Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

No, what the article said is the weaponry was for the Afghan military. When Dementia stated he was pulling out, that military dissolved and they fled leaving the arms behind. Dementia made no effort to bring those arms home. He made no effort to destroy them. He just left them there and the Taliban took over ownership of them.
No Ray the military dissolved when trump made the deal with the taliban.

Look idiot, we were over there for 20 fucking years. It was the longest war in our history. Your punk ass wasn't going to sign up to figHt and since there was no end in sight, somebody had to end it. So if you were not going to fight and all you wanted to do was say we won, understand that war ain't no sporting even then shut the fuck up. Because Biden did not give the taliban jack squat no matter what dumbass you read or hear in RWM.
A third of our country is retarded. More than 60b courts and the supreme court have ruled on this and they all ruled that trump was full of crap. So it is not debateable.
You're not conducting yourself at a level to which my further reply is worth it.
Do the Republicans and other assorted self-professed Conservatives on USMB agree w/this lawlessness?

Why/why not?

After the two bullshit impeachments against Trump on bullshit charges, what do you think you have to complain about, now? Even before he took office, Biden was already guilty of much more serious criminal conduct than any of the bullshit accusations that were brought against Trump, and he's only done worse since taking office.

The impeachments against Trump were blatant acts of pure lawlessness and corruption. On the other hand, Biden is clearly guilty of genuine misconduct and malfeasance for which he legitimately should be impeached and removed from office.
You're not conducting yourself at a level to which my further reply is worth it.
Not my problem. I'm speaking to the truth of what has legally been decided relative to the last election.
What he has done with our borders should be justification for his impeachment.
What Harris did with paying for the bail of thugs and rioters in 2020 should be justification for the same.

Biden's willful complicity with invading foreign criminals constitutes treason. Not only should he be impeached and removed for this, alone, but he should be facing the death penalty for it.
After the two bullshit impeachments against Trump on bullshit charges, what do you think you have to complain about, now? Even before he took office, Biden was already guilty of much more serious criminal conduct than any of the bullshit accusations that were brought against Trump, and he's only done worse since taking office.

The impeachments against Trump were blatant acts of pure lawlessness and corruption. On the other hand, Biden is clearly guilty of genuine misconduct and malfeasance for which he legitimately should be impeached and removed from office.
Bullshit. Every word you posted is untrue. Trump was lawless and corrupt, And if you're talking about misconduct and malfeasance, that's 2 more for trump.
After the two bullshit impeachments against Trump on bullshit charges, what do you think you have to complain about, now? Even before he took office, Biden was already guilty of much more serious criminal conduct than any of the bullshit accusations that were brought against Trump, and he's only done worse since taking office.

The impeachments against Trump were blatant acts of pure lawlessness and corruption. On the other hand, Biden is clearly guilty of genuine misconduct and malfeasance for which he legitimately should be impeached and removed from office.
"Fire The Damn Prosecutor Investigating my Crack Smoking, Chinese Child Sex Slave Raping, Bribe Taking Son or you Ain't Getting The Billion Dollars!"

Joe Biden to Ukraine
Spoken like a True Anti American Foreign Piece of Communist Crap.

Thanks for exposing yourself again, as if everyone on USMB didn't already know what you are, Red Dragon Lady.

Accuse others of being anti-American and communist, when neither is the case, has no meaning because nothing you say has any basis in reality. You're just throwing your monkey shit at the passing human, and thinking you've done something.

Are you seriously suggesting that the wars were a good idea, or that crashing the economy was the outcome you were looking for? Did you really set out to completely destroy your nation, and why are you resisting getting off this destructive track?
Biden's willful complicity with invading foreign criminals constitutes treason. Not only should he be impeached and removed for this, alone, but he should be facing the death penalty for it.
Since that didn't happen there shall be no penalty.

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