
Cruz has been my pick ever since his all nighter on the senate floor.

My favorite thing about Cruz is his plan to ABOLISH the IRS and simplify the tax code to a post card with a 10% flat tax. Since the IRS is gone I guess we all should just make our checks out to Ted Cruz and mail them to the whitehouse. He will be long gone sipping margaritas on his island by the time the rest of the country gets privy to his diabolical plan!

So tell me. Were you born a fucking moron, or did you have to get a special operation?
This is all natural! Good shit huh?!

Well, you're half right.
In closed primaries Cruz is the preferred candidate. There's no doubt lots of libs in these open primaries trying to choose our candidate for us. If Rubio doesn't win FL, he should drop out and join Cruz to defeat Trump:cool:

Both Trump and Cooz are unelectable at the National level.

Neither suited for the office.
Cruz has been my pick ever since his all nighter on the senate floor.

My favorite thing about Cruz is his plan to ABOLISH the IRS and simplify the tax code to a post card with a 10% flat tax. Since the IRS is gone I guess we all should just make our checks out to Ted Cruz and mail them to the whitehouse. He will be long gone sipping margaritas on his island by the time the rest of the country gets privy to his diabolical plan!

So tell me. Were you born a fucking moron, or did you have to get a special operation?
This is all natural! Good shit huh?!

Well, you're half right.
The absurdity of my post was meant to highlight the absurdity of Cruz's plan.glad I got my point across. How people can't see that TC is nothing more than a divisive puppet master that spews over-exaggerated rhetoric meant to rally a base, baffles me. He has little to know substance behind his talking points and everything about him screams manipulation. How is he even in this race!
Cruz has been my pick ever since his all nighter on the senate floor.

My favorite thing about Cruz is his plan to ABOLISH the IRS and simplify the tax code to a post card with a 10% flat tax. Since the IRS is gone I guess we all should just make our checks out to Ted Cruz and mail them to the whitehouse. He will be long gone sipping margaritas on his island by the time the rest of the country gets privy to his diabolical plan!

So tell me. Were you born a fucking moron, or did you have to get a special operation?
This is all natural! Good shit huh?!

Well, you're half right.
The absurdity of my post was meant to highlight the absurdity of Cruz's plan.glad I got my point across. How people can't see that TC is nothing more than a divisive puppet master that spews over-exaggerated rhetoric meant to rally a base, baffles me. He has little to know substance behind his talking points and everything about him screams manipulation. How is he even in this race!

Except 1) his plan isn't absurd, and 2) all you got across is that you're a drooling halfwit. Y'know, other than that, you made your point perfectly.

He's in the race because, thankfully, not everyone in this country is as big a moron as you are.
My favorite thing about Cruz is his plan to ABOLISH the IRS and simplify the tax code to a post card with a 10% flat tax. Since the IRS is gone I guess we all should just make our checks out to Ted Cruz and mail them to the whitehouse. He will be long gone sipping margaritas on his island by the time the rest of the country gets privy to his diabolical plan!

So tell me. Were you born a fucking moron, or did you have to get a special operation?
This is all natural! Good shit huh?!

Well, you're half right.
The absurdity of my post was meant to highlight the absurdity of Cruz's plan.glad I got my point across. How people can't see that TC is nothing more than a divisive puppet master that spews over-exaggerated rhetoric meant to rally a base, baffles me. He has little to know substance behind his talking points and everything about him screams manipulation. How is he even in this race!

Except 1) his plan isn't absurd, and 2) all you got across is that you're a drooling halfwit. Y'know, other than that, you made your point perfectly.

He's in the race because, thankfully, not everyone in this country is as big a moron as you are.
Great argument! I'm obviously not as good as you seeing that I only have 1/2 the wit, but I'll try my best at a Cecille style counter. 1) It is absurd and full of holes, and 2) You're stoopid

How'd I do?
So tell me. Were you born a fucking moron, or did you have to get a special operation?
This is all natural! Good shit huh?!

Well, you're half right.
The absurdity of my post was meant to highlight the absurdity of Cruz's plan.glad I got my point across. How people can't see that TC is nothing more than a divisive puppet master that spews over-exaggerated rhetoric meant to rally a base, baffles me. He has little to know substance behind his talking points and everything about him screams manipulation. How is he even in this race!

Except 1) his plan isn't absurd, and 2) all you got across is that you're a drooling halfwit. Y'know, other than that, you made your point perfectly.

He's in the race because, thankfully, not everyone in this country is as big a moron as you are.
Great argument! I'm obviously not as good as you seeing that I only have 1/2 the wit, but I'll try my best at a Cecille style counter. 1) It is absurd and full of holes, and 2) You're stoopid

How'd I do?

I can spell and use grammar and punctuation correctly, so you're not even in the ballpark.

Perhaps you should aspire to a level that's more attainable for you, say Donald Trump . . . or a brain-damaged pig. No, wait, that last one might still be too much for you.
Fannie and Freddie were not responsible for the housing bubble nor was it a single political party, president, institution, or entity. There was years of fraud and abuse on many levels and mostly by private banks and mortgage brokers that led to the bust. It was fueled by greed and many profited on the backs of the tax payers. The free market got an inch and they took a mile and its a crime and shame. Like I said, do a little more research on the causes of the collapse... Whats been presented here is way off base.

If you want to knit pick on policy then don't forget about the massive deregulation of the banking industry that happened in the 1980's (I forget, who was president in the 80's?) which led to high risk products like Adjustable mortgage rate loans, which were given out like candy by irresponsible brokers with little to no accountability... I could go on for days but perhaps you should do your own research.

1. In their efforts to project that lie about racism existing in clearly doesn't exist.....there is the standard one about business to lend money to make money....the Democrats claim "redlining" is about not lendindg to folks due to their skin color.

(Psst....profits are green, not black or white)

2. " Congress passed a bill in 1975 requiring banks to provide the government with information on their lending activities in poor urban areas. Two years later, it passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), which gave regulators the power to deny banks the right to expand if they didnt lend sufficiently in those neighborhoods. In 1979 the FDIC used the CRA to block a move by the Greater NY Savings Bank for not enough lending.

In 1986, when the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (Acorn) threatened to oppose an acquisition by a southern bank, Louisiana Bancshares, until it agreed to new flexible credit and underwriting standards for minority borrowersfor example, counting public assistance and food stamps as income.

In 1992, the Boston Fed produced an extraordinary 29-page document that codified the new lending wisdom. Conventional mortgage criteria, the report argued, might be unintentionally biased because they didnt take into account the economic culture of urban, lower-income and nontraditional customers. Lenders should thus consider junking the industrys traditional income-to-payments ratio and stop viewing an applicants lack of credit history as a negative factor. Further, if applicants had bad credit, banks should consider extenuating circumstanceseven though a study by mortgage insurance companies would soon show, not surprisingly, that borrowers with no credit rating or a bad one were far more likely to default. If applicants didnt have enough savings for a down payment, the Boston Fed urged, banks should allow loans from nonprofits or government assistance agencies to count toward one. A later study of Freddie Mac mortgages would find that a borrower who made a down payment with third-party funds was four times more likely to default, a reminder that traditional underwriting standards werent arbitrary but based on historical lending patterns."

3. The Dems used the hoax to get votes, never mind it created the mortgage meltdown wnen banks were forced to give NINJA income, no job or assets loans.

4. If the industry hadn't been forced to give loans that they knew wouldn't be mortgage meltdown.
Thank you, Democrats.

5. But wait!!!
Chief Foot-In-Mouth just let the cat out of the bag!!!!!!!!!!!!

"LIBERAL RACISM: Warren Says ‘Black Borrowers’ are Unable to Pay Down ‘Debt’


By The First
4 hours ago
Senator Elizabeth Warren raised eyebrows across social media Monday when she suggested “black borrowers” are unable to pay down their “original debt” and owe more than “white borrowers.”
“20 years after taking out their student loans, the typical white borrower owes just 6% of their original debt. But the typical Black borrower? 95% of their original debt. Student debt is a racial justice issue and it’s time for
to #CancelStudentDebt,” posted Warren on Twitter.

So the banks were right......and "REDLINING" isn't's economically correct?????????????
1. In their efforts to project that lie about racism existing in clearly doesn't exist.....there is the standard one about business to lend money to make money....the Democrats claim "redlining" is about not lendindg to folks due to their skin color.

(Psst....profits are green, not black or white)

2. " Congress passed a bill in 1975 requiring banks to provide the government with information on their lending activities in poor urban areas. Two years later, it passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), which gave regulators the power to deny banks the right to expand if they didnt lend sufficiently in those neighborhoods. In 1979 the FDIC used the CRA to block a move by the Greater NY Savings Bank for not enough lending.

In 1986, when the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (Acorn) threatened to oppose an acquisition by a southern bank, Louisiana Bancshares, until it agreed to new flexible credit and underwriting standards for minority borrowersfor example, counting public assistance and food stamps as income.

In 1992, the Boston Fed produced an extraordinary 29-page document that codified the new lending wisdom. Conventional mortgage criteria, the report argued, might be unintentionally biased because they didnt take into account the economic culture of urban, lower-income and nontraditional customers. Lenders should thus consider junking the industrys traditional income-to-payments ratio and stop viewing an applicants lack of credit history as a negative factor. Further, if applicants had bad credit, banks should consider extenuating circumstanceseven though a study by mortgage insurance companies would soon show, not surprisingly, that borrowers with no credit rating or a bad one were far more likely to default. If applicants didnt have enough savings for a down payment, the Boston Fed urged, banks should allow loans from nonprofits or government assistance agencies to count toward one. A later study of Freddie Mac mortgages would find that a borrower who made a down payment with third-party funds was four times more likely to default, a reminder that traditional underwriting standards werent arbitrary but based on historical lending patterns."

3. The Dems used the hoax to get votes, never mind it created the mortgage meltdown wnen banks were forced to give NINJA income, no job or assets loans.

4. If the industry hadn't been forced to give loans that they knew wouldn't be mortgage meltdown.
Thank you, Democrats.

5. But wait!!!
Chief Foot-In-Mouth just let the cat out of the bag!!!!!!!!!!!!

"LIBERAL RACISM: Warren Says ‘Black Borrowers’ are Unable to Pay Down ‘Debt’


By The First
4 hours ago
Senator Elizabeth Warren raised eyebrows across social media Monday when she suggested “black borrowers” are unable to pay down their “original debt” and owe more than “white borrowers.”
“20 years after taking out their student loans, the typical white borrower owes just 6% of their original debt. But the typical Black borrower? 95% of their original debt. Student debt is a racial justice issue and it’s time for
to #CancelStudentDebt,” posted Warren on Twitter.

So the banks were right......and "REDLINING" isn't's economically correct?????????????

You dont expect me to read that rant do you?!
Rubio really wants to stay in and win Florida. Then...well, he may want to consider his true course. For the party if he backs up Cruz with a very probable Cruz - Rubio GOP run the numbers should be there to beat Trump. That's guessing Kasich voters , and undecideds also go along. Then to see Hillary fall.
Kasick is a Democrat since his deflection!
I voted for the guy that won. Who did you voter for?

Since you asked......I voted for this:

Let's remind all the Trump's five Nobel nominations for peace in the Middle East, quieting of North Korea, no invasions by Russia, keeping Iran guessing, having the courage to move our embassy to Jerusalem, forcing Mexico to keep invaders on their side of the border, sending ships through the South China Sea that China claimed was theirs, not turning over tons of armaments to the Taliban, keeping Putin from invadidng..........astounding foreign policy achievements that no Democrat can claim.

And that amazing achievement involving foreign policy: American energy independence.

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