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You've got them, right? Everybody else has them, right? We all find them beneficial, right? End of proof.

And, now that your question has been answered again, it's worth noting (again) that your dishonesty is magnified by your hypocrisy, manifested in your own continued refusal to answer the question directed at you.

So the fact that they exist proves a specific theory about how they came to be?

What planet do you live on? That's not an answer, nor is it any sort of evidence of anything except their current existence. The fact that they now exist does not confirm the way by which they came to be.

My 3rd grade daughter knows better than to try to fly such a ridiculous argument, incidentally.
I hope you know that I will be referring to this argument if you ever decide to assert "Creation" is evidence of your "Creator" to me. Thanks!

Thank you for illustrating so succinctly what disgusts me most about anti-Christians.

It isn't that you believe as you do.

It's that you pretend that your belief is the same thing as EVIDENCE.

I know that I have faith. I don't pretend I have "proof" of the existence of God.

Unlike the anti-Christian blatherers, who will proclaim to the heavens that their various, convoluted, always changing and pseudo-scientific beliefs have been declared "PROVEN!" by unnamed REALLY IMPORTANT REALLY SMART PEOPLE (including themselves) and that the proof is..get this..."It exists therefore it's whatever I say it is because MY THEORY IS JUST BETTER"...I admit I just have faith. I know that my belief has not been disproven by science...yet these yahoos insist on hanging around and pretending it has.

IT HASN'T. And none of the theories they have that they (lie) say disproves the existence of God have been proven...nor have those theories ever been proven.

Likewise, when they say "no thinking person believes that God created" blah blah blah...they're also lying. They're incapable of being truthful about any aspect of the conversation.

Which makes them completely irrelevant, to anyone except themselves.

You all did realize that the welfare crowd has more atheists than faithful, right? It seems the education level of those who don't believe in God is somewhat lower than the education level of the "thinking" people...aka, Christians.
What the hell IS the question? Because that link doesn't take you to one. It just takes you to yet another meandering diatribe about how stupid people are for not accepting his opinion about a variety of different things.

He wants to know the evidence for a creator. There is plenty of evidence for intelligent design that allows a rational person to rationalize a designer.

We can point to all things that are created by the mind.

He's not talking about a human being using his mind to build a model airplane.

Intelligent design being your god creating the earth and everything else.

And an answer of "just look around you" isn't sufficient.
Evidence that they were a product of a mutation please ?

Or are you just gonna keep bloviating ?
I'll give you the short version. we are all products of mutation going all the way back to the first creature with a spine. as stated many times before, mutation caused us and our ape cousin's evolutionary paths to diverge
away from our common ancestor.
if all life were created separately there would be no inter breeding of anything.
since this is not so ...then it's smoking gun proof that there is no intelligent design.

Evidence please.
that is the evidence ASSCLOWN!
What is your proof again ?
You've got them, right? Everybody else has them, right? We all find them beneficial, right? End of proof.

And, now that your question has been answered again, it's worth noting (again) that your dishonesty is magnified by your hypocrisy, manifested in your own continued refusal to answer the question directed at you.

You know, the link to your question doesn't take us to anywhere except the beginning of this page, you lying pos.
Who's the lying piece of shit?

It's clearly you. Click the link in the post, you retard. Not the link to the top of the page.

So again, for like the third time..kindly ask the question again, without the self-aggrandizing bullshit. Just post the question you allege hasn't been answered. And provide a REAL link to the post where you asked it in the first place.
Provide your evidentiary explanation for the origin of the life of this creator that you say is the source of life on this planet.

Otherwise, it is patently clear that your beliefs regarding the subject have no relationship what-so-ever to any evidence ever presented to you.
Do you think your retarded clicking skills can manage now, Cupcake?
I'll give you the short version. we are all products of mutation going all the way back to the first creature with a spine. as stated many times before, mutation caused us and our ape cousin's evolutionary paths to diverge
away from our common ancestor.
if all life were created separately there would be no inter breeding of anything.
since this is not so ...then it's smoking gun proof that there is no intelligent design.

Evidence please.
that is the evidence ASSCLOWN!


I suggest you look up the term "evidence" and "proof". Because that is not any kind of evidence. You might like the opinion, but just because it sounds good to you DOESN'T MAGICALLY TURN IT INTO PROOF.

What IS the average grade level of you guys? 5th??????
You are really just ignorant.
Well then, why don't you enlighten me with your answer the question I asked of you?

How many times have I answered this question.

I can't help it you do not like my honest answer.
I have no opinion of this answer you never posted ever.

Well are you gonna put your big boy pants on and provide proof of that mutation being spread through the human population by natural selection ?
Yes. After you answer the question I asked of you.
You've got them, right? Everybody else has them, right? We all find them beneficial, right? End of proof.

And, now that your question has been answered again, it's worth noting (again) that your dishonesty is magnified by your hypocrisy, manifested in your own continued refusal to answer the question directed at you.

You know, the link to your question doesn't take us to anywhere except the beginning of this page, you lying pos.
Who's the lying piece of shit?

It's clearly you. Click the link in the post, you retard. Not the link to the top of the page.

So again, for like the third time..kindly ask the question again, without the self-aggrandizing bullshit. Just post the question you allege hasn't been answered. And provide a REAL link to the post where you asked it in the first place.
Provide your evidentiary explanation for the origin of the life of this creator that you say is the source of life on this planet.

Otherwise, it is patently clear that your beliefs regarding the subject have no relationship what-so-ever to any evidence ever presented to you.
Do you think your retarded clicking skills can manage now, Cupcake?

Same garbage.

Since you are unable to restate your alleged question, I will assume you are lying that there is one.
So the fact that they exist proves a specific theory about how they came to be?

What planet do you live on? That's not an answer, nor is it any sort of evidence of anything except their current existence. The fact that they now exist does not confirm the way by which they came to be.

My 3rd grade daughter knows better than to try to fly such a ridiculous argument, incidentally.
I hope you know that I will be referring to this argument if you ever decide to assert "Creation" is evidence of your "Creator" to me. Thanks!

There is all kinds of evidence for intelligent design.

I can provide evdence for my belief but you on the other hand cannot.
BULLSHIT there is not. the only evidence is for your belief is belief. you have no empirical quantifiable evidence to prove that the thing or action (intelligent design) believed in exists or happened .
belief only proves belief nothing more.
So the fact that they exist proves a specific theory about how they came to be?

What planet do you live on? That's not an answer, nor is it any sort of evidence of anything except their current existence. The fact that they now exist does not confirm the way by which they came to be.

My 3rd grade daughter knows better than to try to fly such a ridiculous argument, incidentally.
I hope you know that I will be referring to this argument if you ever decide to assert "Creation" is evidence of your "Creator" to me. Thanks!

There is all kinds of evidence for intelligent design.
No there isn't. Seriously. No evidence. Not even a suggestion of evidence. None. Zip. Nada.

I can provide evdence for my belief but you on the other hand cannot.
No you can't, as you clearly have not; and yes I can, as I have already clearly done.

And, it's worth noting (again) your continued refusal to answer the question directed at you.
What the hell IS the question? Because that link doesn't take you to one. It just takes you to yet another meandering diatribe about how stupid people are for not accepting his opinion about a variety of different things.

He wants to know the evidence for a creator.
I know there's no evidence of your creator. That's not what I asked.

There is plenty of evidence for intelligent design...
There's none.

... that allows a rational person to rationalize a designer.
Rational people don't rationalize.

We can point to all things that are created by the mind.
Including your Creator, but creating him in your mind doesn't make Him objectively real.

And, it's worth noting (again) your continued refusal to answer the question directed at you.
Evidence please.
that is the evidence ASSCLOWN!


I suggest you look up the term "evidence" and "proof". Because that is not any kind of evidence. You might like the opinion, but just because it sounds good to you DOESN'T MAGICALLY TURN IT INTO PROOF.

What IS the average grade level of you guys? 5th??????

Well right after 5th grade is normally when they start teaching about evolution, so I would use that excuse yourself as to why you're so ignorant of the subject.
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So the fact that they exist proves a specific theory about how they came to be?

What planet do you live on? That's not an answer, nor is it any sort of evidence of anything except their current existence. The fact that they now exist does not confirm the way by which they came to be.

My 3rd grade daughter knows better than to try to fly such a ridiculous argument, incidentally.
I hope you know that I will be referring to this argument if you ever decide to assert "Creation" is evidence of your "Creator" to me. Thanks!

Thank you for illustrating so succinctly what disgusts me most about anti-Christians.

It isn't that you believe as you do.

It's that you pretend that your belief is the same thing as EVIDENCE.
Reason believes what it sees; faith sees what it believes.

I don't think my beliefs are evidence; that what faith does. My beliefs are based on verifiable evidence; faith denies verifiable evidence.

And this is what disgusts me about intellectually dishonest superstitious retards: It's the way you assign your intellectually dishonest paradigm upon others--it's called pathological projection.

I know that I have faith. I don't pretend I have "proof" of the existence of God.
You don't even have evidence. Your entire belief system is nothing but the absolute certainty your right validated only by the "evidence" of the belief you are right. Entirely imaginary.

And I'll lay you odds that you think I've claimed "proof" of the most contentious beliefs you think I hold--and you'll lose that bet. Because "proof" in regard to absolute certainty is ONLY claimed by faithies.

Unlike the anti-Christian blatherers, who will proclaim to the heavens that their various, convoluted, always changing and pseudo-scientific beliefs have been declared "PROVEN!" by unnamed REALLY IMPORTANT REALLY SMART PEOPLE (including themselves) and that the proof is..get this..."It exists therefore it's whatever I say it is because MY THEORY IS JUST BETTER"...
That is literally faith, and entirely inconsistent with everything I've said.

I admit I just have faith. I know that my belief has not been disproven by science...yet these yahoos insist on hanging around and pretending it has.
If you're referring to me Cupcake, you should be aware that what you're up to is undeniably "false witness."

I've never said it has. What's your point?

And none of the theories they have that they (lie) say disproves the existence of God have been proven...
You're just making this shit up. Literally.

Seriously. No rational person says the Big Bang or Evolution disproves the existence of God. But intellectually dishonest superstitious retards routinely claim rational people do.

... nor have those theories ever been proven.
Certainly not to the satisfaction of the fatuous notion of absolute certainty that the superstitious require.

Likewise, when they say "no thinking person believes that God created" blah blah blah...they're also lying.
You're lying if you're asserting that I, or anyone who thinks like me says that.

They're incapable of being truthful about any aspect of the conversation.
No sweetheart, you're incapable of being truthful about any aspect of the conversation.

Which makes them completely irrelevant, to anyone except themselves.
No, this is you and the rest of the intellectually dishonest superstitious retards wringing their hands about their emotional reaction to the difference between what they believe and what is verifiably real revealed to them.

You all did realize that the welfare crowd has more atheists than faithful, right?
I think what you're referring to is the manner in which government services out-compete religious charity in both breadth of service and magnitude of relief. Every panhandler on the planet loves Jesus--just ask them.

It seems the education level of those who don't believe in God is somewhat lower than the education level of the "thinking" people...aka, Christians.
You know, the link to your question doesn't take us to anywhere except the beginning of this page, you lying pos.
Who's the lying piece of shit?

It's clearly you. Click the link in the post, you retard. Not the link to the top of the page.

Provide your evidentiary explanation for the origin of the life of this creator that you say is the source of life on this planet.

Otherwise, it is patently clear that your beliefs regarding the subject have no relationship what-so-ever to any evidence ever presented to you.
Do you think your retarded clicking skills can manage now, Cupcake?

Same garbage.

Since you are unable to restate your alleged question, I will assume you are lying that there is one.
Holy fuck! You're the dumbest retard ever!

The links are good; clear your cache, or just OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES!!!!!!
I hope you know that I will be referring to this argument if you ever decide to assert "Creation" is evidence of your "Creator" to me. Thanks!

Thank you for illustrating so succinctly what disgusts me most about anti-Christians.

It isn't that you believe as you do.

It's that you pretend that your belief is the same thing as EVIDENCE.
Reason believes what it sees; faith sees what it believes.

I don't think my beliefs are evidence; that what faith does. My beliefs are based on verifiable evidence; faith denies verifiable evidence.

And this is what disgusts me about intellectually dishonest superstitious retards: It's the way you assign your intellectually dishonest paradigm upon others--it's called pathological projection.

You don't even have evidence. Your entire belief system is nothing but the absolute certainty your right validated only by the "evidence" of the belief you are right. Entirely imaginary.

And I'll lay you odds that you think I've claimed "proof" of the most contentious beliefs you think I hold--and you'll lose that bet. Because "proof" in regard to absolute certainty is ONLY claimed by faithies.

That is literally faith, and entirely inconsistent with everything I've said.

If you're referring to me Cupcake, you should be aware that what you're up to is undeniably "false witness."

I've never said it has. What's your point?

You're just making this shit up. Literally.

Seriously. No rational person says the Big Bang or Evolution disproves the existence of God. But intellectually dishonest superstitious retards routinely claim rational people do.

Certainly not to the satisfaction of the fatuous notion of absolute certainty that the superstitious require.

You're lying if you're asserting that I, or anyone who thinks like me says that.

No sweetheart, you're incapable of being truthful about any aspect of the conversation.

No, this is you and the rest of the intellectually dishonest superstitious retards wringing their hands about their emotional reaction to the difference between what they believe and what is verifiably real revealed to them.

You all did realize that the welfare crowd has more atheists than faithful, right?
I think what you're referring to is the manner in which government services out-compete religious charity in both breadth of service and magnitude of relief. Every panhandler on the planet loves Jesus--just ask them.

It seems the education level of those who don't believe in God is somewhat lower than the education level of the "thinking" people...aka, Christians.

Wow, thanks for the lesson in vernacular nonsense.

But I still don't seen any evidence, nor do I see the question you claim hasn't been answered.

Oh well. Thanks for playing. You're a dishonest and uneducated twit...but that's not exactly unusual when it comes to anti-Christian spastics.
Thank you for illustrating so succinctly what disgusts me most about anti-Christians.

It isn't that you believe as you do.

It's that you pretend that your belief is the same thing as EVIDENCE.
Reason believes what it sees; faith sees what it believes.

I don't think my beliefs are evidence; that what faith does. My beliefs are based on verifiable evidence; faith denies verifiable evidence.

And this is what disgusts me about intellectually dishonest superstitious retards: It's the way you assign your intellectually dishonest paradigm upon others--it's called pathological projection.

You don't even have evidence. Your entire belief system is nothing but the absolute certainty your right validated only by the "evidence" of the belief you are right. Entirely imaginary.

And I'll lay you odds that you think I've claimed "proof" of the most contentious beliefs you think I hold--and you'll lose that bet. Because "proof" in regard to absolute certainty is ONLY claimed by faithies.

That is literally faith, and entirely inconsistent with everything I've said.

If you're referring to me Cupcake, you should be aware that what you're up to is undeniably "false witness."

I've never said it has. What's your point?

You're just making this shit up. Literally.

Seriously. No rational person says the Big Bang or Evolution disproves the existence of God. But intellectually dishonest superstitious retards routinely claim rational people do.

Certainly not to the satisfaction of the fatuous notion of absolute certainty that the superstitious require.

You're lying if you're asserting that I, or anyone who thinks like me says that.

No sweetheart, you're incapable of being truthful about any aspect of the conversation.

No, this is you and the rest of the intellectually dishonest superstitious retards wringing their hands about their emotional reaction to the difference between what they believe and what is verifiably real revealed to them.

I think what you're referring to is the manner in which government services out-compete religious charity in both breadth of service and magnitude of relief. Every panhandler on the planet loves Jesus--just ask them.

It seems the education level of those who don't believe in God is somewhat lower than the education level of the "thinking" people...aka, Christians.

Wow, thanks for the lesson in vernacular nonsense.

But I still don't seen any evidence, nor do I see the question you claim hasn't been answered.

Oh well. Thanks for playing. You're a dishonest and uneducated twit...but that's not exactly unusual when it comes to anti-Christian spastics.
the power of denial is strong with this one.

Same garbage.

Since you are unable to restate your alleged question, I will assume you are lying that there is one.
Holy fuck! You're the dumbest retard ever!

The links are good; clear your cache, or just OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES!!!!!!

It's telling that your memory isn't sufficient to just write the question.

As I said, I assume the question is nonsensical or nonexistent. Particularly since you would rather just post the same non-working link over and over and over, instead of just restating it like a civilized person so we can converse about it.

Obviously, you aren't interested in the actual topic, even though it is supposedly one of your own determination. Apparently even you have some reservations...
Same garbage.

Since you are unable to restate your alleged question, I will assume you are lying that there is one.
Holy fuck! You're the dumbest retard ever!

The links are good; clear your cache, or just OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES!!!!!!

It's telling that your memory isn't sufficient to just write the question.

As I said, I assume the question is nonsensical or nonexistent. Particularly since you would rather just post the same non-working link over and over and over, instead of just restating it like a civilized person so we can converse about it.

Obviously, you aren't interested in the actual topic, even though it is supposedly one of your own determination. Apparently even you have some reservations...
Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you? You can't click a link, you can't read words posted in giant font just for you ... what is your malfunction?
I clicked the link repeatedly. The only words I see are words to the effect of "follow the link moron" and "I already said, here's the link". As I said, if you can't state the question, regardless of what is causing my difficulty in accessing whatever you have linked (the link just takes me to the top of the page, and I've clicked on it in different places about 10 times now, not that it matters) I assume you don't even know what the question is, or don't trust your ability to follow the same convoluted path you may have initially gone along to establish the alleged question in the first place.

It makes no nevermind, you don't have a history of truthfulness anyway, so I just assume you're full of shit when it comes to the alleged "question" anyway. If I'm wrong, I think you would have just posted the stupid "question" instead of playing this silly game. As I said, more evidence you aren't interested in the question, if it exists, or even in discussing it. You just want to post silliness and lies, and then move on to the next game.

Pretty standard.
I clicked the link repeatedly. The only words I see are words to the effect of "follow the link moron" and "I already said, here's the link". As I said, if you can't state the question, regardless of what is causing my difficulty in accessing whatever you have linked (the link just takes me to the top of the page, and I've clicked on it in different places about 10 times now, not that it matters) I assume you don't even know what the question is, or don't trust your ability to follow the same convoluted path you may have initially gone along to establish the alleged question in the first place.

It makes no nevermind, you don't have a history of truthfulness anyway, so I just assume you're full of shit when it comes to the alleged "question" anyway. If I'm wrong, I think you would have just posted the stupid "question" instead of playing this silly game. As I said, more evidence you aren't interested in the question, if it exists, or even in discussing it. You just want to post silliness and lies, and then move on to the next game.

Pretty standard.
Besides the perfectly working links to it, I also blockquoted it, and then I bolded and posted it in GIANT FONT so you couldn't miss it.

You are truly retarded.

Why can't you restate it where you know I can see it?

I don't see any giant fonted question on this where is it?

Dishonest. Twit.
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