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So are you saying that you dont even believe in a force behind everything in the universe? Do u think that the perfection in the universe all the way from a dying star creating a blackhole and thus beginning a new galaxy down to e. coli symbiotically living in you at this very moment just happens by chance? That there is no force that drove the evolution of the universe to this point u think its basically just a big mistake? Im late but i just wanna kno your overall opinion on that...
He won't say what he believes, or do anything except pretend he's operating from some stance of intellectual superiority..without ever providing anything of intellectual substance.

His and Dragon's entire argument is apparently "There is no God because men have opposable thumbs. That's all the proof you need."

It's laughable.

When they get twitted about that, they revert to pretending there are "questions" that haven't been adequately answered and claim they won't address the issue further until the questions (which are never defined) are answered, or they put you on ignore.
Same garbage.

Since you are unable to restate your alleged question, I will assume you are lying that there is one.
Holy fuck! You're the dumbest retard ever!

The links are good; clear your cache, or just OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES!!!!!!

It's telling that your memory isn't sufficient to just write the question.

As I said, I assume the question is nonsensical or nonexistent. Particularly since you would rather just post the same non-working link over and over and over, instead of just restating it like a civilized person so we can converse about it.

Obviously, you aren't interested in the actual topic, even though it is supposedly one of your own determination. Apparently even you have some reservations...

Here is what he is talking about, "Provide your evidentiary explanation for the origin of the life of this creator that you say is the source of life on this planet.".

To be fair it's really more a request than a question.
It's not a question at all. As I thought. It's bloviation, he's muddying the water by speaking to an argument that has never been made.
So are you saying that you dont even believe in a force behind everything in the universe?
What force? what do you mean by "behind everything in the universe?"

Do u think that the perfection in the universe all the way from a dying star creating a blackhole and thus beginning a new galaxy down to e. coli symbiotically living in you at this very moment just happens by chance?
Nope. Nor do I believe that Santa Claus made me this "perfect" universe and gave it to me for Christmas.

That there is no force that drove the evolution of the universe to this point u think its basically just a big mistake?
I make no such judgments regarding the universe; I can't imagine the means to make that kind of declaration regarding the universe.

Im late but i just wanna kno your overall opinion on that...
I believe, based upon the verifiable evidence, that the universe exists and it is what it is. I make no pretense to know, or have special knowledge of, anything (or anyone) that is "beyond" that self-evident truth.
He won't say what he believes, or do anything except pretend he's operating from some stance of intellectual superiority..without ever providing anything of intellectual substance.
A patently obvious lie. Typical of dishonest superstitious retards.

His and Dragon's entire argument is apparently "There is no God because men have opposable thumbs. That's all the proof you need."
Again, a patenly obvious lie. You'll note this this particular example of dishonest superstitious retard cannot produce a single bit of evidence to support her fatuous claims.

It's laughable.
Well, you ARE the joke here.

When they get twitted about that, they revert to pretending there are "questions" that haven't been adequately answered and claim they won't address the issue further until the questions (which are never defined) are answered, or they put you on ignore.
Well, if this is addressing me, this is just another lie from a retard too stupid or lazy to validate her facts.
Holy fuck! You're the dumbest retard ever!

The links are good; clear your cache, or just OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES!!!!!!

It's telling that your memory isn't sufficient to just write the question.

As I said, I assume the question is nonsensical or nonexistent. Particularly since you would rather just post the same non-working link over and over and over, instead of just restating it like a civilized person so we can converse about it.

Obviously, you aren't interested in the actual topic, even though it is supposedly one of your own determination. Apparently even you have some reservations...

Here is what he is talking about, "Provide your evidentiary explanation for the origin of the life of this creator that you say is the source of life on this planet.".

To be fair it's really more a request than a question.
Ah, I see the hurdle that was too great for intellectually challenged to navigate past. Not technically a question. Mea culpa.

Let me reprise the exchange that led us here and let's just see who has and who has not been disingenuous about answering questions and requests for information.
Youwerecreated: You let me know when life can spontaneously generate itself through a natural process.

LOki: When the conditions are right for it.

Now you explain to me how life magicked itself into your Creator.
n.b.: I answered his request, and submitted a request of my own.

Youwerecreated: I can't answer that or how he has always existed,that is something you might want to ask him when you meet him.
n.b.: The disingenuous hypocrisy is patently obvious in this retard's refusal to acknowledge the unjustifiable disparity in the threshold of what constitutes acceptable defense of his own belief and what constitutes an acceptable defense by his opposition.

LOki: I accept your intellectual surrender.​
And that should have been that. Youwerecreated candidly admitted that his creationism literally had no explanation; no basis for intellectual validity; no basis what-so-ever in verifiable evidence or valid logic.

Game, Set, Match ...

But NO!
Youwerecreated: Surrender hardly, I still feel from the evdence that it is more logical to accept creation over a natural process undirected by intelligence.
n.b.: Now he has "evidence" and "logic" ... but refuses to share it.
Youwerecreated apparently wants a "do over." So he puts his bullshit assertion back into play as if he hadn't already eaten it.

I'm a good sport, but no longer patient with his intellectual dishonesty; so ...
LOki: Then if you categorically reject any notion that life can arise from non-living origins, provide your evidentiary explanation for the origin of the life that you say is the source of life on this planet.

Otherwise, it is patently clear that your beliefs regarding the subject have no relationship what-so-ever to any evidence ever presented to you.

Youwerecreated: I already have,living organisms produce living organisms can this be proven or not ?

There is zero evidence that non-life can produce life,zero evidence.​
Do you see ANY mention of this Creator of his? I sure don't. Logic? None.

What is asserted here is a lie. He first said he couldn't answer, then he said he could, then he said he did ... but no verifiable evidence or valid logic or explanation what-so-ever was submitted regarding the origin of the life that he insists he is certain is the Creator of this planet.

So I attempt again:
LOki: You are asserting then that your creator is dead. Yes? Then whence the life in His creation?

If not, provide your evidentiary explanation for the origin of the life of this creator that you say is the source of life on this planet...

Otherwise, it is patently clear that your beliefs regarding the subject have no relationship what-so-ever to any evidence ever presented to you.​
Since he ignored my valid request and instead decided to cal me a 13 year old, I repeated my request:
LOki: So genius, are you preparing to put your big girl panties on, or are you going to put your little pink booties on and dodge?

Provide your evidentiary explanation for the origin of the life of this creator that you say is the source of life on this planet.

Otherwise, it is patently clear that your beliefs regarding the subject have no relationship what-so-ever to any evidence ever presented to you.​
And from this point on Youwerecreated continued to ask questions and make demands for explanations (all granted BTW) yet not once any verifiable evidence or valid logic or explanation what-so0ever was submitted regarding the origin of the life that he insists he is certain is the Creator of this planet.

So, again, I'm sorry that my request was not in the form of a question. Despite linking to the request dozens of times, blockquoting it, and posting it in giant font, I see that the disingenuous retard who could not find my "request for information" was entirely stumped by this.

But Youwerecreated has been acutely aware of the request this entire time, and he is disingenuously avoiding it for reasons we are all aware of--he lacks the integrity of courage in his superstitious convictions to admit that his beliefs have no relationship what-so-ever to any verifiable evidence or valid logic ever presented to ever presented to him except that his beliefs are stolid denials of verifiable evidence and valid logic.

And it's worth noting that his intellectual dishonesty is manifest in his (predictable and) continued refusal to provide a substantive response to my request. After all, he could have accepted his intellectual capitulation; he could have taken the honest route of asserting a belief that it's all magic, but he didn't.

So to avoid overtaxing the already disadvantaged rational capacity of the superstitious and retarded members of the peanut gallery, I will resubmit my request as clearly as I am able:
You claim that through evidence and logic, you can support your assertion that life was created and hence, you can support your assertion of a Creator.

Further, if you if you categorically reject any notion that life can arise from non-living origins, provide your evidentiary explanation for the origin of the life of this Creator you claim is the source of life on this planet.

Do this, and as I said I would, I will submit, as you requested, evidence that opposable thumbs in humans are a result of mutation.​
Continued refusal of my request will make patently clear that Youwerecreated's beliefs regarding the subject have no relationship what-so-ever to any evidence ever presented to him.

Furthermore, such continued (and intellectually disingenuous) refusals would constitute prima facie evidence that Youwerecreated's patent disdain for the validity of verifiable evidence and valid logic discredits his every rebuttal to the case of evolution, and certainly every accusation he makes disparaging evolutionists.
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What do you not understand about "you are arguing against a point that was never made"?

Fucking moron.
What fact haven't I validated?

Kindly provide the quote. Link it if you can.
This not an exhaustive inventory of such unvalidated facts, but only the latest examples.
He won't say what he believes, or do anything except pretend he's operating from some stance of intellectual superiority..without ever providing anything of intellectual substance.

His and Dragon's entire argument is apparently "There is no God because men have opposable thumbs. That's all the proof you need."

It's laughable.

When they get twitted about that, they revert to pretending there are "questions" that haven't been adequately answered and claim they won't address the issue further until the questions (which are never defined) are answered, or they put you on ignore.
There you go, blockquote with link included.
What do you not understand about "you are arguing against a point that was never made"?

Fucking moron.
Who's the moron?

There's just no way to over-estimate the retard power of intellectually dishonest superstitious retards like yourself.
Oh, I see. You are another of those who isn't educated enough to have a logical debate. You apparently have difficulty with understanding what words mean.

My opinion of your idiocy and a catalogue of my observations of your stupidity is not an example of "unvalidated facts" you retard.

Do you even know what the topic is? Can you try to stay on point?
Oh, I see. You are another of those who isn't educated enough to have a logical debate. You apparently have difficulty with understanding what words mean.

My opinion of your idiocy and a catalogue of my observations of your stupidity is not an example of "unvalidated facts" you retard.

Do you even know what the topic is? Can you try to stay on point?
Again, pathological projection.

No. You don't understand the difference between sidebar observations of behavior and the topic of the conversation. No wonder you can't make your point.
I hope you know that I will be referring to this argument if you ever decide to assert "Creation" is evidence of your "Creator" to me. Thanks!

There is all kinds of evidence for intelligent design.

I can provide evdence for my belief but you on the other hand cannot.
BULLSHIT there is not. the only evidence is for your belief is belief. you have no empirical quantifiable evidence to prove that the thing or action (intelligent design) believed in exists or happened .
belief only proves belief nothing more.

Everything created or invented came into existence by intelligence.

Can you think of any language that came in to existence absent of a mind ? The DNA code is a language did that come into existence by intelligence ?

Can non-intelligence create intelligence ?

Would a natural process be able to think of everything that is needed for life then think of mechanisms to preserve that life ?

How bout this planet that is setup to sustain life is that just a coincedence ?
What the hell IS the question? Because that link doesn't take you to one. It just takes you to yet another meandering diatribe about how stupid people are for not accepting his opinion about a variety of different things.

He wants to know the evidence for a creator.
I know there's no evidence of your creator. That's not what I asked.

There's none.

... that allows a rational person to rationalize a designer.
Rational people don't rationalize.

We can point to all things that are created by the mind.
Including your Creator, but creating him in your mind doesn't make Him objectively real.

And, it's worth noting (again) your continued refusal to answer the question directed at you.

If that is true people might as well give up on science how else can they come to a conclusion of evidence ?

the thumbs argument you brought up is evidence of a designer they call it chirality.

Yeah an unintelligent process would think of that.
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that is the evidence ASSCLOWN!


I suggest you look up the term "evidence" and "proof". Because that is not any kind of evidence. You might like the opinion, but just because it sounds good to you DOESN'T MAGICALLY TURN IT INTO PROOF.

What IS the average grade level of you guys? 5th??????

Well right after 5th grade is normally when they start teaching about evolution, so I would use that excuse yourself as to why your so ignorant of the subject.

Really,the only ignorance that has been shown in this thread on the subject has been shown from your side.
So are you saying that you dont even believe in a force behind everything in the universe? Do u think that the perfection in the universe all the way from a dying star creating a blackhole and thus beginning a new galaxy down to e. coli symbiotically living in you at this very moment just happens by chance? That there is no force that drove the evolution of the universe to this point u think its basically just a big mistake? Im late but i just wanna kno your overall opinion on that...

Expect no reply for such a tough question from a naturalist.
He won't say what he believes, or do anything except pretend he's operating from some stance of intellectual superiority..without ever providing anything of intellectual substance.

His and Dragon's entire argument is apparently "There is no God because men have opposable thumbs. That's all the proof you need."

It's laughable.

When they get twitted about that, they revert to pretending there are "questions" that haven't been adequately answered and claim they won't address the issue further until the questions (which are never defined) are answered, or they put you on ignore.

:lol: so true. And they can't prove that was the result of a mutation.
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