
Gold Member
Feb 14, 2012
...In case you still don't know it, this forum is good at weeding out socks and as you'll notice, none of those you list as socks are getting rolled by the Mods. ...

Two words: proxy servers.

A smart player could have fifty socks, and so long as he or she played the cards right, the moderators would be none the wiser...
...In case you still don't know it, this forum is good at weeding out socks and as you'll notice, none of those you list as socks are getting rolled by the Mods. ...

Two words: proxy servers.

A smart player could have fifty socks, and so long as he or she played the cards right, the moderators would be none the wiser...

Really? Do you think the Mods don't recognize the public servers or that anyone would go to the trouble and expense of using private proxies just to create socks for use on obscure message boards? I like you Cap, I really do but that kind of silliness smacks of paranoid CT lunacy. Have a good day. :D
Sock, come on, how many days straight do you think you've stalked and trolled this Forum? Could it number in the Thousands now? I mean, how may times do you need to spew a tired "Tinfoil Hat" insult at someone. That has to get old even for you, no? You might just have a mental illness. And i'm not joking or trying to insult you when i say that.

Let's be realistic, can you go even one day without stalking and trollng this Forum? Or when's the last time you remember not coming here? Can you remember? What are you doing? You're not saying anything new or original at this point. You flamed out a long long time ago. You're completely out of insult material. Like i said, i'm actually helping you. Take a long break from the Forum. Accept my help. Good luck. I mean that.
that's ironic coming from the queen of no concept of reality.
I was not here yesterday, most of last week all of last weekend...need any more help.
haven't used a tin foil hat line in months or more.
as to new and original, I could be dead and do a better job of keeping current then you have in your whole no life ,life.
speaking of out of material, your latest stalker troll /mental illness dodge has run it's course and has had the expected no effect ,effect...

You use several Socks. We all know that. It's so sad you can't even admit that.

"We?" You speak for all the little idiots in your pinhead? Why would he or anyone admit your silly lying is anything else? In case you still don't know it, this forum is good at weeding out socks and as you'll notice, none of those you list as socks are getting rolled by the Mods. Perhaps you should trot out some new material, Princess, you're just making a fool of yourself. :cuckoo:
that's ironic coming from the queen of no concept of reality.
I was not here yesterday, most of last week all of last weekend...need any more help.
haven't used a tin foil hat line in months or more.
as to new and original, I could be dead and do a better job of keeping current then you have in your whole no life ,life.
speaking of out of material, your latest stalker troll /mental illness dodge has run it's course and has had the expected no effect ,effect...

You use several Socks. We all know that. It's so sad you can't even admit that.

"We?" You speak for all the little idiots in your pinhead? Why would he or anyone admit your silly lying is anything else? In case you still don't know it, this forum is good at weeding out socks and as you'll notice, none of those you list as socks are getting rolled by the Mods. Perhaps you should trot out some new material, Princess, you're just making a fool of yourself. :cuckoo:

Whatever del/Candyass. :cuckoo::lol:
...In case you still don't know it, this forum is good at weeding out socks and as you'll notice, none of those you list as socks are getting rolled by the Mods. ...

Two words: proxy servers.

A smart player could have fifty socks, and so long as he or she played the cards right, the moderators would be none the wiser...

As for the free proxy servers available online, the moderators might recognize them if something else drew their attention to the sock's activity, but the board's software apparently doesn't recognize them during the registration process.
Since the powers that be at the USMB have seen fit to preserve for posterity the single post of my test-sock (daws102) and to create this thread from all of the relocated posts above, I think it's only fair to say at least a few more words on the topic at hand.

First off, I'm not accusing anyone in specific of using multiple accounts on this message board. I've simply demonstrated that such a tactic is possible.

And as can be seen here, here, here, and here (and many more similar sites), there's no shortage of free facilitators for the creation of numerous accounts from a single computer.
simply not true.... socks can still be identified, to the 99% point, even with using a proxy because there are other means of user identification characteristics which show up that can be checked....
On a game I play it is quite common for players to create multiple accounts using different devices. I can see where one might do that to cheat in a game. I just don't see any useful purpose on a messageboard.

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There are only 12 people behind 80% of the accounts on this entire forum.

We meet on Thursdays to plan the next weeks episodes.

Like wrestling, we plan out the broad strokes and play it by ear in the ring.

Now sit you alligator mouth bumblebee ass down, son- everyone knows only 6% of scientists are republicans, you racist obameroid

[...] there are other means of user identification characteristics which show up that can be checked....

Nothing definitive ...or that couldn't be circumvented by smart usage.

When the board administrator recently pointed out that "there's no evidence" to support Paulitician's accusation, conspicuously absent from the statement was an outright declaration that it couldn't possibly be true.
There are only 12 people behind 80% of the accounts on this entire forum.

We meet on Thursdays to plan the next weeks episodes.

Like wrestling, we plan out the broad strokes and play it by ear in the ring.

Now sit you alligator mouth bumblebee ass down, son- everyone knows only 6% of scientists are republicans, you racist obameroid


Whether one believes such things as your little parody theory or not, a good rule of thumb for interacting with others on public message boards would be to never presuppose the truth, accuracy, or legitimacy of anything or anyone as presented. Things aren't always as they seem.
On a game I play it is quite common for players to create multiple accounts using different devices. I can see where one might do that to cheat in a game. I just don't see any useful purpose on a messageboard.

The illusion of greater numbers can be an effective way to sway non-committals (and that's experience talking).
[...] there are other means of user identification characteristics which show up that can be checked....

Nothing definitive ...or that couldn't be circumvented by smart usage.

When the board administrator recently pointed out that "there's no evidence" to support Paulitician's accusation, conspicuously absent from the statement was an outright declaration that it couldn't possibly be true.

Typical CT silliness. There is nothing "conspicuously absent," Cap. There is no conspiracy to subvert the CTs here. In fact, if this board is of some monetary value to USMB it would be in their best interest to protect and nurture the CT loons. Now I'm not saying they do or even would but can you offer any reason the Admins would protect the norms here?
So do you believe the peeps those loons claim to be socks are socks?
On a game I play it is quite common for players to create multiple accounts using different devices. I can see where one might do that to cheat in a game. I just don't see any useful purpose on a messageboard.

The illusion of greater numbers can be an effective way to sway non-committals (and that's experience talking).

Ok Mr. Experience, to what end?
This (and every other message board) is NOT representitive of people I know in real life. The opinions here are usually way out in left or right field. That is not how people I know in real life are. sway who to do or think what? Sway the cartoon-like characters of USMB to agree with your point?

I still see no useful purpose to spoof a message board. At least in a game I can see where weak players would make another "mini-me" to beat up so they can win once in awhile. On a message board that, as I said, doesn't seem to have any connection to reality at all I see no useful reason to have more than one account. I am certain there are, and you yourself say you have done it so........

That's right you casual observers, my opinion is that the posters on this board DO NOT represent the people I know in real life. It appears that almost all the posters on this message board and others I have visited only express radical views of one type or another.

Then there is the stupid thing....you know what I mean. I honestly do not know as many outright stupid people in real life as I encounter on USMB. By the very nature of message boards, it appears they attract the radical, the stupid, and of course the insane.

What a group to win over.....geez
On a game I play it is quite common for players to create multiple accounts using different devices. I can see where one might do that to cheat in a game. I just don't see any useful purpose on a messageboard.

The illusion of greater numbers can be an effective way to sway non-committals (and that's experience talking).

Isn't just possible, even probable, that there are far more norms than nutters? Are you swayed by number of non-CTs here?
[...] There is nothing "conspicuously absent," ...

Unless you adhere to the notion that a lack of evidence for X equates to evidence for the lack of X (which any theologian worth his salt would tell you is fallacious), C_K's statement is minus a firm declaration of falsehood; which is NOT to suggest that the Admins are covering for (or "protecting") certain users with known sock-puppet accounts.

[...] I'm not saying they do or even would but can you offer any reason the Admins would protect the norms here? ...

Not to concede your definition of a "norm", but I think the question betrays your misunderstanding of the point of contention. You see, I didn't view C_K's statement as a cover-up; I saw it as an honest assessment most likely based on the body of knowledge available to the Admins.

[...] So do you believe the peeps those loons claim to be socks are socks?

What can I say?

I'm just a hopeless agnostic. :D
Isn't just possible, even probable, that there are far more norms than nutters? Are you swayed by number of non-CTs here?

Personally, I've never been impressed or swayed by numbers, but then, I'm not a non-committal where many issues are concerned.
Ok Mr. Experience, to what end? ...

If one believes there are people paid to spread propaganda in high traffic public arenas, and to battle opinions contrary to those of their employer(s), then appearing to be multiple individuals arguing in concert would give the easily swayed a false impression of consensus. Another tactic often used by sock-puppeteers is to come off as a person of low intelligence and/or questionable sanity arguing in favor of the position they want to discredit, reinforcing the derogatory stereotypes they tend to impose on the opposition.

[...] That's right you casual observers, my opinion is that the posters on this board DO NOT represent the people I know in real life. It appears that almost all the posters on this message board and others I have visited only express radical views of one type or another.

And that assessment isn't incompatible with the sort of suspicions voiced by Paulitician.

[...] Then there is the stupid thing....you know what I mean. I honestly do not know as many outright stupid people in real life as I encounter on USMB. By the very nature of message boards, it appears they attract the radical, the stupid, and of course the insane.

Yet here you are, day after day...
Sock Puppets are lame cowards...And you know who you are.
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