Cruz/Rubio Urge Public Release of Mueller Report

Barr has already said he release as much as he legally can we have waited a year and a half for this report a few more days is not gonna kill anybody.[/QUOT

Wait didn't you guys want to see ALL of the Fisa warrant?
Still do but if there are parts that can’t be made public due to legal reasons that’s the way it is same as with the Mueller Report.
They can redact it, but we'll see. The gop reaction will be interesting, imo
Does it really matter with either one? Pretty much everyone has their mind made and nothing is going to change it.
Yes it matters. Facts matter despite what Sad Sarah says. And it would be nice to know who this firm belongs to.

Mystery firm fighting Mueller won't get Supreme Court appeal
And what that court fight was about
It also probably means it’s gonna make a lot of people look bad who aren’t trump...
And they would know

You're making shit up.
Because jumping around screaming collusion, then calling the president crazy and unhinged for accurately calling this a witch hunt...and then having it come out that yes this was a witch hunt is going to make the people calling for the witch hunt look really really bad. Why did I have to explain this. The people burning the witches in Salem weren’t exactly viewed as hero’s folks
Because jumping around screaming collusion, then calling the president crazy and unhinged for accurately calling this a witch hunt...and then having it come out that yes this was a witch hunt is going to make the people calling for the witch hunt look really really bad. Why did I have to explain this. The people burning the witches in Salem weren’t exactly viewed as hero’s folks

Thanks for that non-responsive babble
I hope Barr doesn't release the full report, just because that's what the LAW says. The LAW says Barr writes a summary, so that's it.
You don't like it, see you in court.
It also probably means it’s gonna make a lot of people look bad who aren’t trump...
And they would know

You're making shit up.
Because jumping around screaming collusion, then calling the president crazy and unhinged for accurately calling this a witch hunt...and then having it come out that yes this was a witch hunt is going to make the people calling for the witch hunt look really really bad. Why did I have to explain this. The people burning the witches in Salem weren’t exactly viewed as hero’s folks

Donald J. Trump brought the Mueller Investigation down on himself with his lies about contacts with Russians, and with his firing of James Comey, secret behind closed doors meetings with Russians that barred the American Press, where he revealed classified information, and generally behaving like he was guilty as hell.

The Report does NOT exonerate Trump with regards to obstruction of Justice, because the Justice Department has a policy that they cannot charge a sitting President with a crime. The Obstruction of Justice charge will now be dealt with by Congress, who will ask to see the evidence.

Trump's claim that the Mueller Report completely exonerates him, is a lie.
It also probably means it’s gonna make a lot of people look bad who aren’t trump...
And they would know

You're making shit up.
Because jumping around screaming collusion, then calling the president crazy and unhinged for accurately calling this a witch hunt...and then having it come out that yes this was a witch hunt is going to make the people calling for the witch hunt look really really bad. Why did I have to explain this. The people burning the witches in Salem weren’t exactly viewed as hero’s folks

Donald J. Trump brought the Mueller Investigation down on himself with his lies about contacts with Russians, and with his firing of James Comey, secret behind closed doors meetings with Russians that barred the American Press, where he revealed classified information, and generally behaving like he was guilty as hell.

The Report does NOT exonerate Trump with regards to obstruction of Justice, because the Justice Department has a policy that they cannot charge a sitting President with a crime. The Obstruction of Justice charge will now be dealt with by Congress, who will ask to see the evidence.

Trump's claim that the Mueller Report completely exonerates him, is a lie.
Did you actually read the summery? Clearly not, you let other people read it for you and tell you what to think. It has nothing to do with not being able to indict, the language in the summery is extremely clear (for those who read it with their own eyes). The summery, on obstruction, says there isn’t anything there to recommend an indictment of collusion. There wasn’t a crime to cover up for, everything the screaming banshees claimed was obstruction by trump was done in the public eye, which would be nonsensical if you were actually trying to obstruct. They also conclude his intent seems to be clearly pointing in the direction of not trying to obstruct, and he had the authority to do those actions.

The Special Counsel’s decision to describe the facts of his obstruction investigation without reaching any legal conclusions leaves it to the Attorney General to determine whether the conduct described in the report constitutes a crime. Over the course of the investigation, the Special Counsel’s office engaged in discussions with certain Department officials regarding many of the legal and factual matters at issue in the Special Counsel’s obstruction investigation. After reviewing the Special Counsel’s final report on these issues; consulting with Department officials, including the Office of Legal Counsel; and applying the principles of federal prosecution that guide our charging decisions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel’s investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense. Our determination was made without regard to, and is not based on, the constitutional considerations that surround the indictment and criminal prosecution of a sitting president.[2]”

That last line is pretty important so read carefully
"collusion" is a quid pro quo, and that means impeachment. Some dems were partisan tools, but that was never really in the offing unless Trump somehow did the unimaginable.

There is still the question of what Putin did to help Trump, and we already know there are facts about this because Mueller indicted Russians. And there are questions about what Trump people knew Assange was up to with illegal hacking. And did Trump's campaign know of, and possibly benefit from, any of those actions.

I'm just gonna be surprised if Barr doesn't did a huge hole to try and dump this stuff into. And Holder tried to hide stuff, but not on the same level

McConnell won't allow the Senate to vote on it.

Earlier this month, the House of Representatives voted 420-0 in favor of making the report public.

WASHINGTON, March 25 (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Monday blocked a second attempt by Democrats to pass a measure aimed at prodding the Justice Department to release to the public Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

More: Republicans Block Senate Democrats' Move On Making Mueller Report Public


A little bit of Rick Astley never hurt anyone.
The Nunes Memo dealt with the FISA warrant of Carter Page. Carter Page was not even a member of the campaign at that time. Why do you see that as important?

The Report was generated because Trump fired Comey creating at least the appearance of obstruction of justice.

Barr just stayed that Trump has NOT been exonerated of obstruction

Wrong. You better check that timeline again.
Wrong. You better check that timeline again.

Really Maid Marion?

Then show us what you claim is the correct timeline

How would you even know the timeline? I mean since you probably rely on CNN and MSNBC for the bulk of your information, you are sadly uninformed. Please do yourself a favor and watch Hannity, Tucker, and Ingraham on FOX News tonight. It will most likely bring you up to speed on what's happening.

I'm serious. Those people you listen to have filled your head full of rancid banana pudding.

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