Creepy Biden condemns "English jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture. It’s got to change”


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Biden condemns “English jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture. It’s got to change”


Biden doesn't have to worry. "English jurisprudential culture -- a white man's culture" is on it's way out. (See Chicago.) Then again, so are white men, so he's out of luck.
Old white men will say anything for a vote. He forgets whites are still a huge majority.
The man is sick in his head... He figures he can prep the victim groups by race baiting in order to get them to vote for him, and all because he slams his own color ????

It's as if he is removing himself from his whiteness in the most pathetic political moves ever. What is he a Hillary bot without the eye shadow or pants suits ???? ROTFLMBO. I'm laughing even though it ain't really funny.
Biden condemns “English jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture. It’s got to change”


Biden doesn't have to worry. "English jurisprudential culture -- a white man's culture" is on it's way out. (See Chicago.) Then again, so are white men, so he's out of luck.

The worst violence against women is in the Muslim countries and other third world crapholes. Meanwhile, the leftists want to import millions of Muslims and people from disease-ridden third world countries so they can help change America to be more like the places the fled.

We have been a productive country from the start, unlike many of the countries the left embraces. Places like Venezuela used to be extremely productive but that was stopped with the left's favorite form of government- socialism run by a dictator.
Biden is attacking jurisprudence. That is the legal system that he objects to. Too bad he's not coming up with any specifics of what he would replace.
Biden condemns “English jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture. It’s got to change”


Biden doesn't have to worry. "English jurisprudential culture -- a white man's culture" is on it's way out. (See Chicago.) Then again, so are white men, so he's out of luck.
------------------------- good point on Chicago and i assume you mean 'smollet' . I also remember the moves to get rid of Kavanaugh using 30 year old claims with no evidence . Also remember the complaints against the concept of ' innocent till proven guilty' . As i said a few days ago , the USA and Western Civilization seems to be on its last legs but thats good for many millenials and feminazis i guess BBro ,
Violence against women? That hair-plug-cocksucker will never mention the fact that his precious Islam is an exercise in brutal slavery of women! The religion in which fathers stone their own daughters to death over trivia and beat the shit out of their wives over trivia. The religion in which women aren't even allowed to leave the house without male supervision and being forced to dress in a burqa like the Ghost of Christmas Future. Because muslim subhuman filth are SCARED of women and don't have enough manhood character to control their animalistic sexual urges. Never have I seen a group of "humanoids" on whom I wish more genocidal extermination than muslim pigs. Like it or not.
Violence against women? That hair-plug-cocksucker will never mention the fact that his precious Islam is an exercise in brutal slavery of women! The religion in which fathers stone their own daughters to death over trivia and beat the shit out of their wives over trivia. The religion in which women aren't even allowed to leave the house without male supervision and being forced to dress in a burqa like the Ghost of Christmas Future. Because muslim subhuman filth are SCARED of women and don't have enough manhood character to control their animalistic sexual urges. Never have I seen a group of "humanoids" on whom I wish more genocidal extermination than muslim pigs. Like it or not.
------------------------------------------- some would say that what you describe just above is what American 'feminais' may be setting themselves up for in the future . And maybe American men will just say , hey feck'ye , as they grow impressive beards WMuny .
Biden condemns “English jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture. It’s got to change”


Biden doesn't have to worry. "English jurisprudential culture -- a white man's culture" is on it's way out. (See Chicago.) Then again, so are white men, so he's out of luck.
I just watched the speech he gave which your link is referring to.

One interesting thing left out is his reference to some fiction made popular by the movie " the boondocks saints ".

In the movie one of the brothers is verbally confronted by a feminist who claims that the expression " rule of thumb " refers to an old English law which forbade a man from beating his wife with any stick thicker than the circumference of his thumb. Biden expands on this claiming that the law was needed because so many women were dying at the hands of husbands who beat them with massive clubs.

The problem is both his claim and the original claim from the movie is pure fiction

There is no reference to any such law or ruling anywhere in English legal history. In fact English common law has forbidden men to beat their wives in any way for centuries, as far back as it can be traced.

There are many origins for the expression rule of thumb. Some say it came from Carpenters who used it to measure cuts of wood. Others say it came from picking mushrooms and was used to determine which mushrooms we're good by comparing the size of the cloud to ones thumb. Some other explanations exist as well.

But no one ever claimed it referred to a wife beating stick before the movie started the rumor.

Biden uses this example to essentially blame jurisprudence and white culture for being evil and abusive . He is truly and full of shit and his references to Ford and hill show that what he really opposes are the ideas of due process and presumption of innocence

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