Crony capitalism is just socialism lite

The republicans have most the power at the moment. Dems can only do what repubs let them do.
That's not even close to being the truth....dems own the DC bureaucracy and have for decades...
He is a strong supporter of deals like Foxconn. He seems to be a crony. How am I wrong?
Your'e wrong about his motivation...his main focus is jobs....good jobs with good healthcare plans for the American people...he has no friends in high power positions right now...
He is a strong supporter of deals like Foxconn. He seems to be a crony. How am I wrong?
Your'e wrong about his motivation...his main focus is jobs....good jobs with good healthcare plans for the American people...he has no friends in high power positions right now...
Foxconn is a huge example of crony capitalism and he clearly supports it. The cronyism is probably why wages are stagnant.
Foxconn is a huge example of crony capitalism and he clearly supports it. The cronyism is probably why wages are stagnant.
If there was no benefit for the American people your argument would carry more weight....
Crony capitalism is like when Obama granted government funds to his solar power buddies that helped fund his campaign and then watched them file for bankruptcy....why don't you start there?...or when Clinton enriched his Arkansas friends with government contracts...why overlook that?... neither of those two examples held any benefit for the people like Foxcon do some historical research on cronyism....look into Di Fis closet...holy cow it will blow your mind that she gets away with what she does...or Maxine Waters....don't give me its only the repubs crap...
Foxconn is a huge example of crony capitalism and he clearly supports it. The cronyism is probably why wages are stagnant.
If there was no benefit for the American people your argument would carry more weight....
Crony capitalism is like when Obama granted government funds to his solar power buddies that helped fund his campaign and then watched them file for bankruptcy....why don't you start there?...or when Clinton enriched his Arkansas friends with government contracts...why overlook that?... neither of those two examples held any benefit for the people like Foxcon do some historical research on cronyism....look into Di Fis closet...holy cow it will blow your mind that she gets away with what she does...or Maxine Waters....don't give me its only the repubs crap...
I agree those are examples of crony capitalism. Why is it repubs seem to know solyndra was bad, but Foxconn is good? The people have gotten no benefit from Foxconn, just a bill. It could easily be a complete bust. Solyndra and Foxconn are both bad. And trump clearly supports Foxconn.
This is a great article. What we need is more free market capitalism, but neither political side are giving us that. The left is talking too much about socialism. The right pretends to be capitalists, when really they are crony capitalists. Unemployment is very low, but wages are still stagnant. We need to move away from these crony policies.

Crony capitalism is just socialism lite

Our politicians like to claim, and might even believe, they are helping markets and growing the economy when they grant special economic privileges. They are actually cheating their constituents out of the benefits of free markets, distorting choices and interfering in decisions with unstable, arbitrary policymaking customized for the privileged elite. They are, on a more limited basis, doing what socialist leaders and bureaucracies have done everywhere socialism has been tried on a mass scale. And the negative results are the same, except that we have a huge economy, much of which is relatively unmolested, that mostly papers them over, at least until the last few decades.

Crony capitalism is socialism lite, and anti-free enterprise. Too many of our leaders, including some who call themselves Reagan Republicans, take part in it. But for those who see socialism as a counter to the elitism they see in capitalist economies, think again. History teaches that, due to socialism’s centralized nature, there is no place more replete with cronyism than one practicing socialism.

It isn't crony capitalism.... it is crony socialism. Capitalism is the free exchange of goods and services...if the government is handing them out to favorites, that isn't capitalism. That is socialism as it always turns out...
I agree those are examples of crony capitalism. Why is it repubs seem to know solyndra was bad, but Foxconn is good? The people have gotten no benefit from Foxconn, just a bill. It could easily be a complete bust. Solyndra and Foxconn are both bad. And trump clearly supports Foxconn.
Well you have issues with foxconn...I don't...I think it is a good thing...
Then you don’t support the socialism lite of the repubs? We need to get back to free market capitalism?
I disagree with your narrative...we have not seen pure capitalism in the USA for a very long time....too big too fail for example...
pure capitalism works...of course you need safety ones not like the nets we have now....full of holes from abuse and deception...
"Safety" nets would imply that you don't actually want "pure" capitalism. Why protect yourself (i.e. "safety") from something that you don't need protecting from? And the existence of a safety net would thereby not make it "pure", no?

I'm on your side, just pointing that out. Unfettered capitalism would be better than what we have now, with the government focusing on reporting mechanisms to inform it's people of malpractice or questionable business practices rather than regulation mechanisms to preemptively protect people from themselves.

Nonetheless, the article is absolutely correct. What we have now is basically economic fascism in reverse. Economic fascism has privately owned business bending to the whim of what the government wants. Our government bends to the whim of what big money interests want. It's ok to admit that.
This is a great article. What we need is more free market capitalism, but neither political side are giving us that. The left is talking too much about socialism. The right pretends to be capitalists, when really they are crony capitalists. Unemployment is very low, but wages are still stagnant. We need to move away from these crony policies.

Crony capitalism is just socialism lite

Our politicians like to claim, and might even believe, they are helping markets and growing the economy when they grant special economic privileges. They are actually cheating their constituents out of the benefits of free markets, distorting choices and interfering in decisions with unstable, arbitrary policymaking customized for the privileged elite. They are, on a more limited basis, doing what socialist leaders and bureaucracies have done everywhere socialism has been tried on a mass scale. And the negative results are the same, except that we have a huge economy, much of which is relatively unmolested, that mostly papers them over, at least until the last few decades.

Crony capitalism is socialism lite, and anti-free enterprise. Too many of our leaders, including some who call themselves Reagan Republicans, take part in it. But for those who see socialism as a counter to the elitism they see in capitalist economies, think again. History teaches that, due to socialism’s centralized nature, there is no place more replete with cronyism than one practicing socialism.

It isn't crony capitalism.... it is crony socialism. Capitalism is the free exchange of goods and services...if the government is handing them out to favorites, that isn't capitalism. That is socialism as it always turns out...
People put "capitalism" in there because they're prejudiced against capitalism.

It's sorta like "social" justice. The "social" in front perverts the word justice. "Crony" is antithetical to capitalism, and therefore the proper term is just "cronyism", not "crony capitalism."
The republicans have most the power at the moment. Dems can only do what repubs let them do.
That's not even close to being the truth....dems own the DC bureaucracy and have for decades...
Not the justice system... Mostly Republican straight arrows... The rest are democratic or nonpartisan straight arrows, despite recent GOP garbage propaganda. It is not surprising that people who believe in government and public service tend to go into government service. No No Conspiracy as always...
This is a great article. What we need is more free market capitalism, but neither political side are giving us that. The left is talking too much about socialism. The right pretends to be capitalists, when really they are crony capitalists. Unemployment is very low, but wages are still stagnant. We need to move away from these crony policies.

Crony capitalism is just socialism lite

Our politicians like to claim, and might even believe, they are helping markets and growing the economy when they grant special economic privileges. They are actually cheating their constituents out of the benefits of free markets, distorting choices and interfering in decisions with unstable, arbitrary policymaking customized for the privileged elite. They are, on a more limited basis, doing what socialist leaders and bureaucracies have done everywhere socialism has been tried on a mass scale. And the negative results are the same, except that we have a huge economy, much of which is relatively unmolested, that mostly papers them over, at least until the last few decades.

Crony capitalism is socialism lite, and anti-free enterprise. Too many of our leaders, including some who call themselves Reagan Republicans, take part in it. But for those who see socialism as a counter to the elitism they see in capitalist economies, think again. History teaches that, due to socialism’s centralized nature, there is no place more replete with cronyism than one practicing socialism.

It isn't crony capitalism.... it is crony socialism. Capitalism is the free exchange of goods and services...if the government is handing them out to favorites, that isn't capitalism. That is socialism as it always turns out...
Call it socialism lite then. Repubs support it.
I agree those are examples of crony capitalism. Why is it repubs seem to know solyndra was bad, but Foxconn is good? The people have gotten no benefit from Foxconn, just a bill. It could easily be a complete bust. Solyndra and Foxconn are both bad. And trump clearly supports Foxconn.
Well you have issues with foxconn...I don't...I think it is a good thing...
Then you support socialism lite. You think government intervention is good.
This is a great article. What we need is more free market capitalism, but neither political side are giving us that. The left is talking too much about socialism. The right pretends to be capitalists, when really they are crony capitalists. Unemployment is very low, but wages are still stagnant. We need to move away from these crony policies.

Crony capitalism is just socialism lite

Our politicians like to claim, and might even believe, they are helping markets and growing the economy when they grant special economic privileges. They are actually cheating their constituents out of the benefits of free markets, distorting choices and interfering in decisions with unstable, arbitrary policymaking customized for the privileged elite. They are, on a more limited basis, doing what socialist leaders and bureaucracies have done everywhere socialism has been tried on a mass scale. And the negative results are the same, except that we have a huge economy, much of which is relatively unmolested, that mostly papers them over, at least until the last few decades.

Crony capitalism is socialism lite, and anti-free enterprise. Too many of our leaders, including some who call themselves Reagan Republicans, take part in it. But for those who see socialism as a counter to the elitism they see in capitalist economies, think again. History teaches that, due to socialism’s centralized nature, there is no place more replete with cronyism than one practicing socialism.

It isn't crony capitalism.... it is crony socialism. Capitalism is the free exchange of goods and services...if the government is handing them out to favorites, that isn't capitalism. That is socialism as it always turns out...
People put "capitalism" in there because they're prejudiced against capitalism.

It's sorta like "social" justice. The "social" in front perverts the word justice. "Crony" is antithetical to capitalism, and therefore the proper term is just "cronyism", not "crony capitalism."
Criminal cronyism is part of every Republican Administration recently... And not so recently... That's how we get a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust every time they get 8 years in office....
It's obvious that "The Hills" Byron Schlomach never had a real freaking job. How else can you to lure businesses and industry to a state besides creating programs that make it easy for them to move?
Safety" nets would imply that you don't actually want "pure" capitalism
Pure capitalism does not mean you ignore compassion for your fellow man...helping people to help themselves is a enhancement to capitalism...
It's obvious that "The Hills" Byron Schlomach never had a real freaking job. How else can you to lure businesses and industry to a state besides creating programs that make it easy for them to move?
You make it easy for all businesses. You don’t cut special deals for those who do the most lobbying. Gov should not pick winners and losers.

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