
Chris Costello
Once I got pulled over for illegal window tint. Cop told me it's bad because he couldn't tell if I was "black or Mexican" #CrimingWhileWhite

OMFG!!! That's hysterical!!! You believe that too, right?

I stopped to pick up a black hitchhiker. I decided it was a perfect time to see how fast my car would go. I blew past the speed trap at about 105. The cops chased me for about 15 miles. When I finally decided to stop, the cops came up to the car, guns drawn. They saw I was white and started to holster their guns, then they saw my passenger and instantly dragged him out of the car and arrested him. They told me it was likely the black guy was stepping on the accelerator and I should go home and sleep it off.
Yes I do believe that. Do you have something that proves its a lie?
Ya know what, asslips... after seeing what you're doing here, I think you could actually be a WHITE GUY doing this on purpose just to give blacks a bad name and make them look stupid and ultra racist.

I mean really... that must be the case, because no one can REALLY be as STUPID and ULTRA RACIST as you're pretending to be, right?

I think you've been busted, whitey.
Most white boy racist that I make look like the cave monkeys they are tend to say that. The thought process is as follows for you simple minded idiots....."A nigra couldnt possibly be smart enough to make me look like a fool. He has got to be a white guy pretending to be Black" While in a way its a backhanded compliment, it does amuse me that it bothers you that much.
Well I hate to burst your bubble there... "WHITEY"... but the only person here you're making "look like a fool" is yourself. We have another one here pretending to be one thing when he's obviously another, jakestarkey, and it didn't take forever to figure his game out either.

No, now I'm almost certain, you're a white guy here pretending to be black to make blacks look really stupid and racist.

Ain't that right... WHITEY?
OMFG!!! That's hysterical!!! You believe that too, right?

I stopped to pick up a black hitchhiker. I decided it was a perfect time to see how fast my car would go. I blew past the speed trap at about 105. The cops chased me for about 15 miles. When I finally decided to stop, the cops came up to the car, guns drawn. They saw I was white and started to holster their guns, then they saw my passenger and instantly dragged him out of the car and arrested him. They told me it was likely the black guy was stepping on the accelerator and I should go home and sleep it off.
Yes I do believe that. Do you have something that proves its a lie?

Street smarts and a dependable BS detector
Thats not very scientific.
Doesn't have to be.
Yes it does if you are trying to prove something. Your street smarts and BS dector is only as good as your intellect. You dont have much of that.
Fine, then you prove it's true.

See how that works, Einstein? And since it's you who's been posting this garbage purporting it's all true, the burden of proof lies on YOU.

So get to it, WHITEY, prove all this SHIT you've been posting is TRUE.
Yes I do believe that. Do you have something that proves its a lie?

Street smarts and a dependable BS detector
Thats not very scientific.
Doesn't have to be.
Yes it does if you are trying to prove something. Your street smarts and BS dector is only as good as your intellect. You dont have much of that.
Fine, then you prove it's true.

See how that works, Einstein? And since it's you who's been posting this garbage purporting it's all true, the burden of proof lies on YOU.

So get to it, WHITEY, prove all this SHIT you've been posting is TRUE.
I challenged you to prove it was false. You failed so far. Until you can prove its false your argument is invalid.
Street smarts and a dependable BS detector
Thats not very scientific.
Doesn't have to be.
Yes it does if you are trying to prove something. Your street smarts and BS dector is only as good as your intellect. You dont have much of that.
Fine, then you prove it's true.

See how that works, Einstein? And since it's you who's been posting this garbage purporting it's all true, the burden of proof lies on YOU.

So get to it, WHITEY, prove all this SHIT you've been posting is TRUE.
I challenged you to prove it was false. You failed so far. Until you can prove its false your argument is invalid.
Give it up WHITEY... the gig is up... you've been busted.

NO ONE, for real, can say things as stupid as you are.
Asslips is here to make the black man look INCREDIBLY STUPID and RACIST. I think that's a really dirty trick for any white person to do, but, that's the only logical explanation for the poster, Asslips.

Gig is up, white boy.
Asslips is here to make the black man look INCREDIBLY STUPID and RACIST. I think that's a really dirty trick for any white person to do, but, that's the only logical explanation for the poster, Asslips.

Gig is up, white boy.
Does that mean you cant prove the tweets are fakes?
Asslips is here to make the black man look INCREDIBLY STUPID and RACIST. I think that's a really dirty trick for any white person to do, but, that's the only logical explanation for the poster, Asslips.

Gig is up, white boy.
Does that mean you cant prove the tweets are fakes?
Give it up, man, we know you're white, we get it.

Asslips is here to make the black man look INCREDIBLY STUPID and RACIST. I think that's a really dirty trick for any white person to do, but, that's the only logical explanation for the poster, Asslips.

Gig is up, white boy.
Does that mean you cant prove the tweets are fakes?
Give it up, man, we know you're white, we get it.

So you have no proof at all? Like zero?
Me and a black friend went out drinking and we had a bit too much. I was driving and must have drawn some attention, as I got pulled over. They looked us over and asked why I was driving my negro chauffeur around and why he wasn't outfitted with appropriate attire. Of course I went along with this to avoid getting cuffed and stuffed into the back of their squad car.

We gave each other the secret whitey hand shake as I promised to rectify the situation, not knowing the local ordinances and all. My friend was naturally humiliated but I'm confident that I saved him from a sound trouncing.

Holy Shit!!!! The exact same thing happened to me!!!...........twice!!!
Laugh at the white people that like to pretend Black people are hallucinating, groom more Black men like myself, and continue to make enough money to be able to penalize any cop that fucks up and does something stupid around me.

On the train last night. The Sheriffs came through asking for tickets, which they rarely do. (Metrolink is the worst mass transit in the nation, by a long shot.) Young black guy behind me has no ticket. He lies to the cop, who is Mexican, not white. He claims he "lost his ticket." So the cop is cool about it an tells him that if he can show the transaction on his phone, the cop will let it go. Of course the kid is lying, and makes a big show of going through the phone, and finally admits that he never bought a ticket. The cop writes him a WARNING, and after the cop leaves, he leans over to a train-friend of mine, who is black and says "He just harassing me cuz I'm black."

Actually, he let the kid go, and the ungrateful bastard pulls the race card.

Blacks are arrested more often, because they break the law more often.
Most white boy racist that I make look like the cave monkeys they are tend to say that. The thought process is as follows for you simple minded idiots....."A nigra couldnt possibly be smart enough to make me look like a fool. He has got to be a white guy pretending to be Black" While in a way its a backhanded compliment, it does amuse me that it bothers you that much.

I'll keep that in mind, should you ever make anyone other than yourself look the fool.
I just got back from my local grocery store. I was feeling a little testy so I took my AK-47 in with me and shot the place up, shot 7 bystanders and 1 cop. After I ran out of ammo the cops said that if I helped with a little of the clean up they'd let me off with a warning. I told them I wasn't going to clean up jack shit, so they said well since you're white, you're free to go... and you'll probably want to clean that AK up good when you get home.
Last week I was driving my convertible, with the top down. I was speeding like hell. I came to a slight hill and just over the other side there were two black men crossing the street. I couldn't avoid them and ended up hitting both of them. One got knocked out into a field and the other one flipped up and landed in the back seat, both bloody and disoriented. A cop showed up and fearing the worst, I asked him what was gonna happen. He said "Well, I'm gonna charge this one with breaking and entering, and I'm gonna charge the other one with leaving the scene of an accident". I breathed a sigh of relief.
I shot 2 cops yesterday. Once the third cop saw that I was white, he was pretty cool about it. He actually gave me a ride home afterwards..

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