
i was reading about the phenomenon of white people getting away with stuff Black people would get shot and arrested for. I found this page. Looks like plenty of white people are starting to realize the difference in treatment. Good for them.

Tweets about CrimingWhileWhite hashtag on Twitter

Some of my favorites.

"Tonight, black protester & I both ignore barricade & walk in street. 4 cops pounce on him; I'm told to get in the pen. #CrimingWhileWhite"

"I'm not proud of it, but when I was 22 I pushed a cop when I was drunk at a bar. I was told to go home and "sleep it off" #CrimingWhileWhite"

"I shoplifted when I was 14 and they let me go because my parents came down and we "looked like a nice family." #crimingwhilewhite"


You must be really old....and poor.
i was reading about the phenomenon of white people getting away with stuff Black people would get shot and arrested for. I found this page. Looks like plenty of white people are starting to realize the difference in treatment. Good for them.

Tweets about CrimingWhileWhite hashtag on Twitter

Some of my favorites.

"Tonight, black protester & I both ignore barricade & walk in street. 4 cops pounce on him; I'm told to get in the pen. #CrimingWhileWhite"

"I'm not proud of it, but when I was 22 I pushed a cop when I was drunk at a bar. I was told to go home and "sleep it off" #CrimingWhileWhite"

"I shoplifted when I was 14 and they let me go because my parents came down and we "looked like a nice family." #crimingwhilewhite"

Man, that is funny shit .... grow the hell up.
Already grown. What made you think I needed to grow up?

Your view is a narcissistic, naive, and totally unrealistic view of reality. You have taken a simplistic position, supported by a carefully manipulated set of facts, and tried to blow it up into an all-encompassing picture of society. You don't bother to consider ALL the facts - only those facts convenient to your position. You don't bother to consider the total picture - but rather, only the part you can see with your nose firmly planted against the canvas.

If those quotes are the best you got to somehow indicate a societal bias, devoid of other facts, you need to spend some serious time redoing your analysis.
Stories people tell are stories that people tell. :eusa_shifty: Some could be true....some could be made up....some are likely complete bullshit.

The solution to the above is don't be a moron.

Don't commit crimes and don't fuck with the cops. That goes for whites and blacks. It's pretty damn simple when you think about it. :)
Yes it is simple and people are speaking out about it. White people. There is no reason a Black person can commit the same crime and wind up in jail or killed. while a white person is sent home to sleep it off.

Simplistic made up bullshit. Whites get fucked with by the cops. I have been fucked with by cops.

Blacks are not always victims. Cops are human. Sometimes they do stupid shit. Doesn't mean they're all racist.

In the Trayvon Martin, Garner, and Brown situations all three were doing stupid shit. Not saying any of them deserved to die....but they are hardly blameless either.

No pun intended....but things are rarely as black and white as the race hustlers make it out.
Bullshit. The day you live life as a Black person, (especially Black male) is the day I respect your opinion regarding what occurs. I almost went to jail for fucking up a white boy that attacked a mexican lady and then tried to attack me. The cops reason for wanting to arrest me? I probably provoked it.

See? This is what I was talking about when I said narcissistic and naive. You want to discard a person's opinion - not because he's wrong - but because he's white. What could be more racist than that? When all you have is a hammer - in your case, complaining about whites - everything looks like a nail. Maybe you should pick up a different tool - like the one that complains about the black crime rate - thus, creating the expectation that blacks commit more crimes.

You try to tell us that the WHOLE problem is about white privilege - you never once mention the black crime rate, you never mention the black murder rate, you never mention the black gangsta mien that virtually demands that our young blacks commit crimes. Given that condition, is it any surprise that a cop would expect a black to be more likely to have committed a crime than a white? It isn't about black and white ... it's about a thug society versus genteel society.
If you don't want to deal with the police...Stop doing the crime.
I dont do crime. Never stopped the cops from harassing me. Go figure

The cold hard reality is that you are a member of a segment of society that, through its own culpability, is expected to commit more crimes. Of course, you are going to be approached differently than all the little old ladies - and, all the white people. You are quick to the blame the 'system', when, in reality, you need to look at the actions of your segment, and figure out how to change that.
The question is what are you gonna do about it?
Laugh at the white people that like to pretend Black people are hallucinating, groom more Black men like myself, and continue to make enough money to be able to penalize any cop that fucks up and does something stupid around me.
In other words, you ain't gonna do shit.
i was reading about the phenomenon of white people getting away with stuff Black people would get shot and arrested for. I found this page. Looks like plenty of white people are starting to realize the difference in treatment. Good for them.

Tweets about CrimingWhileWhite hashtag on Twitter

Some of my favorites.

"Tonight, black protester & I both ignore barricade & walk in street. 4 cops pounce on him; I'm told to get in the pen. #CrimingWhileWhite"

"I'm not proud of it, but when I was 22 I pushed a cop when I was drunk at a bar. I was told to go home and "sleep it off" #CrimingWhileWhite"

"I shoplifted when I was 14 and they let me go because my parents came down and we "looked like a nice family." #crimingwhilewhite"

Man, that is funny shit .... grow the hell up.
Already grown. What made you think I needed to grow up?

Your view is a narcissistic, naive, and totally unrealistic view of reality. You have taken a simplistic position, supported by a carefully manipulated set of facts, and tried to blow it up into an all-encompassing picture of society. You don't bother to consider ALL the facts - only those facts convenient to your position. You don't bother to consider the total picture - but rather, only the part you can see with your nose firmly planted against the canvas.

If those quotes are the best you got to somehow indicate a societal bias, devoid of other facts, you need to spend some serious time redoing your analysis.
I think you are making something more complicated than it is. Blacks already know there is a difference. Whites actually admitting it across the country just confirms what we already knew. Has nothing to do with narcissism and an unrealistic view.
Stories people tell are stories that people tell. :eusa_shifty: Some could be true....some could be made up....some are likely complete bullshit.

The solution to the above is don't be a moron.

Don't commit crimes and don't fuck with the cops. That goes for whites and blacks. It's pretty damn simple when you think about it. :)
Yes it is simple and people are speaking out about it. White people. There is no reason a Black person can commit the same crime and wind up in jail or killed. while a white person is sent home to sleep it off.

Simplistic made up bullshit. Whites get fucked with by the cops. I have been fucked with by cops.

Blacks are not always victims. Cops are human. Sometimes they do stupid shit. Doesn't mean they're all racist.

In the Trayvon Martin, Garner, and Brown situations all three were doing stupid shit. Not saying any of them deserved to die....but they are hardly blameless either.

No pun intended....but things are rarely as black and white as the race hustlers make it out.
Bullshit. The day you live life as a Black person, (especially Black male) is the day I respect your opinion regarding what occurs. I almost went to jail for fucking up a white boy that attacked a mexican lady and then tried to attack me. The cops reason for wanting to arrest me? I probably provoked it.

See? This is what I was talking about when I said narcissistic and naive. You want to discard a person's opinion - not because he's wrong - but because he's white. What could be more racist than that? When all you have is a hammer - in your case, complaining about whites - everything looks like a nail. Maybe you should pick up a different tool - like the one that complains about the black crime rate - thus, creating the expectation that blacks commit more crimes.

You try to tell us that the WHOLE problem is about white privilege - you never once mention the black crime rate, you never mention the black murder rate, you never mention the black gangsta mien that virtually demands that our young blacks commit crimes. Given that condition, is it any surprise that a cop would expect a black to be more likely to have committed a crime than a white? It isn't about black and white ... it's about a thug society versus genteel society.
You sound like most simps. The reason I say that is because you actually believe its ok for a cop to suspect a black person for doing a crime more so than a white person. No white person can tell me what its like to be a Black male. They simply havent lived the life. I disagree that its ok for me to almost get arrested because some white boy got his teeth knocked out for attacking me.and a young lady. The white cop had plenty of people telling him what went down but I "provoked" it?
If you don't want to deal with the police...Stop doing the crime.
I dont do crime. Never stopped the cops from harassing me. Go figure

The cold hard reality is that you are a member of a segment of society that, through its own culpability, is expected to commit more crimes. Of course, you are going to be approached differently than all the little old ladies - and, all the white people. You are quick to the blame the 'system', when, in reality, you need to look at the actions of your segment, and figure out how to change that.
No I dont need to do anything. White racists need to get their shit together and stop being racist. As long as I dont commit any crimes they need to step off.
The question is what are you gonna do about it?
Laugh at the white people that like to pretend Black people are hallucinating, groom more Black men like myself, and continue to make enough money to be able to penalize any cop that fucks up and does something stupid around me.
In other words, you ain't gonna do shit.
Already doing a lot of shit. Cant you read? If I catch a cop slippin I will put a bullet in his dome.
i was reading about the phenomenon of white people getting away with stuff Black people would get shot and arrested for. I found this page. Looks like plenty of white people are starting to realize the difference in treatment. Good for them.

Tweets about CrimingWhileWhite hashtag on Twitter

Some of my favorites.

"Tonight, black protester & I both ignore barricade & walk in street. 4 cops pounce on him; I'm told to get in the pen. #CrimingWhileWhite"

"I'm not proud of it, but when I was 22 I pushed a cop when I was drunk at a bar. I was told to go home and "sleep it off" #CrimingWhileWhite"

"I shoplifted when I was 14 and they let me go because my parents came down and we "looked like a nice family." #crimingwhilewhite"

Man, that is funny shit .... grow the hell up.
Already grown. What made you think I needed to grow up?

Your view is a narcissistic, naive, and totally unrealistic view of reality. You have taken a simplistic position, supported by a carefully manipulated set of facts, and tried to blow it up into an all-encompassing picture of society. You don't bother to consider ALL the facts - only those facts convenient to your position. You don't bother to consider the total picture - but rather, only the part you can see with your nose firmly planted against the canvas.

If those quotes are the best you got to somehow indicate a societal bias, devoid of other facts, you need to spend some serious time redoing your analysis.
I think you are making something more complicated than it is. Blacks already know there is a difference. Whites actually admitting it across the country just confirms what we already knew. Has nothing to do with narcissism and an unrealistic view.

I think you're trying to find a simple answer to a complex problem. You are trying to avoid your culpability in what happens. The black community must take responsibility, and ownership, for creating an environment that feeds the problem, not try to blame it all on somebody else.

How many Crime Watch programs are there in the black community? How many 'silent witnesses' refuse to help police solve crimes in the black community? There are a thousand reasons - economic, political,failure of black fathers to step up to their responsibilities, tacit acceptance of the drug trade, the list could go on - but to complain that the REAL problem is how the police act in the face of all that is ... frankly ... childish. The problem is exacerbated when you give young blacks an excuse - whitey cop is hunting you, the system is holding you back - instead of insisting that they do better.
If you don't want to deal with the police...Stop doing the crime.
I dont do crime. Never stopped the cops from harassing me. Go figure

The cold hard reality is that you are a member of a segment of society that, through its own culpability, is expected to commit more crimes. Of course, you are going to be approached differently than all the little old ladies - and, all the white people. You are quick to the blame the 'system', when, in reality, you need to look at the actions of your segment, and figure out how to change that.
No I dont need to do anything. White racists need to get their shit together and stop being racist. As long as I dont commit any crimes they need to step off.

I don't know how to tell you this ... but you are the ONLY one who can do something. YOU need to change the paradigm, you have to try to convince the members of your community to assimilate into the overall societal structure. You don't get to have your own little world, without having to pay the price for it.
The question is what are you gonna do about it?
Laugh at the white people that like to pretend Black people are hallucinating, groom more Black men like myself, and continue to make enough money to be able to penalize any cop that fucks up and does something stupid around me.
In other words, you ain't gonna do shit.
Already doing a lot of shit. Cant you read? If I catch a cop slippin I will put a bullet in his dome.

You're the leadership - you REALLY want to pass this message on to the youth? And, you don't see a problem with this? You don't see how this exacerbates the problem? How about teaching your youth to avoid those actions that cause the problems you talk about?
i was reading about the phenomenon of white people getting away with stuff Black people would get shot and arrested for. I found this page. Looks like plenty of white people are starting to realize the difference in treatment. Good for them.

Tweets about CrimingWhileWhite hashtag on Twitter

Some of my favorites.

"Tonight, black protester & I both ignore barricade & walk in street. 4 cops pounce on him; I'm told to get in the pen. #CrimingWhileWhite"

"I'm not proud of it, but when I was 22 I pushed a cop when I was drunk at a bar. I was told to go home and "sleep it off" #CrimingWhileWhite"

"I shoplifted when I was 14 and they let me go because my parents came down and we "looked like a nice family." #crimingwhilewhite"

Man, that is funny shit .... grow the hell up.
Already grown. What made you think I needed to grow up?

Your view is a narcissistic, naive, and totally unrealistic view of reality. You have taken a simplistic position, supported by a carefully manipulated set of facts, and tried to blow it up into an all-encompassing picture of society. You don't bother to consider ALL the facts - only those facts convenient to your position. You don't bother to consider the total picture - but rather, only the part you can see with your nose firmly planted against the canvas.

If those quotes are the best you got to somehow indicate a societal bias, devoid of other facts, you need to spend some serious time redoing your analysis.
I think you are making something more complicated than it is. Blacks already know there is a difference. Whites actually admitting it across the country just confirms what we already knew. Has nothing to do with narcissism and an unrealistic view.

I think you're trying to find a simple answer to a complex problem. You are trying to avoid your culpability in what happens. The black community must take responsibility, and ownership, for creating an environment that feeds the problem, not try to blame it all on somebody else.

How many Crime Watch programs are there in the black community? How many 'silent witnesses' refuse to help police solve crimes in the black community? There are a thousand reasons - economic, political,failure of black fathers to step up to their responsibilities, tacit acceptance of the drug trade, the list could go on - but to complain that the REAL problem is how the police act in the face of all that is ... frankly ... childish. The problem is exacerbated when you give young blacks an excuse - whitey cop is hunting you, the system is holding you back - instead of insisting that they do better.
I still think you are making it to complex. While there are different factors most if not all lead back to white racism in some way. there are plenty of crime watches in Black neighborhoods. The reason Black people dont talk to cops in some neighborhoods is because the pigs are dirty. If you dont know what that means then you are naive. Did you grow up in a Black ghetto and witness the crap these dirty cops do? If you didnt you simply dont know what I am talking about and validate my stance that you cant tell me anything about being a Black male unless you have lived the life.
If you don't want to deal with the police...Stop doing the crime.
I dont do crime. Never stopped the cops from harassing me. Go figure

The cold hard reality is that you are a member of a segment of society that, through its own culpability, is expected to commit more crimes. Of course, you are going to be approached differently than all the little old ladies - and, all the white people. You are quick to the blame the 'system', when, in reality, you need to look at the actions of your segment, and figure out how to change that.
No I dont need to do anything. White racists need to get their shit together and stop being racist. As long as I dont commit any crimes they need to step off.

You need to give them a reason to change their attitude. You don't think your threats, or frankly, your piddling little riots where you blow up your own neighborhood, are actually doing any good, do you?

You want change - then change! Give them a reason to look at you as a contributing member of society, rather than feeding their inbred fear that you are a violent criminal just looking for an excuse. All your attitude does is feed their preconceived notions. Make them change!!
If you don't want to deal with the police...Stop doing the crime.
I dont do crime. Never stopped the cops from harassing me. Go figure

The cold hard reality is that you are a member of a segment of society that, through its own culpability, is expected to commit more crimes. Of course, you are going to be approached differently than all the little old ladies - and, all the white people. You are quick to the blame the 'system', when, in reality, you need to look at the actions of your segment, and figure out how to change that.
No I dont need to do anything. White racists need to get their shit together and stop being racist. As long as I dont commit any crimes they need to step off.

I don't know how to tell you this ... but you are the ONLY one who can do something. YOU need to change the paradigm, you have to try to convince the members of your community to assimilate into the overall societal structure. You don't get to have your own little world, without having to pay the price for it.
Sorry bub. We dont want to be vanilla. I like being Black. I would probably kill myself if I was white. I dont need to assimilate into anything. The values I hold dear work just fine in the business world. I love my culture and have no wish to emulate white culture. White people need to learn to respect that. If they cant then there will continue to be issues.
The question is what are you gonna do about it?
Laugh at the white people that like to pretend Black people are hallucinating, groom more Black men like myself, and continue to make enough money to be able to penalize any cop that fucks up and does something stupid around me.
In other words, you ain't gonna do shit.
Already doing a lot of shit. Cant you read? If I catch a cop slippin I will put a bullet in his dome.

You're the leadership - you REALLY want to pass this message on to the youth? And, you don't see a problem with this? You don't see how this exacerbates the problem? How about teaching your youth to avoid those actions that cause the problems you talk about?
I would never tell anyone to do something like that. Thats just a step I personally would take if a cop messed up. How can they avoid walking down the street? How can they avoid driving while Black? Do you have an answer for those questions? I dont need to prove myself to whites. Whites need to prove themselves to me. They created this mess not Black people.
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If you don't want to deal with the police...Stop doing the crime.
I dont do crime. Never stopped the cops from harassing me. Go figure

The cold hard reality is that you are a member of a segment of society that, through its own culpability, is expected to commit more crimes. Of course, you are going to be approached differently than all the little old ladies - and, all the white people. You are quick to the blame the 'system', when, in reality, you need to look at the actions of your segment, and figure out how to change that.
No I dont need to do anything. White racists need to get their shit together and stop being racist. As long as I dont commit any crimes they need to step off.

You need to give them a reason to change their attitude. You don't think your threats, or frankly, your piddling little riots where you blow up your own neighborhood, are actually doing any good, do you?

You want change - then change! Give them a reason to look at you as a contributing member of society, rather than feeding their inbred fear that you are a violent criminal just looking for an excuse. All your attitude does is feed their preconceived notions. Make them change!!

They already have a reason to change their attitude. Its not my job to convince them of how wrong it is to harass people simply due to color. I pay their salaries. They work for me. This is not about riots. People burning down their neighborhoods is dumb. This is about respect. You respect me because I am a human and then you will get respect from me. Its not me that needs to change. Whites create the environment and Black people live the best way they can within those boundaries. They want to get rid of all the issues back up and check yourself and make sure you are doing what you are supposed to do. I dont allow whites or anyone else to dictate the terms of how i hold myself. That stuff went out with slavery and jim crow.
Man, that is funny shit .... grow the hell up.
Already grown. What made you think I needed to grow up?

Your view is a narcissistic, naive, and totally unrealistic view of reality. You have taken a simplistic position, supported by a carefully manipulated set of facts, and tried to blow it up into an all-encompassing picture of society. You don't bother to consider ALL the facts - only those facts convenient to your position. You don't bother to consider the total picture - but rather, only the part you can see with your nose firmly planted against the canvas.

If those quotes are the best you got to somehow indicate a societal bias, devoid of other facts, you need to spend some serious time redoing your analysis.
I think you are making something more complicated than it is. Blacks already know there is a difference. Whites actually admitting it across the country just confirms what we already knew. Has nothing to do with narcissism and an unrealistic view.

I think you're trying to find a simple answer to a complex problem. You are trying to avoid your culpability in what happens. The black community must take responsibility, and ownership, for creating an environment that feeds the problem, not try to blame it all on somebody else.

How many Crime Watch programs are there in the black community? How many 'silent witnesses' refuse to help police solve crimes in the black community? There are a thousand reasons - economic, political,failure of black fathers to step up to their responsibilities, tacit acceptance of the drug trade, the list could go on - but to complain that the REAL problem is how the police act in the face of all that is ... frankly ... childish. The problem is exacerbated when you give young blacks an excuse - whitey cop is hunting you, the system is holding you back - instead of insisting that they do better.
I still think you are making it to complex. While there are different factors most if not all lead back to white racism in some way. there are plenty of crime watches in Black neighborhoods. The reason Black people dont talk to cops in some neighborhoods is because the pigs are dirty. If you dont know what that means then you are naive. Did you grow up in a Black ghetto and witness the crap these dirty cops do? If you didnt you simply dont know what I am talking about and validate my stance that you cant tell me anything about being a Black male unless you have lived the life.

No, they don't --- you're using white racism as a crutch - an excuse for failure. I don't question that blacks are treated different - but I maintain they are treated different because they expect to be treated different.

Don't give me this bullshit about 'if you didn't live the ghetto life, you can't know' ... that's just another damn excuse. Teach them - tell them - show them - educate them. Make me believe. Rioting in the streets, burning your own businesses - that doesn't make them believe. That only reinforces the opinion - that the black community is smoldering mass of violence and lawlessness, looking for any excuse to explode.

Every time one of these cop-black incidents happen, whites look at it, and see the crime. They want to help fix it. You've seen the reaction in the white community to Martin, Brown, and Garner. But, then, the black community erupts in senseless violence, rampant theft, and you undo all the progress made. You just confirm what they originally thought, and all the progress is lost. Somehow, they have a hard time believing that stealing the 50 inch tv from the black business is a political or societal statement.

But, at the same time, make them believe that you actually want to fix it ... but I gotta warn you .. if they fix it, you're out of excuses. It becomes put-up or shut-up time. Do you seriously believe that removing all the bad cops from the ghetto is going to fix the problems? It isn't - and the only ones who can fix it is ones who live there. It doesn't suddenly give your children the education necessary to compete today. It doesn't suddenly eliminate the drug problems in the black community. It doesn't suddenly cure the single-mother poverty situations.

Dems feed off this stuff --- their message is simple - you aren't capable of taking care of yourselves. You can't succeed without help. You NEED welfare and food stamps and all that other shit. Prove them wrong -
The question is what are you gonna do about it?
Laugh at the white people that like to pretend Black people are hallucinating, groom more Black men like myself, and continue to make enough money to be able to penalize any cop that fucks up and does something stupid around me.
In other words, you ain't gonna do shit.
Already doing a lot of shit. Cant you read? If I catch a cop slippin I will put a bullet in his dome.

You're the leadership - you REALLY want to pass this message on to the youth? And, you don't see a problem with this? You don't see how this exacerbates the problem? How about teaching your youth to avoid those actions that cause the problems you talk about?
I would never tell anyone to do something like that. Thats just a step I personally would take if a cop messed up. How can they avoid walking down the street? How can they avoid driving while Black? Do you have an answer for those questions? I dont need to prove myself to whites. Whites need to prove themselves to me. They created this mess not Black people.

You're dead wrong - both blacks and whites created this problem. And, whites alone can't fix it - you need to help fix it, too. It's simply naive to believe that this is somehow something that needs to be fixed for you.

Want to cure the problem with the police? Create a committee that brings EVERY case of mistreatment, no matter how minor, to the chief of police, to the newspaper, whatever. Witness and testify. But, do it in an adult and consistent manner. When the police find out they did something wrong - hold them accountable. But - when you find out that a member of your community was responsible, or is as far out of line as Martin or Brown, hold them responsible. You and I both know that there are thousands of confrontations between police and blacks - insist that the police chief hold his people accountable, but you've got to do the same - hold your people accountable.

Quit whining and take action - it can be fixed, but it can't be done by the police alone.
If you don't want to deal with the police...Stop doing the crime.
I dont do crime. Never stopped the cops from harassing me. Go figure

The cold hard reality is that you are a member of a segment of society that, through its own culpability, is expected to commit more crimes. Of course, you are going to be approached differently than all the little old ladies - and, all the white people. You are quick to the blame the 'system', when, in reality, you need to look at the actions of your segment, and figure out how to change that.
No I dont need to do anything. White racists need to get their shit together and stop being racist. As long as I dont commit any crimes they need to step off.

You need to give them a reason to change their attitude. You don't think your threats, or frankly, your piddling little riots where you blow up your own neighborhood, are actually doing any good, do you?

You want change - then change! Give them a reason to look at you as a contributing member of society, rather than feeding their inbred fear that you are a violent criminal just looking for an excuse. All your attitude does is feed their preconceived notions. Make them change!!

They already have a reason to change their attitude. Its not my job to convince them of how wrong it is to harass people simply due to color. I pay their salaries. They work for me. This is not about riots. People burning down their neighborhoods is dumb. This is about respect. You respect me because I am a human and then you will get respect from me. Its not me that needs to change. Whites create the environment and Black people live the best way they can within those boundaries. They want to get rid of all the issues back up and check yourself and make sure you are doing what you are supposed to do. I dont allow whites or anyone else to dictate the terms of how i hold myself. That stuff went out with slavery and jim crow.

Courtesy is assumed, but respect is earned. Do you believe that the black community has earned respect?

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