whole grain breads, and dark green vegetables.
  • Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that is only found in animal products. To prevent a vitamin B12 deficiency, you can use products fortified with B12 such as soy foods, meat substitutes and brewer's yeast. But even with the addition of B12 fortified foods into your diet, it's likely that you will still have to take a supplement while you are nursing. Be sure to discuss this with your doctor.
  • Without dairy products, you will need to get calcium from other sources. Calcium is found in many vegetables, especially dark leafy greens. You can also get calcium from beans, fortified orange juice and soy products, or through a calcium supplement.
  • If you spend a little time outdoors each day, you may be able to get enough vitamin D. However, excess sun exposure can be dangerous, and depending on your skin tone and the climate in which you live, the sun may not be a dependable source of vitamin D. Talk to your doctor about your specific situation, and whether or not you need to take a vitamin D supplement.
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 essential fatty acid that is found mostly in fish, is needed for the healthy development of your baby's brain and eyes. Plant sources of omega-3, such as flaxseed, hempseed and walnuts, contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is converted into DHA by your body, but only in small amounts. Talk to your doctor about taking a daily omega-3 vitamin, especially while you are pregnant and breastfeeding.
  • Get enough iron from whole grains, tofu, mushrooms, nuts, leafy green vegetables, iron-fortified breads and cereals. Eating foods high in vitamin C along with these foods will help you absorb more of the iron.
  • Iodine is important for the health of your thyroid gland. Using iodized salt or eating seaweed can provide you with iodine. If you don't use these products, you could take a supplement. Be sure to talk to your doctor about how much iodine you get in your diet. You don't want to get too little iodine, but you don't want to get too much, either.
  • Zinc is found in many plants, but the zinc from plants is not absorbed as well as the zinc found in animal products. This means that you have to eat more foods that are rich in zinc each day. Zinc can be found in nuts, seeds, beans, grains and leafy green vegetables.
  • Your breastfed baby may also need Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D supplements. Talk to your child's healthcare provider about your diet.
I think this is taking your beliefs in "veganism" or any other such thing just too far! Also, how can this woman be a vegan? She is fat???!!!! Good Lord, how much nuts must she eat?

Vegan Mom Sarah Markham Faces Criminal Charges Over Underweight Baby


A Florida woman who allegedly refused to take her underweight infant to a hospital faces criminal charges.

Sarah Markham was scheduled to go before a judge on Tuesday in an effort to regain custody of her child.

In June, doctors discovered thatMarkham's baby was dehydrated and had lost 10 percent of his body weight.

The mother was told to take the child to a hospital for treatment, but police say she opted not to do so. She was arrested, and CPS took her child away.

A doctor had previously prescribed baby formula to supplement Markham's breast milk, but she allegedly did not want to use the formula because of her vegan beliefs.
She didn't want a soy based milk supplement,,,what a douche....
I think this is taking your beliefs in "veganism" or any other such thing just too far! Also, how can this woman be a vegan? She is fat???!!!! Good Lord, how much nuts must she eat?

Vegan Mom Sarah Markham Faces Criminal Charges Over Underweight Baby


A Florida woman who allegedly refused to take her underweight infant to a hospital faces criminal charges.

Sarah Markham was scheduled to go before a judge on Tuesday in an effort to regain custody of her child.

In June, doctors discovered thatMarkham's baby was dehydrated and had lost 10 percent of his body weight.

The mother was told to take the child to a hospital for treatment, but police say she opted not to do so. She was arrested, and CPS took her child away.

A doctor had previously prescribed baby formula to supplement Markham's breast milk, but she allegedly did not want to use the formula because of her vegan beliefs.
She didn't want a soy based milk supplement,,,what a douche....

To be honest, I'm not really sure WHAT she wanted. She seems like a scatter brain, actually. She's allegedly a vegan but is breastfeeding her child, for one thing. Then she is unhappy with the doctor's selection of formula so she goes and makes her own obviously uninformed decision about which formula to feed the baby, and baby is still not doing well. As if she knows better than a trained medical professional? Babies are fragile. Some people . . .
Well, she had parenting classes and I believe was court ordered to take a nutrition class. The baby was returned so, the charges are at this point kind of jacked up now that she has already been through it.

I wonder if that class in on infant nutrition or adult nutrition.

Someone said or implied that being vegan means she couldn't breastfeed. Not at all true. Not even close. And, I'm sure everyone understands that the diagnosis of failure to thrive was not due to her being vegan.
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