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Crooked Hillary Still Mouthing Off

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Yeah, nothing like selling guns to Mexican drug lords or using the IRS to harass political enemies..

You sure are a fucking retard.

Zatrite Commie fuck?

Wow!! That sounds fucking horrible, shit-for-brains!!! Evidence, please?

Look here, faggot diarrhea of the mouth motherfucker, I've about had it with your posting manner, you leftarded fucktwit. Democrats are ok, you, on the other hand, are a piece of shit retarded mindless motherfucker. Shut your fucking stupid ass up before I kick you so hard, you land back in your mama's uterus, with your better half dripping down her leg.

In other words....you have no evidence that Hillary and Obama are traitors. Poor little Repug fucktard traitor. All talk, no action. Now you're crying like a little Repug bitch. Just like your hero Trump cries like a little Repug bitch about "fake news" all the time.

As for your Repug goober ass physical threats....let's just say I'm not exactly shivering in my boots. I picture you as one of them fat Repug goober half-wits that you see at everyone of Trump's fucktard trailer trash rallies.

I'm gonna e-bitch slap your silly, shilly ass before it's all said and done, boy.

You wanna post in that manner? You can't do it here (in zone2). Hit forums and scroll down to the bottom, now we're talkin'.

See ya there,..or not.

Dude, you simply suck at this shit. You just ain't got the intellectual guns to hang with me. And deep down you know I'm right, which is why you're so mad and I'm laughing at you and that other idiot Repug Uncensored. You make these grandiose claims about Hillary and Obama being criminals/traitors like the unsophisticated Repug dipshit that you are, but you don't even ATTEMPT to back up your bullshit. It's pure Repug hot air and all I can do is condescend your goober ass (although I do take pleasure doing it).

So how exactly are you gonna e-slap me when you are a hopelessly stupid Repug lump of shit??? Forget the name-calling, you just simply aren't smart enough to have a real debate with me. I read a lot, you don't. I know a lot of stuff, you don't. I bathe, you don't.

If you were smart enough to have a real debate, you wouldn't be a Repug or a Trump supporter. Those two things are mutually exclusive.

How can you ignorantly deny that Obama willingly turned 5 terrorist leaders free in exchange for a traitor? He did that because he don't give a fuck about America.

That is the epitome of being a traitor, and if there is justice in America, he will be hanged.

Oh yeah, and you won't be allowed to continue this manner of posting you have topside.

No sir. Nobody wants to see that kind of stuff, unless they do, ;)
Check out this hillarious (pun) pile of crap....she believes you need "experienced diplomats" like say...John Kerry or Bill Richardson....seriously! And you have to know the "dossiers" to deal with Rocketman....Hilly is big on dossiers....she'll pay big money to create them and sell them to a FISA court. :yapyapyapf:


"If you want to talk to Kim Jong Un about his nuclear weapons you need experienced diplomats," Clinton was quoted as telling Dutch tabloid Algemeen Dagblad in an interview published on Saturday.

"These are people familiar with the dossiers and who know the North Koreans and their language," Trump's presidential rival said in an interview conducted in Amsterdam and published in Dutch.

Clinton warns of diplomatic 'danger' in N. Korea talks

Typically Secretary's of State will do the first meeting. I noticed he hasn't sent Rex Tillerson to talk to missle man, so it should be interesting with the physco-babble coming out of both of them--:auiqs.jpg: It will take 6 months to interpret it.


As far as your "crooked Hillary" statement--no one has ever convened a grand jury against her. So far we have 4 guilty plea's, and 87 grand jury criminal indictments-several former aids working with Mueller now that is getting closer and closer to Trump.

IOW we know who the real criminals are, and it's not Hillary Clinton.


It didn't help that Trump went on national T.V. and admitted to Obstruction of Justice either.

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Wow!! That sounds fucking horrible, shit-for-brains!!! Evidence, please?

Look here, faggot diarrhea of the mouth motherfucker, I've about had it with your posting manner, you leftarded fucktwit. Democrats are ok, you, on the other hand, are a piece of shit retarded mindless motherfucker. Shut your fucking stupid ass up before I kick you so hard, you land back in your mama's uterus, with your better half dripping down her leg.

In other words....you have no evidence that Hillary and Obama are traitors. Poor little Repug fucktard traitor. All talk, no action. Now you're crying like a little Repug bitch. Just like your hero Trump cries like a little Repug bitch about "fake news" all the time.

As for your Repug goober ass physical threats....let's just say I'm not exactly shivering in my boots. I picture you as one of them fat Repug goober half-wits that you see at everyone of Trump's fucktard trailer trash rallies.

I'm gonna e-bitch slap your silly, shilly ass before it's all said and done, boy.

You wanna post in that manner? You can't do it here (in zone2). Hit forums and scroll down to the bottom, now we're talkin'.

See ya there,..or not.

Dude, you simply suck at this shit. You just ain't got the intellectual guns to hang with me. And deep down you know I'm right, which is why you're so mad and I'm laughing at you and that other idiot Repug Uncensored. You make these grandiose claims about Hillary and Obama being criminals/traitors like the unsophisticated Repug dipshit that you are, but you don't even ATTEMPT to back up your bullshit. It's pure Repug hot air and all I can do is condescend your goober ass (although I do take pleasure doing it).

So how exactly are you gonna e-slap me when you are a hopelessly stupid Repug lump of shit??? Forget the name-calling, you just simply aren't smart enough to have a real debate with me. I read a lot, you don't. I know a lot of stuff, you don't. I bathe, you don't.

If you were smart enough to have a real debate, you wouldn't be a Repug or a Trump supporter. Those two things are mutually exclusive.

How can you ignorantly deny that Obama willingly turned 5 terrorist leaders free in exchange for a traitor? He did that because he don't give a fuck about America.

That is the epitome of being a traitor, and if there is justice in America, he will be hanged.

Oh yeah, and you won't be allowed to continue this manner of posting you have topside.

No sir. Nobody wants to see that kind of stuff, unless they do, ;)
You are out of your tiny brainwashed find, super dupe. You theories get nowhere in a courtroom. No evidence, just the tidal wave of b******* propaganda for dupes only.
Let me clue ya'll in.

Someone who has been harrassed for 30 years by a political party and never charged or found guilty of any wrongdoing in those entire 30 years, is not crooked. Conspiracies aren't signs of guilt.
View attachment 181750

Does anyone need to remind you where the economy was when Obama took office?

Far better than it was a year after Obama took office.

It was due to the last tax cut experiment that the GOP attempted.

Oh, it WAS shit fer brains?

So, subprime mortgages wrapped into MBS offerings and sold to investors really had nothing to do with it, huh?


Fucking retard.

re heading into the greatest recession since the great depression. Obama pulled us out and handed the Liar in Chief a solid economy. His tariffs will have inflation in double digits by the end of the year. The he will blame that on Obama...


You're too dumb to bother with.
Your lies are so easy to disprove. We were losing 800,000 jobs PER MONTH in the last year of Bush’s reign of error.
Obama stabilized the carnage and then there were 75 straight months of private sector job growth.
Check out the chart and learn something for a change.

It's unbelievable than anybody with a functioning brain would try to say the economy was better in Jan 2009 than it was in Jan 2017. We were on the brink of a Great Depression when Obama took office in Jan 2009 and his stimulus bill prevented a depression from occurring.

Repugs are some incredibly dishonest assholes.

Nobody said the economy was better in January 2009 than it was in January 2017.

In 2009, we were at the depth of a recession. Your organ grinder for the lily white left President should have had great economic numbers coming out of a recession. And instead he lead the slowest economic recovery since the Great Depression
Let me clue ya'll in.

Someone who has been harrassed for 30 years by a political party and never charged or found guilty of any wrongdoing in those entire 30 years, is not crooked. Conspiracies aren't signs of guilt.

Ah, so you admit that all you did was harass W for 15 years and he's not crooked because in your words he was harassed by a political party and never charged or found guilty of any wrongdoing in those entire 15 years. Conspiracies aren't signs of guilt.

Or does this standard suddenly flip when we change parties? I'd say I wonder, but we both know it does.

BTW, factually, Clinton was charged with wrongdoing, he was impeached
The popular vote isn't a thing, Sport. It wouldn't be for you either if it wasn't self serving to Democrats. Try reading the Constitution some time.

This is how stupid Democrats are. Voters know if they live in a deep blue State, it affects their vote. You know that too, you're just a liar and don't care

A red state electoral college vote should not count more than a blue state electoral college vote, lightweight. If each electoral college vote in California was given the same weight as, say, each electoral college vote in Wyoming, then California by itself would be worth nearly 200 electoral college votes (instead of 55 electoral college votes as it is currently).

The electoral college votes are skewed much more to unpopulated states. That is not what the founding fathers intended.

Therefore, if the blue states were given their true weight in the electoral college, Hillary would have one both the popular vote and the electoral college vote. That is a fact and it is indisputable.

Swish. You didn't address my point. You are assuming that if there had been different rules, the exact same people would have voted and they'd have voted the exact same way. That's just stupid and even you are smart enough to grasp that.

If you knew you had zero chance to pass your driving test or if you thought you would probably pass it, would that affect whether you went to the DMV and applied for a license?

Of course it would, dumb ass, and you know that. You are a liar

No, you don't get it, dumb fuck. California should be worth about 200 electoral votes, if it's given equal weight as unpopulated states like Wyoming or Idaho. There is no way in hell that Trump would ever win California, period, whether California is worth 55 electoral college votes or 200 electoral college votes. The electoral college currently gives Repug Presidential candidates a fighting chance because of this bullshit. If California was worth 200 electoral college votes like it should be, the fucking game is over.

You're simply not smart enough to understand what I'm saying. This doesn't have a fucking thing to do with the Constitution.

So are you saying that Hillary is as dumb as Al Gore and ran for the popular vote? OMG, what a stupid dyke. You may be onto something there. What a dumb bimbo. I think you're right about that. The useless hag ran for the popular vote. No wonder she was so dumbstruck when she lost.

But duh, I won the popular vote just like I ran for, why is Trump going to be President?

You really think she's that mind numbingly dumb? Is it because she's a woman? Do you think women are all that dumb or just her?

No slow-learner, that's not what I'm saying.

I'm saying Hillary also won the electoral college vote because California should be worth 200 electoral votes by itself. And in addition to winning the electoral college vote, she also won the popular vote. There is my dispassionate analysis of the 2016 election. I don't need to change the subject in a juvenile fashion like you're doing, because I'm correct.

And your mentally ill obsession and hatred regarding Hillary Clinton is weird. She never did anything to hurt you. She was a good Secretary of State and a good Senator. You're a victim of a despicable, hateful right-wing propaganda machine. It's quite sad. Clinton faced 8 ridiculous Benghazi investigations by the Repug Gestapo in Congress and she NEVER faced prosecution for anything. If she did something illegal, she would have faced prosecution by now. Just like Trump is very much in danger of facing now.

You write like you look just like your avatar, it's hysterical.

You may want to read the US Constitution and learn how Presidential elections are decided before you keep making yourself look more and more stupid. We don't do popular vote here. What country are you from? It's a shithole country, isn't it?
Wow, isn't that the same excuse you used for Obama.

I suppose....if Obama had actually done anything unethical, of course.

Facts do actually matter.

You mean, done anything unethical that we know of. Although that list appears to be getting longer every day.

The list of Obama's unknown ethical violations appears to be getting longer every day? Hmmm....even though they're unknown? That's interesting.

Good god but your a fucking retard.

Judge Sanctions Obama Lawyers for Ethical Violations, Wishes He Could Disbar Them

Your point is, dipshit goober? Obama's lawyers are not Obama. Just like Michael Flynn is not Donald Trump. If that were the case, then Trump would also be facing charges right now. Trump will eventually face charges, but it hasn't happened yet.

The point is Commie fuck, Obama was the most corrupt president in history and presided over the most corrupt administration that has ever disgraced America.

The IRS abuse is what we drove Nixon from office for, Obama should have been impeached, removed from office, and put in prison for it.


1. IRS targets Obama's enemies: The IRS targeted conservative and pro-Israel groups prior to the 2012 election. Questions are being raised about why this occurred, who ordered it, whether there was any White House involvement and whether there was an initial effort to hide who knew about the targeting and when.

2. Benghazi: This is actually three scandals in one: The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission; the changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video; and the refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack.

3. Keeping an eye on The Associated Press: The Justice Department performed a massive cull of Associated Press reporters' phone records as part of a leak investigation.

4. Rosengate: The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.

5. Potential Holder perjury I: Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with "potential prosecution" of a journalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.

6. The ATF "Fast and Furious" scheme: Federal agencies allowed weapons from U.S. gun dealers to "walk" across the border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers. The ATF summarily lost track of scores of those weapons, many of which were used in crimes, including the December 2010 killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

7. Potential Holder perjury II: Holder told Congress in May 2011 that he had just recently heard about the Fast and Furious gun walking scheme when there is evidence he may have known much earlier.

8. Sebelius demands payment: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The money would be used to help her sign up uninsured Americans for Obamacare.

9. The Pigford scandal: An Agriculture Department effort that started as an attempt to compensate black farmers who had been discriminated against by the agency but evolved into a gravy train delivering several billion dollars in cash to thousands of additional minority and female farmers who probably didn't face discrimination.

10. GSA gone wild: The General Services Administration in 2010 held an $823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a clown and a mind readers. Resulted in the resignation of the GSA administrator.

11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World: The agency wasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Orlando. An assistant secretary was fired.

12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act: A U.S. special counsel determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act when she made "extemporaneous partisan remarks" during a speech in her official capacity last year. During the remarks, Sebelius called for the election of the Democratic candidate for governor of North Carolina.

13. Solyndra: Republicans charged the Obama Administration funded and promoted its poster boy for green energy despite warning signs the company was headed for bankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra to delay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midterm elections.

14. AKA Lisa Jackson: Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used the name "Richard Windsor" when corresponding by email with other government officials, drawing charges she was trying to evade scrutiny.

15. The New Black Panthers: The Justice Department was accused of using a racial double standard in failing to pursue a voter intimidation case against Black Panthers who appeared to be menacing voters at a polling place in 2008 in Philadelphia.

16. Waging war all by myself: Obama may have violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval.

17. Biden bullies the press: Vice President Biden's office has repeatedly interfered with coverage, including forcing a reporter to wait in a closet, making a reporter delete photos, and editing pool reports.

18. AKPD not A-OK: The administration paid millions to the former firm of then-White House adviser David Axelrod, AKPD Message and Media, to promote passage of Obamacare. Some questioned whether the firm was hired to help pay Axelrod $2 million AKPD owed him.

19. Sestak, we'll take care of you: Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).

20. I'll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the "Dream Act."

Top 20 Obama scandals: The list
Can you get beyond that Skye...?

About the time you Stalinists stop waging a civil war, we will.

Right now the question is why we aren't dealing with you exactly like we did the last time you pulled this shit. Remember, you wanted to keep your slaves and we said "no," so you started a civil war.

Now you want to crush civil rights and we have told you "no," so you've started another civil war.

You'll soon try to disarm us so that we can be enslaved, at which point the shooting starts.

It won't turn out well for you.
We all know it? I don't, fucktard. Care to explain it to me? Why hasn't Hillary faced any prosecution if what you say is true?

Poor little Repug shit bag...you're about to cry!

Hillary, who has led a life of crime, has dirt on the US government that creates fear. I suspect it is details of the Cocaine operations of the CIA.

Hillary was a crook from the start. When Bill became Arkansas AG, Hillary ran an extortion racket where she would threaten Little Rock businessmen that if they didn't "donate" to the Clinton fund. Now I'm sure this is normal in your shit hole country (Iran? Zimbabwe?), but extortion is a problem in America. From there, she went into real estate fraud. The most notorious being Lot 17 of Castle Grande. Hillary and her two co-conspirators took out multiple bank loans on the same plot of land. But then they crooks got really greedy and defrauded the SBA using the same, thrice encumbered asset to take a loan. The crooks had moved from regional to federal criminals.

As would be expected, the crooks were arrested and sent to prison. Well, TWO of them anyway. Though having her name on the same documents and being a full partner, Hillary was not charged. Years later, James McDougal was going to provide evidence to Ken Star of extortion used to avoid prosecution, but poor Jim died suddenly the night before his testimony of a previously undiagnosed heart problem. I'm sure that happens all the time in whatever shit hole country you are from (North Korea? Congo?)

Get teh picture, Commie fuck?

Wow, isn't that the same excuse you used for Obama.

I suppose....if Obama had actually done anything unethical, of course.

Facts do actually matter.

You mean, done anything unethical that we know of. Although that list appears to be getting longer every day.

The list of Obama's unknown ethical violations appears to be getting longer every day? Hmmm....even though they're unknown? That's interesting.
We all know it? I don't, fucktard. Care to explain it to me? Why hasn't Hillary faced any prosecution if what you say is true?

Poor little Repug shit bag...you're about to cry!

Hillary, who has led a life of crime, has dirt on the US government that creates fear. I suspect it is details of the Cocaine operations of the CIA.

Hillary was a crook from the start. When Bill became Arkansas AG, Hillary ran an extortion racket where she would threaten Little Rock businessmen that if they didn't "donate" to the Clinton fund. Now I'm sure this is normal in your shit hole country (Iran? Zimbabwe?), but extortion is a problem in America. From there, she went into real estate fraud. The most notorious being Lot 17 of Castle Grande. Hillary and her two co-conspirators took out multiple bank loans on the same plot of land. But then they crooks got really greedy and defrauded the SBA using the same, thrice encumbered asset to take a loan. The crooks had moved from regional to federal criminals.

As would be expected, the crooks were arrested and sent to prison. Well, TWO of them anyway. Though having her name on the same documents and being a full partner, Hillary was not charged. Years later, James McDougal was going to provide evidence to Ken Star of extortion used to avoid prosecution, but poor Jim died suddenly the night before his testimony of a previously undiagnosed heart problem. I'm sure that happens all the time in whatever shit hole country you are from (North Korea? Congo?)

Get teh picture, Commie fuck?
This mentally disturbed bed wetter is even embarasssed to post the source for this Alex Jones type conspiracy theories.
Too damn funny.
View attachment 181895

Wow, isn't that the same excuse you used for Obama.

I suppose....if Obama had actually done anything unethical, of course.

Facts do actually matter.

You mean, done anything unethical that we know of. Although that list appears to be getting longer every day.

The list of Obama's unknown ethical violations appears to be getting longer every day? Hmmm....even though they're unknown? That's interesting.

Who criticized Obama for chewing gum? I never heard that one
Who cares? The election is over. In the meantime she is absolutely right about the State Department.

She's never been right about anything other than who she and Willy can con and blackmail, murder if necessary. Look at what she did to Libya, Syria, and Crimea thanks to her infamous "russian-reset". The State Dept is a leftist sewer that hasn't accomplished anything in 60 years.
Check out this hillarious (pun) pile of crap....she believes you need "experienced diplomats" like say...John Kerry or Bill Richardson....seriously! And you have to know the "dossiers" to deal with Rocketman....Hilly is big on dossiers....she'll pay big money to create them and sell them to a FISA court. :yapyapyapf:


"If you want to talk to Kim Jong Un about his nuclear weapons you need experienced diplomats," Clinton was quoted as telling Dutch tabloid Algemeen Dagblad in an interview published on Saturday.

"These are people familiar with the dossiers and who know the North Koreans and their language," Trump's presidential rival said in an interview conducted in Amsterdam and published in Dutch.

Clinton warns of diplomatic 'danger' in N. Korea talks

She's right.

No, she has been and always will be left (in other words, wrong)!

Not about the State Department and diplomats.

Big mistake in the Trump Regime.

What was the country thinking electing a politician you disagree with. I mean sheesh.

And professional politicians have done such a great job. I see why you wouldn't want to risk anything else

what a witch!

:mad-61: lock the Clinton woman up! lock her up NOW

Oh do shut up. That is old and stale. She has a point. The State Department is SEVERLY understaffed. We have NO ambassador to South Korea even.

How are will this play out?

Hillary belongs in prison, and we all know it. That she has extortion on all three branches of government doesn't change that.

Actually, she should be shot.

Who cares? The election is over. In the meantime she is absolutely right about the State Department.


She is flinging shit like the feral baboon that she is.

You Communists are utterly coming unglued at the prospect that Trump negotiates peace with North Korea. It is the biggest disaster you can imagine.

This is because you place party before country - every time.

We're not unglued. We just shake our head and laugh as everyone of Trump's brilliant foreign policy ideas blows up in his face.

Name one country that flipped sides over Obama or Trump. Go ...

what a witch!

:mad-61: lock the Clinton woman up! lock her up NOW

Oh do shut up. That is old and stale. She has a point. The State Department is SEVERLY understaffed. We have NO ambassador to South Korea even.

How are will this play out?

Hillary belongs in prison, and we all know it. That she has extortion on all three branches of government doesn't change that.

Actually, she should be shot.

I agree.

Ditto. I like the "woman's" candidate who has a long history of attacking women who were sexually assaulted ... by her husband ...

Let's review: Does Hillary support

leftist women? - check
conservative women? - no
leftist men? - check
conservative men? - no

So how is the the woman's candidate if she supports people who agree with her regardless of gender and she opposes any woman who disagrees with her politics?
View attachment 181895

Wow, isn't that the same excuse you used for Obama.

I suppose....if Obama had actually done anything unethical, of course.

Facts do actually matter.

You mean, done anything unethical that we know of. Although that list appears to be getting longer every day.

The list of Obama's unknown ethical violations appears to be getting longer every day? Hmmm....even though they're unknown? That's interesting.


Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1 - CNNPolitics
We all know it? I don't, fucktard. Care to explain it to me? Why hasn't Hillary faced any prosecution if what you say is true?

Poor little Repug shit bag...you're about to cry!

Hillary, who has led a life of crime, has dirt on the US government that creates fear. I suspect it is details of the Cocaine operations of the CIA.

Hillary was a crook from the start. When Bill became Arkansas AG, Hillary ran an extortion racket where she would threaten Little Rock businessmen that if they didn't "donate" to the Clinton fund. Now I'm sure this is normal in your shit hole country (Iran? Zimbabwe?), but extortion is a problem in America. From there, she went into real estate fraud. The most notorious being Lot 17 of Castle Grande. Hillary and her two co-conspirators took out multiple bank loans on the same plot of land. But then they crooks got really greedy and defrauded the SBA using the same, thrice encumbered asset to take a loan. The crooks had moved from regional to federal criminals.

As would be expected, the crooks were arrested and sent to prison. Well, TWO of them anyway. Though having her name on the same documents and being a full partner, Hillary was not charged. Years later, James McDougal was going to provide evidence to Ken Star of extortion used to avoid prosecution, but poor Jim died suddenly the night before his testimony of a previously undiagnosed heart problem. I'm sure that happens all the time in whatever shit hole country you are from (North Korea? Congo?)

Get teh picture, Commie fuck?
This mentally disturbed bed wetter is even embarasssed to post the source for this Alex Jones type conspiracy theories.
Too damn funny.

Uh no dumbfuck.

Washingtonpost.com Special Report: The Starr Report
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