Cruz May Have Just Shit-Canned His Career

Probably, but at least he's no sellout. It's more than what all the 'Republicans' endorsing Hillary can say.

Of course he's a sellout! He sold out to his pride. He sold out our country. And I was NEVER a Trumpbot or on any Trump train. In fact I didn't like him and voted for Cruz in the primary. But I assure you, Cruz will never get another vote from me.
He's no sellout. If he was, he'd have endorsed Trump, who probably embodies none of his values.

He lied, he made a pledge and has failed to live up to his pledge. No honor in that.
what did he do

Nothing, just more of the Trumpbots doing their best to ensure Trump loses this election by being total dickheads.

Not really, just watch you DIE HARD Cruz supporters VOTING FOR HILLARY....America will thank you for throwing away our ONLY and LAST HOPE of saving SCOTUS and the country on your BUTT HURT feelings, and REFUSAL to do what Cruz SIGNED to do.... He will NEVER be elected to anything national again IF he, and the rest of you Cruzers don't get behind THE LEGITIMATE CANDIDATE of the Republican party!
I watched his speech and I said to myself "way to go Ted, you did the right thing" but I was wrong. Later in the speech I heard chanting with the word Trump in it but I couldn't make it out. When Cruz was finishing up there seemed to be chaos in the audience that drowned him out and I wondered what the hell was going on until I realized that they were chanting "endorse Trump" and the vindictive petty bastard wouldn't do it. I doubt seriously if he will ever get the nod from the RNC again. I look for him to switch parties and I say "good riddance".

You look for Cruz to switch parties? To what?
what did he do

Nothing, just more of the Trumpbots doing their best to ensure Trump loses this election by being total dickheads.

Not really, just watch you DIE HARD Cruz supporters VOTING FOR HILLARY....America will thank you for throwing away our ONLY and LAST HOPE of saving SCOTUS and the country on your BUTT HURT feelings, and REFUSAL to do what Cruz SIGNED to do.... He will NEVER be elected to anything national again IF he, and the rest of you Cruzers don't get behind THE LEGITIMATE CANDIDATE of the Republican party!

Why would people who supported Cruz vote for hillary?? That doesn't even make sense.
what did he do

Nothing, just more of the Trumpbots doing their best to ensure Trump loses this election by being total dickheads.

Not really, just watch you DIE HARD Cruz supporters VOTING FOR HILLARY....America will thank you for throwing away our ONLY and LAST HOPE of saving SCOTUS and the country on your BUTT HURT feelings, and REFUSAL to do what Cruz SIGNED to do.... He will NEVER be elected to anything national again IF he, and the rest of you Cruzers don't get behind THE LEGITIMATE CANDIDATE of the Republican party!

Why would people who supported Cruz vote for hillary?? That doesn't even make sense.
A non vote for trump is a plus for Hillary,
Supporting either Trump or Clinton is obscene.
What a god-damn mess!
If Cruz had endorsed Trump, Cruz supporters would have seen him as selling out his core, his principles. But he went back on his word (the pledge).

He didn't endorse Trump so Trump supporters see him as selling out his pledge. But he remained true to his core, his principles .... which is suppose to matter.

Damned no matter what.
what did he do

Nothing, just more of the Trumpbots doing their best to ensure Trump loses this election by being total dickheads.

Not really, just watch you DIE HARD Cruz supporters VOTING FOR HILLARY....America will thank you for throwing away our ONLY and LAST HOPE of saving SCOTUS and the country on your BUTT HURT feelings, and REFUSAL to do what Cruz SIGNED to do.... He will NEVER be elected to anything national again IF he, and the rest of you Cruzers don't get behind THE LEGITIMATE CANDIDATE of the Republican party!

Why would people who supported Cruz vote for hillary?? That doesn't even make sense.
A non vote for trump is a plus for Hillary,

Er, no. Not voting for anyone is not voting, no matter how much you guys spin it otherwise.
But he is now a liar, he signed a pledge to endorse the winner of the Republican primaries.

So.... one speech at the GOP convention is the only opportunity he has of endorsing Trump??? :dunno:

Where would be a better place?

I don't know but there is still three months before the election, so he still has plenty of time to "endorse" Trump. Just because he didn't do so tonight, doesn't mean that he won't. So before you can call him a liar you need to wait and see.

And for the record, "the pledge" was orchestrated by the Establishment when they thought they might have a chance to beat Trump. And it wasn't a pledge to "endorse" but to "support" which Cruz did by speaking at the convention. You want to bash on someone? Go after Rubio, Bush and Kasich.
The choice this year is between a Dem posing as a Rep and a lying, corrupt, slimeball.

Perhaps from a certain POV. The thing is, the lying corrupt slimeball can appoint to the SCOTUS and destroy the republic.

No, not from a certain pov. Trump's life has been one of supporting Dems, he "became" a Republican when he decided he wanted to run for potus. Our choice IS between a Dem and a progressive. That's where we are, like it or not.

Bush appointed Roberts, who gave us the (un)aca. So ..... yeah.
what did he do

Nothing, just more of the Trumpbots doing their best to ensure Trump loses this election by being total dickheads.

Not really, just watch you DIE HARD Cruz supporters VOTING FOR HILLARY....America will thank you for throwing away our ONLY and LAST HOPE of saving SCOTUS and the country on your BUTT HURT feelings, and REFUSAL to do what Cruz SIGNED to do.... He will NEVER be elected to anything national again IF he, and the rest of you Cruzers don't get behind THE LEGITIMATE CANDIDATE of the Republican party!

Why would people who supported Cruz vote for hillary?? That doesn't even make sense.
A non vote for trump is a plus for Hillary,

No it isn't.
But he is now a liar, he signed a pledge to endorse the winner of the Republican primaries.

So.... one speech at the GOP convention is the only opportunity he has of endorsing Trump??? :dunno:

Where would be a better place?

I don't know but there is still three months before the election, so he still has plenty of time to "endorse" Trump. Just because he didn't do so tonight, doesn't mean that he won't. So before you can call him a liar you need to wait and see.

And for the record, "the pledge" was orchestrated by the Establishment when they thought they might have a chance to beat Trump. And it wasn't a pledge to "endorse" but to "support" which Cruz did by speaking at the convention. You want to bash on someone? Go after Rubio, Bush and Kasich.
Tonight was the "unify the party" night. It was now or never.
what did he do
He stuck to his values instead of endorsing this Liberal in Republican clothing. Everyone riding the Trump train is butthurt.

I am on no train, but considering the potential destruction of the United States as a republic should Clinton win in November, we really don't need Cruz on stage whining about his particular moral dilemmas.

I hope the man has at least the decency to disappear until after the election.
What's amazing is how his intentions changed in the middle of his speech. He was supporting building a wall and it seemed he was building up to an endorsement, but then his petty, vindictive side asserted itself and he turned a potential endorsement into yet another temper tantrum.

What a loser!

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