Culture of Corruption: Senate Dems Won't Say if They'd Vote to Expel a Convicted Felon


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Culture of Corruption: As Trial Goes to Jury, Senate Dems Won't Say if They'd Vote to Expel a Convicted Menendez

"As of yesterday afternoon, the defense rested in the federal corruption trial of New Jersey Democratic Senator Bob Menendez, whose fate is now in the jury's hands. Menendez has been indicted for effectively selling his office to a major party donor, who prosecutors say showered him with gifts and donations in exchange for interventions on the donor's behalf -- ranging from securing visas for the man's mistresses, to interfering in a massive fraud case for which the man was ultimately sent to prison."

The Democrats would surely expel a CONVICTED FELON who sold his political office and favors (and soul), though right?

Yeah, not so fast...

"Dems not looking inclined to immediately expel Menendez from the Senate if he's convicted in federal corruption trial:
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) November 7, 2017"

With big tax votes potentially on the horizon, Chuck Schumer and friends would likely try to keep Menendez around until after a Democratic Governor is installed in New Jersey (which should happen in January).

If Menendez is convicted, look for the party 100% committed to GOP / Trump / America failure to exercise completely different, hypocritical standards than those once voiced by former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid:

"If Menendez is convicted but refuses to resign, the Senate Ethics Committee should act as quickly as possible to recommend expulsion, and if necessary the full Senate should vote on expulsion.

That course of action would be appropriate according to the standard set by the Democratic Senate Caucus itself as recently as 2008, when it issued a press release with the headline:

“A Convicted Felon Is Not Going to Be Able to Serve in the United States Senate.” “And as precedent shows us,” Democratic Leader Harry Reid said, a convicted felon senator “will face an ethics committee investigation and expulsion, regardless of his appeals process.”

“This is not a partisan issue,” Reid added."

Yeah....uh-huh. We'll see.... :p
Isn't he in one of those districts where the voters rolls have more registered voters than actual legitimate citizen voters?

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