Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

She is factually correct. Look, the motherfucker lost over 900 million in one year. He lost more money in one 10 year span than amy businessesman in America. He defrauded people out of money, would not pay contractors cheated on all his wives, the man is a dirtbag.
Oh please. You are a dirtbag and so are all the dirtbags you support.

You lie
You are a thief
You have cheated on your taxes
You have cheated on people you claimed to love
You are a fornicator
You are an adulterer
You are a blasphemer
You are probably a sodomite
You most likely are a hair sniffer

But worst of all, instead of being remorseful and repent of your sins, you delight in them, and love to hear about such things, and jump for joy when you hear a lie told and get to repeat it.

ARE YOU IRREDEEMABLE? Maybe so, but no one will know until that day when we face our Maker.
Once again. :link: :link: :link:

Now what racism do you speak of? Trump never said a racist thing in his life. Want me to print what racist shit Biden said throughout the years? Happy to do it.

Your commies in the states elected a guy that said the most racist things about blacks than any other presidential candidate in our lifetime, and that makes them racist as well if they are so forgiving.
Trump paid a record settlent to the DOJ for racism. Biden was VP for the black president trump asked for a birth certificate and proof of college attendance from.

The mf is a racist. But then again, so are you.
Oh please. You are a dirtbag and so are all the dirtbags you support.

You lie
You are a thief
You have cheated on your taxes
You have cheated on people you claimed to love
You are a fornicator
You are an adulterer
You are a blasphemer

But worst of all, instead of being remorseful and repent of your sins, you delight in them, and love to hear about such things, and jump for joy when you hear a lie told and get to repeat it.

ARE YOU IRREDEEMABLE? Maybe so, but no one will know until that day when we face our Maker.
I've done none of those things except fornicate. And if you had seen some of the women I have known, you would have fornicated too instead of sitting ijn your basement being an incel.
Trump paid a record settlent to the DOJ for racism. Biden was VP for the black president trump asked for a birth certificate and proof of college attendance from.

The mf is a racist. But then again, so are you.

So what is racist about a guy who said he's from Kenya, who's father was from Kenya, who's own grandmother claimed he was born there? Not a damn thing. Don't use big words like racism unless you look up the meaning first.

The settlement between the government and Trump Inc was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount of money, under the condition that Trump Inc admit to no wrong doing or breaking any laws. The FBI investigation revealed that no discrimination was found by the organization. Trump Sr had a policy of not renting to anybody on welfare which a lot of blacks were on at the time. Need the FBI report, just ask. I have it right here in my folder.
Liberalism is a concept beyond your infantile comprehension.

You're a simpleton that can only think in binary terms: A person is either a capitalist or a communist, there can be noting else.


I have evidence of my claim. Just go to the US Communist Party website, look at their agenda, and compare it to the Democrats. Search who they supported in the Hillary/ Trump race, the DumBama/ McCain race, and any other race between a commie and a Republican. It's all there for you.

If you want more evidence, let me know. I have a copy of the Mark Levin show where he reads from the Communist manifesto and compares that to what the Democrats are trying to do today.
If the devil comes for your soul, he will not have horns, a tail with an arrow end, or breathe fire. He will approach you like a well dressed man, somewhat shy, and very intelligent.
Shut the fuck up nut.
Embrace who you are. A Godless God Hating Jew Hating Christian Hating America Hating Heathen.

You are going to Hell with your brethren which are many. And I know the wicked lying filth like you outnumber The Righteous because the path to Hell is Wide and many travel upon it while the path to Heaven is Narrow and few travel upon that.

You are in the majority but When The Great Judge Returns, You and your Heathen Godless Brethren will be NO MORE. And don't think calling upon Satan will save your ass either. He is going to be cast to Hell in front of the entire world for all to see, and he will be mocked "“Is this the man who shook the earth and made the kingdoms tremble?"

And you will be mocked and cast in to Hell with him.

11 Your pomp has been brought down to Sheol, along with the music of your harps. Maggots are your bed and worms your blanket. 12 How you have fallen from heaven, O day star, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the ground, O destroyer of nations. 13 You said in your heart: “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God. I will sit on the mount of assembly, in the far reaches of the north. 14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” 15 But you will be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit. 16 Those who see you will stare; they will ponder your fate: “Is this the man who shook the earth and made the kingdoms tremble, 17 who turned the world into a desert and destroyed its cities, who refused to let the captives return to their homes?” 18 All the kings of the nations lie in state, each in his own tomb. 19 But you are cast out of your grave like a rejected branch, covered by those slain with the sword, and dumped into a rocky pit like a carcass trampled underfoot.

Then and only then will The World be at Peace when The Prince of Peace reigns and men turn their swords in to plowshares, and Evil has no place on Earth.
Nope, not one thing. But I'll pick out one just as an example:

Trump never filed 7 bankruptcies. He never filed one for personal failures. Trump had five bankruptcies and two of them were for one business. However Donald Trump has owned or operated over 500 operations, and that puts his bankruptcy rate at 1% which any CEO would love to have such a record.

I don't have time to go through the entire bullshit list, but you can check my facts and get back to me.

I said he presided over 7 bankruptcies. Trump never filed for personal bankruptcy because he personally made money off the bankruptcies. Trump would invite people to invest with him to get rich like him. Trump pocketed those investments as "management fees", overvalued everything he did, piled on the debt, and danced away when he ran out of "investors". Trump bragged he made $40 million personally, off his first bankruptcy. After 4 bankruptcies, American banks realized he was running a scam, and refused to give him any more money.

Real estate developers create a company every time they make an offer to buy a property. If the offer falls through, they never use that corporate entity again. If the offer is successful, they create a second company to develop the property, and a third company to build on the property. Trump had 700 companies. Big whoop. Most of his businesses lost money and went under. Even those that didn't file for bankruptcy - like Trump Airlines, Trump Mortgage Company, Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka. The list is endless.

I worked for the law firm whose entire real estate office existed to service the largest residential builder in North America. I was the corporate clerk at that office. This developer had over 200 active corporations at any given time. Not one of their over 1000 thousand corporations had EVER experienced a bankruptcy. Zero percent bankruptcies.

The only other big real estate operator I can recall going bankrupt was the Reichman Brother's Canary Wharf project in London. They were the 4th richest family in the world when they bought Canary Wharf and it was in financial trouble when they bought it The bankruptcy took down Olympia & York (their big real estate company).

The Trump Hotel in Toronto went bankrupt during the 2016 Presidential Campaign. It was the first condominium over 10 stories to go bankrupt in Toronto, in more than 30 years!!! Well done, Donald Trump!!!!!
I've done none of those things except fornicate. And if you had seen some of the women I have known, you would have fornicated too instead of sitting ijn your basement being an incel.
Like I said, you are a scumbag, and once The Earth is rid of you, then there will finally be peace.
She is factually correct. Look, the motherfucker lost over 900 million in one year. He lost more money in one 10 year span than amy businessesman in America. He defrauded people out of money, would not pay contractors cheated on all his wives, the man is a dirtbag.

You shouldn't throw stones, you cheat on your boyfriends.
I said he presided over 7 bankruptcies. Trump never filed for personal bankruptcy because he personally made money off the bankruptcies. Trump would invite people to invest with him to get rich like him. Trump pocketed those investments as "management fees", overvalued everything he did, piled on the debt, and danced away when he ran out of "investors". Trump bragged he made $40 million personally, off his first bankruptcy. After 4 bankruptcies, American banks realized he was running a scam, and refused to give him any more money.

Real estate developers create a company every time they make an offer to buy a property. If the offer falls through, they never use that corporate entity again. If the offer is successful, they create a second company to develop the property, and a third company to build on the property. Trump had 700 companies. Big whoop. Most of his businesses lost money and went under. Even those that didn't file for bankruptcy - like Trump Airlines, Trump Mortgage Company, Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka. The list is endless.

I worked for the law firm whose entire real estate office existed to service the largest residential builder in North America. I was the corporate clerk at that office. This developer had over 200 active corporations at any given time. Not one of their over 1000 thousand corporations had EVER experienced a bankruptcy. Zero percent bankruptcies.

The only other big real estate operator I can recall going bankrupt was the Reichman Brother's Canary Wharf project in London. They were the 4th richest family in the world when they bought Canary Wharf and it was in financial trouble when they bought it The bankruptcy took down Olympia & York (their big real estate company).

The Trump Hotel in Toronto went bankrupt during the 2016 Presidential Campaign. It was the first condominium over 10 stories to go bankrupt in Toronto, in more than 30 years!!! Well done, Donald Trump!!!!!
So? What's your point?
Do the Republicans and other assorted self-professed Conservatives on USMB agree w/this lawlessness?

Why/why not?
Whether agreed with or not, I predicted it to be inevitable. It's the nature of politics to be vindictive. Once it became obvious the democrats had no interest in fairness, revenge was inevitable.

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