Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

Of course there will be an impeachment. Biden/Harris allowed an thousands of diseased illegals into the country, there will be a reckoning.
There won't be anything because that didn't happen.
Once again, you claim it's not about the rule of law, or your oath to the Constitution, it's all about winning.

You've completely lost perspective about what the country was purportedly built on - the founding principles of the rule of law, and no man being above the law.

First off, you ignore the fact that the Republican Party, offered to the American People, as their President, a criminal conman with a history of bribery, corruption, and fiscal malfeasance, and they did so, without the support of their Party. Trump only received 44% of Republicans votes.

A political party does have a responsibility to vet candidates, and a man who has presided over 7 bankrupticies involving billions of dollars of losses to the American people; numerous charges of fraud and misuse of funds such that American bankers are still refusing to lend to him; that is legally barred from sitting on the board of directors of any charity; a man who is being sued for defrauding close family members of their inheritance; whose social circle included a best friend who was a criminal pedophile and sex trafficker; a man who has been credibly accused of sexual assault by more than 2 dozen women.

Tell us again why you want such a creature to run your country, when the last time you did, he presided over a pandemic which ran out of control - worse than any other nation on earth.
Don't preach to anyone about winning when you contracted with Putin in 2016 for the Dirty Dossier Campaign complete with Russian Moles in the FBI, and then again in 2020 with Xi and China to unleash COVID on the US to wreck our economy and set up conditions for you to rig the election.

Winning? Yah you can cheat to win, but it is a Permanent Mark on your eternal soul.
Don't preach to anyone about winning when you contracted with Putin in 2016 for the Dirty Dossier Campaign complete with Russian Moles in the FBI, and then again in 2020 with Xi and China to unleash COVID on the US to wreck our economy and set up conditions for you to rig the election.

Winning? Yah you can cheat to win, but it is a Permanent Mark on your eternal soul.
None of that happened loon.
Why would you not categorize the steal as the path to Fascism?

(the claim is genuine, we know some irregularities happened - they happened right in front of our eyes, as in Changing the way mail in ballots are handled) - there is no debate there.

Because it was the Republicans who tried to steal the election, not the Democrats.

Trump's claims have been proven false, time and time again. No significant irregularities happened.

Trump's oft stated claims that the "Courts would decide the election" had a significant impact on how the election was run. By putting the states on notice, that their tallies would have to withstand scrutiny by the Courts, every state in the union made good and sure that their tallies were correct and true.

By giving the states advance notice he was going to sue if the election didn't go his way, Trump shot himself in the foot. Every state made sure their election was run by the book and everyt result could withstand a court challenge. Trump didn't have a leg to stand on. EVERYONE, FROM THE FBI, TO DHS, AND THE SECRETARIES OF STATE ALL SAID IT WAS FAIR AND HONEST.

It's LONG past time that you started looking at what is going on in other countries and comparing it to what you're doing and why it's lead you to this point. Your nation is on the brink of collapse, both socially and economically, and your best idea is to tell others, who are living in sound stable democracies, which are handling the pandemic well, that "It's none of our business"????

It IS our business. Living next door to a country having a constitutional crisis and descending into authoritarian dictatorship, represents a gross danger to the entire world, not just the USA. You're willing to hand over the USA to the Republican Party and Donald Trump.

You don't get to do stupid things to fuck up the rest of the world, and claim it's none of our business. We let W lead the world into screwing up the entire Middle East, and crashing the world's economy. You people are out of control.

Our people are fine. Worry about your own people. Statistics show that the Communists are going to get totally wiped out next election, and perhaps with the safeguards of a Republican Congress, we can stop at least some of the damage bestowed on us by Dementia and the commies.
Once again, you claim it's not about the rule of law, or your oath to the Constitution, it's all about winning.

You've completely lost perspective about what the country was purportedly built on - the founding principles of the rule of law, and no man being above the law.

First off, you ignore the fact that the Republican Party, offered to the American People, as their President, a criminal conman with a history of bribery, corruption, and fiscal malfeasance, and they did so, without the support of their Party. Trump only received 44% of Republicans votes.

A political party does have a responsibility to vet candidates, and a man who has presided over 7 bankrupticies involving billions of dollars of losses to the American people; numerous charges of fraud and misuse of funds such that American bankers are still refusing to lend to him; that is legally barred from sitting on the board of directors of any charity; a man who is being sued for defrauding close family members of their inheritance; whose social circle included a best friend who was a criminal pedophile and sex trafficker; a man who has been credibly accused of sexual assault by more than 2 dozen women.

Tell us again why you want such a creature to run your country, when the last time you did, he presided over a pandemic which ran out of control - worse than any other nation on earth.
Because he promises them white supremacy.
Actually what she is say is factually correct.

Nope, not one thing. But I'll pick out one just as an example:

Trump never filed 7 bankruptcies. He never filed one for personal failures. Trump had five bankruptcies and two of them were for one business. However Donald Trump has owned or operated over 500 operations, and that puts his bankruptcy rate at 1% which any CEO would love to have such a record.

I don't have time to go through the entire bullshit list, but you can check my facts and get back to me.
Do you make this shit up as you go along or is it your medication again? Every single thing you listed is a lie.

Every single thing I list is the truth Ray. You elected a liar, a cheat, a man who abuses women, bribes public officials, and steals from everyone who gives him money. BILLIONS of dollars were stolen from the Treasury when Trump handed out the payroll relief funds. Where did they go, Ray?

His last election campaign had to refund $122 million in fraud claims. Trump's campaign stole $122 million dollars from his own voters' bank accounts.

Is the racism and hate worth that much to you Ray?
Our people are fine. Worry about your own people. Statistics show that the Communists are going to get totally wiped out next election, and perhaps with the safeguards of a Republican Congress, we can stop at least some of the damage bestowed on us by Dementia and the commies.
No communists are running in the next election and this country is nowhere near fine. Look at thee dislocated bullshit you post. You're insane but you thinkm you've got all the right answers.
None of that happened loon.
So Fauci didn't illegally route money secretly to pay for gain of function research in Wuhan China for the CCP? And The CCP and Fauci didn't infect human vectors in Wuhan and did not send them in planes from China to The US while the entire DemNazi Party screamed Racism if Trump dared to mention that those flights should be stopped in the year of our Presidential Election?

Hillary Clinton, Obama, Biden and The DNC did not hire Pakistani Hackers, nor did they pay Russian KGB Agents to write a Fake Dirty Dossier with Putin's Stamp of Approval to smear Trump during The Election Campaign, to Spy on his campaign, to lie to FISA, and then use that as Ammo to twice try to get Trump impeached in a bureaucratic COUP even using Russian Moles in The FBI to both cover up their own activities and try to make the false charges stick to Trump in a Phony Investigation lead by Moscow Mueller who framed innocent men both in The Enron case and Anthrax Case?

None of that happened, right Dim Tard?

You are really bad at being a scumbag liar!
It's LONG past time that you started looking at what is going on in other countries and comparing it to what you're doing and why it's lead you to this point. Your nation is on the brink of collapse, both socially and economically, and your best idea is to tell others, who are living in sound stable democracies, which are handling the pandemic well, that "It's none of our business"????

It IS our business. Living next door to a country having a constitutional crisis and descending into authoritarian dictatorship, represents a gross danger to the entire world, not just the USA. You're willing to hand over the USA to the Republican Party and Donald Trump.

You don't get to do stupid things to fuck up the rest of the world, and claim it's none of our business. We let W lead the world into screwing up the entire Middle East, and crashing the world's economy. You people are out of control.

I saw an interesting post on Facebook, to summarize:

"Americans are like the children of a mafia boss who know their father is a mafia boss, but don't want to know anything about what he does. Then they are surprised when someone throws a Molotov cocktail through their living room windows"
Every single thing I list is the truth Ray. You elected a liar, a cheat, a man who abuses women, bribes public officials, and steals from everyone who gives him money. BILLIONS of dollars were stolen from the Treasury when Trump handed out the payroll relief funds. Where did they go, Ray?

His last election campaign had to refund $122 million in fraud claims. Trump's campaign stole $122 million dollars from his own voters' bank accounts.

Is the racism and hate worth that much to you Ray?

Once again. :link: :link: :link:

Now what racism do you speak of? Trump never said a racist thing in his life. Want me to print what racist shit Biden said throughout the years? Happy to do it.

Your commies in the states elected a guy that said the most racist things about blacks than any other presidential candidate in our lifetime, and that makes them racist as well if they are so forgiving.
Nope, not one thing. But I'll pick out one just as an example:

Trump never filed 7 bankruptcies. He never filed one for personal failures. Trump had five bankruptcies and two of them were for one business. However Donald Trump has owned or operated over 500 operations, and that puts his bankruptcy rate at 1% which any CEO would love to have such a record.

I don't have time to go through the entire bullshit list, but you can check my facts and get back to me.
She is factually correct. Look, the motherfucker lost over 900 million in one year. He lost more money in one 10 year span than amy businessesman in America. He defrauded people out of money, would not pay contractors cheated on all his wives, the man is a dirtbag.
Spoken like a man who sees another person who is intelligent and informed.
Nothing is intelligent about The CCP, Communists or Russians that you take your orders from.

They are Evil and Godless and on Judgment Day will go down in flames and and so will anyone else that carries their water for them.
Nothing is intelligent about The CCP, Communists or Russians that you take your orders from.

They are Evil and Godless and on Judgment Day will go down in flames and and so will anyone else that carries their water for them.
Shut the fuck up nut.

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