Cue the Outrage?

Gonna be a whole lotta Democrat Fake News and Faux Outrage during Trump's tenure. But rather than get angry about the lies, i'm gonna choose to just laugh at em. It's gonna be fun. Stay tuned.
That is sooo retarded.

Why would anyone want the descendent of dead guys to apologize to us, for something dead people did to other dead people?

In 1940, the Japanese didn't have jack for natural resources, so they had to haul out and go get what they wanted.

The decision to attack Pearl Harbor might not have been part of a well thought out long term strategy, but what other options did they have?

The Germans and Japanese were one atomic bomb away from WWII turning out entirely different.

Oh yeah!....the outrage.......

anyone who gets outraged can STFU

In 1940, the Japanese didn't have jack for natural resources, so they had to haul out and go get what they wanted.

The decision to attack Pearl Harbor might not have been part of a well thought out long term strategy, but what other options did they have?....

It's not that simple.
Not sure why folks still get so worked up over this stuff. It's ancient history. Most involved are dead, or about to be. Japan rolled the dice and lost bigtime. Hey, it could have gone the other way, but it didn't. To the victor go the spoils. Japan and Germany became neutered cuckold nations. And they're still that today. It's the way it goes. They gambled and lost. Simple as that. Time to move on.

Expressions of sorrow or remorse or repentance are not the same thing as an acknowledgment of guilt or an apology.

You will find damned few actual 'apologies' in the litany recited by the Wiki page, and still fewer directed towards the Japanese attack upon Pearl Harbor.

And there is the inevitable hair-splitting and denial as usual.

If you get nuked and forced into a humiliating surrender you don't really have to apologize.

Even the nazis did have not a thing on the cruelty of the Japanese.

I am sort of glad the Japanese prime minister is visiting.

Japan has been an ally for 70 years now. My problem are the disgusting pathetic American hating libs that blame America for enticing Japan to attack. Had a lib tell me about it today.

They believe the poor Japanese were just peaceful innocent people and big bad white capitalist Christian America forced them to attack due to embargoes.

Yeeeah, we just enforced embargoes on innocent Japan. This is what they teach.

The Nazis were animals, the Japanese were worse animals! Because they were animals, we bombed their civilian populations, in both countries, and England helped.

BOTTOM LINE-------------> We all learn.......except for lefties! The hero worship and belief that they blindly had, has shown itself to be highly destructive in the U.S.S.R, Germany, Italy, and Japan. ONE PERSON running their government by fiat and EOs, (Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Hirohito) brought down their countries, and the society that their country built. Fast forward to Obowelmovement. He could do NOTHING wrong, just ask the lefties, they will tell you.

The further we get away from "the greatest generation," the more the lefties rely on the fact that Americans aren't going to look back in history, and if they do, enough has been obfuscated to muddy the waters. What once was "Germany and Japan tried to rule the world," has become..."The United States through their imperialism, caused these two peace loving countries to go to war!"

We patriotic Americans look back, and see Hirohito, Hitler, and Mussolini trying to destroy OUR country, and we know this because of hindsight, and history. If you lived back in the late 30s, and knew then what you know today, what would you do? But, history teaches all things, because only so many paths can be followed, and by the people we watch and their attitude measured against history, we can.......with pretty reasonable accuracy..........predict the outcome based on their actions.

And so, we remember world war II, yes! How they hated the Jews, how they blamed everybody but themselves, how at least one country had kamikaze planes. Do we remember how the axis powers had no feeling for human life? How the Germans were into eugenics? How Neville (the DICK-tat-er ass kiss) smooched Hitler, and thought everything was just gonna be fine.

Yes, history repeats itself, because human nature is predictable.........and now, you have Iran playing the part of Germany, and Obowelmovement, playing the part of Neville Chamberlain. Just like Hitler slapped around Neville, Iran has slapped around Obowelmovement; and both Neville and Obysmal have basically proclaimed......thank you sir, can I have another!

The point is----------> we Americans who are supposed to be sooo smart, allowed Neville (the Obowelmovement) to paint us into this corner. We allowed the snowflakes to give up the farm, and 5 minutes after they gave it away, the Iranians slapped us around through Obowelmovement! Isn't that what Hitler did with Neville?!?!?! (read history folks) Weren't the goal posts constantly moved after a deal was cut?

The Japanese have learned the error of their ways, the Germans have not! Why? Because they elected someone who USED to be in control in EAST GERMANY, kinda like we elected a Marxist, and her name is Angela Merkel. His name is, Obowelmovement!

The world is on the brink again..............not because we have to many Pattons, Eisenhowers, or Montgomery's; but rather because we have to many Merkels, Obowelmovements, Hillary's, and Kerry's!
Moral to the story... Don't bite off more than you can chew. You could end up a neutered cuckold nation like Germany and Japan.

Japan has, indeed, been let off the hook, to a very large extent, throughout the 70 years and more since the end of WWII....

You haven't been paying attention.
We want them bowing in contrition over the graves of the men of the USS Arizona, and saying the words, at the scene of their crime.

Who is "we"? Are you a WWII vet?
Sit down, Jap ass-kisser...

Answer the question, unless you're afraid to...
Moral to the story... Don't bite off more than you can chew. You could end up a neutered cuckold nation like Germany and Japan.

You don't know what the word "cuckold" means, do you? Just thought it sounded like a cool thing to say?
...Japan has not been "let off the hook," and has apologized many, many times.

Japan has, indeed, been let off the hook, to a very large extent, throughout the 70 years and more since the end of WWII.

They do not teach (and have not taught) their young about their heavy responsibility for their national policies and behaviors in the first half of the 20th...

Expressions of sorrow or remorse or repentance are not the same thing as an acknowledgment of guilt or an apology.

You will find damned few actual 'apologies' in the litany recited by the Wiki page, and still fewer directed towards the Japanese attack upon Pearl Harbor.
The people alive in Japan today are not guilty of what happened in 1941. Period. Unless you plan on starting to apologize for slavery in the early 19th century America.
Moral to the story... Don't bite off more than you can chew. You could end up a neutered cuckold nation like Germany and Japan.

You don't know what the word "cuckold" means, do you? Just thought it sounded like a cool thing to say?

No i do know. And it describes both Germany and Japan today. They were crushed, neutered, and then made cuckolds. They're powerless today. The result of biting off more than they could chew. They gambled, and lost bigtime.
Moral to the story... Don't bite off more than you can chew. You could end up a neutered cuckold nation like Germany and Japan.

You don't know what the word "cuckold" means, do you? Just thought it sounded like a cool thing to say?

No i do know. And it describes both Germany and Japan today. They were crushed, neutered, and then made cuckolds. They're powerless today. The result of biting off more than they could chew. They gambled, and lost bigtime.

Yeah, you don't know what it means. You shouldn't do that.
...Japan has not been "let off the hook," and has apologized many, many times.

Japan has, indeed, been let off the hook, to a very large extent, throughout the 70 years and more since the end of WWII.

They do not teach (and have not taught) their young about their heavy responsibility for their national policies and behaviors in the first half of the 20th...

Expressions of sorrow or remorse or repentance are not the same thing as an acknowledgment of guilt or an apology.

You will find damned few actual 'apologies' in the litany recited by the Wiki page, and still fewer directed towards the Japanese attack upon Pearl Harbor.
The people alive in Japan today are not guilty of what happened in 1941. Period. Unless you plan on starting to apologize for slavery in the early 19th century America.
Remember that, the next time you LibTards defend Obumble's apology tours around the world.

Remember that, the next time you LibTards start yammering about Slavery Reparations.
Moral to the story... Don't bite off more than you can chew. You could end up a neutered cuckold nation like Germany and Japan.

You don't know what the word "cuckold" means, do you? Just thought it sounded like a cool thing to say?

No i do know. And it describes both Germany and Japan today. They were crushed, neutered, and then made cuckolds. They're powerless today. The result of biting off more than they could chew. They gambled, and lost bigtime.

Yeah, you don't know what it means. You shouldn't do that.

Well, you get the point. Germany and Japan are neutered powerless nations today. They're dong well economically, but they're contained and controlled militarily. It was part of their surrender agreements. They had no choice but to agree to being neutered and controlled. But regardless, i don't see why so many still get so worked up over this stuff. It is ancient history. The players are dead, or about to be. The war's over.

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