Cruz May Have Just Shit-Canned His Career

what did he do

Nothing, just more of the Trumpbots doing their best to ensure Trump loses this election by being total dickheads.

Not really, just watch you DIE HARD Cruz supporters VOTING FOR HILLARY....America will thank you for throwing away our ONLY and LAST HOPE of saving SCOTUS and the country on your BUTT HURT feelings, and REFUSAL to do what Cruz SIGNED to do.... He will NEVER be elected to anything national again IF he, and the rest of you Cruzers don't get behind THE LEGITIMATE CANDIDATE of the Republican party!

Why would people who supported Cruz vote for hillary?? That doesn't even make sense.
A non vote for trump is a plus for Hillary,

Er, no. Not voting for anyone is not voting, no matter how much you guys spin it otherwise.
Simple math, my friend, 10 people vote for trump, now ONE doesn't and he has 9...OR one more vote for Hillary, as He's LOST ONE!
If Cruz had endorsed Trump, Cruz supporters would have seen him as selling out his core, his principles. But he went back on his word (the pledge).

He didn't endorse Trump so Trump supporters see him as selling out his pledge. But he remained true to his core, his principles .... which is suppose to matter.

Damned no matter what.

Exactly! There was NO scenario in which he was going to come out a winner tonight. NONE!
But he is now a liar, he signed a pledge to endorse the winner of the Republican primaries.

So.... one speech at the GOP convention is the only opportunity he has of endorsing Trump??? :dunno:

Where would be a better place?

I don't know but there is still three months before the election, so he still has plenty of time to "endorse" Trump. Just because he didn't do so tonight, doesn't mean that he won't. So before you can call him a liar you need to wait and see.

And for the record, "the pledge" was orchestrated by the Establishment when they thought they might have a chance to beat Trump. And it wasn't a pledge to "endorse" but to "support" which Cruz did by speaking at the convention. You want to bash on someone? Go after Rubio, Bush and Kasich.

I can bash on whoever I want. They all signed, so they are all dogs, however Cruz was showing he was a sore loser. Pretty petty.

The people spoke, that these guys won't support the choice of their own party is distasteful. It is a black mark on those candidates.
Mr Trump knew Ted was not going to endorse him and had him as a guest anyway....for the free publicity. TRUMP KNEW his supporters would be upset and boo Ted. This was just Devious Donald using his magical art of using divisiveness for his advantage..... this is clear as day.
Cruz might as well move to Canada now.
I thought the slimey little rat face couldn't get anymore detested by everyone who has ever meet him.
I was wrong.
If loathing of Cruz were people "I'd be China".
He better not decide to go to a restaurant where he'll be noticed anytime soon.
Mr Trump knew Ted was not going to endorse him and had him as a guest anyway....for the free publicity. TRUMP KNEW his supporters would be upset and boo Ted. This was just Devious Donald using his magical art of using divisiveness for his advantage..... this is clear as day.
Everything Trump does is a calculated move. That's why he'll make a great President.
Before it's over Cruz will switch and become a democrat. He's having a little temper tantrum and we know he is not a man of his word.
Mr Trump knew Ted was not going to endorse him and had him as a guest anyway....for the free publicity. TRUMP KNEW his supporters would be upset and boo Ted. This was just Devious Donald using his magical art of using divisiveness for his advantage..... this is clear as day.
Everything Trump does is a calculated move. That's why he'll make a great President.
For who? No great president has been an intentional divider....divided we fall.
Cruz made the best political move he could. If Trump wins, he's fucked, but he'd be fucked in that case whether he endorsed Trump or not.
If Trump loses, Cruz is now at the top of the 'I told you so' heap.

If Trump loses, it will be partly the fault of guys like Cruz.
Who will be blamed. Cruz made a very foolish move. One of his fellow senators said that the public is finally seeing the self absorbed person they have been seeing all along.
Mr Trump knew Ted was not going to endorse him and had him as a guest anyway....for the free publicity. TRUMP KNEW his supporters would be upset and boo Ted. This was just Devious Donald using his magical art of using divisiveness for his advantage..... this is clear as day.

Pretty smart move by Trump. Pretty easy to read to. I prefer candidates a little more crafty, I think I give Hillary the edge in craftiness.

Makes it tough for people to decide on which candidate to choose. Do you go with crafty, dishonest 1%er or the read like a book crafty, dishonest 1%er?

Tough choice this election.
Mr Trump knew Ted was not going to endorse him and had him as a guest anyway....for the free publicity. TRUMP KNEW his supporters would be upset and boo Ted. This was just Devious Donald using his magical art of using divisiveness for his advantage..... this is clear as day.
What retard voted THAT a winner? Trump said he saw the speech two hours early. He should have canned him? The fallout would have doomed him, it would have been really bad. You are nothing but a hack and will only apply the worst motivations to your enemies. What apathetic hack, sorry you guys don't have a decent candidate to glow over, smearing shit is the left's only hope.
Mr Trump knew Ted was not going to endorse him and had him as a guest anyway....for the free publicity. TRUMP KNEW his supporters would be upset and boo Ted. This was just Devious Donald using his magical art of using divisiveness for his advantage..... this is clear as day.
Everything Trump does is a calculated move. That's why he'll make a great President.
For who? No great president has been an intentional divider....divided we fall.

I think you are wrong in that department. Intentional dividing has long been part of the Presidency for a long long time. That is how Presidents have garnered support for their causes. It is called politics.
Cruz made his speech last night his career ending suicide note. He said this was all personal. It was about his wife and his father.

Cruz is done. He took the last vestiges of the never Trumps with him. No one wants to be remotely associated with Cruz today.
Mr Trump knew Ted was not going to endorse him and had him as a guest anyway....for the free publicity. TRUMP KNEW his supporters would be upset and boo Ted. This was just Devious Donald using his magical art of using divisiveness for his advantage..... this is clear as day.
Everything Trump does is a calculated move. That's why he'll make a great President.
For who? No great president has been an intentional divider....divided we fall.
For America!
The entire world knows BONOBO has been the most divisive president in US history.
What makes BONOBO so fucking despicable is he PURPOSELY set out to divide the country along racial lines.
Saul Alinsky must be grinning from ear to ear.
Mr Trump knew Ted was not going to endorse him and had him as a guest anyway....for the free publicity. TRUMP KNEW his supporters would be upset and boo Ted. This was just Devious Donald using his magical art of using divisiveness for his advantage..... this is clear as day.
What retard voted THAT a winner? Trump said he saw the speech two hours early. He should have canned him? The fallout would have doomed him, it would have been really bad. You are nothing but a hack and will only apply the worst motivations to your enemies. What apathetic hack, sorry you guys don't have a decent candidate to glow over, smearing shit is the left's only hope.
Of course Trump knew what was going to happen....just because you have been blinded by his stardom, and don't see his mastery of knowing his bots, doesn't mean the rest of us can't see through him and his artful craftiness.

Trump spoke with Ted two days ago....he knew he would not support him...stop trying to fool yourself.
Nothing, just more of the Trumpbots doing their best to ensure Trump loses this election by being total dickheads.

Not really, just watch you DIE HARD Cruz supporters VOTING FOR HILLARY....America will thank you for throwing away our ONLY and LAST HOPE of saving SCOTUS and the country on your BUTT HURT feelings, and REFUSAL to do what Cruz SIGNED to do.... He will NEVER be elected to anything national again IF he, and the rest of you Cruzers don't get behind THE LEGITIMATE CANDIDATE of the Republican party!

Why would people who supported Cruz vote for hillary?? That doesn't even make sense.
A non vote for trump is a plus for Hillary,

Er, no. Not voting for anyone is not voting, no matter how much you guys spin it otherwise.
Simple math, my friend, 10 people vote for trump, now ONE doesn't and he has 9...OR one more vote for Hillary, as He's LOST ONE!

10 people vote for Trump. If I was never one of the 10 how can you just deduct my vote from that number?

How can he lose a vote he never had?

How is clinton gaining a vote she never had?

Sorry, no. Your math is resembling common core. :)
Mr Trump knew Ted was not going to endorse him and had him as a guest anyway....for the free publicity. TRUMP KNEW his supporters would be upset and boo Ted. This was just Devious Donald using his magical art of using divisiveness for his advantage..... this is clear as day.
What retard voted THAT a winner? Trump said he saw the speech two hours early. He should have canned him? The fallout would have doomed him, it would have been really bad. You are nothing but a hack and will only apply the worst motivations to your enemies. What apathetic hack, sorry you guys don't have a decent candidate to glow over, smearing shit is the left's only hope.
Of course Trump knew what was going to happen....just because you have been blinded by his stardom, and don't see his mastery of knowing his bots, doesn't mean the rest of us can't see through him and his artful craftiness.

Trump spoke with Ted two days ago....he knew he would not support him...stop trying to fool yourself.
Your pile of bullshit keeps mounting. Asshole losers that can't defend themselves throw out further allegations. I don't need to defend myself from the likes of you.

You don't know his mind or mine. Or your own for that matter. The party owns you.

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