cuckservatives in the Trump White House: the list

cuckservatives in the Trump White House

start the list:

Chairman of the GOP Rinse Preebus

LMAO all of his picks have been pretty damned good.

Men and women who can do the job.

Guess an idiot like you will just have to grin and bear it. Or not. LOL
LMAO all of his picks have been pretty damned good.

Right. We got the Energy Secretary who couldn't remember we had a department of energy.

the Education Secretary who hates public education.

The Secretary of State who works for the Russians.

And the National Security Adviser who believes insane conspiracy websites.

these are some awesome picks... what could possibly go wrong?
Mitch McConnell has already said most of Trump's policy ideas are dead on arrival. Google him on Trump. The only thing the republicans want to get rid of are policies that help working class Americans, healthcare reform, minimum wage, Medicare, etc. They will reduce regulation and taxes once again setting the grounds for another recession or depression. Republicans never learn it seems.

"President Eisenhower describes his administration's political philosophy as 'dynamic conservatism,' then as 'progressive, dynamic conservatism,' then as 'progressive moderation,' then as 'moderate progressivism,' and then as 'positive progressivism.'" William Manchester quote from 'The Power and the Glory'
cuckservatives in the Trump White House

start the list:

Chairman of the GOP Rinse Preebus

The Fighting 104th Keyboard Warriors ...


If you can't make up an argument ... make up a name.
please children Stop the craziness. The GOP Establishment is alive and well. It is being drained from the swamp into the White House pool
stupid shit Trumpbots believe a Presidents cabinet makes, and passes laws.
Like all administrations this one will ensure the one percent flourish....the rest....meh...throw em under a bus.
Billionaires could care less about the working class. But party affiliation makes zero difference....america is for the one percent...they call the shots and would rather see the working class dead....stake my life on it.

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