
I dont do crime. Never stopped the cops from harassing me. Go figure

The cold hard reality is that you are a member of a segment of society that, through its own culpability, is expected to commit more crimes. Of course, you are going to be approached differently than all the little old ladies - and, all the white people. You are quick to the blame the 'system', when, in reality, you need to look at the actions of your segment, and figure out how to change that.
No I dont need to do anything. White racists need to get their shit together and stop being racist. As long as I dont commit any crimes they need to step off.

You need to give them a reason to change their attitude. You don't think your threats, or frankly, your piddling little riots where you blow up your own neighborhood, are actually doing any good, do you?

You want change - then change! Give them a reason to look at you as a contributing member of society, rather than feeding their inbred fear that you are a violent criminal just looking for an excuse. All your attitude does is feed their preconceived notions. Make them change!!

They already have a reason to change their attitude. Its not my job to convince them of how wrong it is to harass people simply due to color. I pay their salaries. They work for me. This is not about riots. People burning down their neighborhoods is dumb. This is about respect. You respect me because I am a human and then you will get respect from me. Its not me that needs to change. Whites create the environment and Black people live the best way they can within those boundaries. They want to get rid of all the issues back up and check yourself and make sure you are doing what you are supposed to do. I dont allow whites or anyone else to dictate the terms of how i hold myself. That stuff went out with slavery and jim crow.

Courtesy is assumed, but respect is earned. Do you believe that the black community has earned respect?

Exactly. When a certain race gains a reputation of committing crimes they all become targets of police attention.
This is no different than blacks saying they are incarcerated at a higher rate than whites....well duh,they commit more crimes.
Just like Eric Garner,who had been arrested 30 times over the years.
The difference Asslips fails to see? White kids may may commit a crime in their youth...but they stop after being caught,while blacks make it a way of life.
Kat Robichaud
Drinking underage and trespassing on government property, got caught by officer, officer drove me home, no warning. #CrimingWhileWhite
So you think all blacks go to jail for every offense? You have found no examples otherwise?

You know most of the demonstrators are white, right? Are only blacks being arrested?
I cant remember but I thought it was you I told that when your sentence starts off with the word "So" it sets off a warning that some retarded assumptive bullshit is sure to follow. Would you like to reword your question before i start ignoring them?
So, you won't answer the question? I didn't think you would. Bigots can't stand truth, they choose obfuscation and deflection because they know there is no logical support for their emotional bias.
Very true. Not to get off topic in your thread, which has been a very interesting and informative read, but when you start to drill down into the the deeper facts that lurk beneath the surface of what is really happening in this society there are much larger issues in this country that are affecting the people who populate it than the "black and white divide".

Often when I read some of the posts in this forum it becomes obvious that many here are not very sophisticated, have not traveled much and just do not seem to be aware of the fact that the world is a big place, and is not just a "black and white" planet.

It is expected that based on the history of HOW black people arrived in this country and what has transpired since that arrival that there is a rift that might always be there, and may only be changed by a change in the demographic distribution of the nation.

Whether anyone likes it or not, that change is underway as we speak.
In the next few generations this country will become even more diverse than it is now, not only in the ethnicity of the people who reside here, but also in the languages spoken and the cultural events that are celebrated. And, what made this country "great" in the past will not look the same in the future. I remember as a kid in elementary school hearing the message over and over about the "strength of this country" and how "no country is mightier than the United States of America"

Right now, the United States ranks higher in defense spending than the next 3 largest countries in the world combined, but ranks near the bottom within developed countries in child poverty and somewhere in the middle in quality of education.

With the dwindling number of countries and continents left that are available to invade, conquer and pillage, unless the government begins to redeploy the vast dollars that are spent year after year on an overinflated military, in the direction of improving the countries infrastructure and educational system, this country will end up being known as a country " that used to be great".
What a bunch of lies and bullshit. We are low in education because of those who control education, not spending. We spend many times more on education than probably anybody. Child poverty is worse here? Back that up.

You hate America, we get it. We are still great and all that defense spending has helped many a people gain and hold freedom, some that rubs socialists the wrong way.

Slavery has nothing to do with what's going on in the black community. And please explain how such a racist white supremacy nation elected a black president twice? I'd like to hear the spin on that. What other major western nation can make the claim?
Kat Robichaud
Drinking underage and trespassing on government property, got caught by officer, officer drove me home, no warning. #CrimingWhileWhite
So you think all blacks go to jail for every offense? You have found no examples otherwise?

You know most of the demonstrators are white, right? Are only blacks being arrested?
I cant remember but I thought it was you I told that when your sentence starts off with the word "So" it sets off a warning that some retarded assumptive bullshit is sure to follow. Would you like to reword your question before i start ignoring them?
So, you won't answer the question? I didn't think you would. Bigots can't stand truth, they choose obfuscation and deflection because they know there is no logical support for their emotional bias.
No. I wont answer the question until it is presented correctly. When you cease starting your questions with "So" I will answer you. Until then you may remain frustrated.
Very true. Not to get off topic in your thread, which has been a very interesting and informative read, but when you start to drill down into the the deeper facts that lurk beneath the surface of what is really happening in this society there are much larger issues in this country that are affecting the people who populate it than the "black and white divide".

Often when I read some of the posts in this forum it becomes obvious that many here are not very sophisticated, have not traveled much and just do not seem to be aware of the fact that the world is a big place, and is not just a "black and white" planet.

It is expected that based on the history of HOW black people arrived in this country and what has transpired since that arrival that there is a rift that might always be there, and may only be changed by a change in the demographic distribution of the nation.

Whether anyone likes it or not, that change is underway as we speak.
In the next few generations this country will become even more diverse than it is now, not only in the ethnicity of the people who reside here, but also in the languages spoken and the cultural events that are celebrated. And, what made this country "great" in the past will not look the same in the future. I remember as a kid in elementary school hearing the message over and over about the "strength of this country" and how "no country is mightier than the United States of America"

Right now, the United States ranks higher in defense spending than the next 3 largest countries in the world combined, but ranks near the bottom within developed countries in child poverty and somewhere in the middle in quality of education.

With the dwindling number of countries and continents left that are available to invade, conquer and pillage, unless the government begins to redeploy the vast dollars that are spent year after year on an overinflated military, in the direction of improving the countries infrastructure and educational system, this country will end up being known as a country " that used to be great".
And please explain how such a racist white supremacy nation elected a black president twice? I'd like to hear the spin on that. What other major western nation can make the claim?

I can explain that one really easily. Look at who voted for the POTUS. Less than %50 of the white demographic voted for the Black POTUS. Every other demographic was above I believe %60 with Blacks and Latinos leading the way. Basically what Kasteve said is being reflecting in that voting pattern. Whites are not dominant if the other cultures combine against them.
Kat Robichaud
Drinking underage and trespassing on government property, got caught by officer, officer drove me home, no warning. #CrimingWhileWhite
So you think all blacks go to jail for every offense? You have found no examples otherwise?

You know most of the demonstrators are white, right? Are only blacks being arrested?
I cant remember but I thought it was you I told that when your sentence starts off with the word "So" it sets off a warning that some retarded assumptive bullshit is sure to follow. Would you like to reword your question before i start ignoring them?
So, you won't answer the question? I didn't think you would. Bigots can't stand truth, they choose obfuscation and deflection because they know there is no logical support for their emotional bias.
No. I wont answer the question until it is presented correctly. When you cease starting your questions with "So" I will answer you. Until then you may remain frustrated.
I presented it "correctly". You want to cherry pick crimes and avoid anything that won't fit your narrative. It's intellectually dishonest.

And the fact that you think you have the power to frustrate me on the internet proves that you have a fairly limited IQ, which explains your thread.
Kat Robichaud
Drinking underage and trespassing on government property, got caught by officer, officer drove me home, no warning. #CrimingWhileWhite
So you think all blacks go to jail for every offense? You have found no examples otherwise?

You know most of the demonstrators are white, right? Are only blacks being arrested?
I cant remember but I thought it was you I told that when your sentence starts off with the word "So" it sets off a warning that some retarded assumptive bullshit is sure to follow. Would you like to reword your question before i start ignoring them?
So, you won't answer the question? I didn't think you would. Bigots can't stand truth, they choose obfuscation and deflection because they know there is no logical support for their emotional bias.
No. I wont answer the question until it is presented correctly. When you cease starting your questions with "So" I will answer you. Until then you may remain frustrated.
I presented it "correctly". You want to cherry pick crimes and avoid anything that won't fit your narrative. It's intellectually dishonest.

And the fact that you think you have the power to frustrate me on the internet proves that you have a fairly limited IQ, which explains your thread.
Actually you didnt. It started with the word "So". Youve been instructed not to do that if you expect an answer.
Chris Costello
Once I got pulled over for illegal window tint. Cop told me it's bad because he couldn't tell if I was "black or Mexican" #CrimingWhileWhite

OMFG!!! That's hysterical!!! You believe that too, right?

I stopped to pick up a black hitchhiker. I decided it was a perfect time to see how fast my car would go. I blew past the speed trap at about 105. The cops chased me for about 15 miles. When I finally decided to stop, the cops came up to the car, guns drawn. They saw I was white and started to holster their guns, then they saw my passenger and instantly dragged him out of the car and arrested him. They told me it was likely the black guy was stepping on the accelerator and I should go home and sleep it off.
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Chris Costello
Once I got pulled over for illegal window tint. Cop told me it's bad because he couldn't tell if I was "black or Mexican" #CrimingWhileWhite

OMFG!!! That's hysterical!!! You believe that too, right?

I stopped to pick up a black hitchhiker. I decided it was a perfect time to see how fast my car would go. I blew past the speed trap at about 105. The cops chased me for about 15 miles. When I finally decided to stop, the cops came up to the car, guns drawn. They saw I was white and started to holster their guns, then they saw my passenger and instantly dragged him out of the car and arrested him. They told me it was likely the black guy was stepping on the accelerator and I should go home and sleep it off.
Yes I do believe that. Do you have something that proves its a lie?
Me and a black friend went out drinking and we had a bit too much. I was driving and must have drawn some attention, as I got pulled over. They looked us over and asked why I was driving my negro chauffeur around and why he wasn't outfitted with appropriate attire. Of course I went along with this to avoid getting cuffed and stuffed into the back of their squad car.

We gave each other the secret whitey hand shake as I promised to rectify the situation, not knowing the local ordinances and all. My friend was naturally humiliated but I'm confident that I saved him from a sound trouncing.
Chris Costello
Once I got pulled over for illegal window tint. Cop told me it's bad because he couldn't tell if I was "black or Mexican" #CrimingWhileWhite

OMFG!!! That's hysterical!!! You believe that too, right?

I stopped to pick up a black hitchhiker. I decided it was a perfect time to see how fast my car would go. I blew past the speed trap at about 105. The cops chased me for about 15 miles. When I finally decided to stop, the cops came up to the car, guns drawn. They saw I was white and started to holster their guns, then they saw my passenger and instantly dragged him out of the car and arrested him. They told me it was likely the black guy was stepping on the accelerator and I should go home and sleep it off.
Yes I do believe that. Do you have something that proves its a lie?

Street smarts and a dependable BS detector
Chris Costello
Once I got pulled over for illegal window tint. Cop told me it's bad because he couldn't tell if I was "black or Mexican" #CrimingWhileWhite

OMFG!!! That's hysterical!!! You believe that too, right?

I stopped to pick up a black hitchhiker. I decided it was a perfect time to see how fast my car would go. I blew past the speed trap at about 105. The cops chased me for about 15 miles. When I finally decided to stop, the cops came up to the car, guns drawn. They saw I was white and started to holster their guns, then they saw my passenger and instantly dragged him out of the car and arrested him. They told me it was likely the black guy was stepping on the accelerator and I should go home and sleep it off.
Yes I do believe that. Do you have something that proves its a lie?
Ya know what, asslips... after seeing what you're doing here, I think you could actually be a WHITE GUY doing this on purpose just to give blacks a bad name and make them look stupid and ultra racist.

I mean really... that must be the case, because no one can REALLY be as STUPID and ULTRA RACIST as you're pretending to be, right?

I think you've been busted, whitey.
Chris Costello
Once I got pulled over for illegal window tint. Cop told me it's bad because he couldn't tell if I was "black or Mexican" #CrimingWhileWhite

OMFG!!! That's hysterical!!! You believe that too, right?

I stopped to pick up a black hitchhiker. I decided it was a perfect time to see how fast my car would go. I blew past the speed trap at about 105. The cops chased me for about 15 miles. When I finally decided to stop, the cops came up to the car, guns drawn. They saw I was white and started to holster their guns, then they saw my passenger and instantly dragged him out of the car and arrested him. They told me it was likely the black guy was stepping on the accelerator and I should go home and sleep it off.
Yes I do believe that. Do you have something that proves its a lie?

Street smarts and a dependable BS detector
Thats not very scientific.
Chris Costello
Once I got pulled over for illegal window tint. Cop told me it's bad because he couldn't tell if I was "black or Mexican" #CrimingWhileWhite

OMFG!!! That's hysterical!!! You believe that too, right?

I stopped to pick up a black hitchhiker. I decided it was a perfect time to see how fast my car would go. I blew past the speed trap at about 105. The cops chased me for about 15 miles. When I finally decided to stop, the cops came up to the car, guns drawn. They saw I was white and started to holster their guns, then they saw my passenger and instantly dragged him out of the car and arrested him. They told me it was likely the black guy was stepping on the accelerator and I should go home and sleep it off.
Yes I do believe that. Do you have something that proves its a lie?

Street smarts and a dependable BS detector
Thats not very scientific.
Doesn't have to be.
Chris Costello
Once I got pulled over for illegal window tint. Cop told me it's bad because he couldn't tell if I was "black or Mexican" #CrimingWhileWhite

OMFG!!! That's hysterical!!! You believe that too, right?

I stopped to pick up a black hitchhiker. I decided it was a perfect time to see how fast my car would go. I blew past the speed trap at about 105. The cops chased me for about 15 miles. When I finally decided to stop, the cops came up to the car, guns drawn. They saw I was white and started to holster their guns, then they saw my passenger and instantly dragged him out of the car and arrested him. They told me it was likely the black guy was stepping on the accelerator and I should go home and sleep it off.
Yes I do believe that. Do you have something that proves its a lie?
Ya know what, asslips... after seeing what you're doing here, I think you could actually be a WHITE GUY doing this on purpose just to give blacks a bad name and make them look stupid and ultra racist.

I mean really... that must be the case, because no one can REALLY be as STUPID and ULTRA RACIST as you're pretending to be, right?

I think you've been busted, whitey.
Most white boy racist that I make look like the cave monkeys they are tend to say that. The thought process is as follows for you simple minded idiots....."A nigra couldnt possibly be smart enough to make me look like a fool. He has got to be a white guy pretending to be Black" While in a way its a backhanded compliment, it does amuse me that it bothers you that much.
I was up on the roof of the Herkimer projects test firing my new HK45 with live ammo firing at a police shaped target I placed on the door when the cops burst up onto the roof. They saw I was white and handed me a box of armor piercing ammo, told me to try to hold my breath when I fired for better accuracy, and suggested I should go home and sleep it off
Chris Costello
Once I got pulled over for illegal window tint. Cop told me it's bad because he couldn't tell if I was "black or Mexican" #CrimingWhileWhite

OMFG!!! That's hysterical!!! You believe that too, right?

I stopped to pick up a black hitchhiker. I decided it was a perfect time to see how fast my car would go. I blew past the speed trap at about 105. The cops chased me for about 15 miles. When I finally decided to stop, the cops came up to the car, guns drawn. They saw I was white and started to holster their guns, then they saw my passenger and instantly dragged him out of the car and arrested him. They told me it was likely the black guy was stepping on the accelerator and I should go home and sleep it off.
Yes I do believe that. Do you have something that proves its a lie?

Street smarts and a dependable BS detector
Thats not very scientific.
Doesn't have to be.
Yes it does if you are trying to prove something. Your street smarts and BS dector is only as good as your intellect. You dont have much of that.
Very true. Not to get off topic in your thread, which has been a very interesting and informative read, but when you start to drill down into the the deeper facts that lurk beneath the surface of what is really happening in this society there are much larger issues in this country that are affecting the people who populate it than the "black and white divide".

Often when I read some of the posts in this forum it becomes obvious that many here are not very sophisticated, have not traveled much and just do not seem to be aware of the fact that the world is a big place, and is not just a "black and white" planet.

It is expected that based on the history of HOW black people arrived in this country and what has transpired since that arrival that there is a rift that might always be there, and may only be changed by a change in the demographic distribution of the nation.

Whether anyone likes it or not, that change is underway as we speak.
In the next few generations this country will become even more diverse than it is now, not only in the ethnicity of the people who reside here, but also in the languages spoken and the cultural events that are celebrated. And, what made this country "great" in the past will not look the same in the future. I remember as a kid in elementary school hearing the message over and over about the "strength of this country" and how "no country is mightier than the United States of America"

Right now, the United States ranks higher in defense spending than the next 3 largest countries in the world combined, but ranks near the bottom within developed countries in child poverty and somewhere in the middle in quality of education.

With the dwindling number of countries and continents left that are available to invade, conquer and pillage, unless the government begins to redeploy the vast dollars that are spent year after year on an overinflated military, in the direction of improving the countries infrastructure and educational system, this country will end up being known as a country " that used to be great".
What a bunch of lies and bullshit. We are low in education because of those who control education, not spending. We spend many times more on education than probably anybody. Child poverty is worse here? Back that up.

You hate America, we get it. We are still great and all that defense spending has helped many a people gain and hold freedom, some that rubs socialists the wrong way.

Slavery has nothing to do with what's going on in the black community. And please explain how such a racist white supremacy nation elected a black president twice? I'd like to hear the spin on that. What other major western nation can make the claim?

You are either devoid of comprehension skills or just a hypersensitive fool seeking an argument. Where did I imply that I "hate America"? Or that this is a "white supremacist country"?

Not that I owe you an explanation, but
my father, grandfather and his father all served this country, and I am proud that they did.

As far as the rest of your rant I will answer you civilly when you stop trying to reword my statements to facillitate your agenda.

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