Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

Cruz and Republicans are blind partisan scum, everyone knows that.

That Republicans would use the impeachment process in bad faith as a partisan weapon comes as no surprise.

And ‘impeachment’ will likely backfire on Republicans to the benefit of Biden.

Last, Republicans will render the impeachment process meaningless and devoid of merit.

Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance, Republicans have nothing but contempt for sound, responsible governance.
You guys did that when you knew you had no way to convict and remove Trump, so why don’t you and the OP deal with reality that Pelosi also used it as a political weapon no matter if Trump was guilty or not…

You must think before you use something like the articles of impeachment and ask if you can even remove the individual and Pelosi fully knew both times the GOP were not going to give Pelosi what she wanted but still went forward, so learn from your own fucking mistakes or don’t because it clear you are fine with using the articles when you lack the votes for removal…
Listen, you Chinese Propaganda Whore, why are you choosing to damn your soul to Hell every day with your lies?

Biden admitted to his Crimes. Hillary was caught Red Handed doing many illegal things, repeatedly lied, destroyed evidence and was caught multiple times. Neither were prosecuted because they have political connections and dirt on The Right People. Wake up! The people you lie for are liars and going to Hell, and you right with them if you continue lying for them.

Will the GOP in the House introduce articles of impeachment against Biden if they gain control in 2022?

Yes, but as usual the party doing the stupid shit will lack any vote in the Senate to remove, so let me ask what is the damn point of this exercise except playing partisan games?
You're also not an American, so your opinion doesn't mean shit.
He's human so it means something even if he doesn't know the full story. But you, you call yourself an American and every word yoiu have posted is not true. And I am an American so my opinion does mean something.
Yet Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler etc. did it twice!

They were exercises in political posturing.
They had evidence. You know they did. So stop lying to yourself thinking you are "owning the libs."
YOu and Stormlover should try reading the Constitution before blathering your B.S.

Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution
Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The actions of the Biden Administration, giving aid, comfort and support to invading foreign criminals, absolutely meets this definition of treason. That he has aided and abetted these foreign invaders is undeniable.

The penalty for this crime is death.
He's human so it means something even if he doesn't know the full story. But you, you call yourself an American and every word yoiu have posted is not true. And I am an American so my opinion does mean something.
Not really. Your opinions, much like the Satanic Faun's are all based in lies, so they aren't worth the toilet paper they are printed on.

We don't even want to wipe our asses with them and they aren't fit to clean Joe's dirty diaper.
Accuse others of being anti-American and communist, when neither is the case, has no meaning because nothing you say has any basis in reality. You're just throwing your monkey shit at the passing human, and thinking you've done something.

You, also, are not an American. As with Donald H, you have no standing and no say in how we Americans govern our country.
So are you and Dragonlady but it doesn’t excuse you for supporting impeachment when you lack the votes for removal, so you are as fucking retarded!
The impeachment of trump was correct. Senate republicans refused to do what was right.
You guys did that when you knew you had no way to convict and remove Trump, so why don’t you and the OP deal with reality that Pelosi also used it as a political weapon no matter if Trump was guilty or not…

You must think before you use something like the articles of impeachment and ask if you can even remove the individual and Pelosi fully knew both times the GOP were not going to give Pelosi what she wanted but still went forward, so learn from your own fucking mistakes or don’t because it clear you are fine with using the articles when you lack the votes for removal…

Trump's impeachments were justified. Pelosi & the Democrats would have been violating their oath of office if they did not impeach Trump.

The fact that spineless Republican weenies in the Senate refused to vote to remove their dear leader does not absolve The House from doing their Constitutional duty.
Not gonna happen. This is just Cruz whipping up the cult for attention and loyalty points. Works like a charm.
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