Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

So are you and Dragonlady but it doesn’t excuse you for supporting impeachment when you lack the votes for removal, so you are as fucking retarded!
WTF?? Are you saying the House shouldn't impeach a president who appears to have violated the law if the Senate won't vote to convict?
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You guys did that when you knew you had no way to convict and remove Trump, so why don’t you and the OP deal with reality that Pelosi also used it as a political weapon no matter if Trump was guilty or not…

You must think before you use something like the articles of impeachment and ask if you can even remove the individual and Pelosi fully knew both times the GOP were not going to give Pelosi what she wanted but still went forward, so learn from your own fucking mistakes or don’t because it clear you are fine with using the articles when you lack the votes for removal…
Trump broke the law. Republicans were complicit in crime. The impeachment was a disciplinary action that needed to be done. Republicans should have voted to remove him the first time. Had they done that 1-6 would never have happened and a second impeachment would not have been necessary.
You, also, are not an American. As with Donald H, you have no standing and no say in how we Americans govern our country.

It's LONG past time that you started looking at what is going on in other countries and comparing it to what you're doing and why it's lead you to this point. Your nation is on the brink of collapse, both socially and economically, and your best idea is to tell others, who are living in sound stable democracies, which are handling the pandemic well, that "It's none of our business"????

It IS our business. Living next door to a country having a constitutional crisis and descending into authoritarian dictatorship, represents a gross danger to the entire world, not just the USA. You're willing to hand over the USA to the Republican Party and Donald Trump.

You don't get to do stupid things to fuck up the rest of the world, and claim it's none of our business. We let W lead the world into screwing up the entire Middle East, and crashing the world's economy. You people are out of control.
First of all understand that that is the method used in history that has enabled fascism. With some variations on how the overthrowing of democracy is achieved.
Trump's false claim of the election being stolen, exactly fits the definition of the method to enable fascism.

The only point that is debatable is in the question of his claim being genuine or false.

Why would you not categorize the steal as the path to Fascism?

(the claim is genuine, we know some irregularities happened - they happened right in front of our eyes, as in Changing the way mail in ballots are handled) - there is no debate there.
Not really. Your opinions, much like the Satanic Faun's are all based in lies, so they aren't worth the toilet paper they are printed on.

We don't even want to wipe our asses with them and they aren't fit to clean Joe's dirty diaper.
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Why would I want you to allow you to fuck up America further? But to answer your question more directly is I shouldnt have to move to another country to get what every other 1st world country has. It's people like you that insist on making America worse. So I'll stay here and prevent you animals from doing so.

How's that going for you?
You, also, are not an American. As with Donald H, you have no standing and no say in how we Americans govern our country.
You're right Bob, we have no standing and no say, and I for one never thought I did.
But our voices and opinions are powerful in that we're being honoured with the most replies and reactions. (the red thumb down are gratefully accepted as being noticed and being relevant) (how will you react to that now Bob?)
It's LONG past time that you started looking at what is going on in other countries and comparing it to what you're doing and why it's lead you to this point. Your nation is on the brink of collapse, both socially and economically, and your best idea is to tell others, who are living in sound stable democracies, which are handling the pandemic well, that "It's none of our business"????

It IS our business. Living next door to a country having a constitutional crisis and descending into authoritarian dictatorship, represents a gross danger to the entire world, not just the USA. You're willing to hand over the USA to the Republican Party and Donald Trump.

You don't get to do stupid things to fuck up the rest of the world, and claim it's none of our business. We let W lead the world into screwing up the entire Middle East, and crashing the world's economy. You people are out of control.
Technically true but not entirely accurate. A committee did pass Articles of impeachment against Nixon who then resigned before he could be impeached, to avoid further embarrassment and avoid losing his ability to be pardoned. So while it's true he wasn't removed by the completed process of impeachment; it was the impeachment process which led to his removal.

After what PelNazi, Soviet Scummer, Jerry Nazi, and Socialist Schiff pulled trying to scam the country with accusations of Russian Collusion that they and their Russian Moles in The FBI knew was false, I say..

Biden should be impeached for his actions with regard to the border alone. He has flouted numerous immigration laws and is therefore a criminal.
Why would you not categorize the steal as the path to Fascism?

(the claim is genuine, we know some irregularities happened - they happened right in front of our eyes, as in Changing the way mail in ballots are handled) - there is no debate there.
A genuine steal of an election, or an attempt, would indeed be consistent with an attempt to overthrow democracy and then install a fascist regime.
So are you and Dragonlady but it doesn’t excuse you for supporting impeachment when you lack the votes for removal, so you are as fucking retarded!

Once again, you claim it's not about the rule of law, or your oath to the Constitution, it's all about winning.

You've completely lost perspective about what the country was purportedly built on - the founding principles of the rule of law, and no man being above the law.

First off, you ignore the fact that the Republican Party, offered to the American People, as their President, a criminal conman with a history of bribery, corruption, and fiscal malfeasance, and they did so, without the support of their Party. Trump only received 44% of Republicans votes.

A political party does have a responsibility to vet candidates, and a man who has presided over 7 bankrupticies involving billions of dollars of losses to the American people; numerous charges of fraud and misuse of funds such that American bankers are still refusing to lend to him; that is legally barred from sitting on the board of directors of any charity; a man who is being sued for defrauding close family members of their inheritance; whose social circle included a best friend who was a criminal pedophile and sex trafficker; a man who has been credibly accused of sexual assault by more than 2 dozen women.

Tell us again why you want such a creature to run your country, when the last time you did, he presided over a pandemic which ran out of control - worse than any other nation on earth.
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Once again, you claim it's not about the rule of law, or your oath to the Constitution, it's all about winning.

You've completely lost perspective about what the country was purportedly built on - the founding principles of the rule of law, and no man being above the law.

First off, you ignore the fact that the Republican Party, offered to the American People, as their President, a criminal conman with a history of bribery, corruption, and fiscal malfeasance, and they did so, without the support of their Party. Trump only received 44% of Republicans votes.

A political party does have a responsibility to vet candidates, and a man who has presided over 7 bankrupticies involving billions of dollars of losses to the American people; numerous charges of fraud and misuse of funds such that American bankers are still refusing to lend to him; that is legally barred from sitting on the board of directors of any charity; a man who is being sued for defrauding close family members of their inheritance; whose social circle included a best friend who was a criminal pedophile and sex trafficker; a man who has been credibly accused of sexual assault by more than 2 dozen women.

Tell us again why you want such a creature to run your country, when the last time you did, he presided over a pandemic which ran out of control - worse than any other nation on earth.

Do you make this shit up as you go along or is it your medication again? Every single thing you listed is a lie.

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